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Full text of "Le morte Darthur; the book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table"

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University  of  California  •  Berkeley 

From  the  Collection  of 



Volume  IV: -Of  this  Edition  of 
LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  have  been 
printed  on  handmade  Riccardi  Paper 
500  copies;  upon  Vellum  12  copies -10 

for  sale.    Paper  Copy  No.     t  KV 









Of  the  engraved  Title-page  the  lettering 
is  by  Miss  M.  Engall ;  the  figures  are  by 
Mr.  W.  Russell  Flint. 


Chapter  Page 

I.  How  Sir  Percivale  came  to  a  recluse  and  asked  her  counsel,  and 
how  she  told  him  that  she  was  his  aunt i 

I 1.  How  Merlin  likened  the  Round  Table  to  the  world,  and  howthe 
knights  that  should  achieve  the  Sangreal  should  be  known      .        2 

III.  How  Sir  Percivale  came  into  a  monastery,  where  he  found  King 
Evelake,  which  was  an  old  man 3 

IV.  How  Sir  Percivale  saw  many  men  of  arms  bearing  a  dead  knight, 
and  how  he  fought  against  them 4 

V.  How  a  yeoman  desired  him  to  get  again  an  horse,  and  how  Sir 
Percivale's  hackney  was  slain,  and  how  he  gat  an  horse      .     .        6 

VI.  Of  the  great  danger  that  Sir  Percivale  was  in  by  his  horse,  and 

how  he  saw  a  serpent  and  a  lion  fight 7 

VI  I.  Of  the  advision  that  Sir  Percivale  saw,  and  how  his  advision 
was  expounded,  and  of  his  lion 8 

II 1 1.  How  Sir  Percivale  saw  a  ship  coming  to  him- ward,  and  how 
the  lady  of  the  ship  told  him  of  her  disheritance 10 

IX.  How  Sir  Percivale  promised  her  help,  and  how  he  required  her 
of  love,  and  how  he  was  saved  from  the  fiend n 

X.  How  Sir  Percivale  for  penance  rove  himself  through  the  thigh ; 
and  how  she  was  known  for  the  devil 12 


I.  How  Sir  Launcelot  came  into  a  chapel,  where  he  found  dead,  in 
a  white  shirt,  a  man  of  religion,  of  an  hundred  winter  old    .     .      14 

II.  Of  a  dead  man,  how  men  would  have  hewn  him,  and  it  would 
not  be,  and  how  Sir  Launcelot  took  the  hair  of  the  dead  man   .       15 

III.  Of  an  advision  that  Sir  Launcelot  had,  and  how  he  told  it  to  an 
hermit,  and  desired  counsel  of  him 16 



Chapter  Page 

IV.  How  the  hermit  expounded  to  Sir  Launcelot  his  advision,  and 
told  him  that  Sir  Galahad  was  his  son 17 

V.  How  Sir  Launcelot  jousted  with  many  knights,  and  how  he  was 
taken 18 

VI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  told  his  advision  to  a  woman,  and  how  she 
expounded  it  to  him 20 


I.  How  Sir  Gawaine  was  nigh  weary  of  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal, 
and  of  his  marvellous  dream 22 

II.  Of  the  advision  of  Sir  Ector,  and  how  he  jousted  with  Sir  Uwaine 
les  Avoutres,  his  sworn  brother 23 

III.  How  Sir  Gawaine  and  Sir  Ector  came  to  an  hermitage  to  be 
confessed,  and  how  they  told  to  the  hermit  their  ad  visions  .     .      25 

IV.  How  the  hermit  expounded  their  advision 26 

V.  Of  the  good  counsel  that  the  hermit  gave  to  them     ...       27 

VI.  How  Sir  Bors  met  with  an  hermit,  and  how  he  was  confessed  to 

him,  and  of  his  penance  enjoined  to  him 28 

VI  I.  How  Sir  Bors  was  lodged  with  a  lady,  and  how  he  took  upon 
him  for  to  fight  against  a  champion  for  her  land 29 

VI II.  Of  a  vision  which  Sir  Bors  had  that  night,  and  how  he  fought 
and  overcame  his  adversary 30 

IX.  How  the  lady  was  restored  to  her  lands  by  the  battle  of  Sir 
Bors,  and  of  his  departing,  and  how  he  met  Sir  Lionel  taken  and 
beaten  with  thorns,  and  also  of  a  maid  which  should  have  been 
devoured 32 

X.  How  Sir  Bors  left  to  rescue  his  brother,  and  rescued  the  damosel ; 
and  how  it  was  told  him  that  Lionel  was  dead 33 

XI.  How  Sir  Bors  told  his  dream  to  a  priest,  which  he  had  dreamed, 
and  of  the  counsel  that  the  priest  gave  to  him 34 

XII.  How  the  devil  in  a  woman's  likeness  would  have  had  Sir  Bors 
to  have  lain  by  her,  and  how  by  God's  grace  he  escaped     .     .       36 

II 1 1.  Of  the  holy  communication  of  an  abbot  to  Sir  Bors,  and  how 
the  abbot  counselled  him 37 

XIV.  How  Sir  Bors  met  with  his  brother  Sir  Lionel,  and  how  Sir 
Lionel  would  have  slain  Sir  Bors  .  38 


Chapter  Page 

XV.  How  Sir  Colgrevance  fought  against  Sir  Lionel  for  to  save  Sir 
Bors,  and  how  the  hermit  was  slain 40 

XVI.  How  Sir  Lionel  slew  Sir  Colgrevance,  and  how  after  he 

would  have  slain  Sir  Bors 41 

XVI  I.  How  there  came  a  voice  which  charged  Sir  Bors  to  touch 
him  not,  and  of  a  cloud  that  came  between  them 42 


I.  How  Sir  Galahad  fought  at  a  tournament,  and  how  he  was  known 
of  Sir  GawaineandofSir  Ector  de  Maris 44 

II.  How  Sir  Galahad  rode  with  a  damosel,  and  came  to  the  ship 
whereas  Sir  Bors  and  Sir  Percivale  were  in 45 

III.  How  Sir  Galahad  entered  into  the  ship,  and  of  a  fair  bed 
therein,  with  other  marvellous  things,  and  of  a  sword     ...      47 

IV.  Of  the  marvels  of  the  sword  and  of  the  scabbard     ...      48 

V.  How  King  Pelles  was  smitten  through  both  thighs  because  he 
drew  the  sword,  and  other  marvellous  histories 50 

VI.  How  Solomon  took  David's  sword  by  the  counsel  of  his  wife, 

and  of  other  matters  marvellous 51 

VI  I.  A  wonderful  tale  of  King  Solomon  and  his  wife     ...      53 

II 1 1.  How  Galahad  and  his  fellows  came  to  a  castle,  and  how  they 
were  fought  withal,  and  how  they  slew  their  adversaries,  and  other 
matters 54 

IX.  How  the  three  knights,  with  Percivale's  sister,  came  into  the 
waste  forest,  and  of  an  hart  and  four  lions,  and  other  things      .      56 

X.  How  they  were  desired  of  a  strange  custom,  the  which  they 
would  not  obey ;  wherefore  they  fought  and  slew  many  knights      57 

XI.  How  Sir  Percivale's  sister  bled  a  dish  full  of  blood  for  to  heal 
a  lady,  wherefore  she  died ;  and  how  that  the  body  was  put  in  a 

ship 59 

XI  I.  How  Galahad  and  Percivale  found  in  a  castle  many  tombs  of 
maidens  that  had  bled  to  death .     .     .     .      60 

II 1 1.  How  Sir  Launcelot  entered  into  the  ship  where  Sir  Perci- 
vale's sister  lay  dead,  and  how  he  met  with  Sir  Galahad,  his  son      6i 

XIV.  How  a  knight  brought  to  Sir  Galahad  an  horse,  and  bade  him 

come  from  his  father,  Sir  Launcelot 62 

iv  a  i 


Chapter  Page 

XV.  How  Sir  Launcelot  was  to-fore  the  door  of  the  chamber 
wherein  the  Holy  Sangreal  was 64 

XVI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  had  lain  four-and-twenty  days  and  as 
many  nights  as  a  dead  man,  and  other  divers  matters     ...       65 

XVII.  How  Sir  Launcelot  returned  towards  Logris,  and  of  other 
adventures  which  he  saw  in  the  way 67 

IVI 1 1.  How  Galahad  came  to  King  Mordrains,  and  of  other  matters 
and  adventures 68 

XIX.  How  Sir  Percivale  and  Sir  Bors  met  with  Sir  Galahad,  and 
how  they  came  to  the  castle  of  Carbonek,  and  other  matters    .       69 

XX.  How  Galahad  and  his  fellows  were  fed  of  the  Holy  Sangreal, 
and  how  Our  Lord  appeared  to  them,  and  other  things  ...       71 

XXI .  How  Galahad  anointed  with  the  blood  of  the  spear  the  Maimed 

King,  and  of  other  adventures 72 

XXI  I.  How  they  were  fed  with  the  Sangreal  while  they  were  in 

prison,  and  how  Galahad  was  made  king 74 

XXI II.   Of  the  sorrow  that  Percivale  and  Bors  made  when  Galahad 
was  dead :  and  of  Percivale  how  he  died,  and  other  matters    .       75 


I.  Of  the  joy  King  Arthur  and  the  queen  had  of  the  achieve- 
ment of  the  Sangreal;   and  how  Launcelot  fell  to  his  old  love 
again .       77 

I 1.  How  the  queen  commanded  Sir  Launcelot  to  avoid  the  court, 
and  of  the  sorrow  that  Launcelot  made 78 

III.  How  at  a  dinner  that  the  queen  made  there  was  a  knight 
enpoisoned,  which  Sir  Mador  laid  on  the  queen 79 

IV.  How  Sir  Mador  appeached  the  queen  of  treason,  and  there  was 
no  knight  would  fight  for  her  at  the  first  time 81 

V.  How  the  queen  required  Sir  Bors  to  fight  for  her,  and  how 
he  granted  upon  condition;  and  how  he  warned  Sir  Launcelot 
thereof 82 

VI.  How  at  the  day  Sir  Bors  made  him  ready  for  to  fight  for  the 
queen ;  and  when  he  would  fight  how  another  discharged  him      84 
VI  I.  How  Sir  Launcelot  fought  against  Sir  Mador  for  the  queen, 
and  how  he  overcame  Sir  Mador,  and  discharged  the  queen   .      86 


Chapter  Page 

II 1 1.  How  the  truth  was  known  by  the  Maiden  of  the  Lake,  and  of 
divers  other  matters 88 

IX.  How  Sir  Launcelot  rode  to  Astolat,  and  received  a  sleeve  to 
wear  upon  his  helm  at  the  request  of  a  maid 89 

X.  How  the  tourney  began  at  Winchester,  and  what  knights  were 
at  the  jousts;  and  other  things 91 

XI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Lavaine  entered  in  the  field  against 
them  of  King  Arthur's  court,  and  how  Launcelot  was  hurt  .     .       92 
XI  I.  How  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Lavaine  departed  out  of  the  field, 
and  in  what  jeopardy  Launcelot  was 94 

II 1 1.  How  Launcelot  was  brought  to  an  hermit  for  to  be  healed  of 
his  wound,  and  of  other  matters 96 

XIV.  How  Sir  Gawaine  was  lodged  with  the  lord  of  Astolat,  and 
there  had  knowledge  that  it  was  Sir  Launcelot  that  bare  the  red 
sleeve 98 

XV.  Of  the  sorrow  that  Sir  Bors  had  for  the  hurt  of  Launcelot;  and  of 
the  anger  that  the  queen  had  because  Launcelot  bare  the  sleeve    100 

XVI.  How  Sir  Bors  sought  Launcelot  and  found  him  in  the  hermit- 
age, and  of  the  lamentation  between  them 101 

XVII.  How  Sir  Launcelot  armed  him  to  assay  if  he  might  bear 
arms,  and  how  his  wounds  brast  out  again 103 

XVIII.  How  Sir  Bors  returned  and  told  tidings  of  Sir  Launcelot; 
and  of  the  tourney,  and  to  whom  the  prize  was  given      .     .     .     105 

XIX.  Of  the  great  lamentation  of  the  Fair  Maid  of  Astolat  when 
Launcelot  should  depart,  and  how  she  died  for  his  love.     .     .     106 

XX.  How  the  corpse  of  the  Maid  of  Astolat  arrived  to-fore  King 
Arthur,  and  of  the  burying,  and  how  Sir  Launcelot  offered  the 
mass-penny 109 

XXI.  Of  great  jousts  done  all  a  Christmas,  and  of  a  great  jousts  and 
tourney  ordained  by  King  Arthur,  and  of  Sir  Launcelot      .     .     in 
XXI  I.  How  Launcelot  after  that  he  was  hurt  of  a  gentlewoman 
came  to  an  hermit,  and  of  other  matters 112 

IXI 1 1.  How  Sir  Launcelot  behaved  him  at  the  jousts,  and  other 
men  also 113 

XXIV.  How  King  Arthur  marvelled  much  of  the  jousting  in  the 
field,  and  how  he  rode  and  found  Sir  Launcelot 1 16 

XXV.  How  true  love  is  likened  to  summer  .     .     .     us 


Chapter  Page 

I.  How  Queen  Guenever  rode  a-Maying  with  certain  knights  of 
the  Round  Table  and  clad  all  in  green 120 

I 1.  How  Sir  Meliagrance  took  the  queen  and  all  her  knights,  which 
were  sore  hurt  in  fighting 121 

III.  How  Sir  Launcelot  had  word  how  the  queen  was  taken,  and 
how  Sir  Meliagrance  laid  a  bushment  for  Launcelot       ...      122 

IV.  How  Sir  Launcelot's  horse  was  slain,  and  how  Sir  Launcelot 
rode  in  a  cart  for  to  rescue  the  queen 124 

V.  How  Sir  Meliagrance  required  forgiveness  of  the  queen,  and 
how  she  appeased  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  other  matters      ...      126 

VI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  came  in  the  night  to  the  queen  and  lay  with 
her,  and  how  Sir  Meliagrance  appeached  the  queen  of  treason     128 
VI  I.  How  Sir  Launcelot  answered  for  the  queen,  and  waged  battle 
against  Sir  Meliagrance ;    and  how  Sir  Launcelot  was  taken  in 
a  trap 129 

VIII.  How  Sir  Launcelot  was  delivered  out  of  prison  by  a  lady,  and 
took  a  white  courser  and  came  for  to  keep  his  day     ....      131 

IX.  How  Sir  Launcelot  came  the  same  time  that  Sir  Meliagrance 
abode  him  in  the  field  and  dressed  him  to  battle 132 

X.  How  Sir  Urre  came  into  Arthur's  court  for  to  be  healed  of  his 
wounds,  and  how  King  Arthur  would  begin  to  handle  him  .     .     134 

XI.  How  King  Arthur  handled  Sir  Urre,  and  after  him  many  other 
knights  of  the  Round  Table 136 

XII.  How  Sir  Launcelot  was  commanded  by  Arthur  to  handle  his 
wounds,  and  anon  he  was  all  whole,  and  how  they  thanked  God     139 

II 1 1.  How  there  was  a  party  made  of  an  hundred  knights  against 
an  hundred  knights,  and  of  other  matters 141 


I.  How  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred  were  busy  upon  Sir  Gawaine 
for  to  disclose  the  love  between  Sir  Launcelot  and  Queen  Guen- 
ever       142 

I 1.  How  Sir  Agravaine  disclosed  their  love  to  King  Arthur,  and 
how  King  Arthur  gave  them  licence  to  take  him 143 


Chapter  Page 

I 1 1.  How  Sir  Launcelot  was  espied  in  the  queen's  chamber,  and 
how  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred  came  with  twelve  knights  to 
slay  him 145 

IV.  How  Sir  Launcelot  slew  Sir  Colgrevance,  and  armed  him  in  his 
harness,  and  after  slew  Sir  Agravaine,  and  twelve  of  his  fellows     146 

V.  How  Sir  Launcelot  came  to  Sir  Bors,  and  told  him  how  he  had 
sped,  and  in  what  adventure  he  had  been,  and  how  he  escaped     148 

VI.  Of  the  counsel  and  advice  that  was  taken  by  Sir  Launcelot  and 

his  friends  for  to  save  the  queen 150 

VI  I.  How  Sir  Mordred  rode  hastily  to  the  king,  to  tell  him  of  the 
affray  and  death  of  Sir  Agravaine  and  the  other  knights     .     .      151 

II 1 1.  How  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  kinsmen  rescued  the  queen  from 
the  fire,  and  how  he  slew  many  knights 153 

IX.  Of  the  sorrow  and  lamentation  of  King  Arthur  for  the  death  of 
his  nephews  and  other  good  knights,  and  also  for  the  queen,  his 
wife 155 

X.  How  King  Arthur  at  the  request  of  Sir  Gawaine  concluded  to 
make  war  against  Sir  Launcelot,  and  laid  siege  to  his  castle  called 
Joyous  Card 156 

XI.  Of  the  communication  between  King  Arthur  and  Sir  Launcelot, 

and  how  King  Arthur  reproved  him 158 

XI  I.  How  the  cousins  and  kinsmen  of  Sir  Launcelot  excited  him  to 
go  out  to  battle,  and  how  they  made  them  ready 160 

XIII.  How  Sir  Gawaine  jousted  and  smote  down  Sir  Lionel,  and 
how  Sir  Launcelot  horsed  King  Arthur 161 

XIV.  How  the  Pope  sent  down  his  bulls  to  make  peace,  and  how 
Sir  Launcelot  brought  the  queen  to  King  Arthur 163 

XV.  Of  the  deliverance  of  the  queen  to  the  king  by  Sir  Launcelot, 
and  what  language  Sir  Gawaine  had  to  Sir  Launcelot    ...     165 

XVI.  Of  the  communication  between  Sir  Gawaine  and  Sir  Launce- 
lot, with  much  other  language 167 

XVII.  How  Sir  Launcelot  departed  from  the  king  and  from  Joyous 
Card  over  seaward,  and  what  knights  went  with  him     .     .     .     168 

IVI 1 1.  How  Sir  Launcelot  passed  over  the  sea,  and  how  he  made 
great  lords  of  the  knights  that  went  with  him 170 

XIX.  How  King  Arthur  and  Sir  Gawaine  made  a  great  host  ready 
to  go  over  sea  to  make  war  on  Sir  Launcelot 172 


Chapter  Page 

XX.  What  message  Sir  Gawaine  sent  to  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  how 
King  Arthur  laid  siege  to  Benwick,  and  other  matters    ...      174 

XXI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Gawaine  did  battle  together,  and 

how  Sir  Gawaine  was  overthrown  and  hurt 176 

XXI  I.   Of  the  sorrow  that  King  Arthur  made  for  the  war,  and  of 
another  battle  where  also  Sir  Gawaine  had  the  worse    ...      177 


I.  How  Sir  Mordred  presumed  and  took  on  him  to  be  King  of  Eng- 
land, and  would  have  married  the  queen,  his  father's  wife .     .     180 

I 1.  How  after  that  King  Arthur  had  tidings,  he  returned  and  came  to 
Dover,  where  Sir  Mordred  met  him  to  let  his  landing;  and  of  the 
death  of  Sir  Gawaine 182 

III.  How  after,  Sir  Gawaine's  ghost  appeared  to  King  Arthur,  and 
warned  him  that  he  should  not  fight  that  day 184 

IV.  How  by  misadventure  of  an  adder  the  battle  began,  where 
Mordred  was  slain,  and  Arthur  hurt  to  the  death 186 

V.  How  King  Arthur  commanded  to  cast  his  sword  Excalibur  into 
the  water,  and  how  he  was  delivered  to  ladies  in  a  barge    .     .     188 

VI.  How  Sir  Bedivere  found  him  on  the  morn  dead  in  an  hermitage, 

and  how  he  abode  there  with  the  hermit 190 

VI  I.  Of  the  opinion  of  some  men  of  the  death  of  King  Arthur ;  and 
how  Queen  Guenever  made  her  a  nun  in  Almesbury    ...      191 

VIII.  How  when  Sir  Launcelot  heard  of  the  death  of  King  Arthur, 
and  of  Sir  Gawaine,  and  other  matters,  he  came  into  England .     192 

IX.  How  Sir  Launcelot  departed  to  seek  the  Queen  Guenever,  and 
how  he  found  her  at  Almesbury 193 

X.  How  Sir  Launcelot  came  to  the  hermitage  where  the  Archbishop 
of  Canterbury  was,  and  how  he  took  the  habit  on  him    ...      195 

XI.  How  Sir  Launcelot  went  with  his  seven  fellows  to  Almesbury, 
and  found  there  Queen  Guenever  dead,  whom  they  brought  to 

Glastonbury 196 

XI  I.  How  Sir  Launcelot  began  to  sicken,  and  after  died,  whose 

body  was  borne  to  Joyous  Card  for  to  be  buried 198 

XI 1 1.  How  Sir  Ector  found  Sir  Launcelot  his  brother  dead,  and  how 
Constantine  reigned  next  after  Arthur;  and  of  the  end  of  this 
book 199 

Glossary 202 


"'Ah,  Sir  Bors,  gentle  knight  have  mercy  on  us  all.' ' 

Book  XVI,  Chapter  12  -  Page  36     Frontispiece 

"  When  the  mass  was  done  the  priest  took  Our  Lord's  body 

and  bare  it  to  the  sick  king  "  .     .     .  Book  XIV,  Chapter  3       Page  4 

"And  so  she  went  with  the  wind  roaring  and  yelling,  that  it 
seemed  all  the  water  brent  after  her." 

Book  XIV,  Chapter  10         „     12 

' '  It  mishapped  he  loved  a  gentlewoman  a  great  deal  elder 
than  I"* Book  XVI,  Chapter  7  „  30 

"As  soon  as  I  wist  that  this  adventure  was  ordained  me  I 
clipped  off  my  hair,  and  made  this  girdle  in  the  name  of 
God*" Book  XVI I,  Chapter?  „  52 

"Sir,5  said  a  knight,  'what  maid  passeth  hereby  shall  give 
this  dish  full  of  blood  of  her  right  arm.' " 

Book  XVI  I,  Chapter  10         „    58 

"My  knights,  and  my  servants,  and  my  true  children,  which 
be  come  out  of  deadly  life  into  spiritual  life,  I  will  now  no 
longer  hide  me  from  you "  .  .  Book  XVI  I,  Chapter  20  ,,  70 

"  She  was  a  great  huntress,  and  daily  she  used  to  hunt,  and 
ever  she  bare  her  bow  with  her." 

Book  XVI 1 1,  Chapter  21         „    1 12 

"  So  as  the  queen  had  Mayed  and  all  her  knights,  all  were 
bedashed  with  herbs,  mosses  and  flowers,  in  the  best 
manner  and  freshest"  .  .  .  .  Book  XIX,  Chapter  2  „  120 



"How  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  kinsmen  rescued  the  queen 

from  the  fire" Book  XX,  Chapter  8    Page  152 

"And  then  that  queen  said:  'Ah,  dear  brother,  why  have 

ye  tarried  so  long  from  me  ? "     .     .  Book  XXI,  Chapter  5  188 

"Then  Sir  Launcelot  saw  her  visage,  but  he  wept  not 

greatly,  but  sighed "    ....       Book  XXI,  Chapter  n  196 




"OW  saith  the  tale,  that  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  ridden 
after  Sir  Galahad,  the  which  had  all  these  adventures  above 
said,  Sir  Percivale  turned  again  unto  the  recluse,  where  he 
deemed  to  have  tidings  of  that  knight  that  Launcelot  fol- 
lowed. And  so  he  kneeled  at  her  window,  and  the  recluse  opened  it 
and  asked  Sir  Percivale  what  he  would.  Madam,  he  said,  I  am  a  knight 
of  King  Arthur's  court,  and  my  name  is  Sir  Percivale  de  Galis.  When 
the  recluse  heard  his  name  she  had  great  joy  of  him,  for  mickle  she 
had  loved  him  to-fore  any  other  knight,  for  she  ought  to  do  so,  for  she 
was  his  aunt.  And  then  she  commanded  the  gates  to  be  opened,  and 
there  he  had  all  the  cheer  that  she  might  make  him,  and  all  that  was 
in  her  power  was  at  his  commandment. 

So  on  the  morn  Sir  Percivale  went  to  the  recluse  and  asked  her  if 
she  knew  that  knight  with  the  white  shield.  Sir,  said  she,  why  would 
ye  wit  ?  Truly,  madam,  said  Sir  Percivale,  I  shall  never  be  well  at  ease 
till  that  I  know  of  that  knight's  fellowship,  and  that  I  may  fight  with 
him,  for  I  may  not  leave  him  so  lightly,  for  I  have  the  shame  yet.  Ah, 
Percivale,  said  she,  would  ye  fight  with  him  ?  I  see  well  ye  have  great 
will  to  be  slain  as  your  father  was,  through  outrageousness.  Madam, 
said  Sir  Percivale,  it  seemeth  by  your  words  that  ye  know  me.  Yea, 
said  she,  I  well  ought  to  know  you,  for  I  am  your  aunt,  although  I  be  in 
a  priory  place.  For  some  called  me  sometime  the  Queen  of  the  Waste 
Lands,  and  I  was  called  the  queen  of  most  riches  in  the  world ;  and  it 
iv  b 


pleased  me  never  my  riches  so  much  as  doth  my  poverty.  Then  Sir 
Percivale  wept  for  very  pity  when  that  he  knew  it  was  his  aunt.  Ah, 
fair  nephew,  said  she,  when  heard  ye  tidings  of  your  mother  ?  Truly, 
said  he,  I  heard  none  of  her,  but  I  dream  of  her  much  in  my  sleep ;  and 
therefore  I  wot  not  whether  she  be  dead  or  alive.  Certes,  fair  nephew, 
said  she,  your  mother  is  dead,  for  after  your  departing  from  her  she 
took  such  a  sorrow  that  anon,  after  she  was  confessed,  she  died.  Now, 
God  have  mercy  on  her  soul,  said  Sir  Percivale,  it  sore  forthinketh 
me ;  but  all  we  must  change  the  life.  Now,  fair  aunt,  tell  me  what  is 
the  knight  ?  I  deem  it  be  he  that  bare  the  red  arms  on  Whitsunday. 
Wit  you  well,  said  she,  that  this  is  he,  for  otherwise  ought  he  not  to  do, 
but  to  go  in  red  arms;  and  that  same  knight  hath  no  peer,  for  he 
workethall  by  miracle,  and  he  shall  never  be  overcome  of  none  earthly 
man's  hand. 


*"\\  LSO  Merlin  made  the  Round  Table  in  tokening  of  roundness 
A\  of  the  world,  for  by  the  Round  Table  is  the  world  signified 

II — v\  by  right,  for  all  the  world,  Christian  and  heathen,  repair 
JL  J  V  unto  the  Round  Table ;  and  when  they  are  chosen  to  be  of 
the  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table  they  think  them  more  blessed  and 
more  in  worship  than  if  they  had  gotten  half  the  world ;  and  ye  have 
seen  that  they  have  lost  their  fathers  and  their  mothers,  and  all  their 
kin,  and  their  wives  and  their  children,  for  to  be  of  your  fellowship. 
It  is  well  seen  by  you ;  for  since  ye  have  departed  from  your  mother 
ye  would  never  see  her,  ye  found  such  fellowship  at  the  Round  Table. 
When  Merlin  had  ordained  the  Round  Table  he  said,  by  them  which 
should  be  fellows  of  the  Round  Table  the  truth  of  the  Sangreal  should 
be  well  known.  And  men  asked  him  how  men  might  know  them  that 
should  best  do  and  to  enchieve  the  Sangreal?  Then  he  said  there 
should  be  three  white  bulls  that  should  enchieve  it,  and  the  two  should 
be  maidens,  and  the  third  should  be  chaste.  And  that  one  of  the  three 
should  pass  his  father  as  much  as  the  lion  passeth  the  leopard,  both  of 
strength  and  hardiness. 

They  that  heard  Merlin  say  so  said  thus  unto  Merlin :  Sithen  there 


shall  be  such  a  knight,  thou  shouldest  ordain  by  thy  crafts  a  siege,  that 
no  man  should  sit  in  it  but  he  all  only  that  shall  pass  all  other  knights. 
Then  Merlin  answered  that  he  would  do  so.  And  then  he  made  the 
Siege  Perilous,  in  the  which  Galahad  sat  in  at  his  meat  on  Whitsunday 
last  past.  Now,  madam,  said  Sir  Percivale,  so  much  have  I  heard  of 
you  that  by  my  good  will  I  will  never  have  ado  with  Sir  Galahad  but 
by  way  of  kindness ;  and  for  God's  love,  fair  aunt,  can  ye  teach  me 
some  way  where  I  may  find  him  ?  for  much  would  I  love  the  fellowship 
of  him.  Fair  nephew,  said  she,  ye  must  ride  unto  a  castle  the  which  is 
called  Goothe,  where  he  hath  a  cousin-germain,  and  there  may  ye  be 
lodged  this  night.  And  as  he  teacheth  you,  seweth  after  as  fast  as  ye 
can ;  and  if  he  can  tell  you  no  tidings  of  him,  ride  straight  unto  the 
Castle  of  Carbonek,  where  the  maimed  king  is  there  lying,  for  there 
shall  ye  hear  true  tidings  of  him. 


P — I  I — ^HEN  departed  Sir  Percivale  from  his  aunt,  either  making 
great  sorrow.  And  so  he  rode  till  evensong  time.  And  then 
he  heard  a  clock  smite ;  and  then  he  was  ware  of  an  house 
closed  well  with  walls  and  deep  ditches,  and  there  he  knocked 
at  the  gate  and  was  let  in,  and  he  alighted  and  was  led  unto  a  chamber, 
and  soon  he  was  unarmed.  And  there  he  had  right  good  cheer  all  that 
night ;  and  on  the  morn  he  heard  his  mass,  and  in  the  monastery  he 
found  a  priest  ready  at  the  altar.  And  on  the  right  side  he  saw  a  pew 
closed  with  iron,  and  behind  the  altar  he  saw  a  rich  bed  and  a  fair,  as 
of  cloth  of  silk  and  gold. 

Then  Sir  Percivale  espied  that  therein  was  a  man  or  a  woman,  for 
the  visage  was  covered ;  then  he  left  off  his  looking  and  heard  his 
service.  And  when  it  came  to  the  sacring,  he  that  lay  within  that  par- 
clos  dressed  him  up,  and  uncovered  his  head ;  and  then  him  beseemed 
a  passing  old  man,  and  he  had  a  crown  of  gold  upon  his  head,  and  his 
shoulders  were  naked  and  unbilled  unto  his  navel.  And  then  Sir  Per- 
civale espied  his  body  was  full  of  great  wounds,  both  on  the  shoulders, 
arms,  and  visage.  And  ever  he  held  up  his  hands  against  Our  Lord's 
body,  and  cried :  Fair,  sweet  Father,  Jesu  Christ,  forget  not  me.  And 
so  he  lay  down,  but  always  he  was  in  his  prayers  and  orisons ;  and  him 


seemed  to  be  of  the  age  of  three  hundred  winter.  And  when  the  mass 
was  done  the  priest  took  Our  Lord's  body  and  bare  it  to  the  sick  king. 
And  when  he  had  used  it  he  did  off  his  crown,  and  commanded  the 
crown  to  be  set  on  the  altar. 

Then  Sir  Percivale  asked  one  of  the  brethren  what  he  was.  Sir, 
said  the  good  man,  ye  have  heard  much  of  Joseph  of  Aramathie,  how 
he  was  sent  by  Jesu  Christ  into  this  land  for  to  teach  and  preach  the 
holy  Christian  faith ;  and  therefore  he  suffered  many  persecutions  the 
which  the  enemies  of  Christ  did  unto  him,  and  in  the  city  of  Sarras  he 
converted  a  king  whose  name  was  Evelake.  And  so  this  king  came 
with  Joseph  into  this  land,  and  ever  he  was  busy  to  be  thereas  the  San- 
greal  was ;  and  on  a  time  he  nighed  it  so  nigh  that  Our  Lord  was  dis- 
pleased with  him,  but  ever  he  followed  it  more  and  more,  till  God 
struck  him  almost  blind.  Then  this  king  cried  mercy,  and  said:  Fair 
Lord,  let  me  never  die  till  the  good  knight  of  my  blood  of  the  ninth 
degree  be  come,  that  I  may  see  him  openly  that  he  shall  enchieve  the 
Sangreal,  that  I  may  kiss  him. 


'HEN  the  king  thus  had  made  his  prayers  he  heard  a 
voice  that  said :  Heard  be  thy  prayers,  for  thou  shalt 
not  die  till  Re  have  kissed  thee.  And  when  that  knight 
shall  come  the  clearness  of  your  eyes  shall  come 
again,  and  thou  shalt  see  openly,  and  thy  wounds  shall  be  healed,  and 
erst  shall  they  never  close.  And  this  befell  of  King  Evelake,  and  this 
same  king  hath  lived  this  three  hundred  winters  this  holy  life,  and  men 
say  the  knight  is  in  the  court  that  shall  heal  him.  Sir,  said  the  good 
man,  I  pray  you  tell  me  what  knight  that  ye  be,  and  if  ye  be  of  King 
Arthur's  court  and  of  the  Table  Round.  Yea  forsooth,  said  he,  and  my 
name  is  Sir  Percivale  de  Galis.  And  when  the  good  man  understood 
his  name  he  made  great  joy  of  him. 

And  then  Sir  Percivale  departed  and  rode  till  the  hour  of  noon.  And 
he  met  in  a  valley  about  a  twenty  men  of  arms,  which  bare  in  a  bier  a 
knight  deadly  slain.  And  when  they  saw  Sir  Percivale  they  asked 
him  of  whence  he  was.  And  he  answered :  Of  the  court  of  King  Arthur. 

Chap.  4       PERCIVALE  AND  THE  MEN  OF  ARMS  5 

Then  they  cried  all  at  once :  Slay  him.  Then  Sir  Percivale  smote  the 
first  to  the  earth  and  his  horse  upon  him.  And  then  seven  of  the  knights 
smote  upon  his  shield  all  at  once,  and  the  remnant  slew  his  horse  so 
that  he  fell  to  the  earth.  So  had  they  slain  him  or  taken  him  had  not 
the  good  knight,  Sir  Galahad,  with  the  red  arms  come  there  by  adven- 
ture into  those  parts.  And  when  he  saw  all  those  knights  upon  one 
knight  he  cried :  Save  me  that  knight's  life.  And  then  he  dressed  him 
toward  the  twenty  men  of  arms  as  fast  as  his  horse  might  drive,  with  his 
spear  in  the  rest,  and  smote  the  foremost  horse  and  man  to  the  earth. 
And  when  his  spear  was  broken  he  set  his  hand  to  his  sword,  and 
smote  on  the  right  hand  and  on  the  left  hand  that  it  was  marvel  to  see, 
and  at  every  stroke  he  smote  one  down  or  put  him  to  a  rebuke,  so  that 
they  would  fight  no  more  but  fled  to  a  thick  forest,  and  Sir  Galahad 
followed  them. 

And  when  Sir  Percivale  saw  him  chase  them  so,  he  made  great 
sorrow  that  his  horse  was  away.  And  then  he  wist  well  it  was  Sir 
Galahad.  And  then  he  cried  aloud  :  Ah  fair  knight,  abide  and  suffer 
me  to  do  thankings  unto  thee,  for  much  have  ye  done  for  me.  But 
ever  Sir  Galahad  rode  so  fast  that  at  the  last  he  passed  out  of  his  sight. 
And  as  fast  as  Sir  Percivale  might  he  went  after  him  on  foot,  crying. 
And  then  he  met  with  a  yeoman  riding  upon  an  hackney,  the  which 
led  in  his  hand  a  great  steed  blacker  than  any  bear.  Ah,  fair  friend, 
said  Sir  Percivale,  as  ever  I  may  do  for  you,  and  to  be  your  true  knight 
in  the  first  place  ye  will  require  me,  that  ye  will  lend  me  that  black 
steed,  that  I  might  overtake  a  knight  the  which  rideth  afore  me.  Sir 
knight,  said  the  yeoman,  I  pray  you  hold  me  excused  of  that,  for 
that  I  may  not  do.  For  wit  ye  well,  the  horse  is  such  a  man's  horse, 
that  an  I  lent  it  you  or  any  man,  that  he  would  slay  me.  Alas,  said  Sir 
Percivale,  I  had  never  so  great  sorrow  as  I  have  had  for  losing  of 
yonder  knight.  Sir,  said  the  yeoman,  I  am  right  heavy  for  you,  for  a 
good  horse  would  beseem  you  well ;  but  I  dare  not  deliver  you  this 
horse  but  if  ye  would  take  him  from  me.  That  will  I  not  do,  said  Sir 
Percivale.  And  so  they  departed ;  and  Sir  Percivale  set  him  down 
under  a  tree,  and  made  sorrow  out  of  measure.  And  as  he  was  there, 
there  came  a  knight  riding  on  the  horse  that  the  yeoman  led,  and  he 
was  clean  armed. 


anon  the  yeoman  came  pricking  after  as  fast  as  ever  he 
might,  and  asked  Sir  Percivale  if  he  saw  any  knight  riding 
on  his  black  steed.  Yea,  sir,  forsooth,  said  he;  why,  sir,  ask 
ye  me  that?  Ah,  sir,  that  steed  he  hath  benome  me  with 
strength ;  wherefore  my  lord  will  slay  me  in  what  place  he  findeth  me. 
Well,  said  Sir  Percivale,  what  wouldst  thou  that  I  did  ?  Thou  seest 
well  that  I  am  on  foot,  but  an  I  had  a  good  horse  I  should  bring  him  soon 
again.  Sir,  said  the  yeoman,  take  mine  hackney  and  do  the  best  ye 
can,  and  I  shall  sewe  you  on  foot  to  wit  how  that  ye  shall  speed.  Then 
Sir  Percivale  alighted  upon  that  hackney,  and  rode  as  fast  as  he  might, 
and  at  the  last  he  saw  that  knight.  And  then  he  cried :  Knight,  turn 
again ;  and  he  turned  and  set  his  spear  against  Sir  Percivale,  and  he 
smote  the  hackney  in  the  midst  of  the  breast  that  he  fell  down  dead  to 
the  earth,  and  there  he  had  a  great  fall,  and  the  other  rode  his  way. 
And  then  Sir  Percivale  was  wood  wroth,  and  cried :  Abide,  wicked 
knight ;  coward  and  false-hearted  knight,  turn  again  and  fight  with 
me  on  foot.  But  he  answered  not,  but  passed  on  his  way. 

When  Sir  Percivale  saw  he  would  not  turn  he  cast  away  his  helm 
and  sword,  and  said :  Now  am  I  a  very  wretch,  cursed  and  most  unhappy 
above  all  other  knights.  So  in  this  sorrow  he  abode  all  that  day  till  it 
was  night ;  and  then  he  was  faint,  and  laid  him  down  and  slept  till  it 
was  midnight;  and  then  he  awaked  and  saw  afore  him  a  woman  which 
said  unto  him  right  fiercely :  Sir  Percivale,  what  dost  thou  here  ?  He 
answered,  I  do  neither  good  nor  great  ill.  If  thou  wilt  ensure  me,  said  she, 
that  thou  wilt  fulfil  my  will  when  I  summon  thee,  I  shall  lend  thee  mine 
own  horse  which  shall  bear  thee  whither  thou  wilt.  Sir  Percivale  was 
glad  of  her  proffer,  and  ensured  her  to  fulfil  all  her  desire.  Then  abide 
me  here,  and  I  shall  go  and  fetch  you  an  horse.  And  so  she  came  soon 
again  and  brought  an  horse  with  her  that  was  inly  black.  When  Perci- 
vale beheld  that  horse  he  marvelled  that  it  was  so  great  and  so  well 
apparelled ;  and  not  for  then  he  was  so  hardy,  and  he  leapt  upon  him, 
and  took  none  heed  of  himself.  And  so  anon  as  he  was  upon  him  he 
thrust  to  him  with  his  spurs,  and  so  he  rode  by  a  forest,  and  the  moon 
shone  clear.  And  within  an  hour  and  less  he  bare  him  four  days' 

Chap.  6      HOW  A  LION  AND  SERPENT  FOUGHT  7 

journey  thence,  until  he  came  to  a  rough  water  the  which  roared,  and 
his  horse  would  have  borne  him  into  it. 


~"\\  ND  when  Sir  Percivale  came  nigh  the  brim,  and  saw  the  water 

A\       so  boistous,  he  doubted  to  overpass  it.   And  then  he  made 

j — A     a  sign  of  the  cross  in  his  forehead.   When  the  fiend  felt 

JL     }\^  him  so  charged  he  shook  off  Sir  Percivale,  and  he  went 

into  the  water  crying  and  roaring,  making  great  sorrow,  and  it  seemed 

unto  him  that  the  water  brent.  Then  Sir  Percivale  perceived  it  was  a 

fiend,  the  which  would  have  brought  him  unto  his  perdition.  Then  he 

commended  himself  unto  God,  and  prayed  Our  Lord  to  keep  him 

from  all  such  temptations ;  and  so  he  prayed  all  that  night  till  on  the 

morn  that  it  was  day ;  then  he  saw  that  he  was  in  a  wild  mountain  the 

which  was  closed  with  the  sea  nigh  all  about,  that  he  might  see  no  land 

about  him  which  might  relieve  him,  but  wild  beasts. 

And  then  he  went  into  a  valley,  and  there  he  saw  a  young  serpent 
bring  a  young  lion  by  the  neck,  and  so  he  came  by  Sir  Percivale.  With 
that  came  a  great  lion  crying  and  roaring  after  the  serpent.  And  as 
fast  as  Sir  Percivale  saw  this  he  marvelled,  and  hied  him  thither,  but 
anon  the  lion  had  overtaken  the  serpent  and  began  battle  with  him. 
And  then  Sir  Percivale  thought  to  help  the  lion,  for  he  was  the  more 
natural  beast  of  the  two ;  and  therewith  he  drew  his  sword,  and  set  his 
shield  afore  him,  and  there  he  gave  the  serpent  such  a  buffet  that  he 
had  a  deadly  wound.  When  the  lion  saw  that,  he  made  no  resem- 
blaunt  to  fight  with  him,  but  made  him  all  the  cheer  that  a  beast  might 
make  a  man.  Then  Percivale  perceived  that,  and  cast  down  his  shield 
which  was  broken ;  and  then  he  did  off  his  helm  for  to  gather  wind, 
for  he  was  greatly  enchafed  with  the  serpent :  and  the  lion  went  alway 
about  him  fawning  as  a  spaniel.  And  then  he  stroked  him  on  the  neck 
and  on  the  shoulders.  And  then  he  thanked  God  of  the  fellowship  of 
that  beast.  And  about  noon  the  lion  took  his  little  whelp  and  trussed 
him  and  bare  him  there  he  came  from. 

Then  was  Sir  Percivale  alone.  And  as  the  tale  telleth,  he  was  one 
of  the  men  of  the  world  at  that  time  which  most  believed  in  Our  Lord 
Jesu  Christ,  for  in  those  days  there  were  but  few  folks  that  believed  in 


God  perfectly.  For  in  those  days  the  son  spared  not  the  father  no  more 
than  a  stranger.  And  so  Sir  Percivale  comforted  himself  in  our  Lord 
Jesu,  and  besought  God  no  temptation  should  bring  him  out  of  God's 
service,  but  to  endure  as  his  true  champion.  Thus  when  Sir  Percivale 
had  prayed  he  saw  the  lion  come  toward  him,  and  then  he  couched 
down  at  his  feet.  And  so  all  that  night  the  lion  and  he  slept  together ; 
and  when  Sir  Percivale  slept  he  dreamed  a  marvellous  dream,  that 
there  two  ladies  met  with  him,  and  that  one  sat  upon  a  lion,  and  that 
other  sat  upon  a  serpent,  and  that  one  of  them  was  young,  and  the  other 
was  old ;  and  the  youngest  him  thought  said :  Sir  Percivale,  my  lord 
saluteth  thee,  and  sendeth  thee  word  that  thou  array  thee  and  make 
thee  ready,  for  to-morn  thou  must  fight  with  the  strongest  champion  of 
the  world.  And  if  thou  be  overcome  thou  shall  not  be  quit  for  losing  of 
any  of  thy  members,  but  thou  shalt  be  shamed  for  ever  to  the  world's 
end.  And  then  he  asked  her  what  was  her  lord.  And  she  said  the 
greatest  lord  of  all  the  world :  and  so  she  departed  suddenly  that  he 
wist  not  where. 


P< — I  I — ^HEN  came  forth  the  other  lady  that  rode  upon  the  serpent, 
and  she  said :  Sir  Percivale,  I  complain  me  of  you  that  ye 
have  done  unto  me,  and  have  not  offended  unto  you.  Certes, 
madam,  he  said,  unto  you  nor  no  lady  I  never  offended.  Yes, 
said  she,  I  shall  tell  you  why.  I  have  nourished  in  this  place  a  great 
while  a  serpent,  which  served  me  a  great  while,  and  yesterday  ye 
slew  him  as  he  gat  his  prey.  Say  me  for  what  cause  ye  slew  him,  for 
the  lion  was  not  yours.  Madam,  said  Sir  Percivale,  I  know  well  the 
lion  was  not  mine,  but  I  did  it  for  the  lion  is  of  more  gentler  nature  than 
the  serpent,  and  therefore  I  slew  him ;  meseemeth  I  did  not  amiss 
against  you.  Madam,  said  he,  what  would  ye  that  I  did  ?  I  would,  said 
she,  for  the  amends  of  my  beast  that  ye  become  my  man.  And  then  he 
answered:  That  will  I  not  grant  you.  No,  said  she,  truly  ye  were  never 
but  my  servant  sin  ye  received  the  homage  of  Our  Lord  Jesu  Christ. 
Therefore,  I  ensure  you  in  what  place  I  may  find  you  without  keeping 
I  shall  take  you,  as  he  that  sometime  was  my  man.  And  so  she  departed 
from  Sir  Percivale  and  left  him  sleeping,  the  which  was  sore  travailed 

Chap.  7       OF  THE  VISION  SIR  PERCIVALE  SAW  9 

of  his  ad  vision.  And  on  the  morn  he  arose  and  blessed  him,  and  he  was 
passing  feeble. 

Then  was  Sir  Percivale  ware  in  the  sea,  and  saw  a  ship  come  sailing 
toward  him ;  and  Sir  Percivale  went  unto  the  ship  and  found  it  covered 
within  and  without  with  white  samite.  And  at  the  board  stood  an  old 
man  clothed  in  a  surplice,  in  likeness  of  a  priest.  Sir,  said  Sir  Percivale, 
ye  be  welcome.  God  keep  you,  said  the  good  man.  Sir,  said  the  old 
man,  of  whence  be  ye?  Sir,  said  Sir  Percivale,  I  am  of  King  Arthur's 
court,  and  aknight  of  the  Table  Round,  the  which  am  in  the  quest  of  the 
Sangreal ;  and  here  am  I  in  great  duresse,  and  never  like  to  escape  out 
of  this  wilderness.  Doubt  not,  said  the  good  man,  an  ye  be  so  true  a 
knight  as  the  order  of  chivalry  requireth,  and  of  heart  as  ye  ought  to 
be,  ye  should  not  doubt  that  none  enemy  should  slay  you.  What  are 
ye  ?  said  Sir  Percivale.  Sir,  said  the  old  man,  I  am  of  a  strange  country, 
and  hither  I  come  to  comfort  you. 

Sir,  said  Sir  Percivale,  what  signifieth  my  dream  that  I  dreamed 
this  night?  And  there  he  told  him  altogether:  She  which  rode  upon 
the  lion  betokeneth  the  new  law  of  holy  church,  that  is  to  understand, 
faith,  good  hope,  belief,  and  baptism.  For  she  seemed  younger  than 
the  other  it  is  great  reason,  for  she  was  born  in  the  resurrection  and 
the  passion  of  Our  Lord  Jesu  Christ.  And  for  great  love  she  came  to 
thee  to  warn  thee  of  thy  great  battle  that  shall  befall  thee.  With  whom, 
said  Sir  Percivale,  shall  I  fight?  With  the  most  champion  of  the  world, 
said  the  old  man ;  for  as  the  lady  said,  but  if  thou  quit  thee  well  thou 
shalt  not  be  quit  by  losing  of  one  member,  but  thou  shalt  be  shamed  to 
the  world's  end.  And  she  that  rode  on  the  serpent  signifieth  the  old 
law,  and  that  serpent  betokeneth  a  fiend.  And  why  she  blamed  thee 
that  thou  slewest  her  servant,  it  betokeneth  nothing ;  the  serpent  that 
thou  slewest  betokeneth  the  devil  that  thou  rodest  upon  to  the  rock. 
And  when  thou  madestasign  of  the  cross,  there  thou  slewest  him,  and 
put  away  his  power.  And  when  she  asked  thee  amends  and  to  become 
her  man,  and  thou  saidst  thou  wouldst  not,  that  was  to  make  thee  to 
believe  on  her  and  leave  thy  baptism.  So  he  commanded  Sir  Per- 
civale to  depart,  and  so  he  leapt  over  the  board  and  the  ship,  and  all 
went  away  he  wist  not  whither.  Then  he  went  up  unto  the  rock  and 
found  the  lion  which  always  kept  him  fellowship,  and  he  stroked  him 
upon  the  back  and  had  great  joy  of  him. 

iv  c 



that  Sir  Percivale  had  abiden  there  till  mid -day  he  saw  a 
ship  came  rowing  in  the  sea,  as  all  the  wind  of  the  world  had 
driven  it.  And  so  it  drove  under  that  rock.  And  when  Sir 
Percivale  saw  this  he  hied  him  thither,  and  found  the  ship 
covered  with  silk  more  blacker  than  any  bear,  and  therein  was  a 
gentlewoman  of  great  beauty,  and  she  was  clothed  richly  that  none 
might  be  better.  And  when  she  saw  Sir  Percivale  she  said:  Who 
brought  you  in  this  wilderness  where  ye  be  never  like  to  pass  hence, 
for  ye  shall  die  here  for  hunger  and  mischief?  Damosel,  said  Sir 
Percivale,  I  serve  the  best  man  of  the  world,  and  in  his  service  he  will 
not  suffer  me  to  die,  for  who  that  knocketh  shall  enter,  and  who  that 
asketh  shall  have,  and  who  that  seeketh  him  he  hideth  him  not.  But 
then  she  said :  Sir  Percivale,  wot  ye  what  I  am  ?  Yea,  said  he.  Now 
who  taught  you  my  name  ?  said  she.  Now,  said  Sir  Percivale,  I  know 
you  better  than  ye  ween.  And  I  came  out  of  the  waste  forest  where  I 
found  the  Red  Knight  with  the  white  shield,  said  the  damosel.  Ah, 
damosel,  said  he,  with  that  knight  would  I  meet  passing  fain.  Sir 
knight,  said  she,  an  ye  will  ensure  me  by  the  faith  that  ye  owe  unto 
knighthood  that  ye  shall  do  my  will  what  time  I  summon  you,  and  I 
shall  bring  you  unto  that  knight.  Yea,  said  he,  I  shall  promise  you  to 
fulfil  your  desire.  Well,  said  she,  now  shall  I  tell  you.  I  saw  him  in  the 
forest  chasing  two  knights  unto  a  water,  the  which  is  called  Mortaise ; 
and  they  drove  him  into  the  water  for  dread  of  death,  and  the  two 
knights  passed  over,  and  the  Red  Knight  passed  after,  and  there  his 
horse  was  drenched,  and  he,  through  great  strength,  escaped  unto  the 
land :  thus  she  told  him,  and  Sir  Percivale  was  passing  glad  thereof. 

Then  she  asked  him  if  he  had  ate  any  meat  late.  Nay,  madam, 
truly  I  ate  no  meat  nigh  this  three  days,  but  late  here  I  spake  with  a 
good  man  that  fed  me  with  his  good  words  and  holy,  and  refreshed 
me  greatly.  Ah,  sir  knight,  said  she,  that  same  man  is  an  enchanter 
and  a  multiplier  of  words.  For  an  ye  believe  him  ye  shall  plainly  be 
shamed,  and  die  in  this  rock  for  pure  hunger,  and  be  eaten  with  wild 
beasts ;  and  ye  be  a  young  man  and  a  goodly  knight,  and  I  shall  help 
you  an  ye  will.  What  are  ye,  said  Sir  Percivale,  that  proffered  me 

Chap.  9      PERCIVALE  SAVED  FROM  THE  FIEND  1 1 

thus  great  kindness?  I  am,  said  she,  a  gentlewoman  that  am  disherited, 
which  was  sometime  the  richest  woman  of  the  world.  Damosel,  said 
Sir  Percivale,  who  hath  disherited  you?  for  I  have  great  pity  of  you. 
Sir,  said  she,  I  dwelled  with  the  greatest  man  of  the  world,  and  he 
made  me  so  fair  and  clear  that  there  was  none  like  me ;  and  of  that 
great  beauty  I  had  a  little  pride  more  than  I  ought  to  have  had.  Also  I 
said  a  word  that  pleased  him  not.  And  then  he  would  not  suffer  me  to 
be  any  longer  in  his  company,  and  so  drove  me  from  mine  heritage, 
and  so  disherited  me,  and  he  had  never  pity  of  me  nor  of  none  of  my 
council,  nor  of  my  court.  And  sithen,  sir  knight,  it  hath  befallen  me  so, 
and  through  me  and  mine  I  have  benome  him  many  of  his  men,  and 
made  them  to  become  my  men.  For  they  ask  never  nothing  of  me  but 
I  give  it  them,  that  and  much  more.  Thus  I  and  all  my  servants  were 
against  him  night  and  day.  Therefore  I  know  now  no  good  knight,  nor 
no  good  man,  but  I  get  them  on  my  side  an  I  may.  And  for  that  I  know 
that  thou  art  a  good  knight,  I  beseech  you  to  help  me ;  and  for  ye  be  a 
fellow  of  the  Round  Table,  wherefore  ye  ought  not  to  fail  no  gentle- 
woman which  is  disherited,  an  she  besought  you  of  help. 


=dHEN  Sir  Percivale  promised  her  all  the  help  that  he  might ; 
and  then  she  thanked  him.  And  at  that  time  the  weather 
was  hot.  Then  she  called  unto  her  a  gentlewoman  and  bade 
her  bring  forth  a  pavilion;  and  so  she  did,  and  pight  it  upon 
the  gravel.  Sir,  said  she,  now  may  ye  rest  you  in  this  heat  of  the  day. 
Then  he  thanked  her,  and  she  put  off  his  helm  and  his  shield,  and 
there  he  slept  a  great  while.  And  then  he  awoke  and  asked  her  if  she 
had  any  meat,  and  she  said :  Yea,  also  ye  shall  have  enough.  And  so 
there  was  set  enough  upon  the  table,  and  thereon  so  much  that  he  had 
marvel,  for  there  was  all  manner  of  meats  that  he  could  think  on.  Also 
he  drank  there  the  strongest  wine  that  ever  he  drank,  him  thought, 
and  therewith  he  was  a  little  chafed  more  than  he  ought  to  be ;  with 
that  he  beheld  the  gentlewoman,  and  him  thought  she  was  the  fairest 
creature  that  ever  he  saw.  And  then  Sir  Percivale  proffered  her  love, 
and  prayed  her  that  she  would  be  his.  Then  she  refused  him,  in  a 
manner,  when  he  required  her,  for  the  cause  he  should  be  the  more 


ardent  on  her,  and  ever  he  ceased  not  to  pray  her  of  love.  And  when 
she  saw  him  well  enchafed,  then  she  said :  Sir  Percivale,  wit  you  well 
I  shall  not  fulfil  your  will  but  if  ye  swear  from  henceforth  ye  shall  be 
my  true  servant,  and  to  do  nothing  but  that  I  shall  command  you.  Will 
ye  ensure  me  this  as  ye  be  a  true  knight?  Yea,  said  he,  fair  lady,  by 
the  faith  of  my  body.  Well,  said  she,  now  shall  ye  do  with  me  whatso 
it  please  you ;  and  now  wit  ye  well  ye  are  the  knight  in  the  world  that 
I  have  most  desire  to. 

And  then  two  squires  were  commanded  to  make  a  bed  in  midst  of 
the  pavilion.  And  anon  she  was  unclothed  and  laid  therein.  And  then 
Sir  Percivale  laid  him  down  by  her  naked ;  and  by  adventure  and 
grace  he  saw  his  sword  lie  on  the  ground  naked,  in  whose  pommel 
was  a  red  cross  and  the  sign  of  the  crucifix  therein,  and  bethought  him 
on  his  knighthood  and  his  promise  made  to-forehand  unto  the  good 
man;  then  he  made  a  sign  of  the  cross  in  his  forehead,  and  therewith 
the  pavilion  turned  up-so-down,  and  then  it  changed  unto  a  smoke, 
and  a  black  cloud,  and  then  he  was  adread  and  cried  aloud : 


^  I        ^AIR  sweet  Father,  Jesu  Christ,  ne  let  me  not  be  shamed,  the 

r  which  was  nigh  lost  had  not  thy  good  grace  been.  And  then 
he  looked  into  a  ship,  and  saw  her  enter  therein,  which  said : 
Sir  Percivale,  ye  have  betrayed  me.  And  so  she  went  with 
the  wind  roaring  and  yelling,  that  it  seemed  all  the  water  brent  after 
her.  Then  Sir  Percivale  made  great  sorrow,  and  drew  his  sword  unto 
him,  saying :  Sithen  my  flesh  will  be  my  master  I  shall  punish  it ;  and 
therewith  he  rove  himself  through  the  thigh  that  the  blood  stert  about 
him,  and  said :  O  good  Lord,  take  this  in  recompensation  of  that  I  have 
done  against  thee,  my  Lord.  So  then  he  clothed  him  and  armed  him, 
and  called  himself  a  wretch,  saying :  How  nigh  was  I  lost,  and  to  have 
lost  that  I  should  never  have  gotten  again,  that  was  my  virginity,  for 
that  may  never  be  recovered  after  it  is  once  lost.  And  then  he  stopped 
his  bleeding  wound  with  a  piece  of  his  shirt. 

Thus  as  he  made  his  moan  he  saw  the  same  ship  come  from  Orient 
that  the  good  man  was  in  the  day  afore,  and  the  noble  knight  was 
ashamed  with  himself,  and  therewith  he  fell  in  a  swoon.  And  when 


he  awoke  he  went  unto  him  weakly,  and  there  he  saluted  this  good 
man.  And  then  he  asked  Sir  Percivale :  How  hast  thou  done  sith  I 
departed?  Sir,  said  he,  here  was  a  gentlewoman  and  led  me  into 
deadly  sin.  And  there  he  told  him  altogether.  Knewye  not  the  maid  ? 
said  the  good  man.  Sir,  said  he,  nay,  but  well  I  wot  the  fiend  sent  her 
hither  to  shame  me.  O  good  knight,  said  he,  thou  art  a  fool,  for  that 
gentlewoman  was  the  master  fiend  of  hell,  the  which  hath  power 
above  all  devils,  and  that  was  the  old  lady  that  thou  sawest  in  thine 
advision  riding  on  the  serpent.  Then  he  told  Sir  Percivale  how  our 
Lord  Jesu  Christ  beat  him  out  of  heaven  for  his  sin,  the  which  was  the 
most  brightest  angel  of  heaven,  and  therefore  he  lost  his  heritage. 
And  that  was  the  champion  that  thou  foughtest  withal,  the  which  had 
overcome  thee  had  not  the  grace  of  God  been.  Now  beware  Sir 
Percivale,  and  take  this  for  an  ensample.  And  then  the  good  man 
vanished  away.  Then  Sir  Percivale  took  his  arms,  and  entered  into 
the  ship,  and  so  departed  from  thence. 




"HEN  the  hermit  had  kept  Sir  Launcelot  three  days, 
the  hermit  gat  him  an  horse,  an  helm,  and  a  sword. 
And  then  he  departed  about  the  hour  of  noon.  And 
then  he  saw  a  little  house.  And  when  he  came  near 
he  saw  a  chapel,  and  there  beside  he  saw  an  old  man  that  was  clothed 
all  in  white  full  richly ;  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  said :  God  save  you. 
God  keep  you,  said  the  good  man,  and  make  you  a  good  knight.  Then 
Sir  Launcelot  alighted  and  entered  into  the  chapel,  and  there  he  saw 
an  old  man  dead,  in  a  white  shirt  of  passing  fine  cloth. 

Sir,  said  the  good  man,  this  man  that  is  dead  ought  not  to  be  in  such 
clothing  as  ye  see  him  in,  for  in  that  he  brake  the  oath  of  his  order,  for 
he  hath  been  more  than  an  hundred  winter  a  man  of  a  religion.  And 
then  the  good  man  and  Sir  Launcelot  went  into  the  chapel ;  and  the 
good  man  took  a  stole  about  his  neck,  and  a  book,  and  then  he  conjured 
on  that  book ;  and  with  that  they  saw  in  an  hideous  figure  and  horrible, 
that  there  was  no  man  so  hard-hearted  nor  so  hard  but  he  should  have 
been  afeard.  Then  said  the  fiend:  Thou  hast  travailed  me  greatly; 
now  tell  me  what  thouwilt  with  me.  I  will,  said  the  good  man,  that  thou 
tell  me  how  my  fellow  became  dead,  and  whether  he  be  saved  or 
damned.  Then  he  said  with  an  horrible  voice :  He  is  not  lost  but 
saved.  How  may  that  be  ?  said  the  good  man ;  it  seemed  to  me  that  he 
lived  not  well,  for  he  brake  his  order  for  to  wear  a  shirt  where  he 
ought  to  wear  none,  and  who  that  trespasseth  against  our  order  doth 
not  well.  Not  so,  said  the  fiend,  this  man  that  lieth  here  dead  was  come 
of  a  great  lineage.  And  there  was  a  lord  that  hight  the  Earl  de  Vale, 
that  held  great  war  against  this  man's  nephew,  the  which  hight 
Aguarus.  And  so  this  Aguarus  saw  the  earl  was  bigger  than  he.  Then 
he  went  for  to  take  counsel  of  his  uncle,  the  which  lieth  here  dead  as 
ye  may  see.  And  then  he  asked  leave,  and  went  out  of  his  hermitage 
for  to  maintain  his  nephew  against  the  mighty  earl ;  and  so  it  happed 

Chap.  2         OF  A  DEAD  MAN  AND  LAUNCELOT  15 

that  this  man  that  lieth  here  dead  did  so  much  by  his  wisdom  and 
hardiness  that  the  earl  was  taken,  and  three  of  his  lords,  by  force  of 
this  dead  man. 


was  there  peace  betwixt  the  earl  and  this  Aguarus, 
and  great  surety  that  the  earl  should  never  war  against  him. 
Then  this  dead  man  that  here  lieth  came  to  this  hermitage 
again ;  and  then  the  earl  made  two  of  his  nephews  for  to  be 
avenged  upon  this  man.  So  they  came  on  a  day,  and  found  this  dead 
man  at  the  sacring  of  his  mass,  and  they  abode  him  till  he  had  said 
mass.  And  then  they  set  upon  him  and  drew  out  swords  to  have  slain 
him ;  but  there  would  no  sword  bite  on  him  more  than  upon  a  gad  of 
steel,  for  the  high  Lord  which  he  served  He  him  preserved.  Then 
made  they  a  great  fire,  and  did  off  all  his  clothes,  and  the  hair  off  his 
back.  And  then  this  dead  man  hermit  said  unto  them :  Ween  you  to 
burn  me?  It  shall  not  lie  in  your  power  nor  to  perish  me  as  much  as  a 
thread,  an  there  were  any  on  my  body.  No?  said  one  of  them,  it  shall 
be  assayed.  And  then  they  despoiled  him,  and  put  upon  him  this  shirt, 
and  cast  him  in  a  fire,  and  there  he  lay  all  that  night  till  it  was  day  in 
that  fire,  and  was  not  dead,  and  so  in  the  morn  I  came  and  found  him 
dead ;  but  I  found  neither  thread  nor  skin  tamed,  and  so  took  him  out 
of  the  fire  with  great  fear,  and  laid  him  here  as  ye  may  see.  And  now 
may  ye  suffer  me  to  go  my  way,  for  I  have  said  you  the  sooth.  And 
then  he  departed  with  a  great  tempest. 

Then  was  the  good  man  and  Sir  Launcelot  more  gladder  than  they 
were  to- fore.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  dwelled  with  that  good  man 
that  night.  Sir,  said  the  good  man,  be  ye  not  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake  ? 
Yea,  sir,  said  he.  What  seek  ye  in  this  country?  Sir,  said  Sir  Launce- 
lot, I  go  to  seek  the  adventures  of  the  Sangreal.  Well,  said  he,  seek  it 
ye  may  well,  but  though  it  were  here  ye  shall  have  no  power  to  see  it 
no  more  than  a  blind  man  should  see  a  bright  sword,  and  that  is  long 
on  your  sin,  and  else  ye  were  more  abler  than  any  man  living.  And 
then  Sir  Launcelot  began  to  weep.  Then  said  the  good  man :  Were 
ye  confessed  sith  ye  entered  into  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal  ?  Yea,  sir, 
said  Sir  Launcelot.  Then  upon  the  morn  when  the  good  man  had  sung 


his  mass,  then  they  buried  the  dead  man.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  said : 
Father,  what  shall  I  do  ?  Now,  said  the  good  man,  I  require  you  take 
this  hair  that  was  this  holy  man's  and  put  it  next  thy  skin,  and  it  shall 
prevail  thee  greatly.  Sir,  and  I  will  do  it,  said  Sir  Launcelot.  Also  I 
charge  you  that  ye  eat  no  flesh  as  long  as  ye  be  in  the  quest  of  the 
Sangreal,  nor  ye  shall  drink  no  wine,  and  that  ye  hear  mass  daily  an 
ye  may  do  it.  So  he  took  the  hair  and  put  it  upon  him,  and  so  departed 
at  evensong-time. 

And  so  rode  he  into  a  forest,  and  there  he  met  with  a  gentlewoman 
riding  upon  a  white  palfrey,  and  then  she  asked  him:  Sir  knight, 
whither  ride  ye?  Certes,  damosel,  said  Launcelot,  I  wot  not  whither 
I  ride  but  as  fortune  leadeth  me.  Ah,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  she,  I  wot 
what  adventure  ye  seek,  for  ye  were  afore  time  nearer  than  ye  be 
now,  and  yet  shall  ye  see  it  more  openly  than  ever  ye  did,  and  that 
shall  ye  understand  in  short  time.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  asked  her 
where  he  might  be  harboured  that  night.  Ye  shall  not  find  this  day  nor 
night,  but  to-morn  ye  shall  find  harbour  good,  and  ease  of  that  ye  be  in 
doubt  of.  And  then  he  commended  her  unto  God.  Then  he  rode  till 
that  he  came  to  a  Cross,  and  took  that  for  his  host  as  for  that  night. 


iND  so  he  put  his  horse  to  pasture,  and  did  off  his  helm  and  his 
shield,  and  made  his  prayers  unto  the  Cross  that  he  never 
fall  in  deadly  sin  again.  And  so  he  laid  him  down  to  sleep. 
And  anon  as  he  was  asleep  it  befell  him  there  an  advision, 
that  there  came  a  man  afore  him  all  by  compass  of  stars,  and  that  man 
had  a  crown  of  gold  on  his  head,  and  that  man  led  in  his  fellowship 
seven  kings  and  two  knights.  And  all  these  worshipped  the  Cross, 
kneeling  upon  their  knees,  holding  up  their  hands  toward  the  heaven. 
And  all  they  said :  Fair  sweet  Father  of  heaven,  come  and  visit  us,  and 
yield  unto  us  everych  as  we  have  deserved. 

Then  looked  Launcelot  up  to  the  heaven,  and  him  seemed  the  clouds 
did  open,  and  an  old  man  came  down,  with  a  company  of  angels,  and 
alighted  among  them,  and  gave  unto  everych  his  blessing,  and  called 
them  his  servants,  and  good  and  true  knights.  And  when  this  old  man 
had  said  thus  he  came  to  one  of  those  knights,  and  said :  I  have  lost  all 

Chap.  4       THE  HERMIT  EXPOUNDS  HIS  VISION  17 

that  I  have  set  in  thee,  for  thou  hast  ruled  thee  against  me  as  a  warrior, 
and  used  wrong  wars  with  vain-glory,  more  for  the  pleasure  of  the 
world  than  to  please  me,  therefore  thou  shalt  be  confounded  without 
thou  yield  me  my  treasure.  All  this  advision  saw  Sir  Launcelot  at 
the  Cross. 

And  on  the  morn  he  took  his  horse  and  rode  till  midday;  and  there 
by  adventure  he  met  with  the  same  knight  that  took  his  horse,  helm, 
and  his  sword,  when  he  slept  when  the  Sangreal  appeared  afore  the 
Cross.  When  Sir  Launcelot  saw  him  he  saluted  him  not  fair,  but  cried 
on  high :  Knight,  keep  thee,  for  thou  hast  done  to  me  great  unkindness. 
And  then  they  put  afore  them  their  spears,  and  Sir  Launcelot  came 
so  fiercely  upon  him  that  he  smote  him  and  his  horse  down  to  the  earth, 
that  he  had  nigh  broken  his  neck.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  took  the  knight's 
horse  that  was  his  own  aforehand,  and  descended  from  the  horse  he 
sat  upon,  and  mounted  upon  his  own  horse,  and  tied  the  knight's  own 
horse  to  a  tree,  that  he  might  find  that  horse  when  that  he  was  arisen. 
Then  Sir  Launcelot  rode  till  night,  and  by  ad  venture  he  met  an  hermit, 
and  each  of  them  saluted  other ;  and  there  he  rested  with  that  good  man 
all  night,  and  gave  his  horse  such  as  he  might  get.  Then  said  the  good 
man  unto  Launcelot:  Of  whence  be  ye?  Sir,  said  he,  I  am  of  Arthur's 
court,  and  my  name  is  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake  that  am  in  the  quest  of 
the  Sangreal,  and  therefore  I  pray  you  to  counsel  me  of  a  vision  the 
which  I  had  at  the  Cross.  And  so  he  told  him  all. 


O,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  the  good  man,  there  thou  mightest  under- 
stand the  high  lineage  that  thou  art  come  of,  and  thine 
advision  betokeneth.  After  the  passion  of  Jesu  Christ  forty 
year,  Joseph  of  Aramathie  preached  the  victory  of  King 

Evelake,  that  he  had  in  the  battles  the  better  of  his  enemies.  And  of  the 
seven  kings  and  the  two  knights :  the  first  of  them  is  called  Nappus,  an 
holy  man ;  and  the  second  hight  Nacien,  in  remembrance  of  his  grand- 
sire,  and  in  him  dwelled  our  Lord  Jesu  Christ ;  and  the  third  was  called 
Helias  le  Grose ;  and  the  fourth  hight  Lisais ;  and  the  fifth  hight  Jonas, 
he  departed  out  of  his  country  and  went  into  Wales,  and  took  there 
the  daughter  of  Manuel,  whereby  he  had  the  land  of  Gaul,  and  he 
iv  d 


came  to  dwell  in  this  country.  And  of  him  came  King  Launcelot  thy 
grandsire,  the  which  there  wedded  the  king's  daughter  of  Ireland,  and 
he  was  as  worthy  a  man  as  thou  art,  and  of  him  came  King  Ban,  thy 
father,  the  which  was  the  last  of  the  seven  kings.  And  by  thee,  Sir 
Launcelot,  itsignifieth  that  the  angels  said  thou  were  none  of  the  seven 
fellowships.  And  the  last  was  the  ninth  knight,  he  was  signified  to  a 
lion,  for  he  should  pass  all  manner  of  earthly  knights,  that  is  Sir  Galahad, 
the  which  thou  gat  on  King  Pelles'  daughter ;  and  thou  ought  to  thank 
God  more  than  any  other  man  living,  for  of  a  sinner  earthly  thou  hast 
no  peer  as  in  knighthood,  nor  never  shall  be.  But  little  thank  hast  thou 
given  to  God  for  all  the  great  virtues  that  God  hath  lent  thee.  Sir,  said 
Launcelot,  ye  say  that  that  good  knight  is  my  son.  That  oughtest  thou 
to  know  and  no  man  better,  said  the  good  man,  for  thou  knewest  the 
daughter  of  King  Pelles  fleshly,  and  on  her  thou  begattest  Galahad, 
and  that  was  he  that  at  the  feast  of  Pentecost  sat  in  the  Siege  Perilous ; 
and  therefore  make  thou  it  known  openly  that  he  is  one  of  thy  begetting 
on  King  Pelles'  daughter,  for  that  will  be  your  worship  and  honour, 
and  to  all  thy  kindred.  And  I  counsel  you  in  no  place  press  not  upon 
him  to  have  ado  with  him.  Well,  said  Launcelot,  meseemeth  that  good 
knight  should  pray  for  me  unto  the  High  Father,  that  I  fall  not  to  sin 
again.  Trust  thou  well,  said  the  good  man,  thou  fairest  mickle  the 
better  for  his  prayer;  but  the  son  shall  not  bear  the  wickedness  of  the 
father,  nor  the  father  shall  not  bear  the  wickedness  of  the  son,  but 
everych  shall  bear  his  own  burden.  And  therefore  beseek  thou  only 
God,  and  He  will  help  thee  in  all  thy  needs.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot 
and  he  went  to  supper,  and  so  laid  him  to  rest,  and  the  hair  pricked  so 
Sir  Launcelot's  skin  which  grieved  him  full  sore,  but  he  took  it  meekly, 
and  suffered  the  pain.  And  so  on  the  morn  he  heard  his  mass  and  took 
his  arms,  and  so  took  his  leave. 


"*\\  ND  then  mounted  upon  his  horse,  and  rode  into  a  forest,  and 

A\       held  no  highway.  And  as  he  looked  afore  him  he  saw  a  fair 

I — A     plain,  and  beside  that  a  fair  castle,  and  afore  the  castle  were 

JL     J  V  many  pavilions  of  silk  and  of  diverse  hue.  And  him  seemed 

that  he  saw  there  five  hundred  knights  riding  on  horseback ;  and  there 

were  two  parties :  they  that  were  of  the  castle  were  all  on  black  horses 

Chap.  5       HOW  SIR  LAUNCELOT  WAS  TAKEN  19 

and  their  trappings  black,  and  they  that  were  without  were  all  on  white 
horses  and  trappings,  and  everych  hurtled  to  other  that  it  marvelled 
Sir  Launcelot.  And  at  the  last  him  thought  they  of  the  castle  were 
put  to  the  worse. 

Then  thought  Sir  Launcelot  for  to  help  there  the  weaker  party  in 
increasing  of  his  chivalry.  And  so  Sir  Launcelot  thrust  in  among  the 
party  of  the  castle,  and  smote  down  a  knight,  horse  and  man,  to  the 
earth.  And  then  he  rashed  here  and  there,  and  did  marvellous  deeds 
of  arms.  And  then  he  drew  out  his  sword,  and  struck  many  knights  to 
the  earth,  so  that  all  those  that  saw  him  marvelled  that  ever  one  knight 
might  do  so  great  deeds  of  arms.  But  always  the  white  knights  held 
them  nigh  about  Sir  Launcelot,  for  to  tire  him  and  wind  him.  But  at 
the  last,  as  a  man  may  not  ever  endure,  Sir  Launcelot  waxed  so  faint 
of  fighting  and  travailing,  and  was  so  weary  of  his  great  deeds,  that  he 
might  not  lift  up  his  arms  for  to  give  one  stroke,  so  that  he  weened 
never  to  have  borne  arms ;  and  then  they  all  took  and  led  him  away 
into  a  forest,  and  there  made  him  to  alight  and  to  rest  him.  And  then 
all  the  fellowship  of  the  castle  were  overcome  for  the  default  of  him. 
Then  they  said  all  unto  Sir  Launcelot :  Blessed  be  God  that  ye  be  now 
of  our  fellowship,  for  we  shall  hold  you  in  our  prison ;  and  so  they  left 
him  with  few  words.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  made  great  sorrow,  For 
never  or  now  was  I  never  at  tournament  nor  jousts  but  I  had  the  best, 
and  now  I  am  shamed ;  and  then  he  said :  Now  I  am  sure  that  I  am  more 
sinfuller  than  ever  I  was. 

Thus  he  rode  sorrowing,  and  half  a  day  he  was  out  of  despair,  till 
that  he  came  into  a  deep  valley.  And  when  Sir  Launcelot  saw  he 
might  not  ride  up  into  the  mountain,  he  there  alighted  under  an  apple 
tree,  and  there  he  left  his  helm  and  his  shield,  and  put  his  horse  unto 
pasture.  And  then  he  laid  him  down  to  sleep.  And  then  him  thought 
there  came  an  old  man  afore  him,  the  which  said :  Ah,  Launcelot  of 
evil  faith  and  poor  belief,  wherefore  is  thy  will  turned  so  lightly  toward 
thy  deadly  sin?  And  when  he  had  said  thus  he  vanished  away,  and 
Launcelot  wist  not  where  he  was  become.  Then  he  took  his  horse, 
and  armed  him ;  and  as  he  rode  by  the  way  he  saw  a  chapel  where 
was  a  recluse,  which  had  a  window  that  she  might  see  up  to  the  altar. 
And  all  aloud  she  called  Launcelot,  for  that  he  seemed  a  knight  errant. 
And  then  he  came,  and  she  asked  him  what  he  was,  and  of  what  place, 
and  where  about  he  went  to  seek. 



~*\\  ND  then  he  told  her  altogether  word  by  word,  and  the  truth 
A\  how  it  befell  him  at  the  tournament.  And  after  told  her  his 
I  \\  advision  that  he  had  had  that  night  in  his  sleep,  and  prayed 
•**-L  -IX.  her  to  tell  him  what  it  might  mean,  for  he  was  not  well  con- 
tent with  it.  Ah,  Launcelot,  said  she,  as  long  as  ye  were  knight  of 
earthly  knighthood  ye  were  the  most  marvellous  man  of  the  world, 
and  most  adventurous.  Now,  said  the  lady,  sithen  ye  be  set  among  the 
knights  of  heavenly  adventures,  if  adventure  fell  thee  contrary  at  that 
tournament  have  thou  no  marvel,  for  that  tournament  yesterday  was 
but  a  tokening  of  Our  Lord.  And  not  for  then  there  was  none  enchant- 
ment, for  they  at  the  tournament  were  earthly  knights.  The  tourna- 
ment was  a  token  to  see  who  should  have  most  knights,  either  Eliazar, 
the  son  of  King  Pelles,  or  Argustus,  the  son  of  King  Harlon.  But  Eliazar 
was  all  clothed  in  white,  and  Argustus  was  covered  in  black,  the  which 
were  overcome. 

All  what  this  betokeneth  I  shall  tell  you.  The  day  of  Pentecost, 
when  King  Arthur  held  his  court,  it  befell  that  earthly  kings  and 
knights  took  a  tournament  together,  that  is  to  say  the  quest  of  the 
Sangreal.  The  earthly  knights  were  they  the  which  were  clothed  all 
in  black,  and  the  covering  betokeneth  the  sins  whereof  they  be  not 
confessed.  And  they  with  the  covering  of  white  betokeneth  virginity, 
and  they  that  chose  chastity.  And  thus  was  the  quest  begun  in  them. 
Then  thou  beheld  the  sinners  and  the  good  men,  and  when  thou  sawest 
the  sinners  overcome,  thou  inclinest  to  that  party  for  bobaunce  and 
pride  of  the  world,  and  all  that  must  be  left  in  that  quest,  for  in  this 
quest  thou  shall  have  many  fellows  and  thy  betters.  For  thou  art  so 
feeble  of  evil  trust  and  good  belief,  this  made  it  when  thou  were  there 
where  they  took  thee  and  led  thee  into  the  forest.  And  anon  there 
appeared  the  Sangreal  unto  the  white  knights,  but  thou  was  so  feeble 
of  good  belief  and  faith  that  thou  mightest  not  abide  it  for  all  the 
teaching  of  the  good  man,  but  anon  thou  turnest  to  the  sinners,  and 
that  caused  thy  misadventure  that  thou  should'st  know  good  from  evil 
and  vain  glory  of  the  world,  the  which  is  not  worth  a  pear.  And  for 
great  pride  thou  madest  great  sorrow  that  thou  hadst  not  overcome  all 

Chap.  6        OF  SIR  LAUNCELOT'S  ADVENTURE  21 

the  white  knights  with  the  covering  of  white,  by  whom  was  betokened 
virginity  and  chastity;  and  therefore  God  was  wroth  with  you,  for 
God  loveth  no  such  deeds  in  this  quest.  And  this  advision  signifieth 
that  thouwere  of  evil  faith  and  of  poor  belief,  the  which  will  make  thee 
to  fall  into  the  deep  pit  of  hell  if  thou  keep  thee  not.  Now  have  I  warned 
theeof  thy  vain  glory  and  of  thy  pride,  that  thou  hast  many  times  erred 
against  thy  Maker.  Beware  of  everlasting  pain,  for  of  all  earthly 
knights  I  have  most  pity  of  thee,  for  I  know  well  thou  hast  not  thy  peer 
of  any  earthly  sinful  man. 

And  so  she  commended  Sir  Launcelot  to  dinner.  And  after  dinner 
he  took  his  horse  and  commended  her  to  God,  and  so  rode  into  a  deep 
valley,  and  there  he  saw  a  river  and  an  high  mountain.  And  through 
the  water  he  must  needs  pass,  the  which  was  hideous ;  and  then  in  the 
name  of  God  he  took  it  with  good  heart.  And  when  he  came  over  he 
saw  an  armed  knight,  horse  and  man  black  as  any  bear ;  without  any 
word  he  smote  Sir  Launcelot's  horse  to  the  earth ;  and  so  he  passed 
on,  he  wist  not  where  he  was  become.  And  then  he  took  his  helm  and 
his  shield,  and  thanked  God  of  his  adventure. 




AT  "N  C   ^\f~  HEN  Sir  Gawaine  was  departed  from  his  fellowship 
\\   /\\    I     he  rode  long  without  any  adventure.    For  he  found 

\  v  \  V  not  t'ie  tenth  Part  °f  adventure  as  he  was  wont  to  do. 
V  V  For  Sir  Gawaine  rode  from  Whitsuntide  until  Michael- 
mas and  found  none  adventure  that  pleased  him.  So  on  a  day  it  befell 
Gawaine  met  with  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  and  either  made  great  joy  of 
other  that  it  were  marvel  to  tell.  And  so  they  told  everych  other,  and 
complained  them  greatly  that  they  could  find  none  adventure.  Truly, 
said  Sir  Gawaine  unto  Sir  Ector,  I  am  nigh  weary  of  this  quest,  and 
loath  I  am  to  follow  further  in  strange  countries.  One  thing  marvelled 
me,  said  Sir  Ector,  I  have  met  with  twenty  knights,  fellows  of  mine, 
and  all  they  complain  as  I  do.  I  have  marvel,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  where 
that  Sir  Launcelot,  your  brother,  is.  Truly,  said  Sir  Ector,  I  cannot 
hear  of  him,  nor  of  Sir  Galahad,  Percivale,  nor  Sir  Bors.  Let  them  be, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  they  four  have  no  peers.  And  if  one  thing  were 
not  in  Sir  Launcelot  he  had  no  fellow  of  none  earthly  man ;  but  he  is  as 
we  be,  but  if  he  took  more  pain  upon  him.  But  an  these  four  be  met 
together  they  will  be  loath  that  any  man  meet  with  them ;  for  an  they 
fail  of  the  Sangreal  it  is  in  waste  of  all  the  remnant  to  recover  it. 

Thus  Ector  and  Gawaine  rode  more  than  eight  days,  and  on  a 
Saturday  they  found  an  old  chapel,  the  which  was  wasted  that  there 
seemed  no  man  thither  repaired;  and  there  they  alighted,  and  set 
their  spears  at  the  door,  and  in  they  entered  into  the  chapel,  and  there 
made  their  orisons  a  great  while,  and  set  them  down  in  the  sieges  of 
the  chapel.  And  as  they  spake  of  one  thing  and  other,  for  heaviness 
they  fell  asleep,  and  there  befell  them  both  marvellous  adventures. 
Sir  Gawaine  him  seemed  he  came  into  a  meadow  full  of  herbs  and 
flowers,  and  there  he  saw  a  rack  of  bulls,  an  hundred  and  fifty,  that 
were  proud  and  black,  save  three  of  them  were  all  white,  and  one  had 
a  black  spot,  and  the  other  two  were  so  fair  and  so  white  that  they 

Chap.  2          OF  THE  ADVISION  OF  SIR  ECTOR  23 

might  be  no  whiter.  And  these  three  bulls  which  were  so  fair  were 
tied  with  two  strong  cords.  And  the  remnant  of  the  bulls  said  among 
them :  Go  we  hence  to  seek  better  pasture.  And  so  some  went,  and 
some  came  again,  but  they  were  so  lean  that  they  might  not  stand 
upright ;  and  of  the  bulls  that  were  so  white,  that  one  came  again  and 
no  mo.  But  when  this  white  bull  was  come  again  among  these  other 
there  rose  up  a  great  cry  for  lack  of  wind  that  failed  them ;  and  so  they 
departed  one  here  and  another  there :  this  advision  befell  Gawaine 
that  night. 


I UT  to  Ector  de  Maris  befell  another  vision  the  contrary.  For 
it  seemed  him  that  his  brother,  Sir  Launcelot,  and  he  alighted 
out  of  a  chair  and  leapt  upon  two  horses,  and  the  one  said  to 
the  other :  Go  we  seek  that  we  shall  not  find.  And  him  thought 
that  a  man  beat  Sir  Launcelot,  and  despoiled  him,  and  clothed  him  in 
another  array,  the  which  was  all  full  of  knots,  and  set  him  upon  an  ass, 
and  so  he  rode  till  he  came  to  the  fairest  well  that  ever  he  saw ;  and  Sir 
Launcelot  alighted  and  would  have  drunk  of  that  well.  And  when  he 
stooped  to  drink  of  the  water  the  water  sank  from  him.  And  when  Sir 
Launcelot  saw  that,  he  turned  and  went  thither  as  the  head  came  from. 
And  in  the  meanwhile  he  trowed  that  himself  and  Sir  Ector  rode  till 
that  they  came  to  a  rich  man's  house  where  there  was  a  wedding.  And 
there  he  saw  a  king  the  which  said :  Sir  knight,  here  is  no  place  for 
you.  And  then  he  turned  again  unto  the  chair  that  he  came  from. 

Thus  within  a  while  both  Gawaine  and  Ector  awaked,  and  either 
told  other  of  their  advision,  the  which  marvelled  them  greatly.  Truly, 
said  Ector,  I  shall  never  be  merry  till  I  hear  tidings  of  my  brother 
Launcelot.  Now  as  they  sat  thus  talking  they  saw  an  hand  showing 
unto  the  elbow,  and  was  covered  with  red  samite,  and  upon  that  hung 
a  bridle  not  right  rich,  and  held  within  the  fist  a  great  candle  which 
burned  right  clear,  and  so  passed  afore  them,  and  entered  into  the 
chapel,  and  then  vanished  away  and  they  wist  not  where.  And  anon 
came  down  a  voice  which  said :  Knights  of  full  evil  faith  and  of  poor 
belief,  these  two  things  have  failed  you,  and  therefore  ye  may  not 
come  to  the  adventures  of  the  Sangreal. 


Then  first  spake  Gawaine  and  said :  Ector,  have  ye  heard  these 
words?  Yea  truly,  said  Sir  Ector,  I  heard  all.  Now  go  we,  said  Sir 
Ector,  unto  some  hermit  that  will  tell  us  of  our  advision,  for  it  seemeth 
me  we  labour  all  in  vain.  And  so  they  departed  and  rode  into  a  valley, 
and  there  met  with  a  squire  which  rode  on  an  hackney,  and  they  saluted 
him  fair.  Sir,  said  Gawaine,  can  thou  teach  us  to  any  hermit  ?  Here  is 
one  in  a  little  mountain,  but  it  is  so  rough  there  may  no  horse  go  thither, 
and  therefore  ye  must  go  upon  foot ;  there  shall  ye  find  a  poor  house, 
and  there  is  Nacien  the  hermit,  which  is  the  holiest  man  in  this  country. 
And  so  they  departed  either  from  other. 

And  then  in  a  valley  they  met  with  a  knight  all  armed,  which 
proffered  them  to  joust  as  far  as  he  sawthem.  In  the  name  of  God,  said 
Sir  Gawaine,  sith  I  departed  from  Camelot  there  was  none  proffered 
me  to  joust  but  once.  And  now,  sir,  said  Ector,  let  me  joust  with  him. 
Nay,  said  Gawaine,  ye  shall  not  but  if  I  be  beat ;  it  shall  not  for-think 
me  then  if  ye  go  after  me.  And  then  either  embraced  other  to  joust 
and  came  together  as  fast  as  their  horses  might  run,  and  brast  their 
shields  and  the  mails,  and  the  one  more  than  the  other ;  and  Gawaine 
was  wounded  in  the  left  side,  but  the  other  knight  was  smitten  through 
the  breast,  and  the  spear  came  out  on  the  other  side,  and  so  they  fell 
both  out  of  their  saddles,  and  in  the  falling  they  brake  both  their 

Anon  Gawaine  arose  and  set  his  hand  to  his  sword,  and  cast  his 
shield  afore  him.  But  all  for  naught  was  it,  for  the  knight  had  no  power 
to  arise  against  him.  Then  said  Gawaine :  Ye  must  yield  you  as  an 
overcome  man,  or  else  I  may  slay  you.  Ah,  sir  knight,  said  he,  I  am  but 
dead,  for  God's  sake  and  of  your  gentleness  lead  me  here  unto  an  abbey 
that  I  may  receive  my  Creator.  Sir,  said  Gawaine,  I  know  no  house  of 
religion  hereby.  Sir,  said  the  knight,  set  me  on  an  horse  to-fore  you, 
and  I  shall  teach  you.  Gawaine  set  him  up  in  the  saddle,  and  he  leapt 
up  behind  him  for  to  sustain  him,  and  so  came  to  an  abbey  where  they 
were  well  received;  and  anon  he  was  unarmed,  and  received  his 
Creator.  Then  he  prayed  Gawaine  to  draw  out  the  truncheon  of  the 
spear  out  of  his  body.  Then  Gawaine  asked  him  what  he  was,  that 
knew  him  not.  I  am,  said  he,  of  King  Arthur's  court,  and  was  a  fellow 
of  the  Round  Table,  and  we  were  brethren  sworn  together ;  and  now 
Sir  Gawaine,  thou  hast  slain  me,  and  my  name  is  Uwaine  les  Avoutres, 
that  sometime  was  son  unto  King  Uriens,  and  was  in  the  quest  of  the 

Chap.  3         HOW  THEY  TOLD  THEIR  VISIONS  25 

Sangreal ;  and  now  forgive  it  thee  God,  for  it  shall  ever  be  said  that  the 
one  sworn  brother  hath  slain  the  other. 


LLAS,  said  Gawaine,  that  ever  this  misadventure  is  befallen  me. 
No  force,  said  Uwaine,  sith  I  shall  die  this  death,  of  a  much 
more  worshipfuller  man's  hand  might  I  not  die ;  but  when 
ye  come  to  the  court  recommend  me  unto  my  lord,  King 
Arthur,  and  all  those  that  be  left  alive,  and  for  old  brotherhood  think 
on  me.  Then  began  Gawaine  to  weep,  and  Ector  also.  And  then 
Uwaine  himself  and  Sir  Gawaine  drew  out  the  truncheon  of  the  spear, 
and  anon  departed  the  soul  from  the  body.  Then  Sir  Gawaine  and 
Sir  Ector  buried  him  as  men  ought  to  bury  a  king's  son,  and  made  write 
upon  his  name,  and  by  whom  he  was  slain. 

Then  departed  Gawaine  and  Ector,  as  heavy  as  they  might  fortheir 
misadventure,  and  so  rode  till  that  they  came  to  the  rough  mountain, 
and  there  they  tied  their  horses  and  went  on  foot  to  the  hermitage.  And 
when  they  were  come  up  they  saw  a  poor  house,  and  beside  the  chapel 
a  little  courtelage,  where  Nacien  the  hermit  gathered  worts,  as  he 
which  had  tasted  none  other  meat  of  a  great  while.  And  when  he  saw 
the  errant  knights  he  came  toward  them  and  saluted  them,  and  they 
him  again.  Fair  lords,  said  he,  what  adventure  brought  you  hither? 
Sir,  said  Gawaine,  to  speak  with  you  for  to  be  confessed.  Sir,  said 
the  hermit,  I  am  ready.  Then  they  told  him  so  much  that  he  wist  well 
what  they  were.  And  then  he  thought  to  counsel  them  if  he  might. 

Then  began  Gawaine  first  and  told  him  of  his  advision  that  he  had 
had  in  the  chapel,  and  Ector  told  him  all  as  it  is  afore  rehearsed.  Sir, 
said  the  hermit  unto  Sir  Gawaine,  the  fair  meadow  and  the  rack  therein 
ought  to  be  understood  the  Round  Table,  and  by  the  meadow  ought  to 
be  understood  humility  and  patience,  those  be  the  things  which  be 
always  green  and  quick ;  for  men  may  no  time  overcome  humility  and 
patience,  therefore  was  the  Round  Table  founded ;  and  the  chivalry 
hath  been  at  all  times  so  by  the  fraternity  which  was  there  that  she 
might  not  be  overcome ;  for  men  said  she  was  founded  in  patience  and 
in  humility.  At  the  rack  ate  an  hundred  and  fifty  bulls ;  but  they  ate 
not  in  the  meadow,  for  their  hearts  should  be  set  in  humility  and  patience, 

iv  e 


and  the  bulls  were  proud  and  black  save  only  three.  By  the  bulls  is  to 
understand  the  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table,  which  for  their  sin  and 
their  wickedness  be  black.  Blackness  is  to  say  without  good  orvirtuous 
works.  And  the  three  bulls  which  were  white  save  only  one  that  was 
spotted :  the  two  white  betoken  Sir  Galahad  and  Sir  Percivale,  for  they 
be  maidens  clean  and  without  spot ;  and  the  third  that  had  a  spot  sig- 
nifieth  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis,  which  trespassed  but  once  in  his  virginity, 
but  sithen  he  kept  himself  so  well  in  chastity  that  all  is  forgiven  him  and 
his  misdeeds.  And  why  those  three  were  tied  by  the  necks,  they  be 
three  knights  in  virginity  and  chastity,  and  there  is  no  pride  smitten 
in  them.  And  the  black  bulls  which  said:  Go  we  hence,  they  were  those 
which  at  Pentecost  at  the  high  feast  took  upon  them  to  go  in  the  quest  of 
the  Sangreal  without  confession :  they  might  not  enter  in  the  meadow 
of  humility  and  patience.  And  therefore  they  returned  into  waste 
countries,  that  signifieth  death,  for  there  shall  die  many  of  them : 
everych  of  them  shall  slay  other  for  sin,  and  they  that  shall  escape  shall 
be  so  lean  that  it  shall  be  marvel  to  see  them.  And  of  the  three  bulls 
without  spot,  the  one  shall  come  again,  and  the  other  two  never. 


^ — I  I — >]HEN  spake  Nacien  unto  Ector:  Sooth  it  is  that  Launcelot 
and  ye  came  down  offone  chair :  the  chair  betokeneth  master- 
ship and  lordship  which  ye  came  down  from.  But  ye  two 
knights,  said  the  hermit,  ye  go  to  seek  that  ye  shall  never 
find,  that  is  the  Sangreal ;  for  it  is  the  secret  thing  of  our  Lord  Jesu 
Christ.  What  is  to  mean  that  Sir  Launcelot  fell  down  off  his  horse :  he 
hath  left  pride  and  taken  him  to  humility,  for  he  hath  cried  mercy  loud 
for  his  sin,  and  sore  repented  him,  and  our  Lord  hath  clothed  him  in 
his  clothing  which  is  full  of  knots,  that  is  the  hair  that  he  weareth  daily. 
And  the  ass  that  he  rode  upon  is  a  beast  of  humility,  for  God  would  not 
ride  upon  no  steed,  nor  upon  no  palfrey;  so  in  ensample  that  an  ass 
betokeneth  meekness,  that  thou  sawest  Sir  Launcelot  ride  on  in  thy 
sleep.  And  the  well  whereas  the  water  sank  from  him  when  he  should 
have  taken  thereof,  and  when  he  saw  he  might  not  have  it,  he  returned 
thither  from  whence  he  came,  for  the  well  betokeneth  the  high  grace 
of  God,  the  more  men  desire  it  to  take  it,  the  more  shall  be  their  desire. 
So  when  he  came  nigh  the  Sangreal,  he  meeked  him  that  he  held  him 


not  a  man  worthy  to  be  so  nigh  the  Holy  Vessel,  for  he  had  been  so 
defouled  in  deadly  sin  by  the  space  of  many  years;  yet  when  he 
kneeled  to  drink  of  the  well,  there  he  saw  great  providence  of  the 
Sangreal.  And  for  he  had  served  so  long  the  devil,  he  shall  have  ven- 
geance four-and -twenty  days  long,  for  that  he  hath  been  the  devil's 
servant  four-and-twenty  years.  And  then  soon  after  he  shall  return 
unto  Camelot  out  of  this  country,  and  he  shall  say  a  part  of  such  things 
as  he  hath  found. 

Now  will  I  tell  you  what  betokeneth  the  hand  with  the  candle  and 
the  bridle :  that  is  to  understand  the  Holy  Ghost  where  charity  is 
ever,  and  the  bridle  signifieth  abstinence.  For  when  she  is  bridled  in 
Christian  man's  heart  she  holdeth  him  so  short  that  he  falleth  not  in 
deadly  sin.  And  the  candle  which  sheweth  clearness  and  sight  signi- 
fieth the  right  way  of  Jesu  Christ.  And  when  he  went  and  said :  Knights 
of  poor  faith  and  of  wicked  belief,  these  three  things  failed,  charity, 
abstinence,  and  truth ;  therefore  ye  may  not  attain  that  high  adventure 
of  the  Sangreal. 


[ERTES,  said  Gawaine,  soothly  have  ye  said,  that  I  see  it 
openly.  Now,  I  pray  you,  good  man  and  holy  father,  tell  me 
why  we  met  not  with  so  many  adventures  as  we  were  wont  to 
do,  and  commonly  have  the  better.  I  shall  tell  you  gladly,  said 
the  good  man;  the  adventure  of  the  Sangreal  which  ye  and  many  other 
have  undertaken  the  quest  of  it  and  find  it  not,  the  cause  is  for  it 
appeareth  not  to  sinners.  Wherefore  marvel  not  though  ye  fail  thereof, 
and  many  other.  For  ye  be  an  untrue  knight,  and  a  great  murderer, 
and  to  good  men  signifieth  other  things  than  murder.  For  I  dare  say, 
as  sinful  as  Sir  Launcelot  hath  been,  sith  that  he  went  into  the  quest  of 
the  Sangreal  he  slew  never  man,  nor  nought  shall,  till  that  he  come 
unto  Camelot  again,  for  he  hath  taken  upon  him  for  to  forsake  sin.  And 
nere  that  he  nis  not  stable,  but  by  his  thought  he  is  likely  to  turn  again, 
he  should  be  next  to  enchieve  it  save  Galahad,  his  son.  But  God  knoweth 
his  thought  and  his  unstableness,  and  yet  shall  he  die  right  an  holy 
man,  and  no  doubt  he  hath  no  fellow  of  no  earthly  sinful  man.  Sir,  said 
Gawaine,  it  seemeth  me  by  your  words  that  for  our  sins  it  will  not  avail 
us  to  travel  in  this  quest.  Truly,  said  the  good  man,  there  be  an  hun- 


dred  such  as  ye  be  that  never  shall  prevail,  but  to  have  shame.  And 
when  they  had  heard  these  voices  they  commended  him  unto  God. 

Then  the  good  man  called  Gawaine,  and  said :  It  is  long  time  passed 
sith  that  ye  were  made  knight,  and  never  sithen  thou  servedst  thy 
Maker,  and  now  thou  art  so  old  a  tree  that  in  thee  is  neither  life  nor 
fruit ;  wherefore  bethink  thee  that  thou  yield  to  Our  Lord  the  bare 
rind,  sith  the  fiend  hath  the  leaves  and  the  fruit.  Sir,  said  Gawaine,  an 
I  had  leisure  I  would  speak  with  you,  but  my  fellow  here,  Sir  Ector,  is 
gone,  and  abideth  me  yonder  beneath  the  hill.  Well,  said  the  good 
man,  thou  were  better  to  be  counselled.  Then  departed  Gawaine  and 
came  to  Ector,  and  so  took  their  horses  and  rode  till  they  came  to  a 
forester's  house,  which  harboured  them  right  well.  And  on  the  morn 
they  departed  from  their  host,  and  rode  long  or  they  could  find  any 


"HEN  Bors  was  departed  from  Camelot  he  met  with  a 
religious  man  riding  on  an  ass,  and  Sir  Bors  saluted 
him.  Anon  the  good  man  knew  him  that  he  was  one  of 
the  knights-errant  that  was  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal. 
What  are  ye  ?  said  the  good  man.  Sir,  said  he,  I  am  a  knight  that  fain 
would  be  counselled  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal,  for  he  shall  have 
much  earthly  worship  that  may  bring  it  to  an  end.  Certes,  said  the 
good  man,  that  is  sooth,  for  he  shall  be  the  best  knight  of  the  world, 
and  the  fairest  of  all  the  fellowship.  But  wit  you  well  there  shall  none 
attain  it  but  by  cleanness,  that  is  pure  confession. 

So  rode  they  together  till  that  they  came  to  an  hermitage.  And  there 
he  prayed  Bors  to  dwell  all  that  night  with  him.  And  so  he  alighted 
and  put  away  his  armour,  and  prayed  him  that  he  might  be  confessed ; 
and  so  they  went  into  the  chapel,  and  there  he  was  clean  confessed, 
and  they  ate  bread  and  drank  water  together.  Now,  said  the  good 
man,  I  pray  thee  that  thou  eat  none  other  till  that  thou  sit  at  the  table 
where  the  Sangreal  shall  be.  Sir,  said  he,  I  agree  me  thereto,  but  how 
wit  ye  that  I  shall  sit  there.  Yes,  said  the  good  man,  that  know  I,  but 
there  shall  be  but  few  of  your  fellows  with  you.  All  is  welcome,  said 
Sir  Bors,  that  God  sendeth  me.  Also,  said  the  good  man,  instead  of  a 

Chap.  7  OF  SIR  BORS  AND  THE  LADY  29 

shirt,  and  in  sign  of  chastisement,  ye  shall  wear  a  garment ;  therefore 
I  pray  you  do  off  all  your  clothes  and  your  shirt :  and  so  he  did.  And 
then  he  took  him  a  scarlet  coat,  so  that  should  be  instead  of  his 
shirt  till  he  had  fulfilled  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal ;  and  the  good  man 
found  in  him  so  marvellous  a  life  and  so  stable,  that  he  marvelled  and 
felt  that  he  was  never  corrupt  in  fleshly  lusts,  but  in  one  time  that  he 
begat  Elian  le  Blank. 

Then  he  armed  him,  and  took  his  leave,  and  so  departed.  And  so  a 
little  from  thence  he  looked  up  into  a  tree,  and  there  he  saw  a  passing 
great  bird  upon  an  old  tree,  and  it  was  passing  dry,  without  leaves ;  and 
the  bird  sat  above,  and  had  birds,  the  which  were  dead  for  hunger. 
So  smote  he  himself  with  his  beak,  the  which  was  great  and  sharp. 
And  so  the  great  bird  bled  till  that  he  died  among  his  birds.  And  the 
young  birds  took  the  life  by  the  blood  of  the  great  bird.  When  Bors 
saw  this  he  wist  well  it  was  a  great  tokening ;  for  when  he  saw  the  great 
bird  arose  not,  then  he  took  his  horse  and  yede  his  way.  So  by  even- 
song, by  adventure  he  came  to  a  strong  tower  and  an  high,  and  there 
was  he  lodged  gladly. 


,ND  when  he  was  unarmed  they  led  him  into  an  high  tower 
where  was  a  lady,  young,  lusty,  and  fair.  And  she  received 
him  with  great  joy,  and  made  him  to  sit  down  by  her,  and 
so  was  he  set  to  sup  with  flesh  and  many  dainties.  And 
when  Sir  Bors  saw  that,  he  bethought  him  on  his  penance,  and  bade  a 
squire  to  bring  him  water.  And  so  he  brought  him,  and  he  made  sops 
therein  and  ate  them.  Ah,  said  the  lady,  I  trow  ye  like  not  my  meat. 
Yes,  truly,  said  Sir  Bors,  God  thank  you,  madam,  but  I  may  eat  none 
other  meat  this  day.  Then  she  spake  no  more  as  at  that  time,  for  she 
was  loath  to  displease  him.  Then  after  supper  they  spake  of  one  thing 
and  other. 

With  that  came  a  squire  and  said :  Madam,  ye  must  purvey  you 
to-morn  for  a  champion,  for  else  your  sister  will  have  this  castle  and 
also  your  lands,  except  ye  can  find  a  knight  that  will  fight  to-morn  in 
your  quarrel  against  Pridam  le  Noire.  Then  she  made  sorrow  and 
said :  Ah,  Lord  God,  wherefore  granted  ye  to  hold  my  land,  whereof 


I  should  now  be  disherited  without  reason  and  right?  And  when  Sir 
Bors  had  heard  her  say  thus,  he  said :  I  shall  comfort  you.  Sir,  said 
she,  I  shall  tell  you  there  was  here  a  king  that  hight  Aniause,  which 
held  all  this  land  in  his  keeping.  So  it  mishapped  he  loved  a  gentle- 
woman a  great  deal  elder  than  I.  So  took  he  her  all  this  land  to  her 
keeping,  and  all  his  men  to  govern ;  and  she  brought  up  many  evil  cus- 
toms whereby  she  put  to  death  a  great  part  of  his  kinsmen.  And  when 
he  saw  that,  he  let  chase  her  out  of  this  land,  and  betook  it  me,  and  all 
this  land  in  my  demesnes.  But  anon  as  that  worthy  king  was  dead,  this 
other  lady  began  to  war  upon  me,  and  hath  destroyed  many  of  my 
men,  and  turned  them  against  me,  that  I  have  well-nigh  no  man  left  me ; 
and  I  have  nought  else  but  this  high  tower  that  she  left  me.  And  yet 
she  hath  promised  me  to  have  this  tower,  without  I  can  find  a  knight  to 
fight  with  her  champion. 

Now  tell  me,  said  Sir  Bors,  what  is  that  Pridam  le  Noire?  Sir,  said 
she,  he  is  the  most  doubted  man  of  this  land.  Now  may  ye  send  her 
word  that  ye  have  found  a  knight  that  shall  fight  with  that  Pridam  le 
Noire  in  God's  quarrel  and  yours.  Then  that  lady  was  not  a  little  glad, 
and  sent  word  that  she  was  purveyed,  and  that  night  Bors  had  good 
cheer ;  but  in  no  bed  he  would  come,  but  laid  him  on  the  floor,  nor 
never  would  do  otherwise  till  that  he  had  met  with  the  quest  of  the 


~*\\  ND  anon  as  he  was  asleep  him  befell  a  vision,  that  there  came 

/y\\      to  him  two  birds,  the  one  as  white  as  a  swan,  and  the  other 

I     A     was  marvellous  black ;  but  it  was  not  so  great  as  the  other, 

^L    J\^  but  in  the  likeness  of  a  Raven.   Then  the  white  bird  came 

to  him,  and  said :  An  thou  wouldst  give  me  meat  and  serve  me  I  should 

give  thee  all  the  riches  of  the  world,  and  I  shall  make  thee  as  fair  and 

as  white  as  lam.  So  the  white  bird  departed,  and  there  came  the  black 

bird  to  him,  and  said :  An  thou  wolt,  serve  me  to-morrow  and  have  me 

in  no  despite  though  I  be  black,  for  wit  thou  well  that  more  availeth 

my  blackness  than  the  other's  whiteness.  And  then  he  departed. 

And  he  had  another  vision :  him  thought  that  he  came  to  a  great 
place  which  seemed  a  chapel,  and  there  he  found  a  chair  set  on  the 

Chap.  8  OF  A  VISION  OF  SIR  BORS  31 

left  side,  which  was  worm-eaten  and  feeble.  And  on  the  right  hand 
were  two  flowers  like  a  lily,  and  the  one  would  have  benome  the  other's 
whiteness,  but  a  good  man  departed  them  that  the  one  touched  not  the 
other ;  and  then  out  of  every  flower  came  out  many  flowers,  and  fruit 
great  plenty.  Then  him  thought  the  good  man  said :  Should  not  he  do 
great  folly  that  would  let  these  two  flowers  perish  for  to  succour  the 
rotten  tree,  that  it  fell  not  to  the  earth?  Sir,  said  he,  it  seemeth  me  that 
this  wood  might  not  avail.  Now  keep  thee,  said  the  good  man,  that 
thou  never  see  such  adventure  befall  thee. 

Then  he  awaked  and  made  a  sign  of  the  cross  in  midst  of  the  fore- 
head, and  so  rose  and  clothed  him.  And  there  came  the  lady  of  the 
place,  and  she  saluted  him,  and  he  her  again,  and  so  went  to  a  chapel 
and  heard  their  service.  And  there  came  a  company  of  knights,  that 
the  lady  had  sent  for,  to  lead  Sir  Bors  unto  battle.  Then  asked  he  his 
arms.  And  when  he  was  armed  she  prayed  him  to  take  a  little  morsel 
to  dine.  Nay,  madam,  said  he,  that  shall  I  not  do  till  I  have  done  my 
battle,  by  the  grace  of  God.  And  so  he  leapt  upon  his  horse,  and 
departed,  all  the  knights  and  men  with  him.  And  as  soon  as  these  two 
ladies  met  together,  she  which  Bors  should  fight  for  complained  her, 
and  said :  Madam,  ye  have  done  me  wrong  to  bereave  me  of  my  lands 
that  King  Aniause  gave  me,  and  full  loath  I  am  there  should  be  any 
battle.  Ye  shall  not  choose,  said  the  other  lady,  or  else  your  knight 
withdraw  him. 

Then  there  was  the  cry  made,  which  party  had  the  better  of  the  two 
knights,  that  his  lady  should  rejoice  all  the  land.  Now  departed  the 
one  knight  here,  and  the  other  there.  Then  they  came  together  with 
such  a  raundon  that  they  pierced  their  shields  and  their  hauberks,  and 
the  spears  flew  in  pieces,  and  they  wounded  either  other  sore.  Then 
hurtled  they  together,  so  that  they  fell  both  to  the  earth,  and  their 
horses  betwixt  their  legs ;  and  anon  they  arose,  and  set  hands  to  their 
swords,  and  smote  each  one  other  upon  the  heads,  that  they  made  great 
wounds  and  deep,  that  the  blood  went  out  of  their  bodies.  For  there 
found  Sir  Bors  greater  defence  in  that  knight  more  than  he  weened. 
For  that  Pridam  was  a  passing  good  knight,  and  he  wounded  Sir  Bors 
full  evil,  and  he  him  again ;  but  ever  this  Pridam  held  the  stour  in  like 
hard.  That  perceived  Sir  Bors,  and  suffered  him  till  he  was  nigh 
attaint.  And  then  he  ran  upon  him  more  and  more,  and  the  other  went 
back  for  dread  of  death.  So  in  his  withdrawing  he  fell  upright,  and 


Sir  Bors  drew  his  helm  so  strongly  that  he  rent  it  from  his  head,  and 
gave  him  great  strokes  with  the  flat  of  his  sword  upon  the  visage,  and 
bade  him  yield  him  or  he  should  slay  him.  Then  he  cried  him  mercy 
and  said :  Fair  knight,  for  God's  love  slay  me  not,  and  I  shall  ensure 
thee  never  to  war  against  thy  lady,  but  be  alway  toward  her.  Then 
Bors  let  him  be ;  then  the  old  lady  fled  with  all  her  knights. 


)O  then  came  Bors  to  all  those  that  held  lands  of  his  lady,  and 
said  he  should  destroy  them  but  if  they  did  such  service  unto 
her  as  longed  to  their  lands.  So  they  did  their  homage,  and 
they  that  would  not  were  chased  out  of  their  lands.  Then  befell 
that  young  lady  to  come  to  her  estate  again,  by  the  mighty  prowess  of 
Sir  Bors  de  Ganis.  So  when  all  the  country  was  well  set  in  peace,  then 
Sir  Bors  took  his  leave  and  departed ;  and  she  thanked  him  greatly, 
and  would  have  given  him  great  riches,  but  he  refused  it. 

Then  he  rode  all  that  day  till  night,  and  came  to  an  harbour  to  a 
lady  which  knew  him  well  enough,  and  made  of  him  great  joy.  Upon 
the  morn,  as  soon  as  the  day  appeared,  Bors  departed  from  thence, 
and  so  rode  into  a  forest  unto  the  hour  of  midday,  and  there  befell  him 
a  marvellous  adventure.  So  he  met  at  the  departing  of  the  two  ways 
two  knights  that  led  Lionel,  his  brother,  all  naked,  bounden  upon  a 
strong  hackney,  and  his  hands  bounden  to-fore  his  breast.  Andeverych 
of  them  held  in  his  hands  thorns  wherewith  they  went  beating  him  so 
sore  that  the  blood  trailed  down  more  than  in  an  hundred  places  of  his 
body,  so  that  he  was  all  blood  to- fore  and  behind,  but  he  said  never  a 
word ;  as  he  which  was  great  of  heart  he  suffered  all  that  ever  they  did 
to  him,  as  though  he  had  felt  none  anguish. 

Anon  Sir  Bors  dressed  him  to  rescue  him  that  was  his  brother;  and 
so  he  looked  upon  the  other  side  of  him,  and  saw  a  knight  which 
brought  a  fair  gentlewoman,  and  would  have  set  her  in  the  thickest 
place  of  the  forest  for  to  have  been  the  more  surer  out  of  the  way  from 
them  that  sought  him.  And  she  which  was  nothing  assured  cried  with 
an  high  voice :  Saint  Mary  succour  your  maid.  And  anon  she  espied 

Chap.  10     HOW  BORS  RESCUED  THE  DAMOSEL  33 

where  Sir  Bors  came  riding.  And  when  she  came  nigh  him  she  deemed 
him  a  knight  of  the  Round  Table,  whereof  she  hoped  to  have  some 
comfort;  and  then  she  conjured  him:  By  the  faith  that  he  ought  unto 
Him  in  whose  service  thou  art  entered  in,  and  for  the  faith  ye  owe 
unto  the  high  order  of  knighthood,  and  for  the  noble  King  Arthur's 
sake,  that  I  suppose  made  thee  knight,  that  thou  help  me,  and  suffer 
me  not  to  be  shamed  of  this  knight.  When  Bors  heard  her  say  thus  he 
had  so  much  sorrow  there  he  nist  not  what  to  do.  For  if  I  let  my  brother 
be  in  adventure  he  must  be  slain,  and  that  would  I  not  for  all  the  earth. 
And  if  I  help  not  the  maid  she  is  shamed  for  ever,  and  also  she  shall 
lose  her  virginity  the  which  she  shall  never  get  again.  Then  lift  he  up 
his  eyes  and  said  weeping :  Fair  sweet  Lord  Jesu  Christ,  whose  liege 
man  I  am,  keep  Lionel,  my  brother,  that  these  knights  slay  him  not,  and 
for  pity  of  you,  and  for  Mary's  sake,  I  shall  succour  this  maid. 


dressed  he  him  unto  the  knight  the  which  had  the 
gentlewoman,  and  then  he  cried :  Sir  knight,  let  your  hand 
off  that  maiden,  or  ye  be  but  dead.  And  then  he  set  down 
the  maiden,  and  was  armed  at  all  pieces  save  he  lacked  his 
spear.  Then  he  dressed  his  shield,  and  drew  out  his  sword,  and  Bors 
smote  him  so  hard  that  it  went  through  his  shield  and  habergeon  on 
the  left  shoulder.  And  through  great  strength  he  beat  him  down  to  the 
earth,  and  at  the  pulling  out  of  Bors'  spear  there  he  swooned.  Then 
came  Bors  to  the  maid  and  said :  How  seemeth  it  you  ?  of  this  knight 
ye  be  delivered  at  this  time.  Now  sir,  said  she,  I  pray  you  lead  me 
thereas  this  knight  had  me.  So  shall  I  do  gladly :  and  took  the  horse  of 
the  wounded  knight,  and  set  the  gentlewoman  upon  him,  and  so 
brought  her  as  she  desired.  Sir  knight,  said  she,  ye  have  better  sped 
than  ye  weened,  for  an  I  had  lost  my  maidenhead,  five  hundred  men 
should  have  died  for  it.  What  knight  was  he  that  had  you  in  the 
forest  ?  By  my  faith,  said  she,  he  is  my  cousin.  So  wot  I  never  with 
what  engine  the  fiend  enchafed  him,  foryesterday  he  took  me  from  my 
father  privily;  for  I,  nor  none  of  my  father's  men,  mistrusted  him  not, 
and  if  he  had  had  my  maidenhead  he  should  have  died  for  the  sin,  and 
his  body  shamed  and  dishonoured  for  ever.  Thus  as  she  stood  talk- 
iv  f 


ing  with  him  there  came  twelve  knights  seeking  after  her,  and  anon 
she  told  them  all  how  Bors  had  delivered  her ;  then  they  made  great 
joy,  and  besought  him  to  come  to  her  father,  a  great  lord,  and  he  should 
be  right  welcome.  Truly,  said  Bors,  that  may  not  be  at  this  time,  for  I 
have  a  great  adventure  to  do  in  this  country.  So  he  commended  them 
unto  God  and  departed. 

Then  Sir  Bors  rode  after  Lionel,  his  brother,  by  the  trace  of  their 
horses,  thus  he  rode  seeking  a  great  while.  Then  he  overtook  a  man 
clothed  in  a  religious  clothing,  and  rode  on  a  strong  black  horse  blacker 
than  a  berry,  and  said :  Sir  knight,  what  seek  you  ?  Sir,  said  he,  I  seek 
my  brother  that  I  saw  within  a  while  beaten  with  two  knights.  Ah, 
Bors,  discomfort  you  not,  nor  fall  into  no  wanhope,  for  I  shall  tell  you 
tidings  such  as  they  be,  for  truly  he  is  dead.  Then  showed  he  him  a 
new  slain  body  lying  in  a  bush,  and  it  seemed  him  well  that  it  was  the 
body  of  Lionel ;  and  then  he  made  such  a  sorrow  that  he  fell  to  the 
earth  all  in  a  swoon,  and  lay  a  great  while  there.  And  when  he  came 
to  himself  he  said :  Fair  brother,  sith  the  company  of  you  and  me  is 
departed  shall  I  never  have  joy  in  my  heart,  and  now  He  which  I  have 
taken  unto  my  master,  He  be  my  help.  And  when  he  had  said  thus  he 
took  his  body  lightly  in  his  arms,  and  put  it  upon  the  arson  of  his  saddle. 
And  then  he  said  to  the  man :  Canst  thou  tell  me  unto  some  chapel 
where  that  I  may  bury  this  body?  Come  on,  said  he,  here  is  one  fast 
by ;  and  so  long  they  rode  till  they  saw  a  fair  tower,  and  afore  it  there 
seemed  an  old  feeble  chapel.  And  then  they  alighted  both,  and  put 
him  into  a  tomb  of  marble. 


*OW  leave  we  him  here,  said  the  good  man,  and  go  we  to 
our  harbour  till  to-morrow ;  we  will  come  here  again  to  do 
him  service.  Sir,  said  Bors,  be  ye  a  priest  ?  Yea  forsooth, 
said  he.  Then  I  pray  you  tell  me  a  dream  that  befell  to  me 
the  last  night.  Say  on,  said  he.  Then  he  began  so  much  to  tell  him  of 
the  great  bird  in  the  forest,  and  after  told  him  of  his  birds,  one  white, 
another  black,  and  of  the  rotten  tree,  and  of  the  white  flowers.  Sir,  I 
shall  tell  you  a  part  now,  and  the  other  deal  to-morrow.  The  white 
fowl  betokeneth  a  gentlewoman,  fair  and  rich,  which  loved  thee 

Chap.  1 1  SIR  BORS  TELLS  HIS  DREAM  35 

paramours,  and  hath  loved  thee  long ;  and  if  thou  warn  her  love  she 
shall  go  die  anon,  if  thou  have  no  pity  on  her.  That  signifieth  the  great 
bird,  the  which  shall  make  thee  to  warn  her.  Now  for  no  fear  that  thou 
hast,  ne  for  no  dread  that  thou  hast  of  God,  thou  shalt  not  warn  her, 
but  thou  wouldst  not  do  it  for  to  be  holden  chaste,  for  to  conquer  the 
loos  of  the  vain  glory  of  the  world  ;  for  that  shall  befall  thee  now  an 
thou  warn  her,  that  Launcelot,  the  good  knight,  thy  cousin,  shall  die. 
And  therefore  men  shall  now  say  that  thou  art  a  manslayer,  both  of 
thy  brother,  Sir  Lionel,  and  of  thy  cousin,  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  the 
which  thou  mightest  have  saved  and  rescued  easily,  but  thou  weenedst 
to  rescue  a  maid  which  pertaineth  nothing  to  thee.  Now  look  thou 
whether  it  had  been  greater  harm  of  thy  brother's  death,  or  else  to 
have  suffered  her  to  have  lost  her  maidenhood.  Then  asked  he  him : 
Hast  thou  heard  the  tokens  of  thy  dream  the  which  I  have  told  to  you? 
Yea  forsooth,  said  Sir  Bors,  all  your  exposition  and  declaring  of  my 
dream  I  have  well  understood  and  heard.  Then  said  the  man  in  this 
black  clothing :  Then  is  it  in  thy  default  if  Sir  Launcelot,  thy  cousin, 
die.  Sir,  said  Bors,  that  were  me  loath,  for  wit  ye  well  there  is  nothing 
in  the  world  but  I  had  liefer  do  it  than  to  see  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot  du 
Lake,  to  die  in  my  default.  Choose  ye  now  the  one  or  the  other,  said 
the  good  man. 

And  then  he  led  Sir  Bors  into  an  high  tower,  and  there  he  found 
knights  and  ladies :  those  ladies  said  he  was  welcome,  and  so  they 
unarmed  him.  And  when  he  was  in  his  doublet  men  brought  him  a 
mantle  furred  with  ermine,  and  put  it  about  him ;  and  then  they  made 
him  such  cheer  that  he  had  forgotten  all  his  sorrow  and  anguish,  and 
only  set  his  heart  in  these  delights  and  dainties,  and  took  no  thought 
more  for  his  brother,  Sir  Lionel,  neither  of  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  his 
cousin.  And  anon  came  out  of  a  chamber  to  him  the  fairest  lady  than 
ever  he  saw,  and  more  richer  beseen  than  ever  he  saw  Queen  Guenever 
or  any  other  estate.  Lo,  said  they,  Sir  Bors,  here  is  the  lady  unto  whom 
we  owe  all  our  service,  and  I  trow  she  be  the  richest  lady  and  the  fairest 
of  all  the  world,  and  the  which  loveth  you  best  above  all  other  knights, 
for  she  will  have  no  knight  but  you.  And  when  he  understood  that 
language  he  was  abashed.  Not  for  then  she  saluted  him,  and  he  her; 
and  then  they  sat  down  together  and  spake  of  many  things,  in  so  much 
that  she  besought  him  to  be  her  love,  for  she  had  loved  him  above  all 
earthly  men,  and  she  should  make  him  richer  than  ever  was  man  of 


his  age.  When  Bors  understood  her  words  he  was  right  evil  at  ease, 
which  in  no  manner  would  not  break  chastity,  so  wist  not  he  how  to 
answer  her. 


LLAS,  said  she,  Bors,  shall  ye  not  do  my  will?  Madam,  said  Bors, 
there  is  no  lady  in  the  world  whose  will  I  will  fulfil  as  of 
this  thing,  for  my  brother  lieth  dead  which  was  slain  right 
late.  Ah  Bors,  said  she,  I  have  loved  you  long  for  the  great 
beauty  I  have  seen  in  you,  and  the  great  hardiness  that  I  have  heard  of 
you,  that  needs  ye  must  lie  by  me  this  night,  and  therefore  I  pray  you 
grant  it  me.  Truly,  said  he,  I  shall  not  do  it  in  no  manner  wise.  Then 
she  made  him  such  sorrow  as  though  she  would  have  died.  Well  Bors, 
said  she,  unto  this  have  ye  brought  me,  nigh  to  mine  end.  And  there- 
with she  took  him  by  the  hand,  and  bade  him  behold  her.  And  ye 
shall  see  how  I  shall  die  for  your  love.  Ah,  said  then  he,  that  shall  I 
never  see. 

Then  she  departed  and  went  up  into  an  high  battlement,  and  led 
with  her  twelve  gentlewomen ;  and  when  they  were  above,  one  of  the 
gentlewomen  cried,  and  said :  Ah,  Sir  Bors,  gentle  knight  have  mercy 
on  us  all,  and  suffer  my  lady  to  have  her  will,  and  if  ye  do  not  we  must 
suffer  death  with  our  lady,  for  to  fall  down  off  this  high  tower,  and  if  ye 
suffer  us  thus  to  die  for  so  little  a  thing  all  ladies  and  gentlewomen  will 
say  of  you  dishonour.  Then  looked  he  upward,  they  seemed  all  ladies 
of  great  estate,  and  richly  and  well  beseen.  Then  had  he  of  them  great 
pity;  not  for  that  he  was  uncounselled  in  himself  that  liefer  he  had  they 
all  had  lost  their  souls  than  he  his,  and  with  that  they  fell  adown  all  at 
once  unto  the  earth.  And  when  he  saw  that,  he  was  all  abashed,  and 
had  thereof  great  marvel.  With  that  he  blessed  his  body  and  his 
visage.  And  anon  he  heard  a  great  noise  and  a  great  cry,  as  though 
all  the  fiends  of  hell  had  been  about  him ;  and  therewith  he  saw  neither 
tower,  nor  lady,  nor  gentlewoman,  nor  no  chapel  where  he  brought  his 
brother  to.  Then  held  he  up  both  his  hands  to  the  heaven,  and  said : 
Fair  Father  God,  I  am  grievously  escaped ;  and  then  he  took  his  arms 
and  his  horse  and  rode  on  his  way. 

Then  he  heard  a  clock  smite  on  his  right  hand ;  and  thither  he  came 

Chap.  13         SIR  BORS  FINDS  AN  HOLY  ABBOT  37 

to  an  abbey  on  his  right  hand,  closed  with  high  walls,  and  there  was  let 
in.  Then  they  supposed  that  he  was  one  of  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal, 
so  they  led  him  into  a  chamber  and  unarmed  him.  Sirs,  said  Sir  Bors, 
if  there  be  any  holy  man  in  this  house  I  pray  you  let  me  speak  with  him. 
Then  one  of  them  led  him  unto  the  Abbot,  which  was  in  a  chapel.  And 
then  Sir  Bors  saluted  him,  and  he  him  again.  Sir,  said  Bors,  I  am  a 
knight-errant ;  and  told  him  all  the  adventure  which  he  had  seen.  Sir 
Knight,  said  the  Abbot,  I  wot  not  what  ye  be,  for  I  weened  never  that 
a  knight  of  your  age  might  have  been  so  strong  in  the  grace  of  our  Lord 
Jesu  Christ.  Not  for  then  ye  shall  go  unto  your  rest,  for  I  will  not  counsel 
you  this  day,  it  is  too  late,  and  to-morrow  I  shall  counsel  you  as  I  can. 


ND  that  night  was  Sir  Bors  served  richly;  and  on  the  morn  early 
he  heard  mass,  and  the  Abbot  came  to  him,  and  bade  him 
good  morrow,  and  Bors  to  him  again.  And  then  he  told  him 
,  he  was  a  fellow  of  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal,  and  how  he 
had  charge  of  the  holy  man  to  eat  bread  and  water.  Then  said  the 
Abbot :  Our  Lord  Jesu  Christ  showed  him  unto  you  in  the  likeness  of 
a  soul  that  suffered  great  anguish  for  us,  since  He  was  put  upon  the 
cross,  and  bled  His  heart-blood  for  mankind :  there  was  the  token  and 
the  likeness  of  the  Sangreal  that  appeared  afore  you,  for  the  blood  that 
the  great  fowl  bled  revived  the  chickens  from  death  to  life.  And  by 
the  bare  tree  is  betokened  the  world  which  is  naked  and  without  fruit 
but  if  it  come  of  Our  Lord.  Also  the  lady  for  whom  ye  fought  for,  and 
King  Aniause  which  was  lord  there-to-fore,  betokeneth  Jesu  Christ 
which  is  the  King  of  the  world.  And  that  ye  fought  with  the  champion 
for  the  lady,  this  it  betokeneth :  for  when  ye  took  the  battle  for  the 
lady,  by  her  shall  ye  understand  the  new  law  of  Jesu  Christ  and  Holy 
Church ;  and  by  the  other  lady  ye  shall  understand  the  old  law  and 
the  fiend,  which  all  day  warreth  against  Holy  Church,  therefore  ye 
did  your  battle  with  right.  For  ye  be  Jesu  Christ's  knights,  therefore 
ye  ought  to  be  defenders  of  Holy  Church.  And  by  the  black  bird  might 
ye  understand  Holy  Church,  which  sayeth  I  am  black,  but  he  is 
fair.  And  by  the  white  bird  might  men  understand  the  fiend,  and  I 
shall  tell  you  how  the  swan  is  white  without- forth,  and  black  within :  it 


is  hypocrisy  which  is  without  yellow  or  pale,  and  seemeth  without- 
forth  the  servants  of  Jesu  Christ,  but  they  be  within  so  horrible  of  filth 
and  sin,  and  beguile  the  world  evil.  Also  when  the  fiend  appeared  to 
thee  in  likeness  of  a  man  of  religion,  and  blamed  thee  that  thou  left  thy 
brother  for  a  lady,  so  led  thee  where  thou  seemed  thy  brother  was 
slain,  but  he  is  yet  alive ;  and  all  was  for  to  put  thee  in  error,  and  bring 
thee  unto  wanhope  and  lechery,  for  he  knew  thou  we  re  tender  hearted, 
and  all  was  for  thou  shouldst  not  find  the  blessed  adventure  of  the  San- 
greal.  And  the  third  fowl  betokeneth  the  strong  battle  against  the  fair 
ladies  which  were  all  devils.  Also  the  dry  tree  and  the  white  lily :  the 
dry  tree  betokeneth  thy  brother  Lionel,  which  is  dry  without  virtue, 
and  therefore  many  men  ought  to  call  him  the  rotten  tree,  and  the 
worm-eaten  tree,  for  he  is  a  murderer  and  doth  contrary  to  the  order 
of  knighthood.  And  the  two  white  flowers  signify  two  maidens,  the 
one  is  a  knight  which  was  wounded  the  other  day,  and  the  other  is  the 
gentlewoman  which  ye  rescued ;  and  why  the  other  flower  drew  nigh 
the  other,  that  was  the  knight  which  would  have  defouled  her  and 
himself  both.  And  Sir  Bors.yehad  been  a  great  fool  and  in  great  peril 
for  to  have  seen  those  two  flowers  perish  for  to  succour  the  rotten  tree, 
for  an  they  had  sinned  together  they  had  been  damned ;  and  for  that 
ye  rescued  them  both,  men  might  call  you  a  very  knight  and  servant  of 
Jesu  Christ. 


^ — I  I — ^HEN  went  Sir  Bors  from  thence  and  commended  the  Abbot 
unto  God.  And  then  he  rode  all  that  day,  and  harboured 
with  an  old  lady.  And  on  the  morn  he  rode  to  a  castle  in  a 
valley,  and  there  he  met  with  a  yeoman  going  a  great  pace 
toward  a  forest.  Say  me,  said  Sir  Bors,  canst  thou  tell  me  of  any 
adventure  ?  Sir,  said  he,  here  shall  be  under  this  castle  a  great  and/ 
a  marvellous  tournament.  Of  what  folks  shall  it  be?  said  Sir  Bors. 
The  Earl  of  Plains  shall  be  in  the  one  party,  and  the  lady's  nephew  of 
Hervin  on  the  other  party.  Then  Bors  thought  to  be  there  if  he  might 
meet  with  his  brother  Sir  Lionel,  or  any  other  of  his  fellowship,  which 
were  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal.  And  then  he  turned  to  an  hermitage 
that  was  in  the  entry  of  the  forest. 

Chap.  14          HOW  SIR  BORS  MET  SIR  LIONEL  39 

And  when  he  was  come  thither  he  found  there  Sir  Lionel,  his  brother, 
which  sat  all  armed  at  the  entry  of  the  chapel  door  for  to  abide  there 
harbour  till  on  the  morn  that  the  tournament  shall  be.  And  when  Sir 
Bors  saw  him  he  had  great  joy  of  him,  that  it  were  marvel  to  tell  of  his 
joy.  And  then  he  alighted  off  his  horse,  and  said :  Fair  sweet  brother, 
when  came  ye  hither  ?  Anon  as  Lionel  saw  him  he  said :  Ah  Bors,  ye 
may  not  make  none  avaunt,  but  as  for  you  I  might  have  been  slain ; 
when  ye  saw  two  knights  leading  me  away  beating  me,  ye  left  me  for 
to  succour  a  gentlewoman,  and  suffered  me  in  peril  of  death ;  for  never 
erst  ne  did  no  brother  to  another  so  great  an  untruth.  And  for  that 
misdeed  now  I  ensure  you  but  death,  for  well  have  ye  deserved  it; 
therefore  keep  thee  from  henceforward,  and  that  shall  ye  find  as  soon 
as  I  am  armed.  When  Sir  Bors  understood  his  brother's  wrath  he 
kneeled  down  to  the  earth  and  cried  him  mercy,  holding  up  both  his 
hands,  and  prayed  him  to  forgive  him  his  evil  will.  Nay,  said  Lionel, 
that  shall  never  be  an  I  may  have  the  higher  hand,  that  I  make  mine 
avow  to  God,  thou  shalt  have  death  for  it,  for  it  were  pity  ye  lived  any 

Right  so  he  went  in  and  took  his  harness,  and  mounted  upon  his  horse, 
and  came  to-fore  him  and  said :  Bors,  keep  thee  from  me,  for  I  shall  do 
to  thee  as  I  would  to  a  felon  or  a  traitor,  for  ye  be  the  untruest  knight  that 
ever  came  out  of  so  worthy  an  house  as  was  King  Bors  de  Ganis  which 
was  our  father,  therefore  start  upon  thy  horse,  and  so  shall  ye  be  most 
at  your  advantage.  And  but  if  ye  will  I  will  run  upon  you  thereas  ye 
stand  upon  foot,  and  so  the  shame  shall  be  mine  and  the  harm  yours, 
but  of  that  shame  ne  reck  I  nought. 

When  Sir  Bors  saw  that  he  must  fight  with  his  brother  or  else  to  die, 
henistwhatto  do ;  then  his  heart  counselled  him  not  thereto,  inasmuch 
as  Lionel  was  born  or  he,  wherefore  he  ought  to  bear  him  reverence ; 
yet  kneeled  he  down  afore  Lionel's  horse's  feet,  and  said :  Fair  sweet 
brother,  have  mercy  upon  me  and  slay  me  not,  and  have  in  remem- 
brance the  great  love  which  ought  to  be  between  us  twain.  What  Sir 
Bors  said  to  Lionel  he  rought  not,  for  the  fiend  had  brought  him  in  such 
a  will  that  he  should  slay  him.  Then  when  Lionel  saw  he  would  none 
other,  and  that  he  would  not  have  risen  to  give  him  battle,  he  rashed 
over  him  so  that  he  smote  Bors  with  his  horse,  feet  upward,  to  the  earth, 
and  hurt  him  so  sore  that  he  swooned  of  distress,  the  which  he  felt  in 
himself  to  have  died  without  confession.  So  when  Lionel  saw  this,  he 


alighted  off  his  horse  to  have  smitten  off  his  head.  And  so  he  took  him 
by  the  helm,  and  would  have  rent  it  from  his  head.  Then  came  the 
hermit  running  unto  him,  which  was  a  good  man  and  of  great  age,  and 
well  had  heard  all  the  words  that  were  between  them,  and  so  fell  down 
upon  Sir  Bors. 


P* — I  | — sjHEN  he  said  to  Lionel :  Ah  gentle  knight,  have  mercy  upon 
me  and  on  thy  brother,  for  if  thou  slay  him  thou  shalt  be  dead 
of  sin,  and  that  were  sorrowful,  for  he  is  one  of  the  worthiest 
knights  of  the  world,  and  of  the  best  conditions.  So  God  help 
me,  said  Lionel,  sir  priest,  but  if  ye  flee  from  him  I  shall  slay  you,  and 
he  shall  never  the  sooner  be  quit.  Certes,  said  the  good  man,  I  have 
liefer  ye  slay  me  than  him,  for  my  death  shall  not  be  great  harm,  not 
half  so  much  as  of  his.  Well,  said  Lionel,  I  am  greed ;  and  set  his  hand 
to  his  sword  and  smote  him  so  hard  that  his  headyede  backward.  Not 
for  that  he  restrained  him  of  his  evil  will,  but  took  his  brother  by  the 
helm,  and  unlaced  it  to  have  strjicken  off  his  head,  and  had  slain  him 
without  fail.  But  so  it  happed,  Colgrevance,  a  fellow  of  the  Round 
Table,  came  at  that  time  thither  as  Our  Lord's  will  was.  And  when 
he  saw  the  good  man  slain  he  marvelled  much  what  it  might  be.  And 
then  he  beheld  Lionel  would  have  slain  his  brother,  and  knew  Sir  Bors 
which  he  loved  right  well.  Then  stert  he  down  and  took  Lionel  by  the 
shoulders,  and  drew  him  strongly  aback  from  Bors,  and  said :  Lionel, 
will  ye  slay  your  brother,  the  worthiest  knight  of  the  world  one  ?  and 
that  should  no  good  man  suffer.  Why,  said  Lionel,  will  ye  let  me  ? 
therefore  if  ye  entermete  you  in  this  I  shall  slay  you,  and  him  after. 
Why,  said  Colgrevance,  is  this  sooth  that  ye  will  slay  him?  Slay  him 
will  I,  said  he,  whoso  say  the  contrary,  for  he  hath  done  so  much 
against  me  that  he  hath  well  deserved  it.  And  so  ran  upon  him,  and 
would  have  smitten  him  through  the  head,  and  Sir  Colgrevance  ran 
betwixt  them,  and  said :  An  ye  be  so  hardy  to  do  so  more,  we  two  shall 
meddle  together. 

When  Lionel  understood  his  words  he  took  his  shield  afore  him, 
and  asked  him  what  that  he  was.  And  he  told  him,  Colgrevance,  one 
of  his  fellows.  Then  Lionel  defied  him,  and  gave  him  a  great  stroke 


through  the  helm.  Then  he  drew  his  sword,  for  he  was  a  passing  good 
knight,  and  defended  him  right  manfully.  So  long  dured  the  battle 
that  Bors  rose  up  all  anguishly,  and  beheld  howColgrevance,  the  good 
knight,  fought  with  his  brother  for  his  quarrel ;  then  was  he  full  sorry 
and  heavy,  and  thought  if  Colgrevance  slew  him  that  was  his  brother 
he  should  never  have  joy ;  and  if  his  brother  slew  Colgrevance  the 
shame  should  ever  be  mine.  Then  would  he  have  risen  to  have 
departed  them,  but  he  had  not  so  much  might  to  stand  on  foot;  so  he 
abode  him  so  long  till  Colgrevance  had  the  worse,  for  Lionel  was  of 
great  chivalry  and  right  hardy,  for  he  had  pierced  the  hauberk  and 
the  helm,  that  he  abode  but  death,  for  he  had  lost  much  of  his  blood 
that  it  was  marvel  that  he  might  stand  upright.  Then  beheld  he  Sir 
Bors  which  sat  dressing  him  upward  and  said :  Ah,  Bors,  why  come  ye 
not  to  cast  me  out  of  peril  of  death,  wherein  I  have  put  me  to  succour 
you  which  were  right  now  nigh  the  death  ?  Certes,  said  Lionel,  that 
shall  not  avail  you,  for  none  of  you  shall  bear  others  warrant,  but  that 
ye  shall  die  both  of  my  hand.  When  Bors  heard  that,  he  did  so  much, 
he  rose  and  put  on  his  helm.  Then  perceived  he  first  the  hermit-priest 
which  was  slain,  then  made  he  a  marvellous  sorrow  upon  him. 


\- — |  | — >JHEN  oft  Colgrevance  cried  upon  Sir  Bors :  Why  will  ye  let 
me  die  here  for  your  sake  ?  if  it  please  you  that  I  die  for  you 
the  death,  it  will  please  me  the  better  for  to  save  a  worthy 
man.  With  that  word  Sir  Lionel  smote  off  the  helm  from  his 
head.  Then  Colgrevance  saw  that  he  might  not  escape ;  then  he  said : 
Fair  sweet  Jesu,  that  I  have  misdone  have  mercy  upon  my  soul,  for 
such  sorrow  that  my  heart  sufFereth  for  goodness,  and  for  alms  deed 
that  I  would  have  done  here,  be  to  me  aligement  of  penance  unto  my 
soul's  health.  At  these  words  Lionel  smote  him  so  sore  that  he  bare 
him  to  the  earth.  So  he  had  slain  Colgrevance  he  ran  upon  his  brother 
as  a  fiendly  man,  and  gave  him  such  a  stroke  that  he  made  him  stoop. 
And  he  that  was  full  of  humility  prayed  him  for  God's  love  to  leave  this 
battle :  For  an  it  befell,  fair  brother,  that  I  slew  you  or  ye  me,  we  should 
be  dead  of  that  sin.  Never  God  me  help  but  if  I  have  on  you  mercy,  an 
I  may  have  the  better  hand.  Then  drew  Bors  his  sword,  all  weeping, 
iv  g 


and  said :  Fair  brother,  God  knoweth  mine  intent.  Ah,  fair  brother, 
ye  have  done  full  evil  this  day  to  slay  such  an  holy  priest  the  which 
never  trespassed.  Also  ye  have  slain  a  gentle  knight,  and  one  of  our 
fellows.  And  well  wot  ye  that  I  am  not  afeard  of  you  greatly,  but  I 
dread  the  wrath  of  God,  and  this  is  an  unkindly  war,  therefore  God 
show  miracle  upon  us  both.  Now  God  have  mercy  upon  me  though  I 
defend  my  life  against  my  brother :  with  that  Bors  lift  up  his  hand  and 
would  have  smitten  his  brother. 


i  ND  then  he  heard  a  voice  that  said :  Flee  Bors,  and  touch  him 
not,  or  else  thou  shalt  slay  him.  Right  so  alighted  a  cloud 
betwixt  them  in  likeness  of  a  fire  and  a  marvellous  flame, 
,  that  both  their  two  shields  brent.  Then  were  they  sore 
afraid,  that  they  fell  both  to  the  earth,  and  lay  there  a  great  while  in  a 
swoon.  And  when  they  came  to  themself,  Bors  saw  that  his  brother 
had  no  harm;  then  he  held  up  both  his  hands,  for  he  dread  God  had 
taken  vengeance  upon  him.  With  that  he  heard  a  voice  say :  Bors,  go 
hence,  and  bear  thy  brother  no  longer  fellowship,  but  take  thy  way 
anon  right  to  the  sea,  for  Sir  Percivale  abideth  thee  there.  Then  he 
said  to  his  brother :  Fair  sweet  brother,  forgive  me  for  God's  love  all 
that  I  have  trespassed  unto  you.  Then  he  answered :  God  forgive  it 
thee  and  I  do  gladly. 

So  Sir  Bors  departed  from  him  and  rode  the  next  way  to  the  sea. 
And  at  the  last  by  fortune  he  came  to  an  abbey  which  was  nigh  the 
sea.  That  night  Bors  rested  him  there ;  and  in  his  sleep  there  came  a 
voice  to  him  and  bade  him  go  to  the  sea.  Then  he  stert  up  and  made  a 
sign  of  the  cross  in  the  midst  of  his  forehead,  and  took  his  harness,  and 
made  ready  his  horse,  and  mounted  upon  him;  and  at  a  broken  wall 
he  rode  out,  and  rode  so  long  till  that  he  came  to  the  sea.  And  on  the 
strand  he  found  a  ship  covered  all  with  white  samite,  and  he  alighted, 
and  betook  him  to  Jesu  Christ.  And  as  soon  as  he  entered  into  the 
ship,  the  ship  departed  into  the  sea,  and  went  so  fast  that  him  seemed 
the  ship  went  flying,  but  it  was  soon  dark  so  that  he  might  know  no 
man,  and  so  he  slept  till  it  was  day.  Then  he  awaked,  and  saw  in 
midst  of  the  ship  a  knight  lie  all  armed  save  his  helm.  Then  knew  he 

Chap.  17  SIR  PERCIVALE  AND  SIR  BORS  43 

that  it  was  Sir  Percivale  of  Wales,  and  then  he  made  of  him  right  great 
joy ;  but  Sir  Percivale  was  abashed  of  him,  and  he  asked  him  what  he 
was.  Ah,  fair  sir,  said  Bors,  know  ye  me  not?  Certes,  said  he,  I  marvel 
howye  came  hither,  but  if  Our  Lord  brought  ye  hither  Himself.  Then 
Sir  Bors  smiled  and  did  off  his  helm.  Then  Percivale  knew  him,  and 
either  made  great  joy  of  other,  that  it  was  marvel  to  hear.  Then  Bors 
told  him  how  he  came  into  the  ship,  and  by  whose  admonishment ;  and 
either  told  other  of  their  temptations,  as  ye  have  heard  to-forehand. 
So  went  they  downward  in  the  sea,  one  while  backward,  another 
while  forward,  and  everych  comforted  other,  and  oft  were  in  their 
prayers.  Then  said  Sir  Percivale :  We  lack  nothing  but  Galahad,  the 
good  knight. 




'O  W  saith  this  story,  when  Galahad  had  rescued  Percivale 
from  the  twenty  knights,  he  yede  tho  into  a  waste  forest 
wherein  he  rode  many  journeys;  and  he  found  many 
adventures  the  which  he  brought  to  an  end,  whereof  the 
story  maketh  here  no  mention.  Then  he  took  his  way  to  the  sea  on  a 
day,  and  it  befell  as  he  passed  by  a  castle  where  was  a  wonder  tourna- 
ment, but  they  without  had  done  so  much  that  they  within  were  put  to 
the  worse,  yet  were  they  within  good  knights  enough.  When  Gala- 
had saw  that  those  within  were  at  so  great  a  mischief  that  men  slew 
them  at  the  entry  of  the  castle,  then  he  thought  to  help  them,  and  put 
a  spear  forth  and  smote  the  first  that  he  fell  to  the  earth,  and  the  spear 
brake  to  pieces.  Then  he  drew  his  sword  and  smote  thereas  they  were 
thickest,  and  so  he  did  wonderful  deeds  of  arms  that  all  they  mar- 
velled. Then  it  happed  that  Gawaine  and  Sir  Ector  de  Maris  were 
with  the  knights  without.  But  when  they  espied  the  white  shield  with 
the  red  cross  the  one  said  to  the  other :  Yonder  is  the  good  knight,  Sir 
Galahad,  the  haut  prince :  now  he  should  be  a  great  fool  which  should 
meet  with  him  to  fight.  So  by  ad  venture  he  came  by  Sir  Gawaine,  and  he 
smote  him  so  hard  that  he  clave  his  helm  and  the  coif  of  iron  unto  his 
head,  so  that  Gawaine  fell  to  the  earth ;  but  the  stroke  was  so  great 
that  it  slanted  down  to  the  earth  and  carved  the  horse's  shoulder 
in  two. 

When  Ector  saw  Gawaine  down  he  drew  him  aside,  and  thought  it 
no  wisdom  for  to  abide  him,  and  also  for  natural  love,  that  he  was  his 
uncle.  Thus  through  his  great  hardiness  he  beat  aback  all  the  knights 
without.  And  then  they  within  came  out  and  chased  them  all  about. 
But  when  Galahad  saw  there  would  none  turn  again  he  stole  away 
privily,  so  that  none  wist  where  he  was  become.  Now  by  my  head, 
said  Gawaine  to  Ector,  now  are  the  wonders  true  that  were  said  of 

Chap.  2     HOW  GALAHAD  RODE  WITH  A  DAMOSEL       45 

Launcelot  du  Lake,  that  the  sword  which  stuck  in  the  stone  should 
give  me  such  a  buffet  that  I  would  not  have  it  for  the  best  castle  in  this 
world ;  and  soothly  now  it  is  proved  true,  for  never  ere  had  I  such  a 
stroke  of  man's  hand.  Sir,  said  Ector,  meseemeth  your  quest  is  done. 
And  yours  is  not  done,  said  Gawaine,  but  mine  is  done,  I  shall  seek  no 
further.  Then  Gawaine  was  borne  into  a  castle  and  unarmed  him, 
and  laid  him  in  a  rich  bed,  and  a  leech  found  that  he  might  live,  and  to 
be  whole  within  a  month.  Thus  Gawaine  and  Ector  abode  together, 
for  Sir  Ector  would  not  away  till  Gawaine  were  whole. 

And  the  good  knight,  Galahad,  rode  so  long  till  he  came  that  night  to 
the  Castle  of  Carboneck ;  and  it  befell  him  thus  that  he  was  benighted  in 
an  hermitage.  So  the  good  man  was  fain  when  he  saw  he  was  a  knight- 
errant.  Tho  when  they  were  at  rest  there  came  a  gentlewoman 
knocking  at  the  door,  and  called  Galahad,  and  so  the  good  man  came 
to  the  door  to  wit  what  she  would.  Then  she  called  the  hermit :  Sir 
Ulfin,  I  am  a  gentlewoman  that  would  speak  with  the  knight  which  is 
with  you.  Then  the  good  man  awaked  Galahad,  and  bade  him :  Arise, 
and  speak  with  a  gentlewoman  that  seemeth  hath  great  need  of  you. 
Then  Galahad  went  to  her  and  asked  her  what  she  would.  Galahad, 
said  she,  I  will  that  ye  arm  you,  and  mount  upon  your  horse  and  follow 
me,  for  I  shall  show  you  within  these  three  days  the  highest  adventure 
that  ever  any  knight  saw.  Anon  Galahad  armed  him,  and  took  his 
horse,  and  commended  him  to  God,  and  bade  the  gentlewoman  go, 
and  he  would  follow  thereas  she  liked. 


)O  she  rode  as  fast  as  her  palfrey  might  bear  her,  till  that  she 
came  to  the  sea,  the  which  was  called  Collibe.  And  at  the  night 
they  came  unto  a  castle  in  a  valley,  closed  with  a  running 
water,  and  with  strong  walls  and  high ;  and  so  she  entered  into 
the  castle  with  Galahad,  and  there  had  he  great  cheer,  for  the  lady 
of  that  castle  was  the  damosel's  lady.  So  when  he  was  unarmed,  then 
said  the  damosel :  Madam,  shall  we  abide  here  all  this  day?  Nay,  said 
she,  but  till  he  hath  dined  and  till  he  hath  slept  a  little.  So  he  ate  and 
slept  a  while  till  that  the  maid  called  him,  and  armed  him  by  torch- 
light. And  when  the  maid  was  horsed  and  he  both,  the  lady  took 


Galahad  a  fair  child  and  rich;  and  so  they  departed  from  the  castle  till 
they  came  to  the  seaside ;  and  there  they  found  the  ship  where  Bors 
and  Percivale  were  in,  the  which  cried  on  the  ship's  board :  Sir  Gala- 
had, ye  be  welcome,  we  have  abiden  you  long.  And  when  he  heard 
them  he  asked  them  what  they  were.  Sir,  said  she,  leave  your  horse 
here,  and  I  shall  leave  mine ;  and  took  their  saddles  and  their  bridles 
with  them,  and  made  a  cross  on  them,  and  so  entered  into  the  ship. 
And  the  two  knights  received  them  both  with  great  joy,  and  every ch 
knew  other;  and  so  the  wind  arose,  and  drove  them  through  the  sea 
in  a  marvellous  pace.  And  within  a  while  it  dawned. 

Then  did  Galahad  off  his  helm  and  his  sword,  and  asked  of  his  fel- 
lows from  whence  came  that  fair  ship.  Truly,  said  they,  ye  wot  as  well 
as  we,  but  of  God's  grace ;  and  then  they  told  everych  to  other  of  all 
their  hard  adventures,  and  of  their  great  temptations.  Truly,  said 
Galahad,  ye  are  much  bounden  to  God,  for  ye  have  escaped  great 
adventures ;  and  had  not  the  gentlewoman  been  I  had  not  come  here, 
for  as  for  you  I  weened  never  to  have  found  you  in  these  strange 
countries.  Ah  Galahad,  said  Bors,  if  Launcelot,  your  father,  were 
here  then  were  we  well  at  ease,  for  then  meseemed  we  failed 
nothing.  That  may  not  be,  said  Galahad,  but  if  it  pleased  Our  Lord. 

By  then  the  ship  went  from  the  land  of  Logris,  and  by  adventure  it 
arrived  up  betwixt  two  rocks  passing  great  and  marvellous ;  but  there 
they  might  not  land,  for  there  was  a  swallow  of  the  sea,  save  there  was 
another  ship,  and  upon  it  they  might  go  without  danger.  Go  we  thither, 
said  the  gentlewoman,  and  there  shall  we  see  adventures,  for  so  is 
Our  Lord's  will.  And  when  they  came  thither  they  found  the  ship 
rich  enough,  but  they  found  neither  man  nor  woman  therein.  But  they 
found  in  the  end  of  the  ship  two  fair  letters  written,  which  said  a  dread- 
ful word  and  a  marvellous:  Thou  man,  which  shall  enter  into  this 
ship,  beware  thou  be  in  steadfast  belief,  for  I  am  Faith,  and  therefore 
beware  how  thou  enterest,  for  an  thou  fail  I  shall  not  help  thee.  Then 
said  the  gentlewoman :  Percivale,  wot  ye  what  I  am  ?  Certes,  said  he, 
nay,  to  my  witting.  Wit  ye  well,  said  she,  that  I  am  thy  sister,  which 
am  daughter  of  King  Pellinore,  and  therefore  wit  ye  well  ye  are  the 
man  in  the  world  that  I  most  love;  and  if  ye  be  not  in  perfect  belief  of 
Jesu  Christ  enter  not  in  no  manner  of  wise,  for  then  should  ye  perish 
the  ship,  for  he  is  so  perfect  he  will  suffer  no  sinner  in  him.  When 
Percivale  understood  that  she  was  his  very  sister  he  was  inwardly 

Chap.  3      HOW  GALAHAD  ENTERED  THE  SHIP  47 

glad,  and  said :  Fair  sister,  I  shall  enter  therein,  for  if  I  be  a  miscrea- 
ture  or  an  untrue  knight  there  shall  I  perish. 


"N  the  meanwhile  Galahad  blessed  him,  and  entered  therein;  and 
then  next  the  gentlewoman,  and  then  Sir  Bors  and  Sir  Percivale. 
And  when  they  were  in,  it  was  so  marvellous  fair  and  rich  that 

•  they  marvelled ;  and  in  midst  of  the  ship  was  a  fair  bed,  and 
Galahad  went  thereto,  and  found  there  a  crown  of  silk.  And  at  the 
feet  was  a  sword,  rich  and  fair,  and  it  was  drawn  out  of  the  sheath  half 
a  foot  and  more ;  and  the  sword  was  of  divers  fashions,  and  the  pom- 
mel was  of  stone,  and  there  was  in  him  all  manner  of  colours  that  any 
man  might  find,  and  everych  of  the  colours  had  divers  virtues ;  and 
the  scales  of  the  haft  were  of  two  ribs  of  divers  beasts,  the  one  beast 
was  a  serpent  which  was  conversant  in  Calidone,  and  is  called  the 
Serpent  of  the  fiend ;  and  the  bone  of  him  is  of  such  a  virtue  that  there 
is  no  hand  that  handleth  him  shall  never  be  weary  nor  hurt.  And  the 
other  beast  is  a  fish  which  is  not  right  great,  and  haunteth  the  flood  of 
Euphrates ;  and  that  fish  is  called  Ertanax,  and  his  bones  be  of  such  a 
manner  of  kind  that  who  that  handleth  them  shall  have  so  much  will 
that  he  shall  never  be  weary,  and  he  shall  not  think  on  joy  nor  sorrow 
that  he  hath  had,  but  only  that  thing  that  he  beholdeth  before  him. 
And  as  for  this  sword  there  shall  never  man  begriphim  at  the  handles 
but  one;  but  he  shall  pass  all  other.  In  the  name  of  God,  said  Perci- 
vale, I  shall  assay  to  handle  it.  So  he  set  his  hand  to  the  sword,  but 
he  might  not  begrip  it.  By  my  faith,  said  he,  now  have  I  failed.  Bors 
set  his  hand  thereto  and  failed. 

Then  Galahad  beheld  the  sword  and  saw  letters  like  blood  that 
said :  Let  see  who  shall  assay  to  draw  me  out  of  my  sheath,  but  if  he 
be  more  hardier  than  any  other ;  and  who  that  draweth  me,  wit  ye 
well  that  he  shall  never  fail  of  shame  of  his  body,  or  to  be  wounded  to 
the  death.  By  my  faith,  said  Galahad,  I  would  draw  this  sword  out  of 
the  sheath,  but  the  offending  is  so  great  that  I  shall  not  set  my  hand 
thereto.  Now,  sirs,  said  the  gentlewoman,  wit  ye  well  that  the  draw- 
ing of  this  sword  is  warned  to  all  men  save  all  only  to  you.  Also  this 
ship  arrived  in  the  realm  of  Logris ;  and  that  time  was  deadly  war 


between  King  Labor,  which  was  father  unto  the  maimed  king,  and 
King  Hurlame,  which  was  a  Saracen.  But  then  was  he  newly  chris- 
tened, so  that  men  held  him  afterward  one  of  the  wittiest  men  of  the 
world.  And  so  upon  a  day  it  befell  that  King  Labor  and  King  Hur- 
lame had  assembled  their  folk  upon  the  sea  where  this  ship  was 
arrived ;  and  there  King  Hurlame  was  discomfit,  and  his  men  slain ; 
and  he  was  afeard  to  be  dead,  and  fled  to  his  ship,  and  there  found 
this  sword  and  drew  it,  and  came  out  and  found  King  Labor,  the  man 
in  the  world  of  all  Christendom  in  whom  was  then  the  greatest  faith. 
And  when  King  Hurlame  saw  King  Labor  he  dressed  this  sword,  and 
smote  him  upon  the  helm  so  hard  that  he  clave  him  and  his  horse  to  the 
earth  with  the  first  stroke  of  his  sword.  And  it  was  in  the  realm  of 
Logris ;  and  so  befell  great  pestilence  and  great  harm  to  both  realms. 
For  sithen  increased  neither  corn,  nor  grass,  nor  well-nigh  no  fruit, 
nor  in  the  water  was  no  fish;  wherefore  men  call  it  the  lands  of  the 
two  marches,  the  waste  land,  for  that  dolorous  stroke.  And  when  King 
Hurlame  saw  this  sword  so  carving,  he  turned  again  to  fetch  the  scab- 
bard, and  so  came  into  this  ship  and  entered,  and  put  up  the  sword  in 
the  sheath.  And  as  soon  as  he  had  done  it  he  fell  down  dead  afore  the 
bed.  Thus  was  the  sword  proved,  that  none  ne  drew  it  but  he  were 
dead  or  maimed.  So  lay  he  there  till  a  maiden  came  into  the  ship  and 
cast  him  out,  for  there  was  no  man  so  hardy  of  the  world  to  enter  into 
that  ship  for  the  defence. 


then  beheld  they  the  scabbard,  it  seemed  to  be  of  a  ser- 
pent's skin,  and  thereon  were  letters  of  gold  and  silver. 
And  the  girdle  was  but  poorly  to  come  to,  and  not  able  to 
sustain  such  a  rich  sword.  And  the  letters  said :  He  which 
shall  wield  me  ought  to  be  more  harder  than  any  other,  if  he  bear  me 
as  truly  as  me  ought  to  be  borne.  For  the  body  of  him  which  I  ought 
to  hang  by,  he  shall  not  be  shamed  in  no  place  while  he  is  girt  with 
this  girdle,  nor  never  none  be  so  hardy  to  do  away  this  girdle ;  for  it 
ought  not  be  done  away  but  by  the  hands  of  a  maid,  and  that  she  be  a 
king's  daughter  and  queen's,  and  she  must  be  a  maid  all  the  days  of  her 
life,  both  in  will  and  in  deed.  And  if  she  break  her  virginity  she  shall 
die  the  most  villainous  death  that  ever  died  any  woman.  Sir,  said 

Chap.  4        OF  THE  MARVELS  OF  THE  SWORD  49 

Percivale,  turn  this  sword  that  we  may  see  what  is  on  the  other  side. 
And  it  was  red  as  blood,  with  black  letters  as  any  coal,  which  said : 
He  that  shall  praise  me  most,  most  shall  he  find  me  to  blame  at  a  great 
need ;  and  to  whom  I  should  be  most  debonair  shall  I  be  most  felon,  and 
that  shall  be  at  one  time. 

Fair  brother,  said  she  to  Percivale,  it  befell  after  a  forty  year  after 
the  passion  of  Jesu  Christ  that  Nacien,  the  brother-in-law  of  King 
Mordrains,  was  borne  into  a  town  more  than  fourteen  days'  journey 
from  his  country,  by  the  commandment  of  Our  Lord,  into  an  isle,  into 
the  parts  of  the  West,  that  men  cleped  the  Isle  of  Turnance.  So  befell 
it  that  he  found  this  ship  at  the  entry  of  a  rock,  and  he  found  the  bed 
and  this  sword  as  we  have  heard  now.  Not  for  then  he  had  not  so  much 
hardiness  to  draw  it ;  and  there  he  dwelled  an  eight  days,  and  at  the 
ninth  day  there  fell  a  great  wind  which  departed  him  out  of  the  isle, 
and  brought  him  to  another  isle  by  a  rock,  and  there  he  found  the 
greatest  giant  that  ever  man  might  see.  Therewith  came  that  horrible 
giant  to  slay  him ;  and  then  he  looked  about  him  and  might  not  flee, 
and  he  had  nothing  to  defend  him  with.  So  he  ran  to  his  sword,  and 
when  he  saw  it  naked  he  praised  it  much,  and  then  he  shook  it,  and 
therewith  he  brake  it  in  the  midst.  Ah,  said  Nacien,  the  thing  that  I 
most  praised  ought  I  now  most  to  blame,  and  therewith  he  threw  the 
pieces  of  his  sword  over  his  bed.  And  after  he  leapt  over  the  board  to 
fight  with  the  giant,  and  slew  him. 

And  anon  he  entered  into  the  ship  again,  and  the  wind  arose,  and 
drove  him  through  the  sea,  that  by  adventure  he  came  to  another  ship 
where  King  Mordrains  was,  which  had  been  tempted  full  evil  with  a 
fiend  in  the  Port  of  Perilous  Rock.  And  when  that  one  saw  the  other 
they  made  great  joy  of  other,  and  either  told  other  of  their  adventure, 
and  how  the  sword  failed  him  at  his  most  need.  When  Mordrains  saw 
the  sword  he  praised  it  much :  But  the  breaking  was  not  to  do  but  by 
wickedness  of  thy  selfward,  for  thou  art  in  some  sin.  And  there  he 
took  the  sword,  and  set  the  pieces  together,  and  they  soldered  as  fair 
as  ever  they  were  to-fore ;  and  there  put  he  the  sword  in  the  sheath, 
and  laid  it  down  on  the  bed.  Then  heard  they  a  voice  that  said :  Go 
out  of  this  ship  a  little  while,  and  enter  into  the  other,  for  dread  ye  fall 
in  deadly  sin,  for  and  ye  be  found  in  deadly  sin  ye  may  not  escape  but 
perish :  and  so  they  went  into  the  other  ship.  And  as  Nacien  went 
over  the  board  he  was  smitten  with  a  sword  on  the  right  foot,  that  he 

iv  h 


fell  down  noseling  to  the  ship's  board ;  and  therewith  he  said  :  O  God, 
how  am  I  hurt.  And  then  there  came  a  voice  and  said :  Take  thou  that 
for  thy  forfeit  that  thou  didst  in  drawing  of  this  sword,  therefore  thou 
receivest  a  wound,  for  thou  were  never  worthy  to  handle  it,  as  the 
writing  maketh  mention.  In  the  name  of  God,  said  Galahad,  ye  are 
right  wise  of  these  works. 


)IR,  said  she,  there  was  a  king  that  hight  Pelles,  the  maimed 
king.  And  while  he  might  ride  he  supported  much  Christen- 
dom and  Holy  Church.  So  upon  a  day  he  hunted  in  a  wood  of 
his  which  lasted  unto  the  sea;  and  at  the  last  he  lost  his  hounds 
and  his  knights  save  only  one :  and  there  he  and  his  knight  went  till 
that  they  came  toward  Ireland,  and  there  he  found  the  ship.  And 
when  he  saw  the  letters  and  understood  them,  yet  he  entered,  for  he 
was  right  perfect  of  his  life,  but  his  knight  had  none  hardiness  to  enter ; 
and  there  found  he  this  sword,  and  drew  it  out  as  much  as  ye  may  see. 
So  therewith  entered  a  spear  wherewith  he  was  smitten  him  through 
both  the  thighs,  and  never  sith  might  he  be  healed,  nor  nought  shall 
to-fore  we  come  to  him.  Thus,  said  she,  was  not  King  Pelles,  your 
grandsire,  maimed  for  his  hardiness?  In  the  name  of  God,  damosel, 
said  Galahad. 

So  they  went  toward  the  bed  to  behold  all  about  it,  and  above  the 
head  there  hung  two  swords.  Also  there  were  two  spindles  which 
were  as  white  as  any  snow,  and  other  that  were  as  red  as  blood,  and 
other  above  green  as  any  emerald :  of  these  three  colours  were  the 
spindles,  and  of  natural  colour  within,  and  without  any  painting. 
These  spindles,  said  the  damosel,  were  when  sinful  Eve  came  to 
gather  fruit,  for  which  Adam  and  she  were  put  out  of  paradise,  she  took 
with  her  the  bough  on  which  the  apple  hung  on.  Then  perceived  she 
that  the  branch  was  fair  and  green,  and  she  remembered  her  the  loss 
which  came  from  the  tree.  Then  she  thought  to  keep  the  branch  as 
long  as  she  might.  And  for  she  had  no  coffer  to  keep  it  in,  she  put  it 
in  the  earth.  So  by  the  will  of  Our  Lord  the  branch  grew  to  a  great 
tree  within  a  little  while,  and  was  as  white  as  any  snow,  branches, 
boughs,  and  leaves :  that  was  a  token  a  maiden  planted  it.  But  after 

Chap.  6       OF  SOLOMON  AND  DAVID'S  SWORD  51 

God  came  to  Adam,  and  bade  him  know  his  wife  fleshly  as  nature 
required.  So  lay  Adam  with  his  wife  under  the  same  tree ;  and  anon 
the  tree  which  was  white  was  full  green  as  any  grass,  and  all  that  came 
out  of  it ;  and  in  the  same  time  that  they  medled  together  there  was 
Abel  begotten :  thus  was  the  tree  long  of  green  colour.  And  so  it  befell 
many  days  after,  under  the  same  tree  Caym  slew  Abel,  whereof  befell 
great  marvel.  For  anon  as  Abel  had  received  the  death  under  the 
green  tree,  it  lost  the  green  colour  and  became  red  ;  and  that  was  in 
tokeningof  the  blood.  And  anon  all  the  plants  died  thereof,  but  the  tree 
grew  and  waxed  marvellously  fair,  and  it  was  the  fairest  tree  and  the 
most  delectable  that  any  man  might  behold  and  see ;  and  so  died  the 
plants  that  grew  out  of  it  to-fore  that  Abel  was  slain  under  it.  So  long 
dured  the  tree  till  that  Solomon,  King  David's  son,  reigned,  and  held 
the  land  after  his  father.  This  Solomon  was  wise,  and  knew  all  the 
virtues  of  stones  and  trees,  and  so  he  knew  the  course  of  the  stars,  and 
many  other  divers  things.  This  Solomon  had  an  evil  wife,  where- 
through he  weened  that  there  had  been  no  good  woman,  and  so  he 
despised  them  in  his  books.  So  answered  a  voice  him  once :  Solomon, 
if  heaviness  come  to  a  man  by  a  woman,  ne  reck  thou  never ;  for  yet 
shall  there  come  a  woman  whereof  there  shall  come  greater  joy  to 
man  an  hundred  times  more  than  this  heaviness  giveth  sorrow ;  and 
that  woman  shall  be  born  of  thy  lineage.  Tho  when  Solomon  heard 
these  words  he  held  himself  but  a  fool,  and  the  truth  he  perceived  by 
old  books.  Also  the  Holy  Ghost  showed  him  the  coming  of  the  glori- 
ous Virgin  Mary.  Then  asked  he  of  the  voice,  if  it  should  be  in  the 
yerde  of  his  lineage.  Nay,  said  the  voice,  but  there  shall  come  a  man 
which  shall  be  a  maid,  and  the  last  of  your  blood,  and  he  shall  be  as 
good  a  knight  as  Duke  Josua,  thy  brother-in-law. 


'OW  have  I  certified  thee  of  that  thou  stoodest  in  doubt. 
Then  was  Solomon  glad  that  there  should  come  any  such 
of  his  lineage ;  but  ever  he  marvelled  and  studied  who  that 
should  be,  and  what  his  name  might  be.  His  wife  perceived 
that  he  studied,  and  thought  she  would  know  it  at  some  season ;  and 
so  she  waited  her  time,  and  asked  of  him  the  cause  of  his  studying,  and 


there  he  told  her  altogether  how  the  voice  told  him.  Well,  said  she,  I 
shall  let  make  a  ship  of  the  best  wood  and  most  durable  that  men  may 
find.  So  Solomon  sent  for  all  the  carpenters  of  the  land,  and  the  best. 
And  when  they  had  made  the  ship  the  lady  said  to  Solomon :  Sir,  said 
she,  since  it  is  so  that  this  knight  ought  to  pass  all  knights  of  chivalry 
which  have  been  to-  fore  him  and  shall  come  after  him ,  moreover  I  shall 
tell  you,  said  she,  ye  shall  go  into  Our  Lord's  temple,  where  is  King 
David's  sword,  your  father,  the  which  is  the  marvelloust  and  the  sharp- 
est that  ever  was  taken  in  any  knight's  hand.  Therefore  take  that,  and 
take  off  the  pommel,  and  thereto  make  ye  a  pommel  of  precious  stones, 
that  it  be  so  subtly  made  that  no  man  perceive  it  but  that  they  be  all 
one ;  and  after  make  there  an  hilt  so  marvellously  and  wonderly  that 
no  man  may  know  it ;  and  after  make  a  marvellous  sheath.  And  when 
ye  have  made  all  this  I  shall  let  make  a  girdle  thereto,  such  as  shall 
please  me. 

All  this  King  Solomon  did  let  make  as  she  devised,  both  the  ship 
and  all  the  remnant.  And  when  the  ship  was  ready  in  the  sea  to  sail, 
the  lady  let  make  a  great  bed  and  marvellous  rich,  and  set  her  upon 
the  bed's  head,  covered  with  silk,  and  laid  the  sword  at  the  feet,  and 
the  girdles  were  of  hemp,  and  therewith  the  king  was  angry.  Sir,  wit 
ye  well,  said  she,  that  I  have  none  so  high  a  thing  which  were  worthy 
to  sustain  so  high  a  sword,  and  a  maid  shall  bring  other  knights  thereto, 
but  I  wot  not  when  it  shall  be,  nor  what  time.  And  there  she  let  make 
a  covering  to  the  ship,  of  cloth  of  silk  that  should  never  rot  for  no  man- 
ner of  weather.  Yet  went  that  lady  and  made  a  carpenter  to  come  to 
the  tree  which  Abel  was  slain  under.  Now,  said  she,  carve  me  out  of 
this  tree  as  much  wood  as  will  make  me  a  spindle.  Ah  madam,  said 
he,  this  is  the  tree  the  which  our  first  mother  planted.  Do  it,  said  she, 
or  else  I  shall  destroy  thee.  Anon  as  he  began  to  work  there  came  out 
drops  of  blood ;  and  then  would  he  have  left,  but  she  would  not  suffer 
him,  and  so  he  took  away  as  much  wood  as  might  make  a  spindle :  and 
so  she  made  him  to  take  as  much  of  the  green  tree  and  of  the  white 
tree.  And  when  these  three  spindles  were  shapen  she  made  them  to 
be  fastened  upon  the  selar  of  the  bed.  When  Solomon  saw  this,  he 
said  to  his  wife :  Ye  have  done  marvellously,  for  though  all  the  world 
were  here  right  now,  he  could  not  devise  wherefore  all  this  was  made, 
but  Our  Lord  Himself;  and  thou  that  hast  done  it  wottest  not  what  it 
shall  betoken.  Now  let  it  be,  said  she,  for  ye  shall  hear  tidings  sooner 

Chap.  7  A  TALE  OF  SOLOMON  53 

than  ye  ween.    Now  shall  ye  hear  a  wonderful  tale  of  King  Solomon 
and  his  wife. 


night  lay  Solomon  before  the  ship  with  little  fellow- 
ship. And  when  he  was  asleep  him  thought  there  came 
from  heaven  a  great  company  of  angels,  and  alighted  into 
the  ship,  and  took  water  which  was  brought  by  an  angel,  in 
a  vessel  of  silver,  and  sprent  all  the  ship.  And  after  he  came  to  the 
sword,  and  drew  letters  on  the  hilt.  And  after  went  to  the  ship's 
board,  and  wrote  there  other  letters  which  said :  Thou  man  that  wilt 
enter  within  me,  beware  that  thou  be  full  within  the  faith,  for  I  ne  am 
but  Faith  and  Belief.  When  Solomon  espied  these  letters  he  was 
abashed,  so  that  he  durst  not  enter,  and  so  drew  him  aback ;  and 
the  ship  was  anon  shoven  in  the  sea,  and  he  went  so  fast  that  he  lost 
sight  of  him  within  a  little  while.  And  then  a  little  voice  said :  Solo- 
mon, the  last  knight  of  thy  lineage  shall  rest  in  this  bed.  Then  went 
Solomon  and  awaked  his  wife,  and  told  her  of  the  adventures  of  the 

Now  saith  the  history  that  a  great  while  the  three  fellows  beheld 
the  bed  and  the  three  spindles.  Then  they  were  at  certain  that  they 
were  of  natural  colours  without  painting.  Then  they  lift  up  a  cloth 
which  was  above  the  ground,  and  there  found  a  rich  purse  by  seem- 
ing. And  Percivale  took  it,  and  found  therein  a  writ  and  so  he  read 
it,  and  devised  the  manner  of  the  spindles  and  of  the  ship,  whence  it 
came,  and  by  whom  it  was  made.  Now,  said  Galahad,  where  shall  we 
find  the  gentlewoman  that  shall  make  new  girdles  to  the  sword  ?  Fair 
sir,  said  Percivale's  sister,  dismay  you  not,  for  by  the  leave  of  God  I 
shall  let  make  a  girdle  to  the  sword,  such  one  as  shall  long  thereto. 
And  then  she  opened  a  box,  and  took  out  girdles  which  were  seemly 
wrought  with  golden  threads,  and  upon  that  were  set  full  precious 
stones,  and  a  rich  buckle  of  gold.  Lo,  lords,  said  she,  here  is  a  girdle 
that  ought  to  be  set  about  the  sword.  And  wit  ye  well  the  greatest 
part  of  this  girdle  was  made  of  my  hair,  which  I  loved  well  while  that  I 
was  a  woman  of  the  world.  But  as  soon  as  I  wist  that  this  adventure 
was  ordained  me  I  clipped  off  my  hair,  and  made  this  girdle  in  the 
name  of  God.  Ye  be  well  found,  said  Sir  Bors,  for  certes  ye  have  put 


us  out  of  great  pain,  wherein  we  should  have  entered  ne  had  your 
tidings  been. 

Then  went  the  gentlewoman  and  set  it  on  the  girdle  of  the  sword. 
Now,  said  the  fellowship,  what  is  the  name  of  the  sword,  and  what 
shall  we  call  it  ?  Truly,  said  she,  the  name  of  the  sword  is  the  Sword 
with  the  Strange  Girdles ;  and  the  sheath,  Mover  of  Blood ;  for  no 
man  that  hath  blood  in  him  ne  shall  never  see  the  one  part  of  the 
sheath  which  was  made  of  the  Tree  of  Life.  Then  they  said  to  Gala- 
had :  In  the  name  of  Jesu  Christ,  and  pray  you  that  ye  gird  you  with 
this  sword  which  hath  been  desired  so  much  in  the  realm  of  Logris. 
Now  let  me  begin,  said  Galahad,  ;to  grip  this  sword  for  to  give  you 
courage ;  but  wit  ye  well  it  longeth  no  more  to  me  than  it  doth  to  you. 
And  then  he  gripped  about  it  with  his  fingers  a  great  deal;  and  then 
she  girt  him  about  the  middle  with  the  sword.  Now  reck  I  not  though 
I  die,  for  now  I  hold  me  one  of  the  blessed  maidens  of  the  world,  which 
hath  made  the  worthiest  knight  of  the  world.  Damosel,  said  Galahad, 
ye  have  done  so  much  that  I  shall  be  your  knight  all  the  days  of  my 

Then  they  went  from  that  ship,  and  went  to  the  other.  And  anon 
the  wind  drove  them  into  the  sea  a  great  pace,  but  they  had  no  vic- 
tuals :  but  it  befell  that  they  came  on  the  morn  to  a  castle  that  men  call 
Carteloise,  that  was  in  the  marches  of  Scotland.  And  when  they  had 
passed  the  port,  the  gentlewoman  said :  Lords,  here  be  men  arriven 
that,  an  they  wist  that  ye  were  of  King  Arthur's  court,  ye  should  be 
assailed  anon.  Damosel,  said  Galahad,  He  that  cast  us  out  of  the  rock 
shall  deliver  us  from  them. 


jO  it  befell  as  they  spoke  thus  there  came  a  squire  by  them,  and 
asked  what  they  were;  and  they  said  they  were  of  King 
Arthur's  house.  Is  that  sooth?  said  he.  Now  by  my  head, 
said  he,  ye  be  ill  arrayed ;  and  then  turned  he  again  unto  the 
cliff  fortress.  And  within  a  while  they  heard  an  horn  blow.  Then  a 
gentlewoman  came  to  them,  and  asked  them  of  whence  they  were ; 
and  they  told  her.  Fair  lords,  said  she,  for  God's  love  turn  again  if  ye 

Chap.  8      HOW  GALAHAD  CAME  TO  A  CASTLE  55 

may,  for  ye  be  come  unto  your  death.  Nay,  they  said,  we  will  not 
turn  again,  for  He  shall  help  us  in  whose  service  we  be  entered  in. 
Then  as  they  stood  talking  there  came  knights  well  armed,  and  bade 
them  yield  them  or  else  to  die.  That  yielding,  said  they,  shall  be  noy- 
ous  to  you.  And  therewith  they  let  their  horses  run,  and  Sir  Percivale 
smote  the  foremost  to  the  earth,  and  took  his  horse,  and  mounted  there- 
upon, and  the  same  did  Galahad.  Also  Bors  served  another  so,  for 
they  had  no  horses  in  that  country,  for  they  left  their  horses  when 
they  took  their  ship  in  other  countries.  And  so  when  they  were  horsed 
then  began  they  to  set  upon  them ;  and  they  of  the  castle  fled  into  the 
strong  fortress,  and  the  three  knights  after  them  into  the  castle,  and  so 
alighted  on  foot,  and  with  their  swords  slew  them  down,  and  gat  into 
the  hall. 

Then  when  they  beheld  the  great  multitude  of  people  that  they  had 
slain,  they  held  themself  great  sinners.  Certes,  said  Bors,  I  ween  an 
God  had  loved  them  that  we  should  not  have  had  power  to  have  slain 
them  thus.  But  they  have  done  so  much  against  Our  Lord  that  He 
would  not  suffer  them  to  reign  no  longer.  Say  ye  not  so,  said  Galahad, 
for  if  they  misdid  against  God,  the  vengeance  is  not  ours,  but  to  Him 
which  hath  power  thereof. 

So  came  there  out  of  a  chamber  a  good  man  which  was  a  priest,  and 
bare  God's  body  in  a  cup.  And  when  he  saw  them  which  lay  dead  in 
the  hall  he  was  all  abashed ;  and  Galahad  did  off  his  helm  and  kneeled 
down,  and  so  did  his  two  fellows.  Sir,  said  they,  have  ye  no  dread  of 
us,  for  we  be  of  King  Arthur's  court.  Then  asked  the  good  man  how 
they  were  slain  so  suddenly,  and  they  told  it  him.  Truly,  said  the  good 
man,  an  ye  might  live  as  long  as  the  world  might  endure,  ne  might  ye 
have  done  so  great  an  alms-deed  as  this.  Sir,  said  Galahad,  I  repent 
me  much,  inasmuch  as  they  were  christened.  Nay,  repent  you  not, 
said  he,  for  they  were  not  christened,  and  I  shall  tell  you  how  that  I 
wot  of  this  castle.  Here  was  Lord  Earl  Hernox  not  but  one  year,  and 
he  had  three  sons,  good  knights  of  arms,  and  a  daughter,  the  fairest 
gentlewoman  that  men  knew.  So  those  three  knights  loved  their  sister 
so  sore  that  they  brent  in  love,  and  so  they  lay  by  her,  maugre  her 
head.  And  for  she  cried  to  her  father  they  slew  her,  and  took  their 
father  and  put  him  in  prison,  and  wounded  him  nigh  to  the  death,  but 
a  cousin  of  hers  rescued  him.  And  then  did  they  great  untruth :  they 
slew  clerks  and  priests,  and  made  beat  down  chapels,  that  Our  Lord's 


service  might  not  be  served  nor  said.  And  this  same  day  her  father 
sent  to  me  for  to  be  confessed  and  houseled ;  but  such  shame  had  never 
man  as  I  had  this  day  with  the  three  brethren,  but  the  earl  bade  me 
suffer,  for  he  said  they  should  not  long  endure,  for  three  servants  of 
Our  Lord  should  destroy  them,  and  now  it  is  brought  to  an  end.  And 
by  this  may  ye  wit  that  Our  Lord  is  not  displeased  with  your  deeds. 
Certes,  said  Galahad,  an  it  had  not  pleased  Our  Lord,  never  should  we 
have  slain  so  many  men  in  so  little  a  while. 

And  then  they  brought  the  Earl  Hernox  out  of  prison  into  the  midst 
of  the  hall,  that  knew  Galahad  anon,  and  yet  he  saw  him  never  afore 
but  by  revelation  of  Our  Lord. 


P- — I  I — ^HEN  began  he  to  weep  right  tenderly,  and  said :  Long  have 
I  abiden  your  coming,  but  for  God's  love  hold  me  in  your 
arms,  that  my  soul  may  depart  out  of  my  body  in  so  good  a 
man's  arms  as  ye  be.  Gladly,  said  Galahad.  And  then  one 
said  on  high,  that  all  heard :  Galahad,  well  hast  thou  avenged  me  on 
God's  enemies.  Now  behoveth  thee  to  go  to  the  Maimed  King  as 
soon  as  thou  mayest,  for  he  shall  receive  by  thee  health  which  he  hath 
abiden  so  long.  And  therewith  the  soul  departed  from  the  body,  and 
Galahad  made  him  to  be  buried  as  him  ought  to  be. 

Right  so  departed  the  three  knights,  and  Percivale's  sister  with 
them.  And  so  they  came  into  a  waste  forest,  and  there  they  saw  afore 
them  a  white  hart  which  four  lions  led.  Then  they  took  them  to  assent 
for  to  follow  after  for  to  know  whither  they  repaired;  and  so  they  rode 
after  a  great  pace  till  that  they  came  to  a  valley,  and  thereby  was  an 
hermitage  where  a  good  man  dwelled,  and  the  hart  and  the  lions 
entered  also.  So  when  they  saw  all  this  they  turned  to  the  chapel,  and 
saw  the  good  man  in  a  religious  weed  and  in  the  armour  of  Our  Lord, 
for  he  would  sing  mass  of  the  Holy  Ghost ;  and  so  they  entered  in  and 
heard  mass.  And  at  the  secrets  of  the  mass  they  three  saw  the  hart 
become  a  man,  the  which  marvelled  them,  and  set  him  upon  the  altar 
in  a  rich  siege ;  and  saw  the  four  lions  were  changed,  the  one  to  the 
form  of  a  man,  the  other  to  the  form  of  a  lion,  and  the  third  to  an  eagle, 
and  the  fourth  was  changed  unto  an  ox.  Then  took  they  their  siege 

Chap.  10     THE  STRANGE  CUSTOM  OF  A  CASTLE  57 

where  the  hart  sat,  and  went  out  through  a  glass  window,  and  there 
was  nothing  perished  nor  broken;  and  they  heard  a  voice  say:  In 
such  a  manner  entered  the  Son  of  God  in  the  womb  of  a  maid  Mary, 
whose  virginity  ne  was  perished  ne  hurt.  And  when  they  heard  these 
words  they  fell  down  to  the  earth  and  were  astonied ;  and  therewith 
was  a  great  clearness. 

And  when  they  were  come  to  theirself  again  they  went  to  the  good 
man  and  prayed  him  that  he  would  say  them  truth.  What  thing  have 
ye  seen?  said  he.  And  they  told  him  all  that  they  had  seen.  Ah  lords, 
said  he,  ye  be  welcome ;  now  wot  I  well  ye  be  the  good  knights  the 
which  shall  bring  the  Sangreal  to  an  end  ;  for  ye  be  they  unto  whom 
Our  Lord  shall  shew  great  secrets.  And  well  ought  Our  Lord  be  sig- 
nified to  an  hart,  for  the  hart  when  he  is  old  he  waxeth  young  again  in 
his  white  skin.  Right  so  cometh  again  Our  Lord  from  death  to  life,  for 
He  lost  earthly  flesh  that  was  the  deadly  flesh,  which  He  had  taken  in 
the  womb  of  the  blessed  Virgin  Mary ;  and  for  that  cause  appeared 
Our  Lord  as  a  white  hart  without  spot.  And  the  four  that  were  with 
Him  is  to  understand  the  four  evangelists  which  set  in  writing  a  part  of 
Jesu  Christ's  deeds  that  He  did  sometime  when  He  was  among  you  an 
earthly  man ;  for  wit  ye  well  never  erst  ne  might  no  knight  know  the 
truth,  for  ofttimes  or  this  Our  Lord  showed  Him  unto  good  men  and 
unto  good  knights,  in  likeness  of  an  hart,  but  I  suppose  from  henceforth 
ye  shall  see  no  more.  And  then  they  joyed  much,  and  dwelled  there 
all  that  day.  And  upon  the  morrow  when  they  had  heard  mass  they 
departed  and  commended  the  good  man  to  God :  and  so  they  came  to 
a  castle  and  passed  by.  So  there  came  a  knight  armed  after  them  and 
said :  Lords,  hark  what  I  shall  say  to  you. 


^ — I  | — >|HIS  gentlewoman  that  ye  lead  with  you  is  a  maid?  Sir,  said 
she,  a  maid  I  am.  Then  he  took  her  by  the  bridle  and  said : 
By  the  Holy  Cross,  ye  shall  not  escape  me  to-fore  ye  have 
yolden  the  custom  of  this  castle.  Let  her  go,  said  Percivale, 
ye  be  not  wise,  for  a  maid  in  what  place  she  cometh  is  free.  So  in  the 
meanwhile  there  came  out  a  ten  or  twelve  knights  armed,  out  of  the 
iv  i 


castle,  and  with  them  came  gentlewomen  which  held  a  dish  of  silver. 
And  then  they  said :  This  gentlewoman  must  yield  us  the  custom  of 
this  castle.  Sir,  said  a  knight,  what  maid  passeth  hereby  shall  give 
this  dish  full  of  blood  of  her  right  arm.  Blame  have  ye,  said  Galahad, 
that  brought  up  such  customs,  and  so  God  me  save,  I  ensure  you  of  this 
gentlewoman  ye  shall  fail  while  that  I  live.  So  God  me  help,  said  Per- 
civale,  I  had  liefer  be  slain.  And  I  also,  said  Sir  Bors.  By  my  troth, 
said  the  knight,  then  shall  ye  die,  for  ye  may  not  endure  against  us 
though  ye  were  the  best  knights  of  the  world. 

Then  let  they  run  each  to  other,  and  the  three  fellows  beat  the  ten 
knights,  and  then  set  their  hands  to  their  swords  and  beat  them  down 
and  slew  them.  Then  there  came  out  of  the  castle  a  three  score  knights 
armed.  Fair  lords,  said  the  three  fellows,  have  mercy  on  yourself 
and  have  not  ado  with  us.  Nay,  fair  lords,  said  the  knights  of  the  castle, 
we  counsel  you  to  withdraw  you,  foryebe  the  best  knightsof  the  world, 
and  therefore  do  no  more,  for  ye  have  done  enough.  We  will  let  you 
go  with  this  harm,  but  we  must  needs  have  the  custom.  Certes,  said 
Galahad,  for  nought  speak  ye.  Well,  said  they,  will  ye  die?  We  be 
not  yet  come  thereto,  said  Galahad.  Then  began  they  to  meddle  toge- 
ther, and  Galahad,  with  the  strange  girdles,  drew  his  sword,  and 
smote  on  the  right  hand  and  on  the  left  hand,  and  slew  what  that  ever 
abode  him,  and  did  such  marvels  that  there  was  none  that  saw  him  but 
weened  he  had  been  none  earthly  man,  but  a  monster.  And  his  two 
fellows  halp  him  passing  well,  and  so  they  held  the  journey  everych  in 
like  hard  till  it  was  night :  then  must  they  needs  depart. 

So  came  in  a  good  knight,  and  said  to  the  three  fellows:  If  ye  will 
come  in  to-night  and  take  such  harbour  as  here  is  ye  shall  be  right  wel- 
come, and  we  shall  ensure  you  by  the  faith  of  our  bodies,  and  as  we  be 
true  knights,  to  leave  you  in  such  estate  to-morrow  as  we  find  you, 
without  any  falsehood.  And  as  soon  as  ye  know  of  the  custom  we  dare 
say  ye  will  accord  therefore.  For  God's  love,  said  the  gentlewoman, 
go  thither  and  spare  not  for  me.  Go  we,  said  Galahad ;  and  so  they 
entered  into  the  chapel.  And  when  they  were  alighted  they  made  great 
joy  of  them.  So  within  a  while  the  three  knights  asked  the  custom  of 
the  castle  and  wherefore  it  was.  What  it  is,  said  they,  we  will  say 
you  sooth. 

Chap.  1 1          HOW  PERCIVALE'S  SISTER  DIED  59 


]f — |  | — ^HERE  is  in  this  castle  a  gentlewoman  which  we  and  this 
castle  is  hers,  and  many  other.  So  it  befell  many  years  agone 
there  fell  upon  her  a  malady ;  and  when  she  had  lain  a  great 
while  she  fell  unto  a  measle,  and  of  no  leech  she  could  have 
no  remedy.  But  at  the  last  an  old  man  said  an  she  might  have  a  dish 
full  of  blood  of  a  maid  and  a  clean  virgin  in  will  and  in  work,  and  a  king's 
daughter,  that  blood  should  be  her  health,  and  for  to  anoint  her  withal; 
and  for  this  thing  was  this  custom  made.  Now,  said  Percivale's  sister, 
fair  knights,  I  see  well  that  this  gentlewoman  is  but  dead.  Certes,  said 
Galahad,  an  ye  bleed  so  much  ye  may  die.  Truly,  said  she,  an  I  die 
for  to  heal  her  I  shall  get  me  great  worship  and  soul's  health,  and  wor- 
ship to  my  lineage,  and  better  is  one  harm  than  twain.  And  therefore 
there  shall  be  no  more  battle,  but  to-morn  I  shall  yield  you  your  custom 
of  this  castle.  Andthen  there  was  great  joymore  than  there  wasto-fore, 
for  else  had  there  been  mortal  war  upon  the  morn ;  notwithstanding 
she  would  none  other,  whether  they  wold  or  nold. 

That  night  were  the  three  fellows  eased  with  the  best ;  and  on  the 
morn  they  heard  mass,  and  Sir  Percivale's  sister  bade  bring  forth  the 
sick  lady.  So  she  was,  the  which  was  evil  at  ease.  Then  said  she : 
Who  shall  let  me  blood  ?  So  one  came  forth  and  let  her  blood,  and  she 
bled  so  much  that  the  dish  was  full.  Then  she  lift  up  her  hand  and 
blessed  her ;  and  then  she  said  to  the  lady :  Madam,  I  am  come  to  the 
death  for  to  make  you  whole,  for  God's  love  pray  for  me.  With  that 
she  fell  in  a  swoon.  Then  Galahad  and  his  two  fellows  start  up  to  her, 
and  lift  her  up  and  staunched  her,  but  she  had  bled  so  much  that  she 
might  not  live.  Then  she  said  when  she  was  awaked :  Fair  brother 
Percivale,  I  die  for  the  healing  of  this  lady,  so  I  require  you  that  ye 
bury  me  not  in  this  country,  but  as  soon  as  I  am  dead  put  me  in  a  boat 
at  the  next  haven,  and  let  me  go  as  adventure  will  lead  me ;  and  as 
soon  as  ye  three  come  to  the  City  of  Sarras,  there  to  enchieve  the  Holy 
Grail,  ye  shall  find  me  under  a  tower  arrived,  and  there  bury  me  in  the 
spiritual  place ;  for  I  say  you  so  much,  there  Galahad  shall  be  buried, 
and  ye  also,  in  the  same  place. 

60  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XV 1 1 

Then  Percivale  understood  these  words,  and  granted  it  her,  weep- 
ing. And  then  said  a  voice :  Lords  and  fellows,  to-morrow  at  the  hour 
of  prime  ye  three  shall  depart  everych  from  other,  till  the  adventure 
bring  you  to  the  Maimed  King.  Then  asked  she  her  Saviour ;  and  as 
soon  as  she  had  received  it  the  soul  departed  from  the  body.  So  the 
same  day  was  the  lady  healed,  when  she  was  anointed  withal.  Then 
Sir  Percivale  made  a  letter  of  all  that  she  had  holpen  them  as  in 
strange  adventures,  and  put  it  in  her  right  hand,  and  so  laid  her  in  a 
barge,  and  covered  it  with  black  silk;  and  so  the  wind  arose,  and 
drove  the  barge  from  the  land,  and  all  knights  beheld  it  till  it  was  out 
of  their  sight.  Then  they  drew  all  to  the  castle,  and  so  forthwith  there 
fell  a  sudden  tempest  and  a  thunder,  lightning,  and  rain,  as  all  the 
earth  would  have  broken.  So  half  the  castle  turned  up-so-down.  So  it 
passed  evensong  or  the  tempest  was  ceased. 

Then  they  saw  afore  them  a  knight  armed  and  wounded  hard  in 
the  body  and  in  the  head,  that  said :  O  God,  succour  me  for  now  it  is 
need.  After  this  knight  came  another  knight  and  a  dwarf,  which  cried 
to  them  afar :  Stand,  ye  may  not  escape.  Then  the  wounded  knight 
held  up  his  hands  to  God  that  he  should  not  die  in  such  tribulation. 
Truly,  said  Galahad,  I  shall  succour  him  for  His  sake  that  he  calleth 
upon.  Sir,  said  Bors,  I  shall  do  it,  for  it  is  not  for  you,  for  he  is  but  one 
knight.  Sir,  said  he,  I  grant.  So  Sir  Bors  took  his  horse,  and  com- 
mended him  to  God,  and  rode  after,  to  rescue  the  wounded  knight. 
Now  turn  we  to  the  two  fellows. 


"OW  saith  the  story  that  all  night  Galahad  and  Percivale 
were  in  a  chapel  in  their  prayers,  for  to  save  Sir  Bors.  So 
on  the  morrow  they  dressed  them  in  their  harness  toward 
the  castle,  to  wit  what  was  fallen  of  them  therein.  And 
when  they  came  there  they  found  neither  man  nor  woman  that  he  ne 
was  dead  by  the  vengeance  of  Our  Lord.  With  that  they  heard  a 
voice  that  said :  This  vengeance  is  for  blood-shedding  of  maidens. 
Also  they  found  at  the  end  of  the  chapel  a  churchyard,  and  therein 
might  they  see  a  three  score  fair  tombs,  and  that  place  was  so  fair  and 
so  delectable  that  it  seemed  them  there  had  been  none  tempest,  for 
there  lay  the  bodies  of  all  the  good  maidens  which  were  martyred  for 

Chap.  13       HOW  LAUNCELOT  MET  GALAHAD  6i 

the  sick  lady's  sake.  Also  they  found  the  names  of  everych,  and  of 
what  blood  they  were  come,  and  all  were  of  kings'  blood,  and  twelve 
of  them  were  kings'  daughters.  Then  they  departed  and  went  into  a 
forest.  Now,  said  Percivale  unto  Galahad,  we  must  depart,  so  pray  we 
Our  Lord  that  we  may  meet  together  in  short  time:  then  they  did 
off  their  helms  and  kissed  together,  and  wept  at  their  departing. 


"OW  saith  the  history,  that  when  Launcelot  was  come  to  the 
water  of  Mortoise,  as  it  is  rehearsed  before,  he  was  in  great 
peril,  and  so  he  laid  him  down  and  slept,  and  took  the 
adventure  that  God  would  send  him.  So  when  he  was 
asleep  there  came  a  vision  unto  him  and  said :  Launcelot,  arise  up  and 
take  thine  armour,  and  enter  into  the  first  ship  that  thou  shalt  find. 
And  when  he  heard  these  words  he  start  up  and  saw  great  clearness 
about  him.  And  then  he  lift  up  his  hand  and  blessed  him,  and  so  took 
his  arms  and  made  him  ready;  and  so  by  adventure  he  came  by  a 
strand,  and  found  a  ship  the  which  was  without  sail  or  oar.  And  as 
soon  as  he  was  within  the  ship  there  he  felt  the  most  sweetness  that 
ever  he  felt,  and  he  was  fulfilled  with  all  thing  that  he  thought  on  or 
desired.  Then  he  said :  Fair  sweet  Father,  Jesu  Christ,  I  wot  not  in 
what  joy  I  am,  for  this  joy  passeth  all  earthly  joys  that  ever  I  was  in. 
And  so  in  this  joy  he  laid  him  down  to  the  ship's  board,  and  slept  till 
day.  And  when  he  awoke  he  found  there  a  fair  bed,  and  therein  lying 
a  gentlewoman  dead,  the  which  was  Sir  Percivale's  sister.  And  as 
Launcelot  devised  her,  he  espied  in  her  right  hand  a  writ,  the  which 
he  read,  the  which  told  him  all  the  adventures  that  ye  have  heard 
to-fore,  and  of  what  lineage  she  was  come.  So  with  this  gentlewoman 
Sir  Launcelot  was  a  month  and  more.  If  ye  would  ask  how  he  lived, 
He  that  fed  the  people  of  Israel  with  manna  in  the  desert,  so  was  he 
fed ;  for  every  day  when  he  had  said  his  prayers  he  was  sustained 
with  the  grace  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 

So  on  a  night  he  went  to  play  him  by  the  water  side,  for  he  was 
somewhat  weary  of  the  ship.  And  then  he  listened  and  heard  an 
horse  come,  and  one  riding  upon  him.  And  when  he  came  nigh  he 
seemed  a  knight.  And  so  he  let  him  pass,  and  went  thereas  the  ship 
was;  and  there  he  alighted,  and  took  the  saddle  and  the  bridle  and 


put  the  horse  from  him,  and  went  into  the  ship.  And  then  Launcelot 
dressed  unto  him,  and  said :  Ye  be  welcome.  And  he  answered  and 
saluted  him  again,  and  asked  him :  What  is  your  name  ?  for  much  my 
heart  giveth  unto  you.  Truly,  said  he,  my  name  is  Launcelot  du  Lake. 
Sir,  said  he,  then  be  ye  welcome,  for  ye  were  the  beginner  of  me  in 
this  world.  Ah,  said  he,  are  ye  Galahad?  Yea,  forsooth,  said  he;  and 
so  he  kneeled  down  and  asked  him  his  blessing,  and  after  took  off  his 
helm  and  kissed  him.  And  there  was  great  joy  between  them,  for 
there  is  no  tongue  can  tell  the  joy  that  they  made  either  of  other,  and 
many  a  friendly  word  spoken  between,  as  kin  would,  the  which  is  no 
need  here  to  be  rehearsed.  And  there  everych  told  other  of  their 
adventures  and  marvels  that  were  befallen  to  them  in  many  journeys 
sith  that  they  departed  from  the  court. 

Anon,  as  Galahad  saw  the  gentlewoman  dead  in  the  bed,  he  knew 
her  well  enough,  and  told  great  worship  of  her,  that  she  was  the  best 
maid  living,  and  it  was  great  pity  of  her  death.  But  when  Launcelot 
heard  how  the  marvellous  sword  was  gotten,  and  who  made  it,  and  all 
the  marvels  rehearsed  afore,  then  he  prayed  Galahad,  his  son,  that  he 
would  show  him  the  sword,  and  so  he  did ;  and  anon  he  kissed  the 
pommel,  and  the  hilt,  and  the  scabbard.  Truly,  said  Launcelot,  never 
erst  knew  I  of  so  high  adventures  done,  and  so  marvellous  and  strange. 
So  dwelt  Launcelot  and  Galahad  within  that  ship  half  a  year,  and 
served  God  daily  and  nightly  with  all  their  power ;  and  often  they 
arrived  in  isles  far  from  folk,  where  there  repaired  none  but  wild 
beasts,  and  there  they  found  many  strange  adventures  and  perilous, 
which  they  brought  to  an  end ;  but  for  those  adventures  were  with  wild 
beasts,  and  not  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal,  therefore  the  tale  maketh 
here  no  mention  thereof,  for  it  would  be  too  long  to  tell  of  all  those 
adventures  that  befell  them. 


}O  after,  on  a  Monday,  it  befell  that  they  arrived  in  the  edge  of  a 
forest  to-fore  a  cross ;  and  then  saw  they  a  knight  armed  all  in 
i  white,  and  was  richly  horsed,  and  led  in  his  right  hand  a  white 
horse ;  and  so  he  came  to  the  ship,  and  saluted  the  two  knights 
on  the  High  Lord's  behalf,  and  said :  Galahad,  sir,  ye  have  been  long 

Chap.  14          OF  LAUNCELOT  AND  GALAHAD  63 

enough  with  your  father,  come  out  of  the  ship,  and  start  upon  this 
horse,  and  go  where  the  adventures  shall  lead  thee  in  the  quest  of  the 
Sangreal.  Then  he  went  to  his  father  and  kissed  him  sweetly,  and 
said :  Fair  sweet  father,  I  wot  not  when  I  shall  see  you  more  till  I  see 
the  body  of  Jesu  Christ.  I  pray  you,  said  Launcelot,  pray  ye  to  the 
High  Father  that  He  hold  me  in  His  service.  And  so  he  took  his  horse, 
and  there  they  heard  a  voice  that  said :  Think  for  to  do  well,  for  the 
one  shall  never  see  the  other  before  the  dreadful  day  of  doom.  Now, 
son  Galahad,  said  Launcelot,  since  we  shall  depart,  and  never  see 
other,  I  pray  to  the  High  Father  to  conserve  me  and  you  both.  Sir, 
said  Galahad,  no  prayer  availeth  so  much  as  yours.  And  therewith 
Galahad  entered  into  the  forest. 

And  the  wind  arose,  and  drove  Launcelot  more  than  a  month 
throughout  the  sea,  where  he  slept  but  little,  but  prayed  to  God  that 
he  might  see  some  tidings  of  the  Sangreal.  So  it  befell  on  a  night,  at 
midnight,  he  arrived  afore  a  castle,  on  the  back  side,  which  was  rich 
and  fair,  and  there  was  a  postern  opened  toward  the  sea,  and  was  open 
without  any  keeping,  save  two  lions  kept  the  entry;  and  the  moon 
shone  clear.  Anon  Sir  Launcelot  heard  a  voice  that  said :  Launcelot, 
go  out  of  this  ship  and  enterintothe  castle,  where  thou  shalt  see  agreat 
part  of  thy  desire.  Then  he  ran  to  his  arms,  and  so  armed  him,  and  so 
went  to  the  gate  and  saw  the  lions.  Then  set  he  hand  to  his  sword  and 
drew  it.  Then  there  came  a  dwarf  suddenly,  and  smote  him  on  the 
arm  so  sore  that  the  sword  fell  out  of  his  hand.  Then  heard  he  a  voice 
say:  O  man  of  evil  faith  and  poor  belief,  wherefore  trowest  thou  more 
on  thy  harness  than  in  thy  Maker,  for  He  might  more  avail  thee  than 
thine  armour,  in  whose  service  that  thou  art  set.  Then  said  Launce- 
lot :  Fair  Father  Jesu  Christ,  I  thank  thee  of  Thy  great  mercy  that  Thou 
reprovest  me  of  my  misdeed ;  now  see  I  well  that  ye  hold  me  for  your 
servant.  Then  took  he  again  his  sword  and  put  it  up  in  his  sheath,  and 
made  a  cross  in  his  forehead,  and  came  to  the  lions,  and  they  made 
semblaunt  to  do  him  harm.  Notwithstanding  he  passed  by  them  with- 
out hurt,  and  entered  into  the  castle  to  the  chief  fortress,  and  there 
were  they  all  at  rest.  Then  Launcelot  entered  in  so  armed,  for  he 
found  no  gate  nor  door  but  it  was  open.  And  at  the  last  he  found  a 
chamber  whereof  the  door  was  shut,  and  he  set  his  hand  thereto  to 
have  opened  it,  but  he  might  not. 



he  enforced  him  mickle  to  undo  the  door.  Then  he 
listened  and  heard  a  voice  which  sang  so  sweetly  that  it 
seemed  none  earthly  thing ;  and  him  thought  the  voice  said : 
Joy  and  honour  be  to  the  Father  of  Heaven.  Then  Launce- 
lot kneeled  down  to- fore  the  chamber,  for  well  wist  he  that  there 
was  the  Sangreal  within  that  chamber.  Then  said  he :  Fair  sweet 
Father,  Jesu  Christ,  if  ever  I  did  thing  that  pleased  Thee,  Lord 
for  Thy  pity  never  have  me  not  in  despite  for  my  sins  done  afore- 
time, and  that  Thou  show  me  something  of  that  I  seek.  And  with  that 
he  saw  the  chamber  door  open,  and  there  came  out  a  great  clear- 
ness, that  the  house  was  as  bright  as  all  the  torches  of  the  world  had 
been  there. 

So  came  he  to  the  chamber  door,  and  would  have  entered.  And 
anon  a  voice  said  to  him:  Flee,  Launcelot,  and  enter  not,  for  thou 
oughtest  not  to  do  it ;  and  if  thou  enter  thou  shalt  for-think  it.  Then  he 
withdrew  him  aback  right  heavy.  Then  looked  he  up  in  the  midst  of 
the  chamber,  and  saw  a  table  of  silver,  and  the  Holy  Vessel,  covered 
with  red  samite,  and  many  angels  about  it,  whereof  one  held  a  candle 
of  wax  burning,  and  the  other  held  a  cross,  and  the  ornaments  of  an 
altar.  And  before  the  Holy  Vessel  he  saw  a  good  man  clothed  as  a 
priest.  And  it  seemed  that  he  was  at  the  sacring  of  the  mass.  And  it 
seemed  to  Launcelot  that  above  the  priest's  hands  were  three  men, 
whereof  the  two  put  the  youngest  by  likeness  between  the  priest's 
hands ;  and  so  he  lift  it  up  right  high,  and  it  seemed  to  show  so  to  the 
people.  And  then  Launcelot  marvelled  not  a  little,  for  him  thought 
the  priest  was  so  greatly  charged  of  the  figure  that  him  seemed  that  he 
should  fall  to  the  earth.  And  when  he  saw  none  about  him  that  would 
help  him,  then  came  he  to  the  door  a  great  pace,  and  said :  Fair  Father 
Jesu  Christ,  ne  take  it  for  no  sin  though  I  help  the  good  man  which  hath 
great  need  of  help. 

Right  so  entered  he  into  the  chamber,  and  came  toward  the  table  of 
silver ;  and  when  he  came  nigh  he  felt  a  breath,  that  him  thought  it 
was  intermeddled  with  fire,  which  smote  him  so  sore  in  the  visage  that 
him  thought  it  brent  his  visage ;  and  therewith  he  fell  to  the  earth,  and 

Chap.  16       SIR  LAUNCELOT  AND  KING  PELLES  65 

had  no  power  to  arise,  as  he  that  was  so  araged,  that  had  lost  the  power 
of  his  body,  and  his  hearing,  and  his  seeing.  Then  felt  he  many  hands 
about  him,  which  took  him  up  and  bare  him  out  of  the  chamber  door, 
without  any  amending  of  his  swoon,  and  left  him  there,  seeming  dead 
to  all  people. 

So  upon  the  morrow  when  it  was  fair  day  they  within  were  arisen, 
and  found  Launcelot  lying  afore  the  chamber  door.  All  they  mar- 
velled how  that  he  came  in,  and  so  they  looked  upon  him,  and  felt  his 
pulse  to  wit  whether  there  were  any  life  in  him ;  and  so  they  found  life 
in  him,  but  he  might  not  stand  nor  stir  no  member  that  he  had.  And  so 
they  took  him  by  every  part  of  the  body,  and  bare  him  into  a  chamber, 
and  laid  him  in  a  rich  bed,  far  from  all  folk ;  and  so  he  lay  four  days. 
Then  the  one  said  he  was  alive,  and  the  other  said,  Nay.  In  the  name 
of  God,  said  an  old  man,  for  I  doyou  verily  to  wit  he  is  not  dead,  but  he 
is  so  full  of  life  as  the  mightiest  of  you  all ;  and  therefore  I  counsel  you 
that  he  be  well  kept  till  God  send  him  life  again. 


"N  such  manner  they  kept  Launcelot  four-and-twenty  days  and 
all  so  many  nights,  that  ever  he  lay  still  as  a  dead  man ;  and  at  the 
twenty-fifth  day  befell  him  after  midday  that  he  opened  his  eyes. 
.  And  when  he  saw  folk  he  made  great  sorrow,  and  said :  Why 
have  ye  awaked  me,  for  I  was  more  at  ease  than  I  am  now.  O  Jesu 
Christ,  who  might  be  so  blessed  that  might  see  openly  thy  great  marvels 
of  secretness  there  where  no  sinner  may  be!  What  have  ye  seen? 
said  they  about  him.  I  have  seen,  said  he,  so  great  marvels  that  no 
tongue  may  tell,  and  more  than  any  heart  can  think,  and  had  not  my 
son  been  here  afore  me  I  had  seen  much  more. 

Then  they  told  him  how  he  had  lain  there  four-and-twenty  days 
and  nights.  Then  him  thought  it  was  punishment  for  the  four-and- 
twenty  years  that  he  had  been  a  sinner,  wherefore  Our  Lord  put  him 
in  penance  four-and-twentydaysand  nights.  Then  looked  Sir  Launce- 
lot afore  him,  and  saw  the  hair  which  he  had  borne  nigh  a  year,  for 
that  he  for-thought  him  right  much  that  he  had  broken  his  promise 
unto  the  hermit,  which  he  had  avowed  to  do.  Then  they  asked  how  it 
stood  with  him.  Forsooth,  said  he,  I  am  whole  of  body,  thanked  be  Our 
iv  k 


Lord ;  therefore,  sirs,  for  God's  love  tell  me  where  I  am.  Then  said 
they  all  that  he  was  in  the  castle  of  Carbonek. 

Therewith  came  a  gentlewoman  and  brought  him  a  shirt  of  small 
linen  cloth,  but  he  changed  not  there,  but  took  the  hair  to  him  again. 
Sir,  said  they,  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal  is  achieved  now  right  in  you, 
that  never  shall  ye  see  of  the  Sangreal  no  more  than  ye  have  seen. 
Now  I  thank  God,  said  Launcelot,  of  His  great  mercy  of  that  I  have 
seen,  for  it  sufficeth  me ;  for  as  I  suppose  no  man  in  this  world  hath 
lived  better  than  I  have  done  to  enchieve  that  I  have  done.  And  there- 
with he  took  the  hair  and  clothed  him  in  it,  and  above  that  he  put  a 
linen  shirt,  and  after  a  robe  of  scarlet,  fresh  and  new.  And  when  he 
was  so  arrayed  they  marvelled  all,  for  they  knew  him  that  he  was 
Launcelot,  the  good  knight.  And  then  they  said  all :  O  my  lord  Sir 
Launcelot,  be  that  ye  ?  And  he  said :  Truly  I  am  he. 

Then  came  word  to  King  Pelles  that  the  knight  that  had  lain  so  long 
dead  was  Sir  Launcelot.  Then  was  the  king  right  glad,  and  went  to 
see  him.  And  when  Launcelot  saw  him  come  he  dressed  him  against 
him,  and  there  made  the  king  great  joy  of  him.  And  there  the  king 
told  him  tidings  that  his  fair  daughter  was  dead.  Then  Launcelot  was 
right  heavy  of  it,  and  said :  Sir,  me  forthinketh  the  death  of  your 
daughter,  for  she  was  a  full  fair  lady,  fresh  and  young.  And  well  I  wot 
she  bare  the  best  knight  that  is  now  on  the  earth,  or  that  ever  was  sith 
God  was  born.  So  the  king  held  him  there  four  days,  and  on  the 
morrow  he  took  his  leave  at  King  Pelles  and  at  all  the  fellowship,  and 
thanked  them  of  their  great  labour. 

Right  so  as  they  sat  at  their  dinner  in  the  chief  salle,  then  was  so 
befallen  that  the  Sangreal  had  fulfilled  the  table  with  all  manner  of 
meats  that  any  heart  might  think.  So  as  they  sat  they  saw  all  the  doors 
and  the  windows  of  the  place  were  shut  without  man's  hand,  whereof 
they  were  all  abashed,  and  none  wist  what  to  do. 

And  then  it  happed  suddenly  a  knight  came  to  the  chief  door  and 
knocked,  and  cried :  Undo  the  door.  But  they  would  not.  And  ever 
he  cried:  Undo;  but  they  would  not.  And  at  last  it  noyed  them  so 
much  that  the  king  himself  arose  and  came  to  a  window  there  where 
the  knight  called.  Then  he  said :  Sir  knight,  ye  shall  not  enter  at  this 
time  while  the  Sangreal  is  here,  and  therefore  go  into  another ;  for 
certes  ye  be  none  of  the  knights  of  the  quest,  but  one  of  them  which 
hath  served  the  fiend,  and  hast  left  the  service  of  Our  Lord :  and  he 


was  passing  wroth  at  the  king's  words.  Sir  knight,  said  the  king,  sith 
ye  would  so  fain  enter,  say  me  of  what  country  ye  be.  Sir,  said  he,  I 
am  of  the  realm  of  Logris,  and  my  name  is  Ector  de  Maris,  and  brother 
unto  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot.  In  the  name  of  God,  said  the  king,  me 
for-thinketh  of  what  I  have  said,  for  your  brother  is  here  within.  And 
when  Ector  de  Maris  understood  that  his  brother  was  there,  for  he 
was  the  man  in  the  world  that  he  most  dread  and  loved,  and  then  he 
said :  Ah  God,  now  doubleth  my  sorrow  and  shame.  Full  truly  said 
the  good  man  of  the  hill  unto  Gawaine  and  to  me  of  our  dreams.  Then 
went  he  out  of  the  court  as  fast  as  his  horse  might,  and  so  throughout 
the  castle. 


\> — I  I — >]HEN  King  Pelles  came  to  Sir  Launcelot  and  told  him  tidings 
of  his  brother,  whereof  he  was  sorry,  that  he  wist  not  what 
to  do.  So  Sir  Launcelot  departed,  and  took  his  arms,  and 
said  he  would  go  see  the  realm  of  Logris,  which  I  have 
not  seen  in  twelve  months.  And  therewith  he  commended  the  king  to 
God,  and  so  rode  through  many  realms.  And  at  the  last  he  came  to  a 
white  abbey,  and  there  they  made  him  that  night  great  cheer ;  and  on 
the  morn  he  rose  and  heard  mass.  And  afore  an  altar  he  found  a  rich 
tomb,  which  was  newly  made ;  and  then  he  took  heed,  and  saw  the 
sides  written  with  gold  which  said :  Here  lieth  King  Bagdemagus  of 
Gore,  which  King  Arthur's  nephew  slew ;  and  named  him,  Sir  Gawaine. 
Then  was  not  he  a  little  sorry,  for  Launcelot  loved  him  much  more  than 
any  other,  and  had  it  been  any  other  than  Gawaine  he  should  not  have 
escaped  from  death  to  life ;  and  said  to  himself:  Ah  Lord  God,  this  is  a 
great  hurt  unto  King  Arthur's  court,  the  loss  of  such  a  man.  And  then 
he  departed  and  came  to  the  abbey  where  Galahad  did  the  adventure 
of  the  tombs,  and  won  the  white  shield  with  the  red  cross ;  and  there 
had  he  great  cheer  all  that  night. 

And  on  the  morn  he  turned  unto  Camelot,  where  he  found  King 
Arthur  and  the  queen.  But  many  of  the  knights  of  the  Round  Table 
were  slain  and  destroyed,  more  than  half.  And  so  three  were  come 
home,  Ector,  Gawaine,  and  Lionel,  and  many  other  that  need  not  to  be 
rehearsed.  And  all  the  court  was  passing  glad  of  Sir  Launcelot,  and 


the  king  asked  him  many  tidings  of  his  son  Galahad.  And  there 
Launcelot  told  the  king  of  his  adventures  that  had  befallen  him  since 
he  departed.  And  also  he  told  him  of  the  adventures  of  Galahad, 
Percivale,  and  Bors,  which  that  he  knew  by  the  letter  of  the  dead 
damosel,  and  as  Galahad  had  told  him.  Now  God  would,  said  the 
king,  that  they  were  all  three  here.  That  shall  never  be,  said  Launce- 
lot, for  two  of  them  shall  ye  never  see,  but  one  of  them  shall  come  again. 
Now  leave  we  this  story  and  speak  of  Galahad. 


"OW,  saith  the  story,  Galahad  rode  many  journeys  in  vain. 
And  at  the  last  he  came  to  the  abbey  where  King  Mordrains 
was,  and  when  he  heard  that,  he  thought  he  would  abide  to 
see  him.  And  upon  the  morn,  when  he  had  heard  mass, 
Galahad  came  unto  King  Mordrains,  and  anon  the  king  saw  him, 
which  had  lain  blind  of  long  time.  And  then  he  dressed  him  against 
him,  and  said :  Galahad,  the  servant  of  Jesu  Christ,  whose  coming  I 
have  abiden  so  long,  now  embrace  me  and  let  me  rest  on  thy  breast,  so 
that  I  may  rest  between  thine  arms,  for  thou  art  a  clean  virgin  above 
all  knights,  as  the  flower  of  the  lily  in  whom  virginity  is  signified,  and 
thou  art  the  rose  the  which  is  the  flower  of  all  good  virtues,  and  in 
colour  of  fire.  For  the  fire  of  the  Holy  Ghost  is  taken  so  in  thee  that 
my  flesh  which  was  all  dead  of  oldness  is  become  young  again.  Then 
Galahad  heard  his  words,  then  he  embraced  him  and  all  his  body. 
Then  said  he :  Fair  Lord  Jesu  Christ,  now  I  have  my  will.  Now  I 
require  thee,  in  this  point  that  I  am  in,  thou  come  and  visit  me.  And 
anon  Our  Lord  heard  his  prayer :  therewith  the  soul  departed  from 
the  body. 

And  then  Galahad  put  him  in  the  earth  as  a  king  ought  to  be,  and  so 
departed  and  so  came  into  a  perilous  forest  where  he  found  the  well 
the  which  boileth  with  great  waves,  as  the  tale  telleth  to-fore.  And  as 
soon  as  Galahad  set  his  hand  thereto  it  ceased,  so  that  it  brent  no  more, 
and  the  heat  departed.  For  that  it  brent  it  was  a  sign  of  lechery,  the 
which  was  that  time  much  used.  But  that  heat  might  not  abide  his 
pure  virginity.  And  this  was  taken  in  the  country  for  a  miracle.  And 
so  ever  after  was  it  called  Galahad's  well. 

Chap.  19     OF  PERCIVALE,  BORS,  AND  GALAHAD  69 

Then  by  adventure  he  came  into  the  country  of  Gore,  and  into  the 
abbey  where  Launcelot  had  been  to-forehand,  and  found  the  tomb  of 
King  Bagdemagus,  but  he  was  founder  thereof,  Joseph  of  Aramathie's 
son;  and  the  tomb  of  Simeon  where  Launcelot  had  failed.  Then  he 
looked  into  a  croft  under  the  minster,  and  there  he  saw  a  tomb  which 
brent  full  marvellously.  Then  asked  he  the  brethren  what  it  was.  Sir, 
said  they,  a  marvellous  adventure  that  may  not  be  brought  unto  none 
end  but  by  him  that  passeth  of  bounty  and  of  knighthood  all  them  of 
the  Round  Table.  I  would,  said  Galahad,  that  ye  would  lead  me 
thereto.  Gladly,  said  they,  and  so  led  him  till  a  cave.  And  he  went 
down  upon  greses,  and  came  nigh  the  tomb.  And  then  the  flaming 
failed,  and  the  fire  staunched,  the  which  many  a  day  had  been  great. 
Then  came  there  a  voice  that  said :  Much  are  ye  beholden  to  thank 
Our  Lord,  the  which  hath  given  you  a  good  hour,  that  ye  may  draw 
out  the  souls  of  earthly  pain,  and  to  put  them  into  the  joys  of  paradise. 
I  am  of  your  kindred,  the  which  hath  dwelled  in  this  heat  this  three 
hundred  winter  and  four-and-fifty  to  be  purged  of  the  sin  that  I  did 
against  Joseph  of  Aramathie.  Then  Galahad  took  the  body  in  his  arms 
and  bare  it  into  the  minster.  And  that  night  lay  Galahad  in  the  abbey ; 
and  on  the  morn  he  gave  him  service,  and  put  him  in  the  earth  afore 
the  high  altar. 


|O  departed  he  from  thence,  and  commended  the  brethren  to 
God ;  and  so  he  rode  five  days  till  that  he  came  to  the  Maimed 
King.  And  ever  followed  Percivale  the  five  days,  asking  where 
he  had  been ;  and  so  one  told  him  how  the  adventures  of  Logris 
were  enchieved.  So  on  a  day  it  befell  that  they  came  out  of  a  great 
forest,  and  there  they  met  at  traverse  with  Sir  Bors,  the  which  rode 
alone.  It  is  none  need  to  tell  if  they  were  glad ;  and  them  he  saluted, 
and  they  yielded  him  honour  and  good  adventure,  and  everych  told 
other.  Then  said  Bors :  It  is  mo  than  a  year  and  an  half  that  I  ne  lay 
ten  times  where  men  dwelled,  but  in  wild  forests  and  in  mountains, 
but  God  was  ever  my  comfort. 

Then  rode  they  a  great  while  till  that  they  came  to  the  castle  of 
Carbonek.  And  when  they  were  entered  within  the  castle  KingPelles 


knew  them;  then  there  was  great  joy,  for  they  wist  well  by  their 
coming  that  they  had  fulfilled  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal.  Then  Eliazar, 
King  Pelles'  son,  brought  to-fore  them  the  broken  sword  wherewith 
Joseph  was  stricken  through  the  thigh.  Then  Bors  set  his  hand  thereto, 
if  that  he  might  have  soldered  it  again ;  but  it  would  not  be.  Then  he 
took  it  to  Percivale,  but  he  had  no  more  power  thereto  than  he.  Now 
have  ye  it  again,  said  Percivale  to  Galahad,  for  an  it  be  ever  enchieved 
by  any  bodily  man  ye  must  do  it.  And  then  he  took  the  pieces  and  set 
them  together,  and  they  seemed  that  they  had  never  been  broken, 
and  as  well  as  it  had  been  first  forged.  And  when  they  within  espied 
that  the  adventure  of  the  sword  was  enchieved,  then  they  gave  the 
sword  to  Bors,  for  it  might  not  be  better  set ;  for  he  was  a  good  knight 
and  a  worthy  man. 

And  a  little  afore  even  the  sword  arose  great  and  marvellous,  and 
was  full  of  great  heat  that  many  men  fell  for  dread.  And  anon  alighted 
a  voice  among  them,  and  said :  They  that  ought  not  to  sit  at  the  table  of 
Jesu  Christ  arise,  for  now  shall  very  knights  be  fed.  So  they  went 
thence,  all  save  King  Pelles  and  Eliazar,  his  son,  the  which  were  holy 
men,  and  a  maid  which  was  his  niece ;  and  so  these  three  fellows  and 
they  three  were  there,  no  mo.  Anon  they  saw  knights  all  armed  came 
in  at  the  hall  door,  and  did  off  their  helms  and  their  arms,  and  said  unto 
Galahad :  Sir,  we  have  hied  right  much  for  to  be  with  you  at  this  table 
where  the  holy  meat  shall  be  departed.  Then  said  he:  Ye  be  welcome, 
but  of  whence  be  ye  ?  So  three  of  them  said  they  were  of  Gaul,  and 
other  three  said  they  were  of  Ireland,  and  the  other  three  said  they 
were  of  Denmark.  So  as  they  sat  thus  there  came  out  a  bed  of  tree,  of 
a  chamber,  the  which  four  gentlewomen  brought ;  and  in  the  bed  lay 
a  good  man  sick,  and  a  crown  of  gold  upon  his  head ;  and  there  in  the 
midst  of  the  place  they  set  him  down,  and  went  again  their  way.  Then 
he  lift  up  his  head,  and  said :  Galahad,  Knight,  ye  be  welcome,  for 
much  have  I  desired  your  coming,  for  in  such  pain  and  in  such  anguish 
I  have  been  long.  But  now  I  trust  to  God  the  term  is  come  that  my  pain 
shall  be  allayed,  that  I  shall  pass  out  of  this  world  so  as  it  was  promised 
me  long  ago.  Therewith  a  voice  said :  There  be  two  among  you  that 
be  not  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal,  and  therefore  depart  ye. 

Chap.  20         OF  GALAHAD  AND  HIS  FELLOWS  71 


\f — I  I — ^HEN  King  Pelles  and  his  son  departed.   And  therewithal 
beseemed  them  that  there  came  a  man,  and  four  angels  from 
heaven,  clothed  in  likeness  of  a  bishop,  and  had  a  cross  in 
his  hand ;  and  these  four  angels  bare  him  up  in  a  chair,  and 
set  him  down  before  the  table  of  silver  whereupon  the  Sangreal  was ; 
and  it  seemed  that  he  had  in  midst  of  his  forehead  letters  the  which 
said :  See  ye  here  Joseph,  the  first  bishop  of  Christendom,  the  same 
which  Our  Lord  succoured  in  the  city  of  Sarras  in  the  spiritual  place. 
Then  the  knights  marvelled,  for  that  bishop  was  dead  more  than  three 
hundred  year  to-fore.   O  knights,  said  he,  marvel  not,  for  I  was  some- 
time an  earthly  man.   With  that  they  heard  the  chamber  door  open, 
and  there  they  saw  angels;  and  two  bare  candles  of  wax,  and  the 
third  a  towel,  and  the  fourth  a  spear  which  bled  marvellously,  that 
three  drops  fell  within  a  box  which  he  held  with  his  other  hand.  And 
they  set  the  candles  upon  the  table,  and  the  third  the  towel  upon  the 
vessel,  and  the  fourth  the  holy  spear  even  upright  upon  the  vessel. 
And  then  the  bishop  made  semblaunt  as  though  he  would  have  gone 
to  the  sacring  of  the  mass.   And  then  he  took  an  ubblie  which  was 
made  in  likeness  of  bread.  And  at  the  lifting  up  there  came  a  figure  in 
likeness  of  a  child,  and  the  visage  was  as  red  and  as  bright  as  any  fire, 
and  smote  himself  into  the  bread,  so  that  they  all  saw  it  that  the  bread 
was  formed  of  a  fleshly  man ;  and  then  he  put  it  into  the  Holy  Vessel 
again,  and  then  he  did  that  longed  to  a  priest  to  do  to  a  mass.   And 
then  he  went  to  Galahad  and  kissed  him,  and  bade  him  go  and  kiss  his 
fellows :  and  so  he  did  anon.  Now,  said  he,  servants  of  Jesu  Christ,  ye 
shall  be  fed  afore  this  table  with  sweetmeats  that  never  knights  tasted. 
And  when  he  had  said,  he  vanished  away.  And  they  set  them  at  the 
table  in  great  dread,  and  made  their  prayers. 

Then  looked  they  and  saw  a  man  come  out  of  the  Holy  Vessel,  that 
had  all  the  signs  of  the  passion  of  Jesu  Christ,  bleeding  all  openly,  and 
said :  My  knights,  and  my  servants,  and  my  true  children,  which  be 
come  out  of  deadly  life  into  spiritual  life,  I  will  now  no  longer  hide  me 
from  you,  but  ye  shall  see  now  a  part  of  my  secrets  and  of  my  hidden 
things :  now  hold  and  receive  the  high  meat  which  ye  have  so  much 


desired.  Then  took  he  himself  the  Holy  Vessel  and  came  to  Galahad ; 
and  he  kneeled  down,  and  there  he  received  his  Saviour,  and  after 
him  so  received  all  his  fellows ;  and  they  thought  it  so  sweet  that  it  was 
marvellous  to  tell.  Then  said  he  to  Galahad :  Son,  wottest  thou  what  I 
hold  betwixt  my  hands?  Nay,  said  he,  but  if  ye  will  tell  me.  This  is, 
said  he,  the  holy  dish  wherein  I  ate  the  lamb  on  Sheer-Thursday. 
And  now  hast  thou  seen  that  thou  most  desired  to  see,  but  yet  hast 
thou  not  seen  it  so  openly  as  thou  shalt  see  it  in  the  city  of  Sarras  in  the 
spiritual  place.  Therefore  thou  must  go  hence  and  bear  with  thee  this 
Holy  Vessel ;  for  this  night  it  shall  depart  from  the  realm  of  Logris, 
that  it  shall  never  be  seen  more  here.  And  wottest  thou  wherefore  ? 
For  he  is  not  served  nor  worshipped  to  his  right  by  them  of  this  land, 
for  they  be  turned  to  evil  living ;  therefore  I  shall  disherit  them  of  the 
honour  which  I  have  done  them.  And  therefore  goye  three  to-morrow 
unto  the  sea,  where  ye  shall  find  your  ship  ready,  and  with  you  take 
the  sword  with  the  strange  girdles,  and  no  more  with  you  but  Sir 
Percivale  and  Sir  Bors.  Also  I  will  that  ye  take  with  you  of  the  blood 
of  this  spear  for  to  anoint  the  Maimed  King,  both  his  legs  and  all  his 
body,  and  he  shall  have  his  health.  Sir,  said  Galahad,  why  shall  not 
these  other  fellows  go  with  us?  For  this  cause:  for  right  as  I  departed 
my  apostles  one  here  and  another  there,  so  I  will  that  ye  depart ;  and 
two  of  you  shall  die  in  my  service,  but  one  of  you  shall  come  again  and 
tell  tidings.  Then  gave  he  them  his  blessing  and  vanished  away. 


i  ND  Galahad  went  anon  to  the  spear  which  lay  upon  the  table, 
and  touched  the  blood  with  his  fingers,  and  came  after  to 
the  Maimed  King  and  anointed  his  legs.  And  therewith  he 
clothed  him  anon,  and  start  upon  his  feet  out  of  his  bed  as 
an  whole  man,  and  thanked  Our  Lord  that  He  had  healed  him.  And 
that  was  not  to  the  world  ward,  for  anon  he  yielded  him  to  a  place  of 
religion  of  white  monks,  and  was  a  full  holy  man.  That  same  night 
about  midnight  came  a  voice  among  them  which  said :  My  sons  and 
not  my  chief  sons,  my  friends  and  not  my  warriors,  go  ye  hence  where 
ye  hope  best  to  do  and  as  I  bade  you.  Ah,  thanked  be  Thou,  Lord, 
that  Thou  wilt  vouchsafe  to  call  us,  Thy  sinners.  Now  may  we  well 


prove  that  we  have  not  lost  our  pains.  And  anon  in  all  haste  they  took 
their  harness  and  departed.  But  the  three  knights  of  Gaul,  one  of  them 
hight  Claudine,  King  Claudas'  son,  and  the  other  two  were  great 
gentlemen.  Then  prayed  Galahad  to  everych  of  them,  that  if  they 
come  to  King  Arthur's  court  that  they  should  salute  my  lord,  Sir 
Launcelot,  my  father,  and  all  the  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table ;  and 
prayed  them  if  that  they  came  on  that  part  that  they  should  not 
forget  it. 

Right  so  departed  Galahad,  Percivale  and  Bors  with  him ;  and  so 
they  rode  three  days,  and  then  they  came  to  a  rivage,  and  found  the 
ship  whereof  the  tale  speaketh  of  to-fore.  And  when  they  came  to  the 
board  they  found  in  the  midst  the  table  of  silver  which  they  had  left 
with  the  Maimed  King,  and  the  Sangreal  which  was  covered  with  red 
samite.  Then  were  they  glad  to  have  such  things  in  their  fellowship ; 
and  so  they  entered  and  made  great  reverence  thereto ;  and  Galahad 
fell  in  his  prayer  long  time  to  Our  Lord,  that  at  what  time  he  asked, 
that  he  should  pass  out  of  this  world.  So  much  he  prayed  till  a  voice 
said  to  him:  Galahad,  thou  shalt  have  thy  request;  and  when  thou 
askest  the  death  of  thy  body  thou  shalt  have  it,  and  then  shalt  thou  find 
the  life  of  the  soul.  Percivale  heard  this,  and  prayed  him,  of  fellow- 
ship that  was  between  them,  to  tell  him  wherefore  he  asked  such 
things.  That  shall  I  tell  you,  said  Galahad ;  the  other  day  when  we 
sawapartof  the  adventures  of  the  Sangreal  I  was  in  such  a  joy  of  heart, 
that  I  trow  never  man  was  that  was  earthly.  And  therefore  I  wot  well, 
when  my  body  is  dead  my  soul  shall  be  in  great  joy  to  see  the  blessed 
Trinity  every  day,  and  the  majesty  of  Our  Lord,  Jesu  Christ. 

So  long  were  they  in  the  ship  that  they  said  to  Galahad :  Sir,  in  this 
bed  ought  ye  to  lie,  for  so  saith  the  scripture.  And  so  he  laid  him  down 
and  slept  agreatwhile;  and  when  he  awaked  he  looked  afore  him  and 
saw  the  city  of  Sarras.  And  as  they  would  have  landed  they  saw  the 
ship  wherein  Percivale  had  put  his  sister  in.  Truly,  said  Percivale,  in 
the  name  of  God,  well  hath  my  sister  holden  us  covenant.  Then  took 
they  out  of  the  ship  the  table  of  silver,  and  he  took  it  to  Percivale  and  to 
Bors,  to  go  to-fore,  and  Galahad  came  behind.  And  right  so  they  went 
to  the  city,  and  at  the  gate  of  the  city  they  saw  an  old  man  crooked. 
Then  Galahad  called  him  and  bade  him  help  to  bear  this  heavy  thing. 
Truly,  said  the  old  man,  it  is  ten  year  ago  that  I  might  not  go  but  with 
crutches.  Care  thou  not,  said  Galahad,  and  arise  up  and  shew  thy  good 

iv  1 


will.  And  so  he  assayed,  and  found  himself  as  whole  as  ever  he  was. 
Then  ran  he  to  the  table,  and  took  one  part  against  Galahad.  And 
anon  arose  there  great  noise  in  the  city,  that  a  cripple  was  made  whole 
by  knights  marvellous  that  entered  into  the  city. 

Then  anon  after,  the  three  knights  went  to  the  water,  and  brought 
up  into  the  palace  Percivale's  sister,  and  buried  her  as  richly  as  a  king's 
daughter  ought  to  be.  And  when  the  king  of  the  city,  which  was  cleped 
Estorause,  saw  the  fellowship,  he  asked  them  of  whence  they  were, 
and  what  thing  it  was  that  they  had  brought  upon  the  table  of  silver. 
And  they  told  him  the  truth  of  the  Sangreal,  and  the  power  which  that 
God  had  sent  there.  Then  the  king  was  a  tyrant,  and  was  come  of  the 
line  of  paynims,  and  took  them  and  put  them  in  prison  in  a  deep  hole. 


JUT  as  soon  as  they  were  there  Our  Lord  sent  them  the  San- 
greal, through  whose  grace  they  were  always  fulfilled  while 
that  they  were  in  prison.  So  at  the  year's  end  it  befell  that 
this  King  Estorause  lay  sick,  and  felt  that  he  should  die.  Then 
he  sent  for  the  three  knights,  and  they  came  afore  him ;  and  he  cried 
them  mercy  of  that  he  had  done  to  them,  and  they  forgave  it  him 
goodly;  and  he  died  anon.  When  the  king  was  dead  all  the  city  was 
dismayed,  and  wist  not  who  might  be  their  king.  Right  so  as  they  were 
in  counsel  there  came  a  voice  among  them,  and  bade  them  choose  the 
youngest  knight  of  them  three  to  be  their  king :  For  he  shall  well  main- 
tain you  and  all  yours.  So  they  made  Galahad  king  by  all  the  assent 
of  the  holy  city,  and  else  they  would  have  slain  him.  And  when  he 
was  come  to  behold  the  land,  he  let  make  above  the  table  of  silver  a 
chest  of  gold  and  of  precious  stones,  that  hilled  the  Holy  Vessel.  And 
every  day  early  the  three  fellows  would  come  afore  it,  and  make  their 

Now  at  the  year's  end,  and  the  self  day  after  Galahad  had  borne 
the  crown  of  gold,  he  arose  up  early  and  his  fellows,  and  came  to  the 
palace,  and  saw  to- fore  them  the  Holy  Vessel,  and  a  man  kneeling  on 
his  knees  in  likeness  of  a  bishop,  that  had  about  him  a  great  fellowship 
of  angels,  as  it  had  been  Jesu  Christ  himself;  and  then  he  arose  and 
began  a  mass  of  Our  Lady.  And  when  he  came  to  the  sacrament  of 

Chap.  23         OF  THE  SORROW  FOR  GALAHAD  75 

the  mass,  and  had  done,  anon  he  called  Galahad,  and  said  to  him : 
Come  forth  the  servant  of  Jesu  Christ,  and  thou  shalt  see  that  thou  hast 
much  desired  to  see.  And  then  he  began  to  tremble  right  hard  when 
the  deadly  flesh  began  to  behold  the  spiritual  things.  Then  he  held 
up  his  hands  toward  heaven  and  said :  Lord,  I  thank  thee,  for  now  I 
see  that  that  hath  been  my  desire  many  a  day.  Now,  blessed  Lord, 
would  I  not  longer  live,  if  it  might  please  thee,  Lord.  And  therewith 
the  good  man  took  Our  Lord's  body  betwixt  his  hands,  and  proffered 
it  to  Galahad,  and  he  received  it  right  gladly  and  meekly.  Nowwottest 
thou  what  I  am?  said  the  good  man.  Nay,  said  Galahad.  I  am  Joseph 
of  Aramathie,  the  which  Our  Lord  hath  sent  here  to  thee  to  bear  thee 
fellowship;  and  wottest  thou  wherefore  that  he  hath  sent  me  more 
than  any  other?  For  thou  hast  resembled  me  in  two  things;  in  that 
thou  hast  seen  the  marvels  of  the  Sangreal,  in  that  thou  hast  been  a 
clean  maiden,  as  I  have  been  and  am. 

And  when  he  had  said  these  words  Galahad  went  to  Percivale  and 
kissed  him,  and  commended  him  to  God ;  and  so  he  went  to  Sir  Bors 
and  kissed  him,  and  commended  him  to  God,  and  said:  Fair  lord, 
salute  me  to  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  my  father,  and  as  soon  as  ye  see 
him,  bid  him  remember  of  this  unstable  world.  And  therewith  he 
kneeled  down  to- fore  the  table  and  made  his  prayers,  and  then  sud- 
denly his  soul  departed  to  Jesu  Christ,  and  a  great  multitude  of  angels 
bare  his  soul  up  to  heaven,  that  the  two  fellows  might  well  behold  it. 
Also  the  two  fellows  saw  come  from  heaven  an  hand,  but  they  saw  not 
the  body.  And  then  it  came  right  to  the  Vessel,  and  took  it  and  the 
spear,  and  so  bare  it  up  to  heaven.  Sithen  was  there  never  man  so 
hardy  to  say  that  he  had  seen  the  Sangreal. 


"HEN  Percivale  and  Bors  saw  Galahad  dead  they 
made  as  much  sorrow  as  ever  did  two  men.  And  if 
they  had  not  been  good  men  they  might  lightly  have 
fallen  in  despair.  And  the  people  of  the  country  and 
of  the  city  were  right  heavy.  And  then  he  was  buried ;  and  as  soon  as 
he  was  buried  Sir  Percivale  yielded  him  to  an  hermitage  out  of  the 
city,  and  took  a  religious  clothing.  And  Bors  was  alway  with  him,  but 


never  changed  he  his  secular  clothing,  for  that  he  purposed  him  to  go 
again  into  the  realm  of  Logris.  Thus  a  year  and  two  months  lived  Sir 
Percivale  in  the  hermitage  a  full  holy  life,  and  then  passed  out  of  this 
world ;  and  Bors  let  bury  him  by  his  sister  and  by  Galahad  in  the 

When  Bors  saw  that  he  was  in  so  far  countries  as  in  the  parts  of 
Babylon  he  departed  from  Sarras,  and  armed  him  and  came  to  the 
sea,  and  entered  into  a  ship ;  and  so  it  befell  him  in  good  adventure  he 
came  into  the  realm  of  Logris ;  and  he  rode  so  fast  till  he  came  to 
Camelot  where  the  king  was.  And  then  was  there  great  joy  made  of 
him  in  the  court,  for  they  weened  all  he  had  been  dead,  forasmuch  as 
he  had  been  so  long  out  of  the  country.  And  when  they  had  eaten,  the 
king  made  great  clerks  to  come  afore  him,  that  they  should  chronicle 
of  the  high  adventures  of  the  good  knights.  When  Bors  had  told  him 
of  the  adventures  of  the  Sangreal,  such  as  had  befallen  him  and  his 
three  fellows,  that  was  Launcelot,  Percivale,  Galahad,  and  himself, 
there  Launcelot  told  the  adventures  of  the  Sangreal  that  he  had  seen. 
All  this  was  made  in  great  books,  and  put  up  in  almeries  at  Salisbury. 
And  anon  Sir  Bors  said  to  Sir  Launcelot:  Galahad,  your  own  son, 
saluted  you  by  me,  and  after  you  King  Arthur  and  all  the  court,  and  so 
did  Sir  Percivale,  for  I  buried  them  with  mine  own  hands  in  the  city  of 
Sarras.  Also,  Sir  Launcelot,  Galahad  prayed  you  to  remember  of  this 
unsiker  world  as  ye  benight  him  when  ye  were  together  more  than 
half  a  year.  This  is  true,  said  Launcelot ;  now  I  trust  to  God  his  prayer 
shall  avail  me. 

Then  Launcelot  took  Sir  Bors  in  his  arms,  and  said :  Gentle  cousin, 
ye  are  right  welcome  to  me,  and  all  that  ever  I  may  do  for  you  and  for 
yours  ye  shall  find  my  poor  body  ready  at  all  times,  while  the  spirit  is 
in  it,  and  that  I  promise  you  faithfully,  and  never  to  fail.  And  wit  ye 
well,  gentle  cousin,  Sir  Bors,  that  ye  and  I  will  never  depart  asunder 
whilst  our  lives  may  last.  Sir,  said  he,  I  will  as  ye  will. 





)O  after  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal  was  fulfilled,  and  all  knights 
that  were  left  alive  were  come  again  unto  the  Table  Round,  as 
the  book  of  the  Sangreal  maketh  mention,  then  was  there  great 
joy  in  the  court;  and  in  especial  King  Arthur  and  Queen 
Guenever  made  great  joy  of  the  remnant  that  were  come  home,  and 
passing  glad  was  the  king  and  the  queen  of  Sir  Launcelot  and  of  Sir 
Bors,  for  they  had  been  passing  long  away  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal. 

Then,  as  the  book  saith,  Sir  Launcelot  began  to  resort  unto  Queen 
Guenever  again,  and  forgat  the  promise  and  the  perfection  that  he 
made  in  the  quest.  For,  as  the  book  saith,  had  not  Sir  Launcelot  been 
in  his  privy  thoughts  and  in  his  mind  so  set  inwardly  to  the  queen  as  he 
was  in  seeming  outward  to  God,  there  had  no  knight  passed  him  in  the 
quest  of  the  Sangreal;  but  ever  his  thoughts  were  privily  on  the  queen, 
and  so  they  loved  together  more  hotter  than  they  did  to-forehand,  and 
had  such  privy  draughts  together,  that  many  in  the  court  spake  of  it, 
and  in  especial  Sir  Agravaine,  Sir  Gawaine's  brother,  for  he  was  ever 

So  befell  that  Sir  Launcelot  had  many  resorts  of  ladies  anddamosels 
that  daily  resorted  unto  him,  that  besought  him  to  be  their  champion, 
and  in  all  such  matters  of  right  Sir  Launcelot  applied  him  daily  to  do 
for  the  pleasure  of  Our  Lord,  Jesu  Christ.  And  ever  as  much  as  he 
might  he  withdrew  him  from  the  company  and  fellowship  of  Queen 
Guenever,  for  to  eschew  the  slander  and  noise ;  wherefore  the  queen 
waxed  wroth  with  Sir  Launcelot.  And  upon  a  day  she  called  Sir 
Launcelot  unto  her  chamber,  and  said  thus :  Sir  Launcelot,  I  see  and 
feel  daily  that  thy  love  beginneth  to  slake,  for  thou  hast  no  joy  to  be  in 
my  presence,  but  ever  thou  art  out  of  this  court,  and  quarrels  and 
matters  thou  hast  nowadays  for  ladies  and  gentlewomen  more  than 
ever  thou  wert  wont  to  have  aforehand. 

Ah  madam,  said  Launcelot,  in  this  ye  must  hold  me  excused  for 

78  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

divers  causes ;  one  is,  I  was  but  late  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal ;  and  I 
thank  God  of  his  great  mercy,  and  never  of  my  desert,  that  I  saw  in 
that  my  quest  as  much  as  ever  saw  any  sinful  man,  and  so  was  it  told 
me.  And  if  I  had  not  had  my  privy  thoughts  to  return  to  your  love 
again  as  I  do,  I  had  seen  as  great  mysteries  as  ever  saw  my  son  Galahad, 
outher  Percivale,  or  Sir  Bors ;  and  therefore,  madam,  I  was  but  late  in 
that  quest.  Wit  ye  well,  madam,  it  may  not  be  yet  lightly  forgotten  the 
high  service  in  whom  I  did  my  diligent  labour.  Also,  madam,  wit  ye 
well  that  there  be  many  men  speak  of  our  love  in  this  court,  and  have 
you  and  me  greatly  in  await,  as  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred ;  and 
madam,  wit  ye  well  I  dread  them  more  for  your  sake  than  for  any  fear 
I  have  of  them  myself,  for  I  may  happen  to  escape  and  rid  myself  in  a 
great  need,  where  ye  must  abide  all  that  will  be  said  unto  you.  And 
then  if  that  ye  fall  in  any  distress  through  wilful  folly,  then  is  there 
none  other  remedy  or  help  but  by  me  and  my  blood.  And  wit  ye  well, 
madam,  the  boldness  of  you  and  me  will  bring  us  to  great  shame  and 
slander;  and  that  were  me  loath  to  see  you  dishonoured.  And  that  is 
the  cause  I  take  upon  me  more  for  to  do  for  damosels  and  maidens  than 
ever  I  did  to-fore,  that  men  should  understand  my  joy  and  my  delight 
is  my  pleasure  to  have  ado  for  damosels  and  maidens. 


LL  this  while  the  queen  stood  still  and  let  Sir  Launcelot  say 
what  he  would.  And  when  he  had  all  said  she  brast  out 
a- weeping,  and  so  she  sobbed  and  wept  a  great  while.  And 
when  she  might  speak  she  said:  Launcelot,  now  I  well 
understand  that  thou  art  a  false  recreant  knight  and  a  common  lecher, 
and  lovest  and  boldest  other  ladies,  and  by  me  thou  hast  disdain  and 
scorn.  For  wit  thou  well,  she  said,  now  I  understand  thy  falsehood, 
and  therefore  shall  I  never  love  thee  no  more.  And  never  be  thou  so 
hardy  to  come  in  my  sight ;  and  right  here  I  discharge  thee  this  court, 
that  thou  never  come  within  it ;  and  I  forfend  thee  my  fellowship,  and 
upon  pain  of  thy  head  that  thou  see  me  no  more.  Right  so  Sir  Launce- 
lot departed  with  great  heaviness,  that  unnethe  he  might  sustain  him- 
self for  great  dole-making. 

Then  he  called  Sir  Bors,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  and  Sir  Lionel,  and 

Chap.  3        HOW  THE  QUEEN  MADE  A  DINNER  79 

told  them  how  the  queen  had  forfended  him  the  court,  and  so  he  was 
in  will  to  depart  into  his  own  country.  Fair  sir,  said  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis, 
ye  shall  not  depart  out  of  this  land  by  mine  advice.  Ye  must  remember 
in  what  honour  ye  are  renowned,  and  called  the  noblest  knight  of  the 
world ;  and  many  great  matters  ye  have  in  hand.  And  women  in  their 
hastiness  will  do  ofttimes  that  sore  repenteth  them ;  and  therefore  by 
mine  advice  ye  shall  take  your  horse,  and  ride  to  the  good  hermitage 
here  beside  Windsor,  that  sometime  was  a  good  knight,  his  name  is 
Sir  Brasias,  and  there  shall  ye  abide  till  I  send  you  word  of  better  tid- 
ings. Brother,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  wit  ye  well  I  am  full  loath  to  depart 
out  of  this  realm,  but  the  queen  hath  defended  me  so  highly,  that 
meseemeth  she  will  never  be  my  good  lady  as  she  hath  been.  Say  ye 
never  so,  said  Sir  Bors,  for  many  times  or  this  time  she  hath  been  wroth 
with  you,  and  after  it  she  was  the  first  that  repented  it.  Ye  say  well, 
said  Launcelot,  for  now  will  I  do  by  your  counsel,  and  take  mine  horse 
and  my  harness,  and  ride  to  the  hermit  Sir  Brasias,  and  there  will  I 
repose  me  until  I  hear  some  manner  of  tidings  from  you;  but,  fair 
brother,  I  pray  you  get  me  the  love  of  my  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  an 
ye  may.  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  ye  need  not  to  move  me  of  such  matters,  for 
well  ye  wot  I  will  do  what  I  may  to  please  you. 

And  then  the  noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot,  departed  with  right 
heavy  cheer  suddenly,  that  none  earthly  creature  wist  of  him,  nor 
where  he  was  become,  but  Sir  Bors.  So  when  Sir  Launcelot  was 
departed,  the  queen  outward  made  no  manner  of  sorrow  in  showing  to 
none  of  his  blood  nor  to  none  other.  But  wit  ye  well,  inwardly,  as  the 
book  saith,  she  took  great  thought,  but  she  bare  it  out  with  a  proud 
countenance  as  though  she  felt  nothing  nor  danger. 


then  the  queen  let  make  a  privy  dinner  in  London  unto  the 
knights  of  the  Round  Table.  And  all  was  for  to  show  out- 
ward that  she  had  as  great  joy  in  all  other  knights  of  the 
Table  Round  as  she  had  in  Sir  Launcelot.  All  only  at  that 
dinner  she  had  Sir  Gawaine  and  his  brethren,  that  is  for  to  say  Sir 
Agravaine,  Sir  Gaheris,  Sir  Gareth,  and  Sir  Mordred.  Also  there  was 
Sir  Bors  de  Ganis,  Sir  Blamore  de  Ganis,  Sir  Bleoberis  de  Ganis,  Sir 

so  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

Galihud,  Sir  Galihodin,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  Sir  Lionel,  Sir  Palo- 
mides,  Safere  his  brother,  Sir  La  Cote  Male  Taile,  Sir  Persant,  Sir 
Ironside,  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir  Kay  le  Seneschal,  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte, 
Sir  Patrise,  a  knight  of  Ireland,  Aliduk,  Sir  Astamore,  and  Sir  Pinel 
le  Savage,  the  which  was  cousin  to  Sir  Lamorak  de  Galis,  the  good 
knight  that  Sir  Gawaine  and  his  brethren  slew  by  treason.  And  so 
these  four-and-twenty  knights  should  dine  with  the  queen  in  a  privy 
place  by  themself,  and  there  was  made  a  great  feast  of  all  manner  of 

But  Sir  Gawaine  had  a  custom  that  he  used  daily  at  dinner  and  at 
supper,  that  he  loved  well  all  manner  of  fruit,  and  in  especial  apples 
and  pears.  And  therefore  whosomever  dined  or  feasted  Sir  Gawaine 
would  commonly  purvey  for  good  fruit  for  him,  and  so  did  the  queen 
for  to  please  Sir  Gawaine ;  she  let  purvey  for  him  all  manner  of  fruit, 
for  Sir  Gawaine  was  a  passing  hot  knight  of  nature.  And  this  Pinel 
hated  Sir  Gawaine  because  of  his  kinsman  Sir  Lamorak  de  Galis;  and 
therefore  for  pure  envy  and  hate  Sir  Pinel  enpoisoned  certain  apples 
for  to  enpoison  Sir  Gawaine.  And  so  this  was  well  unto  the  end  of  the 
meat;  and  so  it  befell  by  misfortune  a  good  knight  named  Patrise, 
cousin  unto  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte,  to  take  a  poisoned  apple.  And 
when  he  had  eaten  it  he  swelled  so  till  he  brast,  and  there  Sir  Patrise 
fell  down  suddenly  dead  among  them. 

Then  every  knight  leapt  from  the  board  ashamed,  and  araged  for 
wrath,  nigh  out  of  their  wits.  For  they  wist  not  what  to  say;  consider- 
ing Queen  Guenever  made  the  feast  and  dinner,  they  all  had  suspicion 
unto  her.  My  lady,  the  queen,  said  Gawaine,  wit  ye  well,  madam,  that 
this  dinner  was  made  for  me,  for  all  folks  that  know  my  condition 
understand  that  I  love  well  fruit,  and  now  I  see  well  I  had  near  been 
slain ;  therefore,  madam,  I  dread  me  lest  ye  will  be  shamed.  Then  the 
queen  stood  still  and  was  sore  abashed,  that  she  nist  not  what  to  say. 
This  shall  not  so  be  ended,  said  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte,  for  here  have 
I  lost  a  full  noble  knight  of  my  blood ;  and  therefore  upon  this  shame 
and  despite  I  will  be  revenged  to  the  utterance.  And  there  openly  Sir 
Mador  appealed  the  queen  of  the  death  of  his  cousin,  Sir  Patrise. 
Then  stood  they  all  still,  that  none  would  speak  a  word  against  him, 
for  they  all  had  great  suspicion  unto  the  queen  because  she  let  make 
that  dinner.  And  the  queen  was  so  abashed  that  she  could  none  other 
ways  do,  but  wept  so  heartily  that  she  fell  in  a  swoon.  With  this  noise 


and  cry  came  to  them  King  Arthur,  and  when  he  wist  of  that  trouble 
he  was  a  passing  heavy  man. 


ever  Sir  Mador  stood  still  afore  the  king,  and  ever  he 
appealed  the  queen  of  treason ;  for  the  custom  was  such  that 
time  that  all  manner  of  shameful  death  was  called  treason. 

Fair  lords,  said  King  Arthur,  me  repenteth  of  this  trouble, 

but  the  case  is  so  I  may  not  have  ado  in  this  matter,  for  I  must  be  a 
rightful  judge ;  and  that  repenteth  me  that  I  may  not  do  battle  for  my 
wife,  for  as  I  deem  this  deed  came  never  by  her.  And  therefore  I  sup- 
pose she  shall  not  be  all  distained,  but  that  some  good  knight  shall  put 
his  body  in  jeopardy  for  my  queen  rather  than  she  shall  be  brent  in  a 
wrong  quarrel.  And  therefore,  Sir  Mador,  be  not  so  hasty,  for  it  may 
happen  she  shall  not  be  all  friendless ;  and  therefore  desire  thou  thy 
day  of  battle,  and  she  shall  purvey  her  of  some  good  knight  that  shall 
answer  you,  or  else  it  were  to  me  great  shame,  and  to  all  my  court. 

My  gracious  lord,  said  Sir  Mador,  ye  must  hold  me  excused,  for 
though  ye  be  our  king  in  that  degree,  ye  are  but  a  knight  as  we  are, 
and  ye  are  sworn  unto  knighthood  as  well  as  we;  and  therefore  I 
beseech  you  that  ye  be  not  displeased,  for  there  is  none  of  the  four- 
and-twenty  knights  that  were  bidden  to  this  dinner  but  all  they  have 
great  suspicion  unto  the  queen.  What  say  ye  all,  my  lords  ?  said  Sir 
Mador.  Then  they  answered  by  and  by  that  they  could  not  excuse  the 
queen;  for  why  she  made  the  dinner,  and  either  it  must  come  by  her 
or  by  her  servants.  Alas,  said  the  queen,  I  made  this  dinner  for  a  good 
intent,  and  never  for  none  evil,  so  Almighty  God  me  help  in  my  right, 
as  I  was  never  purposed  to  do  such  evil  deeds,  and  that  I  report  me 
unto  God. 

My  lord,  the  king,  said  Sir  Mador,  I  require  you  as  ye  be  a  righteous 
king  give  me  a  day  that  I  may  have  justice.  Well,  said  the  king,  I  give 
the  day  this  day  fifteen  days  that  thou  be  ready  armed  on  horseback 
in  the  meadow  beside  Westminster.  And  if  it  so  fall  that  there  be  any 
knight  to  encounter  with  you,  there  mayst  thou  do  the  best,  and  God 
speed  the  right.  And  if  it  so  fall  that  there  be  no  knight  at  that  day, 
then  must  my  queen  be  burnt,  and  there  she  shall  be  ready  to  have  her 

iv  m 

82  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

judgment.  I  am  answered,  said  Sir  Mador.  And  every  knight  went 
where  it  liked  them. 

So  when  the  king  and  the  queen  were  together  the  king  asked  the 
queen  how  this  case  befell.  The  queen  answered :  So  God  me  help,  I 
wot  not  how  or  in  what  manner.  Where  is  Sir  Launcelot  ?  said  King 
Arthur ;  an  he  were  here  he  would  not  grudge  to  do  battle  for  you.  Sir, 
said  the  queen,  I  wot  not  where  he  is,  but  his  brother  and  his  kinsmen 
deem  that  he  be  not  within  this  realm.  That  me  repenteth,  said  King 
Arthur,  for  an  he  were  here  he  would  soon  stint  this  strife.  Then  I  will 
counsel  you,  said  the  king,  and  unto  Sir  Bors :  That  ye  will  do  battle 
for  her  for  Sir  Launcelot's  sake,  and  upon  my  life  he  will  not  refuse 
you.  For  well  I  see,  said  the  king,  that  none  of  these  four-and-twenty 
knights  that  were  with  you  at  your  dinner  where  Sir  Patrise  was  slain, 
that  will  do  battle  for  you,  nor  none  of  them  will  say  well  of  you,  and 
that  shall  be  a  great  slander  for  you  in  this  court.  Alas,  said  the  queen, 
and  I  may  not  do  withal,  but  now  I  miss  Sir  Launcelot,  for  an  he  were 
here  he  would  put  me  soon  to  my  heart's  ease.  What  aileth  you,  said 
the  king,  ye  cannot  keep  Sir  Launcelot  upon  your  side?  For  wit  ye 
well,  said  the  king,  who  that  hath  Sir  Launcelot  upon  his  part  hath  the 
most  man  of  worship  in  the  world  upon  his  side.  Now  go  your  way, 
said  the  king  unto  the  queen,  and  require  Sir  Bors  to  do  battle  for  you 
for  Sir  Launcelot's  sake. 


)O  the  queen  departed  from  the  king,  and  sent  for  Sir  Bors  into 
her  chamber.  And  when  he  was  come  she  besought  him  of 
i  succour.  Madam,  said  he,  what  would  ye  that  I  did  ?  for  I  may 
not  with  my  worship  have  ado  in  this  matter,  because  I  was  at 
the  same  dinner,  for  dread  that  any  of  those  knights  would  have  me  in 
suspicion.  Also,  madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  now  miss  ye  Sir  Launcelot,  for 
he  would  not  have  failed  you  neither  in  right  nor  in  wrong,  as  ye  have 
well  proved  when  ye  have  been  in  danger;  and  now  ye  have  driven 
him  out  of  this  country,  by  whom  ye  and  all  we  were  daily  worshipped 
by;  therefore,  madam,  I  marvel  how  ye  dare  for  shame  require  me  to 
do  any  thing  for  you,  in  so  much  ye  have  chased  him  out  of  your  coun- 

Chap.  5  THE  QUEEN  AND  SIR  BORS  83 

try  by  whom  we  were  borne  up  and  honoured.  Alas,  fair  knight,  said 
the  queen,  I  put  me  wholly  in  your  grace,  and  all  that  is  done  amiss  I 
will  amend  as  ye  will  counsel  me.  And  therewith  she  kneeled  down 
upon  both  her  knees,  and  besought  Sir  Bors  to  have  mercy  upon  her : 
Outher  I  shall  have  a  shameful  death,  and  thereto  I  never  offended. 

Right  so  came  King  Arthur,  and  found  the  queen  kneeling  afore  Sir 
Bors ;  then  Sir  Bors  pulled  her  up,  and  said :  Madam,  ye  do  me  great 
dishonour.  Ah,  gentle  knight,  said  the  king,  have  mercy  upon  my 
queen,  courteous  knight,  for  I  am  now  in  certain  she  is  untruly  defamed. 
And  therefore,  courteous  knight,  said  the  king,  promise  her  to  do  battle 
for  her,  I  require  you  for  the  love  of  Sir  Launcelot.  My  lord,  said  Sir 
Bors,  ye  require  me  the  greatest  thing  that  any  man  may  require  me ; 
and  wit  ye  well  if  I  grant  to  do  battle  for  the  queen  I  shall  wrath  many 
of  my  fellowship  of  the  Table  Round.  But  as  for  that,  said  Bors,  I  will 
grant  my  lord  that  for  my  lord  Sir  Launcelot's  sake,  and  for  your  sake 
I  will  at  that  day  be  the  queen's  champion  unless  that  there  come  by 
adventure  a  better  knight  than  I  am  to  do  battle  for  her.  Will  ye  pro- 
mise me  this,  said  the  king,  by  your  faith  ?  Yea  sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  of 
that  I  will  not  fail  you,  nor  her  both,  but  if  there  come  a  better  knight 
than  I  am,  and  then  shall  he  have  the  battle.  Then  was  the  king  and 
the  queen  passing  glad,  and  so  departed,  and  thanked  him  heartily. 

So  then  Sir  Bors  departed  secretly  upon  a  day,  and  rode  unto  Sir 
Launcelot  thereas  he  was  with  the  hermit,  Sir  Brasias,  and  told  him  of 
all  their  adventure.  Ah  Jesu,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  this  is  come  happily 
as  I  would  have  it,  and  therefore  I  pray  you  make  you  ready  to  do 
battle,  but  look  that  ye  tarry  till  ye  see  me  come,  as  long  as  ye  may. 
For  I  am  sureMador  is  an  hot  knight  when  he  is  enchafed,  for  the  more 
ye  suffer  him  the  hastier  will  he  be  to  battle.  Sir,  said  Bors,  let  me  deal 
with  him,  doubt  ye  not  ye  shall  have  all  your  will.  Then  departed  Sir 
Bors  from  him  and  came  to  the  court  again.  Then  was  it  noised  in  all 
the  court  that  Sir  Bors  should  do  battle  for  the  queen ;  wherefore  many 
knights  were  displeased  with  him,  that  he  would  take  upon  him  to  do 
battle  in  the  queen's  quarrel ;  for  there  were  but  few  knights  in  all  the 
court  but  they  deemed  the  queen  was  in  the  wrong,  and  that  she  had 
done  that  treason. 

So  Sir  Bors  answered  thus  to  his  fellows  of  the  Table  Round :  Wit 
ye  well,  my  fair  lords,  it  were  shame  to  us  all  an  we  suffered  to  see  the 
most  noble  queen  of  the  world  to  be  shamed  openly,  considering  her 

84  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

lord  and  our  lord  is  the  man  of  most  worship  in  the  world,  and  most 
christened,  and  he  hath  ever  worshipped  us  all  in  all  places.  Many 
answered  him  again :  As  for  our  most  noble  King  Arthur,  we  love  him 
and  honour  him  as  well  as  ye  do,  but  as  for  Queen  Guenever  we  love 
her  not,  because  she  is  a  destroyer  of  good  knights.  Fair  lords,  said 
Sir  Bors,  meseemeth  ye  say  not  as  ye  should  say,  for  never  yet  in  my 
days  knew  I  never  nor  heard  say  that  ever  she  was  a  destroyer  of  any 
good  knight.  But  at  all  times  as  far  as  ever  I  could  know  she  was  a 
maintainer  of  good  knights;  and  ever  she  hath  been  large  and  free  of 
her  goods  to  all  good  knights,  and  the  most  bounteous  lady  of  her  gifts 
and  her  good  grace,  that  ever  I  saw  or  heard  speak  of.  And  therefore 
it  were  shame,  said  Sir  Bors,  to  us  all  to  our  most  noble  king's  wife,  an 
we  suffered  her  to  be  shamefully  slain.  And  wit  ye  well,  said  Sir  Bors, 
I  will  not  suffer  it,  for  I  dare  say  so  much,  the  queen  is  not  guilty  of  Sir 
Patrise's  death,  for  she  owed  him  never  none  ill  will,  nor  none  of  the 
four-and -twenty  knights  that  were  at  that  dinner;  for  I  dare  say  for 
good  love  she  bade  us  to  dinner,  and  not  for  no  mal  engine,  and  that  I 
doubt  not  shall  be  proved  hereafter,  for  howsomever  the  game  goeth, 
there  was  treason  among  us.  Then  some  said  to  Sir  Bors :  We  may 
well  believe  your  words.  And  so  some  of  them  were  well  pleased,  and 
some  were  not  so. 


^ — I  I — ^HE  day  came  on  fast  until  the  even  that  the  battle  should 
be.  Then  the  queen  sent  for  Sir  Bors  and  asked  him  how  he 
was  disposed.  Truly  madam,  said  he,  I  am  disposed  in  like- 
wise as  I  promised  you,  that  is  for  to  say  I  shall  not  fail  you, 
unless  by  adventure  there  come  a  better  knight  than  I  am  to  do  battle 
for  you,  then,  madam,  am  I  discharged  of  my  promise.  Will  ye,  said 
the  queen,  that  I  tell  my  lord  Arthur  thus?  Do  as  it  shall  please  you, 
madam.  Then  the  queen  went  unto  the  king  and  told  him  the  answer 
of  Sir  Bors.  Have  ye  no  doubt,  said  the  king,  of  Sir  Bors,  for  I  call  him 
now  one  of  the  best  knights  of  the  world,  and  the  most  profitablestman. 
And  thus  it  passed  on  until  the  morn,  and  the  king  and  the  queen  and 
all  manner  of  knights  that  were  there  at  that  time  drew  them  unto  the 
meadow  beside  Westminster  where  the  battle  should  be.  And  so 

Chap.  6       HOW  BORS  MADE  READY  TO  FIGHT  85 

when  the  king  was  come  with  the  queen  and  many  knights  of  the 
Round  Table,  then  the  queen  was  put  there  in  the  Constable's  ward, 
and  a  great  fire  made  about  an  iron  stake,  that  an  SirMadorde  la  Porte 
had  the  better,  she  should  be  burnt :  such  custom  was  used  in  those 
days,  that  neither  for  favour,  neither  for  love  nor  affinity,  there  should 
be  none  other  but  righteous  judgment,  as  well  upon  a  king  as  upon  a 
knight,  and  as  well  upon  a  queen  as  upon  another  poor  lady. 

So  in  this  meanwhile  came  in  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte,  and  took  his 
oath  afore  the  king,  that  the  queen  did  this  treason  until  his  cousin  Sir 
Patrise,  and  unto  his  oath  he  would  prove  it  with  his  body,  hand  for 
hand,  who  that  would  say  the  contrary.  Right  so  came  in  Sir  Bors  de 
Ganis,  and  said :  That  as  for  Queen  Guenever  she  is  in  the  right,  and 
that  will  I  make  good  with  my  hands  that  she  is  not  culpable  of  this 
treason  that  is  put  upon  her.  Then  make  thee  ready,  said  Sir  Mador, 
and  we  shall  prove  whether  thou  be  in  the  right  or  I.  Sir  Mador,  said 
Sir  Bors,  wit  thou  well  I  know  you  for  a  good  knight.  Not  for  then  I 
shall  not  fear  you  so  greatly,  but  I  trust  to  God  I  shall  be  able  to  with- 
stand your  malice.  But  this  much  have  I  promised  my  lord  Arthur  and 
my  lady  the  queen,  that  I  shall  do  battle  for  her  in  this  case  to  the  utter- 
most, unless  that  there  come  a  better  knight  than  I  am  and  discharge 
me.  Is  that  all  ?  said  Sir  Mador,  either  come  thou  off  and  do  battle  with 
me,  or  else  say  nay.  Take  your  horse,  said  Sir  Bors,  and  as  I  suppose, 
ye  shall  not  tarry  long  but  ye  shall  be  answered. 

Then  either  departed  to  their  tents  and  made  them  ready  to  horse- 
back as  they  thought  best.  And  anon  Sir  Mador  came  into  the  field 
with  his  shield  on  his  shoulder  and  his  spear  in  his  hand ;  and  so  rode 
about  the  place  crying  unto  Arthur :  Bid  your  champion  come  forth  an 
he  dare.  Then  was  Sir  Bors  ashamed  and  took  his  horse  and  came  to 
the  lists'  end.  And  then  was  he  ware  where  came  from  a  wood  there 
fast  by  a  knight  all  armed,  upon  a  white  horse,  with  a  strange  shield  of 
strange  arms ;  and  he  came  riding  all  that  he  might  run,  and  so  he  came 
to  Sir  Bors,  and  said  thus :  Fair  knight,  I  pray  you  be  not  displeased, 
for  here  must  a  better  knight  than  ye  are  have  this  battle,  therefore  I 
pray  you  withdraw  you.  For  wit  ye  well  I  have  had  this  day  a  right 
great  journey,  and  this  battle  ought  to  be  mine,  and  so  I  promised  you 
when  I  spake  with  you  last,  and  with  all  my  heart  I  thank  you  of  your 
goodwill.  Then  Sir  Bors  rode  unto  King  Arthur  and  told  him  how  there 
was  a  knight  come  that  would  have  the  battle  for  to  fight  for  the  queen. 

86  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

What  knight  is  he?  said  the  king.  I  wot  not,  said  Sir  Bors,  but  such 
covenant  he  made  with  me  to  be  here  this  day.  Now  my  lord,  said  Sir 
Bors,  here  am  I  discharged. 


|> — I  I — ^HEN  the  king  called  to  that  knight,  and  asked  him  if  he 
would  fight  for  the  queen.  Then  he  answered  to  the  king : 
Therefore  came  I  hither,  and  therefore,  sir  king,  he  said, 
tarry  me  no  longer,  for  I  may  not  tarry.  For  anon  as  I  have 
finished  this  battle  I  must  depart  hence,  for  I  have  ado  many  matters 
elsewhere.  For  wit  you  well,  said  that  knight,  this  is  dishonour  to  you 
all  knights  of  the  Round  Table,  to  see  and  know  so  noble  a  lady  and 
so  courteous  a  queen  as  Queen  Guenever  is,  thus  to  be  rebuked  and 
shamed  amongst  you.  Then  they  all  marvelled  what  knight  that  might 
be  that  so  took  the  battle  upon  him.  For  there  was  not  one  that  knew 
him,  but  if  it  were  Sir  Bors. 

Then  said  SirMador  de  la  Porte  unto  the  king :  Now  let  me  wit  with 
whom  I  shall  have  ado  withal.  And  then  they  rode  to  the  lists' end,  and 
there  they  couched  their  spears,  and  ran  together  with  all  their  might, 
and  Sir  Mador's  spear  brake  all  to  pieces,  but  the  other's  spear  held, 
and  bare  Sir  Mador's  horse  and  all  backward  to  the  earth  a  great  fall. 
But  mightily  and  suddenly  he  avoided  his  horse  and  put  his  shield 
afore  him,  and  then  drew  his  sword,  and  bade  the  other  knight  alight 
and  do  battle  with  him  on  foot.  Then  that  knight  descended  from  his 
horse  lightly  like  a  valiant  man,  and  put  his  shield  afore  him  and  drew 
his  sword ;  and  so  they  came  eagerly  unto  battle,  and  either  gave  other 
many  great  strokes,  tracing  and  traversing,  racing  and  foining,  and 
hurtling  together  with  their  swords  as  it  were  wild  boars.  Thus  were 
they  fighting  nigh  an  hour,  for  this  Sir  Mador  was  a  strong  knight,  and 
mightily  proved  in  many  strong  battles.  But  at  the  last  this  knight 
smote  Sir  Mador  grovelling  upon  the  earth,  and  the  knight  stepped 
near  him  to  have  pulled  Sir  Mador  flailing  upon  the  ground ;  and  there- 
with suddenly  Sir  Mador  arose,  and  in  his  rising  he  smote  that  knight 
through  the  thick  of  the  thighs  that  the  blood  ran  out  fiercely.  And 
when  he  felt  himself  so  wounded,  and  saw  his  blood,  he  let  him  arise 
upon  his  feet.  And  then  he  gave  him  such  a  buffet  upon  the  helm  that 

Chap.  7       HOW  LAUNCELOT  FOUGHT  MADOR  87 

he  fell  to  the  earth  flatling,  and  therewith  he  strode  to  him  to  have 
pulled  off  his  helm  off  his  head.  And  then  Sir  Mador  prayed  that 
knight  to  save  his  life,  and  so  he  yielded  him  as  overcome,  and  released 
the  queen  of  his  quarrel.  I  will  not  grant  thee  thy  life,  said  that  knight, 
only  that  thou  freely  release  the  queen  for  ever,  and  that  no  mention 
be  made  upon  Sir  Patrise's  tomb  that  ever  Queen  Guenever  consented 
to  that  treason.  All  this  shall  be  done,  said  Sir  Mador,  I  clearly  dis- 
charge my  quarrel  for  ever. 

Then  the  knights  parters  of  the  lists  took  up  Sir  Mador,  and  led  him 
to  his  tent,  and  the  other  knight  went  straight  to  the  stair-foot  where 
sat  King  Arthur ;  and  by  that  time  was  the  queen  come  to  the  king,  and 
either  kissed  other  heartily.  And  when  the  king  saw  that  knight,  he 
stooped  down  to  him,  and  thanked  him,  and  in  likewise  did  the  queen; 
and  the  king  prayed  him  to  put  off  his  helmet,  and  to  repose  him,  and 
to  take  a  sop  of  wine.  And  then  he  put  off  his  helm  to  drink,  and  then 
every  knight  knew  him  that  it  was  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake.  Anon  as 
the  king  wist  that,  he  took  the  queen  in  his  hand,  and  yode  unto  Sir 
Launcelot,  and  said :  Sir,  grant  mercy  of  your  great  travail  that  ye 
have  had  this  day  for  me  and  for  my  queen.  My  lord,  said  Sir  Launce- 
lot, wit  ye  well  I  ought  of  right  ever  to  be  in  your  quarrel,  and  in  my 
lady  the  queen's  quarrel,  to  do  battle ;  for  ye  are  the  man  that  gave  me 
the  high  order  of  knighthood,  and  that  day  my  lady,  your  queen,  did 
me  great  worship,  and  else  I  had  been  shamed ;  for  that  same  day  ye 
made  me  knight,  through  my  hastiness  I  lost  my  sword,  and  my  lady, 
your  queen,  found  it,  and  lapped  it  in  her  train,  and  gave  me  my  sword 
when  I  had  need  thereto,  and  else  had  I  been  shamed  among  all  knights ; 
and  therefore,  my  lord  Arthur,  I  promised  her  at  that  day  ever  to  be 
her  knight  in  right  outher  in  wrong.  Grant  mercy,  said  the  king, 
for  this  journey;  and  wit  ye  well,  said  the  king,  I  shall  acquit  your 

And  ever  the  queen  beheld  Sir  Launcelot,  and  wept  so  tenderly 
that  she  sank  almost  to  the  ground  for  sorrow  that  he  had  done  to  her 
so  great  goodness  where  she  shewed  him  great  unkindness.  Then  the 
knights  of  his  blood  drew  unto  him,  and  there  either  of  them  made 
great  joy  of  other.  And  so  came  all  the  knights  of  the  Table  Round 
that  were  there  at  that  time,  and  welcomed  him.  And  then  Sir  Mador 
was  had  to  leech-craft,  and  Sir  Launcelot  was  healed  of  his  wound. 
And  then  there  was  made  great  joy  and  mirths  in  that  court. 

88  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 


~"\\  ND  so  it  befell  that  the  damosel  of  the  lake,  her  name  was 
yy\\  Nimue,  the  which  wedded  the  good  knight  Sir  Pelleas,  and 
I  A  so  she  came  to  the  court ;  for  ever  she  did  great  goodness  unto 
**zL  JA^  King  Arthur  and  to  all  his  knights  through  her  sorcery  and 
enchantments.  And  so  when  she  heard  how  the  queen  was  an-angered 
for  the  death  of  Sir  Patrise,  then  she  told  it  openly  that  she  was  never 
guilty;  and  there  she  disclosed  by  whom  it  was  done,  and  named  him, 
Sir  Pinel ;  and  for  what  cause  he  did  it,  there  it  was  openly  disclosed ; 
and  so  the  queen  was  excused,  and  the  knight  Pinel  fled  into  his  coun- 
try. Then  was  it  openly  known  that  Sir  Pinel  enpoisoned  the  apples 
at  the  feast  to  that  intent  to  have  destroyed  Sir  Gawaine,  because  Sir 
Gawaine  and  his  brethren  destroyed  Sir  Lamorak  de  Galis,  to  the 
which  Sir  Pinel  was  cousin  unto.  Then  was  Sir  Patrise  buried  in  the 
church  of  Westminster  in  a  tomb,  and  thereupon  was  written :  Here 
lieth  Sir  Patrise  of  Ireland,  slain  by  Sir  Pinel  le  Savage,  that  enpoisoned 
apples  to  have  slain  Sir  Gawaine,  and  by  misfortune  Sir  Patrise  ate 
one  of  those  apples,  and  then  suddenly  he  brast.  Also  there  was  written 
upon  the  tomb  that  Queen  Guenever  was  appealed  of  treason  of  the 
death  of  Sir  Patrise,  by  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte ;  and  there  was  made 
mention  how  Sir  Launcelot  fought  with  him  for  Queen  Guenever,  and 
overcame  him  in  plain  battle.  All  this  was  written  upon  the  tomb  of 
Sir  Patrise  in  excusing  of  the  queen.  And  then  Sir  Mador  sued  daily 
and  long,  to  have  the  queen's  good  grace ;  and  so  by  the  means  of  Sir 
Launcelot  he  caused  him  to  stand  in  the  queen's  good  grace,  and  all 
was  forgiven. 

Thus  it  passed  on  till  our  Lady  Day,  Assumption.  Within  a  fifteen 
days  of  that  feast  the  king  let  cry  a  great  jousts  and  a  tournament  that 
should  be  at  that  day  at  Camelot,  that  is  Winchester ;  and  the  king  let 
cry  that  he  and  the  King  of  Scots  would  joust  against  all  that  would 
come  against  them.  And  when  this  cry  was  made,  thither  came  many 
knights.  So  there  came  thither  the  King  of  Northgalis,  and  King 
Anguish  of  Ireland,  and  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights,  and 
Galahad,  the  haut  prince,  and  the  King  of  Northumberland,  and  many 
other  noble  dukes  and  earls  of  divers  countries.  So  King  Arthur  made 

Chap.  9  OF  THE  MAIDEN  OF  ASTOLAT  89 

him  ready  to  depart  to  these  jousts,  and  would  have  had  the  queen 
with  him,  but  at  that  time  she  would  not,  she  said,  for  she  was  sick  and 
might  not  ride  at  that  time.  That  me  repenteth,  said  the  king,  for  this 
seven  year  ye  saw  not  such  a  noble  fellowship  together  except  at 
Whitsuntide  when  Galahad  departed  from  the  court.  Truly,  said  the 
queen  to  the  king,  ye  must  hold  me  excused,  I  may  not  be  there,  and 
that  me  repenteth.  And  many  deemed  the  queen  would  not  be  there 
because  of  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  for  Sir  Launcelot  would  not  ride 
with  the  king,  for  he  said  that  he  was  not  whole  of  the  wound  the  which 
Sir  Mador  had  given  him ;  wherefore  the  king  was  heavy  and  passing 
wroth.  And  so  he  departed  toward  Winchester  with  his  fellowship ; 
and  so  by  the  way  the  king  lodged  in  a  town  called  Astolat,  that  is  now 
in  English  called  Guild  ford,  and  there  the  king  lay  in  the  castle. 

So  when  the  king  was  departed  the  queen  called  Sir  Launcelot  to 
her,  and  said  thus :  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  are  greatly  to  blame  thus  to  hold 
you  behind  my  lord ;  what,  trow  ye,  what  will  your  enemies  and  mine 
say  and  deem?  nought  else  but,  See  how  Sir  Launcelot  holdeth  him 
ever  behind  the  king,  and  so  doth  the  queen,  for  that  they  would  have 
their  pleasure  together.  And  thus  will  they  say,  said  the  queen  to  Sir 
Launcelot,  have  ye  no  doubt  thereof. 


'ADAM,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  allow  your  wit,  it  is  of  late 
come  since  ye  were  wise.  And  therefore,  madam,  at  this 
time  I  will  be  ruled  by  your  counsel,  and  this  night  I  will 
,  take  my  rest,  and  to-morrow  by  time  I  will  take  my  way 
toward  Winchester.  But  wit  you  well,  said  Sir  Launcelot  to  the  queen, 
that  at  that  jousts  I  will  be  against  the  king,  and  against  all  his  fellow- 
ship. Ye  may  there  do  as  ye  list,  said  the  queen,  but  by  my  counsel  ye 
shall  not  be  against  your  king  and  your  fellowship.  For  therein  be 
full  many  hard  knights  of  your  blood,  as  ye  wot  well  enough,  it  needeth 
not  to  rehearse  them.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  pray  you  that  ye 
be  not  displeased  with  me,  for  I  will  take  the  adventure  that  God  will 
send  me. 

And  so  upon  the  morn  early  Sir  Launcelot  heard  mass,  and  brake 
his  fast,  and  so  took  his  leave  of  the  queen  and  departed.  And  then  he 
iv  n 

90  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

rode  so  much  until  he  came  to  Astolat,  that  is  Guild  ford ;  and  there  it 
happed  him  in  the  eventide  he  came  to  an  old  baron's  place  that  hight 
Sir  Bernard  of  Astolat.  And  as  Sir  Launcelot  entered  into  his  lodging, 
King  Arthur  espied  him  as  he  did  walk  in  a  garden  beside  the  castle, 
how  he  took  his  lodging,  and  knew  him  full  well.  It  is  well,  said  King 
Arthur  unto  the  knights  that  were  with  him  in  that  garden  beside  the 
castle,  I  have  now  espied  one  knight  that  will  play  his  play  at  the 
jousts  to  the  which  we  be  gone  toward ;  I  undertake  he  will  do  marvels. 
Who  is  that,  we  pray  you  tell  us?  said  many  knights  that  were  there  at 
that  time.  Ye  shall  not  wit  for  me,  said  the  king,  as  at  this  time.  And 
so  the  king  smiled,  and  went  to  his  lodging. 

So  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  in  his  lodging,  and  unarmed  him  in  his 
chamber,  the  old  baron  and  hermit  came  to  him  making  his  reverence, 
and  welcomed  him  in  the  best  manner ;  but  the  old  knight  knew  not 
Sir  Launcelot.  Fair  sir,  said  Sir  Launcelot  to  his  host,  I  would  pray 
you  to  lend  me  a  shield  that  were  not  openly  known,  for  mine  is  well 
known.  Sir,  said  his  host,  ye  shall  have  your  desire,  for  meseemeth  ye 
be  one  of  the  likeliest  knights  of  the  world,  and  therefore  I  shall  shew 
you  friendship.  Sir,  wit  you  well  I  have  two  sons  that  were  but  late 
made  knights,  and  the  eldest  hight  Sir  Tirre,  and  he  was  hurt  that 
same  day  he  was  made  knight,  that  he  may  not  ride,  and  his  shield  ye 
shall  have ;  for  that  is  not  known  I  dare  say  but  here,  and  in  no  place 
else.  And  my  youngest  son  hight  Lavaine,  and  if  it  please  you,  he 
shall  ride  with  you  unto  that  jousts ;  and  he  is  of  his  age  strong  and 
wight,  for  much  my  heart  giveth  unto  you  that  ye  should  be  a  noble 
knight,  therefore  I  pray  you,  tell  me  your  name,  said  Sir  Bernard.  As 
for  that,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  must  hold  me  excused  as  at  this  time, 
and  if  God  give  me  grace  to  speed  well  at  the  jousts  I  shall  come  again 
and  tell  you.  But  I  pray  you,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  in  any  wise  let  me 
have  your  son,  Sir  Lavaine,  with  me,  and  that  I  may  have  his  brother's 
shield.  All  this  shall  be  done,  said  Sir  Bernard. 

This  old  baron  had  a  daughter  that  was  called  that  time  the  Fair 
Maiden  of  Astolat.  And  ever  she  beheld  Sir  Launcelot  wonderfully; 
and  as  the  book  saith,  she  cast  such  a  love  unto  Sir  Launcelot  that  she 
could  never  withdraw  her  love,  wherefore  she  died,  and  her  name  was 
Elaine  le  Blank.  So  thus  as  she  came  to  and  fro  she  was  so  hot  in  her 
love  that  she  besought  Sir  Launcelot  to  wear  upon  him  at  the  jousts  a 
token  of  hers.  Fair  damosel,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  an  if  I  grant  you  that, 

Chap.  10      OF  THE  TOURNEY  AT  WINCHESTER  91 

ye  may  say  I  do  more  for  your  love  than  ever  I  did  for  lady  or  damosel. 
Then  he  remembered  him  he  would  go  to  the  jousts  disguised.  And 
because  he  had  never  fore  that  time  borne  no  manner  of  token  of  no 
damosel,  then  he  bethought  him  that  he  would  bear  one  of  her,  that 
none  of  his  blood  thereby  might  know  him,  and  then  he  said :  Fair 
maiden,  I  will  grant  you  to  wear  a  token  of  yours  upon  mine  helmet, 
and  therefore  what  it  is,  shew  it  me.  Sir,  she  said,  it  is  a  red  sleeve  of 
mine,  of  scarlet,  well  embroidered  with  great  pearls:  and  so  she 
brought  it  him.  So  Sir  Launcelot  received  it,  and  said  :  Never  did  I 
erst  so  much  for  no  damosel.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  betook  the  fair 
maiden  his  shield  in  keeping,  and  prayed  her  to  keep  that  until  that  he 
came  again ;  and  so  that  night  he  had  merry  rest  and  great  cheer,  for 
ever  the  damosel  Elaine  was  about  Sir  Launcelot  all  the  while  she 
might  be  suffered. 


)O  upon  a  day,  on  the  morn,  King  Arthur  and  all  his  knights 
departed,  for  their  king  had  tarried  three  days  to  abide  his 
noble  knights.  And  so  when  the  king  was  ridden,  Sir  Launce- 
lot and  Sir  Lavaine  made  them  ready  to  ride,  and  either  of 
them  had  white  shields,  and  the  red  sleeve  Sir  Launcelot  let  carry 
with  him.  And  so  they  took  their  leave  at  Sir  Bernard,  the  old  baron, 
and  at  his  daughter,  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat.  And  then  they  rode 
so  long  till  that  they  came  to  Camelot,  that  time  called  Winchester; 
and  there  was  great  press  of  kings,  dukes,  earls,  and  barons,  and  many 
noble  knights.  But  there  Sir  Launcelot  was  lodged  privily  by  the 
means  of  Sir  Lavaine  with  a  rich  burgess,  that  no  man  in  that  town  was 
ware  what  they  were.  And  so  they  reposed  them  there  till  our  Lady 
Day,  Assumption,  as  the  great  feast  should  be.  So  then  trumpets  blew 
unto  the  field,  and  King  Arthur  was  set  on  high  upon  a  scaffold  to 
behold  who  did  best.  But  as  the  French  book  saith.the  king  would  not 
suffer  Sir  Gawaine  to  go  from  him,  for  never  had  Sir  Gawaine  the 
better  an  Sir  Launcelot  were  in  the  field ;  and  many  times  was  Sir 
Gawaine  rebuked  when  Launcelot  came  into  any  jousts  disguised. 

Then  some  of  the  kings,  as  King  Anguish  of  Ireland  and  the  King  of 
Scots,  were  that  time  turned  upon  the  side  of  King  Arthur.  And  then 

92  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

on  the  other  party  was  the  King  of  Northgalis,  and  the  King  with  the 
Hundred  Knights,  and  the  King  of  Northumberland,  and  Sir  Galahad, 
the  haut  prince.  But  these  three  kings  and  this  duke  were  passing 
weak  to  hold  against  King  Arthur's  party,  for  with  him  were  the 
noblest  knights  of  the  world.  So  then  they  with  drew  them  eitherparty 
from  other,  and  every  man  made  him  ready  in  his  best  manner  to  do 
what  he  might. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  made  him  ready,  and  put  the  red  sleeve  upon 
his  head,  and  fastened  it  fast;  and  so  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Lavaine 
departed  out  of  Winchester  privily,  and  rode  until  a  little  leaved  wood 
behind  the  party  that  held  against  King  Arthur's  party,  and  there  they 
held  them  still  till  the  parties  smote  together.  And  then  came  in  the 
King  of  Scots  and  the  King  of  Ireland  on  Arthur's  party,  and  against 
them  came  the  King  of  Northumberland,  and  the  King  with  the  Hun- 
dred Knights  smote  down  the  King  of  Northumberland,  and  the  King 
with  the  Hundred  Knights  smote  down  King  Anguish  of  Ireland.  Then 
Sir  Palomides  that  was  on  Arthur's  party  encountered  with  Sir  Gala- 
had, and  either  of  them  smote  down  other,  and  either  party  halp  their 
lords  on  horseback  again.  So  there  began  a  strong  assail  upon  both 
parties.  And  then  came  in  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir  Sagramore  le  Desirous, 
Sir  Dodinas  le  Savage,  Sir  Kay  le  Seneschal,  Sir  Griflet  le  Fise  de 
Dieu,  Sir  Mordred,  Sir  Meliot  de  Logris,  Sir  Ozanna  le  Cure  Hardy, 
Sir  Safere,  Sir  Epinogris,  Sir  Galleron  of  Galway.  All  these  fifteen 
knights  were  knights  of  the  Table  Round.  So  these  with  more  other 
came  in  together,  and  beat  aback  the  King  of  Northumberland  and  the 
King  of  Northgalis.  When  Sir  Launcelot  saw  this,  as  he  hoved  in  a 
little  leaved  wood,  then  he  said  unto  Sir  Lavaine :  See  yonder  is  a 
company  of  good  knights,  and  they  hold  them  together  as  boars  that 
were  chafed  with  dogs.  That  is  truth,  said  Sir  Lavaine. 

'OW,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  an  ye  will  help  me  a  little,  ye  shall 
see  yonder  fellowship  that  chaseth  now  these  men  in  our 
side,  that  they  shall  go  as  fast  backward  as  they  went  for- 
ward. Sir,  spare  not,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  for  I  shall  do  what  I 
may.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Lavaine  came  in  at  the  thickest  of 


the  press,  and  there  Sir  Launcelot  smote  down  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir 
Sagramore,  Sir  Dodinas,  Sir  Kay,  Sir  Griflet,  and  all  this  he  did  with 
one  spear ;  and  Sir  Lavaine  smote  down  Sir  Lucan  le  Butler  and  Sir 
Bedevere.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  gat  another  spear,  and  there  he 
smote  down  Sir  Agravaine,  Sir  Gaheris,  and  Sir  Mordred,  and  Sir 
Meliot  de  Logris;  and  Sir  Lavaine  smote  Ozanna  le  Cure  Hardy.  And 
then  Sir  Launcelot  drew  his  sword,  and  there  he  smote  on  the  right 
hand  and  on  the  left  hand,  and  by  great  force  he  unhorsed  Sir  Safere, 
Sir  Epinogris,  and  Sir  Galleron;  and  then  the  knights  of  the  Table 
Round  withdrew  them  aback,  after  they  had  gotten  their  horses  as 
well  as  they  might.  O  mercy  Jesu,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  what  knight  is 
yonder  that  doth  so  marvellous  deeds  of  arms  in  that  field?  I  wot  well 
what  he  is,  said  King  Arthur,  but  as  at  this  time  I  will  not  name  him. 
Sir,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  would  say  it  were  Sir  Launcelot  by  his  riding 
and  his  buffets  that  I  see  him  deal,  but  ever  meseemeth  it  should  not  be 
he,  for  that  he  beareth  the  red  sleeve  upon  his  head ;  for  I  wist  him 
never  bear  token  at  no  jousts,  of  lady  nor  gentlewoman.  Let  him  be, 
said  King  Arthur,  he  will  be  better  known,  and  do  more,  or  ever  he 

Then  the  party  that  was  against  King  Arthur  were  well  comforted, 
and  then  they  held  them  together  that  beforehand  were  sore  rebuked. 
Then  Sir  Bors,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  and  Sir  Lionel  called  unto  them 
the  knights  of  their  blood,  as  Sir  Blamore  de  Ganis,  Sir  Bleoberis,  Sir 
Aliduke,  SirGalihud,  SirGalihodin,  Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse.  So  these 
nine  knights  of  Sir  Launcelot's  kin  thrust  in  mightily,  for  they  were  all 
noble  knights ;  and  they,  of  great  hate  and  despite  that  they  had  unto 
him,  thought  to  rebuke  that  noble  knight  Sir  Launcelot,  and  Sir  La- 
vaine, for  they  knew  them  not ;  and  so  they  came  hurling  together,  and 
smote  down  many  knights  of  Northgalis  and  of  Northumberland.  And 
when  Sir  Launcelot  saw  them  fare  so,  he  gat  a  spear  in  his  hand ;  and 
there  encountered  with  him  all  at  once  Sir  Bors,  Sir  Ector,  and  Sir 
Lionel,  and  all  they  three  smote  him  at  once  with  their  spears.  And 
with  force  of  themself  they  smote  Sir  Launcelot's  horse  to  the  earth ; 
and  by  misfortune  Sir  Bors  smote  Sir  Launcelot  through  the  shield 
into  the  side,  and  the  spear  brake,  and  the  head  left  still  in  his  side. 

When  Sir  Lavaine  saw  his  master  lie  on  the  ground,  he  ran  to  the 
King  of  Scots  and  smote  him  to  the  earth ;  and  by  great  force  he  took 
his  horse,  and  brought  him  to  Sir  Launcelot,  and  maugre  of  them  all 

94  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

he  made  him  to  mount  upon  that  horse.  And  then  Launcelot  gat  a  spear 
in  his  hand,  and  there  he  smote  Sir  Bors,  horse  and  man,  to  the  earth. 
In  the  same  wise  he  served  Sir  Ector  and  Sir  Lionel ;  and  Sir  Lavaine 
smote  down  Sir  Blamore  de  Ganis.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  drew  his 
sword,  for  he  felt  himself  so  sore  y-hurt  that  he  weened  there  to  have 
had  his  death.  And  then  he  smote  Sir  Bleoberis  such  a  buffet  on  the 
helm  that  he  fell  down  to  the  earth  in  a  swoon.  And  in  the  same  wise 
he  served  Sir  Aliduke  and  SirGalihud.  And  Sir  Lavaine  smote  down 
Sir  Bellangere,  that  was  the  son  of  Alisander  le  Orphelin. 

And  by  this  was  Sir  Bors  horsed,  and  then  he  came  with  Sir  Ector 
and  Sir  Lionel,  and  all  they  three  smote  with  swords  upon  Sir  Launce- 
lot's  helmet.  And  when  he  felt  their  buffets  and  his  wound,  the  which 
was  so  grievous,  then  he  thought  to  do  what  he  might  while  he  might 
endure.  And  then  he  gave  Sir  Bors  such  a  buffet  that  he  made  him 
bow  his  head  passing  low ;  and  therewithal  he  raced  off  his  helm,  and 
might  have  slain  him ;  and  so  pulled  him  down,  and  in  the  same  wise 
he  served  Sir  Ector  and  Sir  Lionel.  For  as  the  book  saith  he  might 
have  slain  them,  but  when  he  saw  their  visages  his  heart  might  not 
serve  him  thereto,  but  left  them  there.  And  then  afterward  he  hurled 
into  the  thickest  press  of  them  all,  and  did  there  the  marvelloust  deeds 
of  arms  that  ever  man  saw  or  heard  speak  of,  and  ever  Sir  Lavaine, 
the  good  knight,  with  him.  And  there  Sir  Launcelot  with  his  sword 
smote  down  and  pulled  down,  as  the  French  book  maketh  mention, 
mo  than  thirty  knights,  and  the  most  part  were  of  the  Table  Round ; 
and  Sir  Lavaine  did  full  well  that  day,  for  he  smote  down  ten  knights  of 
the  Table  Round. 


"ERCY  Jesu,  said  Sir  Gawaine  to  Arthur,  I  marvel  what 
knight  that  he  is  with  the  red  sleeve.  Sir,  said  King 
Arthur,  he  will  be  known  or  he  depart.  And  then  the 
king  blew  unto  lodging,  and  the  prize  was  given  by 
heralds  unto  the  knight  with  the  white  shield  that  bare  the  red  sleeve. 
Then  came  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights,  the  King  of  North- 
galis,  and  the  King  of  Northumberland,  and  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut 
prince,  and  said  unto  Sir  Launcelot :  Fair  knight,  God  thee  bless,  for 

Chap.  12       HOW  LAUNCELOT  WAS  WOUNDED  95 

much  have  ye  done  this  day  for  us,  therefore  we  pray  you  that  ye  will 
come  with  us  that  ye  may  receive  the  honour  and  the  prize  as  ye  have 
worshipfully  deserved  it.  My  fair  lords,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  wit  you 
well  if  I  have  deserved  thanks  I  have  sore  bought  it,  and  that  me 
repenteth,  for  I  am  like  never  to  escape  with  my  life ;  therefore,  fair 
lords,  I  pray  you  that  ye  will  suffer  me  to  depart  where  me  liketh,  for 
I  am  sore  hurt.  I  take  none  force  of  none  honour,  for  I  had  liefer  to 
repose  me  than  to  be  lord  of  all  the  world .  And  therewithal  he  groaned 
piteously,  and  rode  a  great  wallop  away- ward  from  them  until  he  came 
under  a  wood's  side. 

And  when  he  saw  that  he  was  from  the  field  nigh  a  mile,  that  he 
was  sure  he  might  not  be  seen,  then  he  said  with  an  high  voice :  O 
gentle  knight,  Sir  Lavaine,  help  me  that  this  truncheon  were  out  of  my 
side,  for  it  sticketh  so  sore  that  it  nigh  slayeth  me.  O  mine  own  lord, 
said  Sir  Lavaine,  I  would  fain  do  that  might  please  you,  but  I  dread 
me  sore  an  I  pull  out  the  truncheon  that  ye  shall  be  in  peril  of  death.  I 
charge  you,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  as  ye  love  me,  draw  it  out.  And  there- 
withal he  descended  from  his  horse,  and  right  so  did  Sir  Lavaine;  and 
forthwithal  Sir  Lavaine  drew  the  truncheon  out  of  his  side,  and  he 
gave  a  great  shriek  and  a  marvellous  grisly  groan,  and  the  blood  brast 
out  nigh  a  pint  at  once,  that  at  the  last  he  sank  down  upon  his  buttocks, 
and  so  swooned  pale  and  deadly.  Alas,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  what  shall  I 
do?  And  then  he  turned  Sir  Launcelot  into  the  wind,  but  so  he  lay 
there  nigh  half  an  hour  as  he  had  been  dead. 

And  so  at  the  last  Sir  Launcelot  cast  up  his  eyes,  and  said :  O 
Lavaine,  help  me  that  I  were  on  my  horse,  for  here  is  fast  by  within 
this  two  mile  a  gentle  hermit  that  sometime  was  a  full  noble  knight  and 
a  great  lord  of  possessions.  And  for  great  goodness  he  hath  taken  him 
to  wilful  poverty,  and  forsaken  many  lands,  and  his  name  is  Sir  Baud- 
win  of  Brittany,  and  he  is  a  full  noble  surgeon  and  a  good  leech.  Now 
let  see,  help  me  up  that  I  were  there,  for  ever  my  heart  giveth  me  that 
I  shall  never  die  of  my  cousin-germain's  hands.  And  then  with  great 
pain  Sir  Lavaine  halphim  upon  his  horse.  And  then  they  rode  a  great 
wallop  together,  and  ever  Sir  Launcelot  bled  that  it  ran  down  to  the 
earth ;  and  so  by  fortune  they  came  to  that  hermitage  the  which  was 
under  a  wood,  and  a  great  cliff  on  the  other  side,  and  a  fair  water  run- 
ning under  it.  And  then  Sir  Lavaine  beat  on  the  gate  with  the  butt  of 
his  spear,  and  cried  fast :  Let  in  for  Jesu's  sake. 

96  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

And  there  came  a  fair  child  to  them,  and  asked  them  what  they 
would.  Fair  son,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  go  and  pray  thy  lord,  the  hermit, 
for  God's  sake  to  let  in  here  a  knight  that  is  full  sore  wounded ;  and 
this  day  tell  thy  lord  I  saw  him  do  more  deeds  of  arms  than  ever  I  heard 
say  that  any  man  did.  So  the  child  went  in  lightly,  and  then  he  brought 
the  hermit,  the  which  was  a  passing  good  man.  When  Sir  Lavaine 
saw  him  he  prayed  him  for  God's  sake  of  succour.  What  knight  is  he? 
said  the  hermit.  Is  he  of  the  house  of  King  Arthur,  or  not?  I  wot  not, 
said  Sir  Lavaine,  what  is  he,  nor  what  is  his  name,  but  well  I  wot  I  saw 
him  do  marvellously  this  dayasof  deeds  of  arms.  On  whose  party  was 
he?  said  the  hermit.  Sir,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  he  was  this  day  against 
King  Arthur,  and  there  he  won  the  prize  of  all  the  knights  of  the  Round 
Table.  I  have  seen  the  day,  said  the  hermit,  I  would  have  loved  him 
the  worse  because  he  was  against  my  lord,  King  Arthur,  for  sometime 
I  was  one  of  the  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table,  but  I  thank  God  now 
I  am  otherwise  disposed.  But  where  is  he?  let  me  see  him.  Then  Sir 
Lavaine  brought  the  hermit  to  him. 


LND  when  the  hermit  beheld  him,  as  he  sat  leaning  upon  his 
saddle-bow  ever  bleeding  piteously,  and  ever  the  knight- 
hermit  thought  that  he  should  know  him,  but  he  could  not 
bring  him  to  knowledge  because  he  was  so  pale  for  bleed- 
ing. What  knight  are  ye,  said  the  hermit,  and  where  were  ye  born? 
My  fair  lord,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  am  a  stranger  and  a  knight  adven- 
turous, that  laboureth  throughout  many  realms  for  to  win  worship. 
Then  the  hermit  advised  him  better,  and  saw  by  a  wound  on  his  cheek 
that  he  was  Sir  Launcelot.  Alas,  said  the  hermit,  mine  own  lord  why 
lain  you  your  name  from  me?  Forsooth  I  ought  to  know  you  of  right, 
for  ye  are  the  most  noblest  knight  of  the  world,  for  well  I  know  you  for 
Sir  Launcelot.  Sir,  said  he,  sith  ye  know  me,  help  me  an  ye  may,  for 
God's  sake,  for  I  would  be  out  of  this  pain  at  once,  either  to  death  or  to 
life.  Have  ye  no  doubt,  said  the  hermit,  ye  shall  live  and  fare  right 
well.  And  so  the  hermit  called  to  him  two  of  his  servants,  and  so  he 
and  his  servants  bare  him  into  the  hermitage,  and  lightly  unarmed 
him,  and  laid  him  in  his  bed.  And  then  anon  the  hermit  staunched  his 

Chap.  13       OF  LAUNCELOT  AND  THE  HERMIT  97 

blood,  and  made  him  to  drink  good  wine,  so  that  Sir  Launcelot  was 
well  refreshed  and  knew  himself ;  for  in  those  days  it  was  not  the  guise 
of  hermits  as  is  nowadays,  for  there  were  none  hermits  in  those  days 
but  that  they  had  been  men  of  worship  and  of  prowess ;  and  those 
hermits  held  great  household,  and  refreshed  people  that  were  in 

Now  turn  we  unto  King  Arthur,  and  leave  we  Sir  Launcelot  in  the 
hermitage.  So  when  the  kings  were  come  together  on  both  parties, 
and  the  great  feast  should  be  holden,  King  Arthur  asked  the  King  of 
Northgalis  and  their  fellowship,  where  was  that  knight  that  bare  the 
red  sleeve :  Bring  him  afore  me  that  he  may  have  his  laud,  and  honour, 
and  the  prize,  as  it  is  right.  Then  spake  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut  prince, 
and  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights :  We  suppose  that  knight  is 
mischieved,  and  that  he  is  never  like  to  see  you  nor  none  of  us  all,  and 
that  is  the  greatest  pity  that  ever  we  wist  of  any  knight.  Alas,  said 
Arthur,  how  may  this  be,  is  he  so  hurt?  What  is  his  name?  said  King 
Arthur.  Truly,  said  they  all,  we  know  not  his  name,  nor  from  whence 
he  came,  nor  whither  he  would.  Alas,  said  the  king,  this  be  to  me  the 
worst  tidings  that  came  to  me  this  seven  year,  for  I  would  not  for  all 
the  lands  I  wield  to  know  and  wit  it  were  so  that  that  noble  knight  were 
slain.  Know  ye  him  ?  said  they  all.  As  for  that,  said  Arthur,  whether 
I  know  him  or  know  him  not,  ye  shall  not  know  for  me  what  man  he  is, 
but  Almighty  Jesu  send  me  good  tidings  of  him.  And  so  said  they  all. 
By  my  head,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  if  it  so  be  that  the  good  knight  be  so 
sore  hurt,  it  is  great  damage  and  pity  to  all  this  land,  for  he  is  one  of  the 
noblest  knights  that  ever  I  saw  in  a  field  handle  a  spear  or  a  sword  ; 
and  if  he  may  be  found  I  shall  find  him,  for  I  am  sure  he  nis  not  far  from 
this  town.  Bear  you  well,  said  King  Arthur,  an  ye  may  find  him,  unless 
that  he  be  in  such  a  plight  that  he  may  not  wield  himself.  Jesu  defend, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  but  wit  I  shall  what  he  is,  an  I  may  find  him. 

Right  so  Sir  Gawaine  took  a  squire  with  him  upon  hackneys,  and 
rode  all  about  Camelot  within  six  or  seven  mile,  but  so  he  came  again 
and  could  hear  no  word  of  him.  Then  within  two  days  King  Arthur 
and  all  the  fellowship  returned  unto  London  again.  And  so  as  they 
rode  by  the  way  it  happed  Sir  Gawaine  at  Astolat  to  lodge  with  Sir 
Bernard  thereas  was  Sir  Launcelot  lodged.  And  so  as  Sir  Gawaine 
was  in  his  chamber  to  repose  him  Sir  Bernard,  the  old  baron,  came 
unto  him,  and  his  daughter  Elaine,  to  cheer  him  and  to  ask  him  what 

iv  o 


tidings,  and  who  did  best  at  that  tournament  of  Winchester.  So  God 
me  help,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  there  were  two  knights  that  bare  two  white 
shields,  but  the  one  of  them  bare  a  red  sleeve  upon  his  head,  and  cer- 
tainly he  was  one  of  the  best  knights  that  ever  I  saw  joust  in  field.  For 
I  dare  say,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  one  knight  with  the  red  sleeve  smote 
down  forty  knights  of  the  Table  Round,  and  his  fellow  did  right  well 
and  worshipfully.  Now  blessed  be  God,  said  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Asto- 
lat,  that  that  knight  sped  so  well,  for  he  is  the  man  in  the  world  that  I 
first  loved,  and  truly  he  shall  be  last  that  ever  I  shall  love.  Now,  fair 
maid,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  is  that  good  knight  your  love  ?  Certainly  sir, 
said  she,  wit  ye  well  he  is  my  love.  Then  know  ye  his  name  ?  said  Sir 
Gawaine.  Nay  truly,  said  the  damosel,  I  know  not  his  name  nor  from 
whence  he  cometh,  but  to  say  that  I  love  him,  I  promise  you  and  God 
that  I  love  him.  How  had  ye  knowledge  of  him  first  ?  said  Sir  Gawaine. 


she  told  him  as  ye  have  heard  to-fore,  and  how  her 
father  betook  him  her  brother  to  do  him  service,  and  how 
her  father  lent  him  her  brother's,  Sir  Tirre's,  shield :  And 
here  with  me  he  left  his  own  shield.  For  what  cause  did  he 

so?  said  Sir  Gawaine.  For  this  cause,  said  the  damosel,  for  his  shield 
was  too  well  known  among  many  noble  knights.  Ah  fair  damosel,  said 
Sir  Gawaine,  please  it  you  let  me  have  a  sight  of  that  shield.  Sir,  said 
she,  it  is  in  my  chamber,  covered  with  a  case,  and  if  ye  will  come  with  me 
ye  shall  see  it.  Not  so,  said  Sir  Bernard  till  his  daughter,  let  send  for  it. 
So  when  the  shield  was  come,  Sir  Gawaine  took  off  the  case,  and 
when  he  beheld  that  shield  he  knew  anon  that  it  was  Sir  Launcelot's 
shield,  and  his  own  arms-.  Ah  Jesu  mercy,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  now  is  my 
heart  more  heavier  than  ever  it  was  to-fore.  Why?  said  Elaine.  For 
I  have  great  cause,  said  Sir  Gawaine.  Is  that  knight  that  oweth  this 
shield  your  love?  Yea  truly,  said  she,  my  love  he  is,  God  would  I  were 
his  love.  So  God  me  speed,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  fair  damosel  ye  have 
right,  for  an  he  be  your  love  ye  love  the  most  honourable  knight  of  the 
world,  and  the  man  of  most  worship.  So  me  thought  ever,  said  the 
damosel,  for  never  or  that  time,  for  no  knight  that  ever  I  saw,  loved  I 

Chap.  14     HOW  GAWAINE  CAME  TO  ASTOLAT  99 

never  none  erst.  God  grant,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  either  of  you  may 
rejoice  other,  but  that  is  in  a  great  adventure.  But  truly,  said  Sir 
Gawaine  unto  the  damosel,  ye  may  say  ye  have  a  fair  grace,  for  why  I 
have  known  that  noble  knight  this  four-and-twenty  year,  and  never 
or  that  day,  I  nor  none  other  knight,  I  dare  make  good,  saw  nor  heard 
say  that  ever  he  bare  token  or  sign  of  no  lady,  gentlewoman,  ne  maiden, 
at  no  jousts  nor  tournament.  And  therefore  fair  maiden,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  ye  are  much  beholden  to  him  to  give  him  thanks.  But  I 
dread  me,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  ye  shall  never  see  him  in  this  world, 
and  that  is  great  pity  that  ever  was  of  earthly  knight.  Alas,  said  she, 
how  may  this  be,  is  he  slain?  I  say  not  so,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  but  wit  ye 
well  he  is  grievously  wounded,  by  all  manner  of  signs,  and  by  men's 
sight  more  likelier  to  be  dead  than  to  be  alive ;  and  wit  ye  well  he  is 
the  noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot,  for  by  this  shield  I  know  him.  Alas, 
said  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat,  how  may  this  be,  and  what  was  his 
hurt?  Truly,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  the  man  in  the  world  that  loved  him 
best  hurt  him  so ;  and  I  dare  say,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  an  that  knight  that 
hurt  him  knew  the  very  certainty  that  he  had  hurt  Sir  Launcelot,  it 
would  be  the  most  sorrow  that  ever  came  to  his  heart. 

Now  fair  father,  said  then  Elaine,  I  require  you  give  me  leave  to  ride 
and  to  seek  him,  or  else  I  wot  well  I  shall  go  out  of  my  mind,  for  I  shall 
never  stint  till  that  I  find  him  and  my  brother,  Sir  Lavaine.  Do  as  it 
liketh  you,  said  her  father,  for  me  sore  repenteth  of  the  hurt  of  that 
noble  knight.  Right  so  the  maid  made  her  ready,  and  before  Sir 
Gawaine,  making  great  dole. 

Then  on  the  morn  Sir  Gawaine  came  to  King  Arthur,  and  told  him 
how  he  had  found  Sir  Launcelot's  shield  in  the  keeping  of  the  Fair 
Maiden  of  Astolat.  All  that  knew  I  aforehand,  said  King  Arthur,  and 
that  caused  me  I  would  not  suffer  you  to  have  ado  at  the  great  jousts, 
for  I  espied,  said  King  Arthur,  when  he  came  in  till  his  lodging  full  late 
in  the  evening  in  Astolat.  But  marvel  have  I,  said  Arthur,  that  ever  he 
would  bear  any  sign  of  any  damosel,  for  or  now  I  never  heard  say  nor 
knew  that  ever  he  bare  any  token  of  none  earthly  woman.  By  my 
head,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat  loveth  him  mar- 
vellously well;  what  it  meaneth  I  cannot  say,  and  she  is  ridden  after 
to  seek  him.  So  the  king  and  all  came  to  London,  and  there  Sir 
Gawaine  openly  disclosed  to  all  the  court  that  it  was  Sir  Launcelot 
that  jousted  best. 



when  Sir  Bors  heard  that,  wit  ye  well  he  was  an  heavy 
man,  and  so  were  all  his  kinsmen.  But  when  Queen  Guen- 
ever  wist  that  Sir  Launcelot  bare  the  red  sleeve  of  the  Fair 
Maiden  of  Astolat  she  was  nigh  out  of  her  mind  for  wrath. 
And  then  she  sent  for  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis  in  all  the  haste  that  might  be. 
So  when  Sir  Bors  was  come  to-fore  the  queen,  then  she  said :  Ah  Sir 
Bors,  have  ye  heard  say  how  falsely  Sir  Launcelot  hath  betrayed  me  ? 
Alas  madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  I  am  afeard  he  hath  betrayed  himself  and 
us  all.  No  force,  said  the  queen,  though  he  be  destroyed,  for  he  is  a 
false  traitor-knight.  Madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  I  pray  you  say  ye  not  so, 
for  wit  you  well  I  may  not  hear  such  language  of  him.  Why  Sir  Bors, 
said  she,  should  I  not  call  him  traitor  when  he  bare  the  red  sleeve  upon 
his  head  at  Winchester,  at  the  great  jousts?  Madam,  said  Sir  Bors, 
that  sleeve-bearing  repenteth  me  sore,  but  I  dare  say  he  did  it  to  none 
evil  intent,  but  for  this  cause  he  bare  the  red  sleeve  that  none  of  his 
blood  should  know  him.  For  or  then  we,  nor  none  of  us  all,  never  knew 
that  ever  he  bare  token  or  sign  of  maid,  lady,  ne  gentlewoman.  Fie  on 
him,  said  the  queen,  yet  for  all  his  pride  and  bobaunce  there  ye  proved 
yourself  his  better.  Nay  madam,  say  ye  never  more  so,  for  he  beat  me 
and  my  fellows,  and  might  have  slain  us  an  he  had  would.  Fie  on  him, 
said  the  queen,  for  I  heard  Sir  Gawaine  say  before  my  lord  Arthur  that 
it  were  marvel  to  tell  the  great  love  that  is  between  the  Fair  Maiden  of 
Astolat  and  him.  Madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  I  may  not  warn  Sir  Gawaine 
to  say  what  it  pleased  him ;  but  I  dare  say,  as  for  my  lord,  Sir  Launce- 
lot, that  he  loveth  no  lady,  gentlewoman,  nor  maid,  but  all  he  loveth  in 
like  much.  And  therefore  madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  ye  may  say  what  ye 
will,  but  wit  ye  well  I  will  haste  me  to  seek  him,  and  find  him  where- 
somever  he  be,  and  God  send  me  good  tidings  of  him.  And  so  leave 
we  them  there,  and  speak  we  of  Sir  Launcelot  that  lay  in  great  peril. 

So  as  fair  Elaine  came  to  Winchester  she  sought  there  all  about, 
and  by  fortune  Sir  Lavaine  was  ridden  to  play  him,  to  enchafe  his 
horse.  And  anon  as  Elaine  saw  him  she  knew  him,  and  then  she  cried 
aloud  until  him.  And  when  he  heard  her  anon  he  came  to  her,  and 
then  she  asked  her  brother  how  did  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot.  Who  told 

Chap.  16     HOW  SIR  BORS  FOUND  LAUNCELOT  101 

you,  sister,  that  my  lord's  name  was  SirLauncelot?  Then  she  told  him 
how  Sir  Gawaine  by  his  shield  knew  him.  So  they  rode  together  till 
that  they  came  to  the  hermitage,  and  anon  she  alighted. 

So  Sir  Lavaine  brought  her  in  to  Sir  Launcelot;  and  when  she  saw 
him  lie  so  sick  and  pale  in  his  bed  she  might  not  speak,  but  suddenly 
she  fell  to  the  earth  down  suddenly  in  a  swoon,  and  there  she  lay  a 
great  while.  And  when  she  was  relieved,  she  shrieked  and  said:  My 
lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  alas  why  be  ye  in  this  plight  ?  and  then  she  swooned 
again.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  prayed  Sir  Lavaine  to  take  her  up : 
And  bring  her  to  me.  And  when  she  came  to  herself  Sir  Launcelot 
kissed  her,  and  said :  Fair  maiden,  why  fare  ye  thus  ?  ye  put  me  to 
pain ;  wherefore  make  ye  no  more  such  cheer,  for  an  ye  be  come  to 
comfort  me  ye  be  right  welcome ;  and  of  this  little  hurt  that  I  have  I 
shall  be  right  hastily  whole  by  the  grace  of  God.  But  I  marvel,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  who  told  you  my  name?  Then  the  fair  maiden  told  him  all 
how  Sir  Gawaine  was  lodged  with  her  father:  And  there  by  your 
shield  he  discovered  your  name.  Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  me 
repenteth  that  my  name  is  known,  for  I  am  sure  it  will  turn  unto  anger. 
And  then  Sir  Launcelot  compassed  in  his  mind  that  Sir  Gawaine 
would  tell  Queen  Guenever  how  he  bare  the  red  sleeve,  and  for  whom ; 
that  he  wist  well  would  turn  into  great  anger. 

So  this  maiden  Elaine  never  went  from  Sir  Launcelot,  but  watched 
him  day  and  night,  and  did  such  attendance  to  him,  that  the  French 
book  saith  there  was  never  woman  did  more  kindlier  for  man  than  she. 
Then  SirLauncelot  prayed  Sir  Lavaine  to  make  aspies  in  Winchester 
for  Sir  Bors  if  he  came  there,  and  told  him  by  what  tokens  he  should 
know  him,  by  a  wound  in  his  forehead.  For  well  I  am  sure,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  that  Sir  Bors  will  seek  me,  for  he  is  the  same  good  knight 
that  hurt  me. 


'OW  turn  we  unto  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis  that  came  unto  Win- 
chester to  seek  after  his  cousin  SirLauncelot.  And  so  when 
he  came  to  Winchester,  anon  there  were  men  that  Sir 
Lavaine  had  made  to  lie  in  a  watch  for  such  a  man,  and 
anon  Sir  Lavaine  had  warning ;  and  then  Sir  Lavaine  came  to  Win- 

102  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

chester  and  found  Sir  Bors,  and  there  he  told  him  what  he  was,  and 
with  whom  he  was,  and  what  was  his  name.  Now  fair  knight,  said  Sir 
Bors,  I  require  you  that  ye  will  bring  me  to  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot. 
Sir,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  take  your  horse,  and  within  this  hour  ye  shall 
see  him.  And  so  they  departed,  and  came  to  the  hermitage. 

And  when  Sir  Bors  saw  Sir  Launcelot  lie  in  his  bed  pale  and  dis- 
coloured, anon  Sir  Bors  lost  his  countenance,  and  for  kindness  and 
pity  he  might  not  speak,  but  wept  tenderly  a  great  while.  And  then 
when  he  might  speak  he  said  thus :  O  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  God  you 
bless,  and  send  you  hasty  recover ;  and  full  heavy  am  I  of  my  misfor- 
tune and  of  mine  unhappiness,  for  now  I  may  call  myself  unhappy. 
And  I  dread  me  that  God  is  greatly  displeased  with  me,  that  he  would 
suffer  me  to  have  such  a  shame  for  to  hurt  you  that  are  all  our  leader, 
and  all  our  worship ;  and  therefore  I  call  myself  unhappy.  Alas  that 
ever  such  a  caitiff-knight  as  I  am  should  have  power  by  unhappiness 
to  hurt  the  most  noblest  knight  of  the  world.  Where  I  so  shamefully 
set  upon  you  and  overcharged  you,  and  where  ye  might  have  slain  me, 
ye  saved  me ;  and  so  did  not  I,  for  I  and  your  blood  did  to  you  our  utter- 
ance. I  marvel,  said  Sir  Bors,  that  my  heart  or  my  blood  would  serve 
me,  wherefore  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  I  ask  your  mercy.  Fair  cousin, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  be  right  welcome ;  and  wit  ye  well,  overmuch 
ye  say  for  to  please  me,  the  which  pleaseth  me  not,  for  why  I  have  the 
same  I  sought ;  for  I  would  with  pride  have  overcome  you  all,  and  there 
in  my  pride  I  was  near  slain,  and  that  was  in  mine  own  default,  for  I 
might  have  given  you  warning  of  my  being  there.  And  then  had  I  had 
no  hurt,  for  it  is  an  old  said  saw,  there  is  hard  battle  thereas  kin  and 
friends  do  battle  either  against  other,  there  may  be  no  mercy  but 
mortal  war.  Therefore,  fair  cousin,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  let  this  speech 
overpass,  and  all  shall  be  welcome  that  God  sendeth ;  and  let  us  leave 
off  this  matter  and  let  us  speak  of  some  rejoicing,  for  this  that  is  done 
may  not  be  undone ;  and  let  us  find  a  remedy  how  soon  that  I  may  be 

Then  Sir  Bors  leaned  upon  his  bedside,  and  told  Sir  Launcelot  how 
the  queen  was  passing  wroth  with  him,  because  he  wore  the  red  sleeve 
at  the  great  jousts ;  and  there  Sir  Bors  told  him  all  how  Sir  Gawaine 
discovered  it :  By  your  shield  that  ye  left  with  the  Fair  Maiden  of 
Astolat.  Then  is  the  queen  wroth,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  and  therefore 

Chap.  17  OF  SIR  LAUNCELOT'S  WOUND  103 

am  I  right  heavy,  for  I  deserved  no  wrath,  for  all  that  I  did  was  because 
I  would  not  be  known.  Right  so  excused  I  you,  said  Sir  Bors,  but  all 
was  in  vain,  for  she  said  more  largelier  to  me  than  I  to  you  now.  But  is 
this  she,  said  Sir  Bors,  that  is  so  busy  about  you,  that  men  call  the  Fair 
Maiden  of  Astolat  ?  She  it  is,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  by  no  means  I 
cannot  put  her  from  me.  Why  should  ye  put  her  from  you?  said  Sir 
Bors,  she  is  a  passing  fairdamosel,  and  a  well  beseen,  and  well  taught; 
and  God  would,  fair  cousin,  said  Sir  Bors,  that  ye  could  love  her,  but 
as  to  that  I  may  not,  nor  I  dare  not,  counsel  you.  But  I  see  well,  said  Sir 
Bors,  by  her  diligence  aboutyou  that  she  lovethyou  entirely.  That  me 
repenteth,  said  Sir  Launcelot.  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  she  is  not  the  first 
that  hath  lost  her  pain  upon  you,  and  that  is  the  more  pity :  and  so  they 
talked  of  many  more  things.  And  so  within  three  days  or  four  Sir 
Launcelot  was  big  and  strong  again. 


p^ — I  I — ^HEN  Sir  Bors  told  Sir  Launcelot  how  there  was  sworn  a 
great  tournament  and  jousts  betwixt  King  Arthur  and  the 
King  of  Northgalis,  that  should  be  upon  All  Hallowmass 
Day,  beside  Winchester.  Is  that  truth  ?  said  Sir  Launcelot ; 
then  shall  ye  abide  with  me  still  a  little  while  until  that  I  be  whole,  for 
I  feel  myself  right  big  and  strong.  Blessed  be  God,  said  Sir  Bors. 
Then  were  they  there  nigh  a  month  together,  and  ever  this  maiden 
Elaine  did  ever  her  diligent  labour  night  and  day  unto  Sir  Launcelot, 
that  there  was  never  child  nor  wife  more  meeker  to  her  father  and 
husband  than  was  that  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat ;  wherefore  Sir  Bors 
was  greatly  pleased  with  her. 

So  upon  a  day,  by  the  assent  of  Sir  Launcelot,  Sir  Bors,  and  Sir 
Lavaine,  they  made  the  hermit  to  seek  in  woods  for  divers  herbs,  and 
so  Sir  Launcelot  made  fair  Elaine  to  gather  herbs  for  him  to  make  him 
a  bain.  In  the  meanwhile  Sir  Launcelot  made  him  to  arm  him  at  all 
pieces ;  and  there  he  thought  to  assay  his  armour  and  his  spear,  for  his 
hurt  or  not.  And  so  when  he  was  upon  his  horse  he  stirred  him  fiercely, 
and  the  horse  was  passing  lusty  and  fresh  because  he  was  not  laboured 
a  month  afore.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  couched  that  spear  in  the  rest. 

104  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

That  courser  leapt  mightily  when  he  felt  the  spurs ;  and  he  that  was 
upon  him,  the  which  was  the  noblest  horse  of  the  world,  strained  him 
mightily  and  stably,  and  kept  still  the  spear  in  the  rest ;  and  therewith 
Sir  Launcelot  strained  himself  so  straitly,  with  so  great  force,  to  get 
the  horse  forward,  that  the  button  of  his  wound  brast  both  within  and 
without;  and  therewithal  the  blood  came  out  so  fiercely  that  he  felt 
himself  so  feeble  that  he  might  not  sit  upon  his  horse.  And  then  Sir 
Launcelot  cried  unto  Sir  Bors :  Ah,  Sir  Bors  and  Sir  Lavaine,  help,  for 
I  am  come  to  mine  end.  And  therewith  he  fell  down  on  the  one  side  to 
the  earth  like  a  dead  corpse.  And  then  Sir  Bors  and  Sir  Lavaine 
came  to  him  with  sorrow-making  out  of  measure.  And  so  by  fortune 
the  maiden  Elaine  heard  their  mourning,  and  then  she  came  thither; 
and  when  she  found  Sir  Launcelot  there  armed  in  that  place  she  cried 
and  wept  as  she  had  been  wood ;  and  then  she  kissed  him,  and  did 
what  she  might  to  awake  him.  And  then  she  rebuked  her  brother  and 
Sir  Bors,  and  called  them  false  traitors,  why  they  would  take  him  out 
of  his  bed ;  there  she  cried,  and  said  she  would  appeal  them  of  his 

With  this  came  the  holy  hermit,  Sir  Baud  win  of  Brittany,  and  when 
he  found  Sir  Launcelot  in  that  plight  he  said  but  little,  but  wit  ye  well 
he  was  wroth;  and  then  he  bade  them:  Let  us  have  him  in.  And  so 
they  all  bare  him  unto  the  hermitage,  and  unarmed  him,  and  laid  him 
in  his  bed ;  and  evermore  his  wound  bled  piteously,  but  he  stirred  no 
limb  of  him.  Then  the  knight-hermit  put  a  thing  in  his  nose  and  a  little 
deal  of  water  in  his  mouth.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  waked  of  his 
swoon,  and  then  the  hermit  staunched  his  bleeding.  And  when  he 
might  speak  he  asked  Sir  Launcelot  why  he  put  his  life  in  jeopardy. 
Sir,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  because  I  weened  I  had  been  strong,  and  also 
Sir  Bors  told  me  that  there  should  be  at  All  Hallowmass  a  great  jousts 
betwixt  King  Arthur  and  the  King  of  Northgalis,  and  therefore  I 
thought  to  assay  it  myself,  whether  I  might  be  there  or  not.  Ah,  Sir 
Launcelot,  said  the  hermit,  your  heart  and  your  courage  will  never  be 
done  until  your  last  day,  but  ye  shall  do  now  by  my  counsel.  Let  Sir 
Bors  depart  from  you,  and  let  him  do  at  that  tournament  what  he  may: 
And  by  the  grace  of  God,  said  the  knight-hermit,  by  that  the  tourna- 
ment be  done  and  ye  come  hither  again,  Sir  Launcelot  shall  be  as 
whole  as  ye,  so  that  he  will  be  governed  by  me. 

Chap,  is  HOW  SIR  BORS  RETURNED  105 


\- — |  I — ^HEN  Sir  Bors  made  him  ready  to  depart  from  Sir  Launce- 
lot;  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  said:  Fair  cousin,  Sir  Bors, 
recommend  me  unto  all  them  unto  whom  me  ought  to  recom- 
mend me  unto.  And  I  pray  you,  enforce  yourself  at  that 
jousts  that  ye  may  be  best,  for  my  love ;  and  here  shall  I  abide  you  at 
the  mercy  of  God  till  ye  come  again.  And  so  Sir  Bors  departed  and 
came  to  the  court  of  King  Arthur,  and  told  them  in  what  place  he  had 
left  Sir  Launcelot.  That  me  repenteth,  said  the  king,  but  since  he  shall 
have  his  life  we  all  may  thank  God.  And  there  Sir  Bors  told  the  queen 
in  what  jeopardy  Sir  Launcelot  was  when  he  would  assay  his  horse. 
And  all  that  he  did,  madam,  was  for  the  love  of  you,  because  he  would 
have  been  at  this  tournament,  Fie  on  him,  recreant  knight,  said  the 
queen,  for  wit  ye  well  I  am  right  sorry  an  he  shall  have  his  life.  His 
life  shall  he  have,  said  Sir  Bors,  and  who  that  would  otherwise,  except 
you,  madam,  we  that  be  of  his  blood  should  help  to  short  their  lives. 
But  madam,  said  Sir  Bors,  ye  have  been  oft-times  displeased  with  my 
lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  but  at  all  times  at  the  end  ye  find  him  a  true  knight : 
and  so  he  departed. 

And  then  every  knight  of  the  Round  Table  that  were  there  at  that 
time  present  made  them  ready  to  be  at  that  jousts  at  All  Hallowmass, 
and  thither  drew  many  knights  of  divers  countries.  And  as  All 
Hallowmass  drew  near,  thither  came  the  King  of  Northgalis,  and  the 
King  with  the  Hundred  Knights,  and  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut  prince,  of 
Surluse,  and  thither  came  King  Anguish  of  Ireland,  and  the  King  of 
Scots.  So  these  three  kings  came  on  King  Arthur's  party.  And  so  that 
day  Sir  Gawaine  did  great  deeds  of  arms,  and  began  first.  And  the 
heralds  numbered  that  Sir  Gawaine  smote  down  twenty  knights. 
Then  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis  came  in  the  same  time,  and  he  was  numbered 
that  he  smote  down  twenty  knights ;  and  therefore  the  prize  was  given 
betwixt  them  both,  for  they  began  first  and  longest  endured.  Also  Sir 
Gareth,  as  the  book  saith,  did  that  day  great  deeds  of  arms,  for  he 
smote  down  and  pulled  down  thirty  knights.  But  when  he  had  done 
these  deeds  he  tarried  not  but  so  departed,  and  therefore  he  lost  his 
prize.  And  Sir  Palomides  did  great  deeds  of  arms  that  day,  for  he 
iv  p 


smote  down  twenty  knights,  but  he  departed  suddenly,  and  men 
deemed  Sir  Gareth  and  he  rode  together  to  some  manner  adventures. 

So  when  this  tournament  was  done  Sir  Bors  departed,  and  rode  till 
he  came  to  Sir  Launcelot,  his  cousin ;  and  then  he  found  him  walking 
on  his  feet,  and  there  either  made  great  joy  of  other ;  and  so  Sir  Bors 
told  Sir  Launcelot  of  all  the  jousts  like  as  ye  have  heard.  I  marvel,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  that  Sir  Gareth,  when  he  had  done  such  deeds  of  arms, 
that  he  would  not  tarry.  Thereof  we  marvelled  all,  said  Sir  Bors,  for 
but  if  it  were  you,  or  Sir  Tristram,  or  Sir  Lamorak  de  Galis,  I  saw 
never  knight  bear  down  so  many  in  so  little  a  while  as  did  Sir  Gareth : 
and  anon  he  was  gone  we  wist  not  where.  By  my  head,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  he  is  a  noble  knight,  and  a  mighty  man  and  well  breathed ; 
and  if  he  were  well  assayed,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  would  deem  he  were 
good  enough  for  any  knight  that  beareth  the  life ;  and  he  is  a  gentle 
knight,  courteous,  true,  and  bounteous,  meek,  and  mild,  and  in  him  is 
no  manner  of  mal  engin,  but  plain,  faithful,  and  true. 

So  then  they  made  them  ready  to  depart  from  the  hermit.  And  so 
upon  a  morn  they  took  their  horses  and  Elaine  le  Blank  with  them ; 
and  when  they  came  to  Astolat  there  were  they  well  lodged,  and  had 
great  cheerof  Sir  Bernard,  the  old  baron,  and  of  SirTirre.hisson.  And 
so  upon  the  morn  when  Sir  Launcelot  should  depart,  fair  Elaine 
brought  her  father  with  her,  and  Sir  Lavaine,  and  Sir  Tirre,  and  thus 
she  said : 


"Y  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  now  I  see  ye  will  depart;  now  fair 
knight  and  courteous  knight,  have  mercy  upon  me,  and 
suffer  me  not  to  die  for  thy  love.  What  would  ye  that  I 
did  ?  said  Sir  Launcelot.  I  would  have  you  to  my  hus- 
band, said  Elaine.  Fair  damosel,  I  thank  you,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  but 
truly,  said  he,  I  cast  me  never  to  be  wedded  man.  Then,  fair  knight, 
said  she,  will  ye  be  my  paramour?  Jesu  defend  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
for  then  I  rewarded  your  father  and  your  brother  full  evil  for  their 
great  goodness.  Alas,  said  she,  then  must  I  die  for  your  love.  Ye  shall 
not  so,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  wit  ye  well,  fair  maiden,  I  might  have 

Chap.  19       HOW  THE  MAID  OF  ASTOLAT  DIED  107 

been  married  an  I  had  would,  but  I  never  applied  me  to  be  married 
yet ;  but  because,  fair  damosel,  that  ye  love  me  as  ye  say  ye  do,  I  will 
for  your  good  will  and  kindness  show  you  some  goodness,  and  that  is 
this,  that  wheresomever  ye  will  beset  your  heart  upon  some  good 
knight  that  will  wed  you,  I  shall  give  you  together  a  thousand  pound 
yearly  to  you  and  to  your  heirs;  thus  much  will  I  give  you,  fair  madam, 
for  your  kindness,  and  always  while  I  live  to  be  your  own  knight.  Of 
all  this,  said  the  maiden,  I  will  none,  for  but  if  ye  will  wed  me,  or  else 
be  my  paramour  at  the  least,  wit  you  well,  Sir  Launcelot,  my  good 
days  are  done.  Fair  damosel,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  of  these  two  things 
ye  must  pardon  me. 

Then  she  shrieked  shrilly,  and  fell  down  in  a  swoon ;  and  then 
women  bare  her  into  her  chamber,  and  there  she  made  over  much 
sorrow;  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  would  depart,  and  there  he  asked 
Sir  Lavaine  what  he  would  do.  What  should  I  do,  said  Sir  Lavaine, 
but  follow  you,  but  if  ye  drive  me  from  you,  or  command  me  to  go  from 
you.  Then  came  Sir  Bernard  to  Sir  Launcelot  and  said  to  him :  I  can- 
not see  but  that  my  daughter  Elaine  will  die  for  your  sake.  I  may  not 
do  withal,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  that  me  sore  repenteth,  for  I  report 
me  to  yourself,  that  my  proffer  is  fair;  and  me  repenteth,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  that  she  loveth  me  as  she  doth ;  I  was  never  the  causer  of  it, 
for  I  report  me  to  your  son  I  early  ne  late  proffered  her  bounte  nor  fair 
behests;  and  as  for  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  dare  do  all  that  a  knight 
should  do  that  she  is  a  clean  maiden  for  me,  both  for  deed  and  for  will. 
And  I  am  right  heavy  of  her  distress,  for  she  is  a  full  fair  maiden,  good 
and  gentle,  and  well  taught.  Father,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  I  dare  make 
good  she  is  a  clean  maiden  as  for  my  lord  Sir  Launcelot;  but  she  doth 
as  I  do,  for  sithenl  first  sawmylord  Sir  Launcelot,  I  could  never  depart 
from  him,  nor  nought  I  will  an  I  may  follow  him. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  took  his  leave,  and  so  they  departed,  and  came 
unto  Winchester.  And  when  Arthur  wist  that  Sir  Launcelot  was 
come  whole  and  sound  the  king  made  great  joy  of  him,  and  so  did  Sir 
Gawaine  and  all  the  knights  of  the  Round  Table  except  Sir  Agravaine 
and  Sir  Mordred.  Also  Queen  Guenever  was  wood  wroth  with  Sir 
Launcelot,  and  would  by  no  means  speak  with  him,  but  estranged 
herself  from  him ;  and  Sir  Launcelot  made  all  the  means  that  he  might 
for  to  speak  with  the  queen,  but  it  would  not  be. 


Now  speak  we  of  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat  that  made  such  sorrow 
day  and  night  that  she  never  slept,  ate,  nor  drank,  and  ever  she  made 
her  complaint  unto  Sir  Launcelot.  So  when  she  had  thus  endured  a 
ten  days,  that  shefeebled  so  that  she  must  needs  pass  out  of  this  world, 
then  she  shrived  her  clean,  and  received  her  Creator.  And  ever  she 
complained  still  upon  Sir  Launcelot.  Then  her  ghostly  father  bade 
her  leave  such  thoughts.  Then  she  said,  why  should  I  leave  such 
thoughts  ?  Am  I  not  an  earthly  woman  ?  And  all  the  while  the  breath 
is  in  my  body  I  may  complain  me,  for  my  belief  is  I  do  none  offence 
though  I  love  an  earthly  man ;  and  I  take  God  to  my  record  I  loved 
never  none  but  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  nor  never  shall,  and  a  clean 
maiden  I  am  for  him  and  for  all  other ;  and  sithen  it  is  the  sufferance 
of  God  that  I  shall  die  for  the  love  of  so  noble  a  knight,  I  beseech  the 
High  Father  of  Heaven  to  "have  mercy  upon  my  soul,  and  upon  mine 
innumerable  pains  that  I  suffered  may  be  allegeance  of  part  of  my  sins. 
For  sweet  Lord  Jesu,  said  the  fair  maiden,  I  take  Thee  to  record,  on 
Thee  I  was  never  great  offencer  against  thy  laws ;  but  that  I  loved  this 
noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot,  out  of  measure,  and  of  myself,  good  Lord, 
I  might  not  withstand  the  fervent  love  wherefore  I  have  my  death. 

And  then  she  called  her  father,  Sir  Bernard,  and  her  brother,  Sir 
Tirre,  and  heartily  she  prayed  her  father  that  her  brother  might  write 
a  letter  like  as  she  did  indite  it :  and  so  her  father  granted  her.  And 
when  the  letter  was  written  word  by  word  like  as  she  devised,  then 
she  prayed  her  father  that  she  might  be  watched  until  she  were  dead. 
And  while  my  body  is  hot  let  this  letter  be  put  in  my  right  hand,  and 
my  hand  bound  fast  with  the  letter  until  that  I  be  cold ;  and  let  me  be 
put  in  a  fair  bed  with  all  the  richest  clothes  that  I  have  about  me,  and 
so  let  my  bed  and  all  my  richest  clothes  be  laid  with  me  in  a  chariot 
unto  the  next  place  where  Thames  is ;  and  there  let  me  be  put  within 
a  barget,  and  but  one  man  with  me,  such  as  ye  trust  to  steer  me  thither, 
and  that  my  barget  be  covered  with  black  samite  over  and  over :  thus 
father  I  beseech  you  let  it  be  done.  So  her  father  granted  it  her  faith- 
fully, all  things  should  be  done  like  as  she  had  devised.  Then  her 
father  and  her  brother  made  great  dole,  for  when  this  was  done  anon 
she  died.  And  so  when  she  was  dead  the  corpse  and  the  bed  all  was  led 
the  next  way  unto  Thames,  and  there  a  man,  and  the  corpse,  and  all, 
were  put  into  Thames ;  and  so  the  man  steered  the  barget  unto  West- 
minster, and  there  he  rowed  a  great  while  to  and  fro  or  any  espied  it. 

Chap.  20       OF  ARTHUR  AND  THE  DEAD  MAID  109 


JO  by  fortune  King  Arthur  and  the  Queen  Guenever  were  speak- 
ing together  at  a  window,  and  so  as  they  looked  into  Thames 
they  espied  this  black  barget,  and  had  marvel  what  it  meant. 
Then  the  king  called  Sir  Kay,  and  showed  it  him.  Sir,  said 
Sir  Kay,  wit  you  well  there  is  some  new  tidings.  Go  thither,  said  the 
king  to  Sir  Kay,  and  take  with  you  Sir  Brandiles  and  Agravaine,  and 
bring  me  ready  word  what  is  there.  Then  these  four  knights  departed 
and  came  to  the  barget  and  went  in ;  and  there  they  found  the  fairest 
corpse  lying  in  a  rich  bed,  and  a  poor  man  sitting  in  the  barget's  end, 
and  no  word  would  he  speak.  So  these  four  knights  returned  unto  the 
king  again,  and  told  him  what  they  found.  That  fair  corpse  will  I  see, 
said  the  king.  And  so  then  the  king  took  the  queen  by  the  hand,  and 
went  thither. 

Then  the  king  made  the  barget  to  be  holden  fast,  and  then  the  king 
and  the  queen  entered  with  certain  knights  with  them ;  and  there  he 
saw  the  fairest  woman  lie  in  a  rich  bed,  covered  unto  her  middle  with 
many  rich  clothes,  and  all  was  of  cloth  of  gold,  and  she  lay  as  though 
she  had  smiled.  Then  the  queen  espied  a  letter  in  her  right  hand,  and 
told  it  to  the  king.  Then  the  king  took  it  and  said :  Now  am  I  sure  this 
letter  will  tell  what  she  was,  and  why  she  is  come  hither.  So  then  the 
king  and  the  queen  went  out  of  the  barget,  and  so  commanded  a  cer- 
tain man  to  wait  upon  the  barget. 

And  so  when  the  king  was  come  within  his  chamber,  he  called 
many  knights  about  him,  and  said  that  he  would  wit  openly  what  was 
written  within  that  letter.  Then  the  king  brake  it,  and  made  a  clerk 
to  read  it,  and  this  was  the  intent  of  the  letter.  Most  noble  knight,  Sir 
Launcelot,  now  hath  death  made  us  two  at  debate  for  your  love.  I  was 
your  lover,  that  men  called  the  Fair  Maiden  of  Astolat;  therefore  unto 
all  ladies  I  make  my  moan,  yet  pray  for  my  soul  and  bury  me  at  least, 
and  offer  ye  my  mass-penny:  this  is  my  last  request.  And  a  clean 
maiden  I  died,  I  take  God  to  witness :  pray  for  my  soul,  Sir  Launcelot, 
as  thou  art  peerless.  This  was  all  the  substance  in  the  letter.  And 
when  it  was  read,  the  king,  the  queen,  and  all  the  knights  wept  for 


pity  of  the  doleful  complaints.  Then  was  Sir  Launcelot  sent  for;  and 
when  he  was  come  King  Arthur  made  the  letter  to  be  read  to  him. 

And  when  Sir  Launcelot  heard  it  word  by  word,  he  said :  My  lord 
Arthur,  wit  ye  well  I  am  right  heavy  of  the  death  of  this  fair  damosel : 
God  knoweth  I  was  never  causer  of  her  death  by  my  willing,  and  that 
will  I  report  me  to  her  own  brother :  here  he  is,  Sir  Lavaine.  I  will  not 
say  nay,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  but  that  she  was  both  fair  and  good,  and 
much  I  was  beholden  unto  her,  but  she  loved  me  out  of  measure.  Ye 
might  have  shewed  her,  said  the  queen,  some  bounty  and  gentleness 
that  might  have  preserved  her  life.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  she 
would  none  other  ways  be  answered  but  that  she  would  be  my  wife, 
outher  else  my  paramour ;  and  of  these  two  I  would  not  grant  her,  but 
I  proffered  her,  for  her  good  love  that  she  shewed  me,  a  thousand 
pound  yearly  to  her,  and  to  her  heirs,  and  to  wed  any  manner  knight 
that  she  could  find  best  to  love  in  her  heart.  For  madam,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  I  love  not  to  be  constrained  to  love ;  for  love  must  arise  of 
the  heart,  and  not  by  no  constraint.  That  is  truth,  said  the  king,  and 
many  knight's  love  is  free  in  himself,  and  never  will  be  bounden,  for 
where  he  is  bounden  he  looseth  himself. 

Then  said  the  king  unto  Sir  Launcelot :  It  will  be  your  worship  that 
ye  oversee  that  she  be  interred  worshipfully.  Sir,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
that  shall  be  done  as  I  can  best  devise.  And  so  many  knights  yede 
thither  to  behold  that  fair  maiden.  And  so  upon  the  morn  she  was 
interred  richly,  and  Sir  Launcelot  offered  her  mass-penny;  and  all 
the  knights  of  the  Table  Round  that  were  there  at  that  time  offered 
with  Sir  Launcelot.  And  then  the  poor  man  went  again  with  the 
barget.  Then  the  queen  sent  for  Sir  Launcelot,  and  prayed  him  of 
mercy,  for  why  that  she  had  been  wroth  with  him  causeless.  This  is 
not  the  first  time,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  ye  had  been  displeased  with 
me  causeless,  but,  madam,  ever  I  must  suffer  you,  but  what  sorrow  I 
endure  I  take  no  force.  So  this  passed  on  all  that  winter,  with  all  man- 
ner of  hunting  and  hawking,  and  jousts  and  tourneys  were  many 
betwixt  many  great  lords,  and  ever  in  all  places  Sir  Lavaine  gat  great 
worship,  so  that  he  was  nobly  renowned  among  many  knights  of  the 
Table  Round. 

Chap.  21        OF  GREAT  JOUSTS  AT  CHRISTMAS  m 


P. — I  | — vjHUS  it  passed  on  till  Christmas,  and  then  every  day  there 
was  jousts  made  for  a  diamond,  who  that  jousted  best  should 
have  a  diamond.  But  Sir  Launcelot  would  not  joust  but  if  it 
were  at  a  great  jousts  cried.  But  Sir  Lavaine  jousted  there 
all  that  Christmas  passingly  well,  and  best  was  praised,  for  there  were 
but  few  that  did  so  well.  Wherefore  all  manner  of  knights  deemed 
that  Sir  Lavaine  should  be  made  knight  of  the  Table  Round  at  the 
next  feast  of  Pentecost.  So  at-after  Christmas  King  Arthur  let  call 
unto  him  many  knights,  and  there  they  advised  together  to  make  a 
party  and  a  great  tournament  and  jousts.  And  the  King  of  Northgalis 
said  to  Arthur,  he  would  have  on  his  party  King  Anguish  of  Ireland, 
and  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights,  and  the  King  of  Northumber- 
land, and  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut  prince.  And  so  these  four  kings  and 
this  mighty  duke  took  part  against  King  Arthur  and  the  knights  of  the 
Table  Round.  And  the  cry  was  made  that  the  day  of  the  jousts  should 
be  beside  Westminster  upon  Candlemas  Day,  whereof  many  knights 
were  glad,  and  made  them  ready  to  be  at  that  jousts  in  the  freshest 

Then  Queen  Guenever  sent  for  Sir  Launcelot,  and  said  thus:  I 
warn  you  that  ye  ride  no  more  in  no  jousts  nor  tournaments  but  that 
your  kinsmen  may  know  you.  And  at  these  jousts  that  shall  be  ye  shall 
have  of  me  a  sleeve  of  gold ;  and  I  pray  you  for  my  sake  enforce  your- 
self there,  that  men  may  speak  of  you  worship ;  but  I  charge  you  as  ye 
will  have  my  love,  that  ye  warn  your  kinsmen  that  ye  will  bear  that 
day  the  sleeve  of  gold  upon  your  helmet.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
it  shall  be  done.  And  so  either  made  great  joy  of  other.  And  when 
Sir  Launcelot  saw  his  time  he  told  Sir  Bors  that  he  would  depart,  and 
have  no  more  with  him  but  Sir  Lavaine,  unto  the  good  hermit  that 
dwelt  in  that  forest  of  Windsor ;  his  name  was  Sir  Brasias ;  and  there 
he  thought  to  repose  him,  and  take  all  the  rest  that  he  might,  because 
he  would  be  fresh  at  that  day  of  jousts. 

So  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Lavaine  departed,  that  no  creature  wist 
where  he  was  become,  but  the  noble  men  of  his  blood.  And  when  he 
was  come  to  the  hermitage,  wit  ye  well  he  had  good  cheer.  And  so 


daily  Sir  Launcelot  would  go  to  a  well  fast  by  the  hermitage,  and  there 
he  would  lie  down,  and  see  the  well  spring  and  burble,  and  sometime 
he  slept  there.  So  at  that  time  there  was  a  lady  dwelt  in  that  forest, 
and  she  was  a  great  huntress,  and  daily  she  used  to  hunt,  and  ever  she 
bare  her  bow  with  her;  and  no  men  went  never  with  her,  but  always 
women,  and  they  were  shooters,  and  could  well  kill  a  deer,  both  at 
the  stalk  and  at  the  trest ;  and  they  daily  bare  bows  and  arrows,  horns 
and  wood-knives,  and  many  good  dogs  they  had,  both  for  the  string 
and  for  a  bait.  So  it  happed  this  lady  the  huntress  had  abated  her  dog 
for  the  bow  at  a  barren  hind,  and  so  this  barren  hind  took  the  flight  over 
hedges  and  woods.  And  ever  this  lady  and  part  of  her  women  costed 
the  hind,  and  checked  it  by  the  noise  of  the  hounds,  to  have  met  with 
the  hind  at  some  water;  and  so  it  happed,  the  hind  came  to  the  well 
whereas  Sir  Launcelot  was  sleeping  and  slumbering.  And  so  when 
the  hind  came  to  the  well,  for  heat  she  went  to  soil,  and  there  she  lay 
a  great  while ;  and  the  dog  came  after,  and  umbecast  about,  for  she 
had  lost  the  very  perfect  feute  of  the  hind.  Right  so  came  that  lady 
the  huntress,  that  knew  by  the  dog  that  she  had,  that  the  hind  was  at 
the  soil  in  that  well ;  and  there  she  came  stiffly  and  found  the  hind, 
and  she  put  a  broad  arrow  in  her  bow,  and  shot  at  the  hind,  and  over- 
shot the  hind ;  and  so  by  misfortune  the  arrow  smote  Sir  Launcelot  in 
the  thick  of  the  buttock,  over  the  barbs.  When  Sir  Launcelot  felt  him- 
self so  hurt,  he  hurled  up  woodly,  and  saw  the  lady  that  had  smitten 
him.  And  when  he  saw  she  was  a  woman,  he  said  thus :  Lady  or 
damosel,  what  that  thou  be,  in  an  evil  time  bear  ye  a  bow;  the  devil 
made  you  a  shooter. 


O  W  mercy,  fair  sir,  said  the  lady,  I  am  a  gentlewoman  that 
useth  here  in  this  forest  hunting,  and  God  knoweth  I  saw  ye 
not ;  but  as  here  was  a  barren  hind  at  the  soil  in  this  well, 
and  I  weened  to  have  done  well,  but  my  hand  swerved. 
Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  have  mischieved  me.  And  so  the  lady 
departed,  and  Sir  Launcelot  as  he  might  pulled  out  the  arrow,  and  left 
that  head  still  in  his  buttock,  and  so  he  went  weakly  to  the  hermitage 
ever  more  bleeding  as  he  went.  And  when  Sir  Lavaine  and  the  hermit 

Chap.  23         OF  THE  JOUSTS  AT  CANDLEMAS  1 13 

espied  that  Sir  Launcelot  was  hurt,  wit  you  well  they  were  passing 
heavy,  but  Sir  Lavaine  wist  not  how  that  he  was  hurt  nor  by  whom. 
And  then  were  they  wroth  out  of  measure. 

Then  with  great  pain  the  hermit  gat  out  the  arrow's  head  out  of  Sir 
Launcelot's  buttock,  and  much  of  his  blood  he  shed,  and  the  wound 
was  passing  sore,  and  unhappily  smitten,  for  it  was  in  such  a  place  that 
he  might  not  sit  in  no  saddle.  Have  mercy,  Jesu,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I 
may  call  myself  the  most  unhappiest  man  that  liveth,  for  ever  when  I 
would  fainest  have  worship  there  befalleth  me  ever  some  unhappy 
thing.  Now  so  Jesu  me  help,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  and  if  no  man  would 
but  God,  I  shall  be  in  the  field  upon  Candlemas  Day  at  the  jousts,  what- 
somever  fall  of  it :  so  all  that  might  be  gotten  to  heal  Sir  Launcelot 
was  had. 

So  when  the  day  was  come  Sir  Launcelot  let  devise  that  he  was 
arrayed,  and  Sir  Lavaine,  and  their  horses,  as  though  they  had  been 
Saracens;  and  so  they  departed  and  came  nigh  to  the  field.  The  King 
of  Northgalis  with  an  hundred  knights  with  him,  and  the  King  of 
Northumberland  brought  with  him  an  hundred  good  knights,  and 
King  Anguish  of  Ireland  brought  with  him  an  hundred  good  knights 
ready  to  joust,  and  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut  prince,  brought  with  him 
an  hundred  good  knights,  and  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights 
brought  with  him  as  many,  and  all  these  were  proved  good  knights. 
Then  came  in  King  Arthur's  party;  and  there  came  in  the  King  of 
Scots  with  an  hundred  knights,  and  King  Uriens  of  Gore  brought  with 
him  an  hundred  knights,  and  King  Howel  of  Brittany  brought  with 
him  an  hundred  knights,  and  Chaleins  of  Clarance  brought  with  him 
an  hundred  knights,  and  King  Arthur  himself  came  into  the  field  with 
two  hundred  knights,  and  the  most  part  were  knights  of  the  Table 
Round,  that  were  proved  noble  knights ;  and  there  were  old  knights 
set  in  scaffolds  for  to  judge,  with  the  queen,  who  did  best. 


^ — I  I — ^HEN  they  blew  to  the  field;  and  there  the  King  of  North- 
galis encountered  with  the  King  of  Scots,  and  there  the  King 
of  Scots  had  a  fall ;  and  the  King  of  Ireland  smote  down  King 
Uriens ;  and  the  King  of  Northumberland  smote  down  King 

Howel  of  Brittany;  and  Sir  Galahad,  the  haut  prince,  smote  down 
iv  q 

i  u  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

Chaleins  of  Clarance.  And  then  King  Arthur  was  wood  wroth,  and 
ran  to  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights,  and  there  King  Arthur 
smote  him  down ;  and  after  with  that  same  spear  King  Arthur  smote 
down  three  other  knights.  And  then  when  his  spear  was  broken  King 
Arthur  did  passingly  well;  and  so  therewithal  came  in  Sir  Gawaine 
and  Sir  Gaheris,  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred,  and  there  everych 
of  them  smote  down  a  knight,  and  Sir  Gawaine  smote  down  four 
knights ;  and  then  there  began  a  strong  medley,  for  then  there  came  in 
the  knights  of  Launcelot's  blood,  and  Sir  Gareth  and  Sir  Palomides 
with  them,  and  many  knights  of  the  Table  Round,  and  they  began  to 
hold  the  four  kings  and  the  mighty  duke  so  hard  that  they  were  dis- 
comfit ;  but  this  Duke  Galahad,  the  haut  prince,  was  a  noble  knight, 
and  by  his  mighty  prowess  of  arms  he  held  the  knights  of  the  Table 
Round  strait  enough. 

All  this  doing  saw  Sir  Launcelot,  and  then  he  came  into  the  field 
with  Sir  Lavaine  as  it  had  been  thunder.  And  then  anon  Sir  Bors  and 
the  knights  of  his  blood  espied  Sir  Launcelot,  and  said  to  them  all :  I 
warn  you  beware  of  him  with  the  sleeve  of  gold  upon  his  head,  for  he 
is  himself  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake ;  and  for  great  goodness  Sir  Bors 
warned  Sir  Gareth.  I  am  well  apaid,  said  Sir  Gareth,  that  I  may  know 
him.  But  who  is  he,  said  they  all,  that  rideth  with  him  in  the  same 
array?  That  is  the  good  and  gentle  knight  Sir  Lavaine,  said  Sir  Bors. 
So  Sir  Launcelot  encountered  with  Sir  Gawaine,  and  there  by  force 
Sir  Launcelot  smote  down  Sir  Gawaine  and  his  horse  to  the  earth,  and 
so  he  smote  down  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Gaheris,  and  also  he  smote 
down  Sir  Mordred,  and  all  this  was  with  one  spear.  Then  Sir  Lavaine 
met  with  Sir  Palomides,  and  either  met  other  so  hard  and  so  fiercely 
that  both  their  horses  fell  to  the  earth.  And  then  were  they  horsed 
again,  and  then  met  Sir  Launcelot  with  Sir  Palomides,  and  there  Sir 
Palomides  had  a  fall ;  and  so  Sir  Launcelot  or  ever  he  stint,  as  fast  as 
he  might  get  spears,  he  smote  down  thirty  knights,  and  the  most  part 
of  them  were  knights  of  the  Table  Round ;  and  ever  the  knights  of  his 
blood  withdrew  them,  and  made  them  ado  in  other  places  where  Sir 
Launcelot  came  not. 

And  then  King  Arthur  was  wroth  when  he  saw  Sir  Launcelot  do 
such  deeds ;  and  then  the  king  called  unto  him  Sir  Gawaine,  Sir  Mor- 
dred, Sir  Kay,  Sir  Griflet,  Sir  Lucan  the  Butler,  Sir  Bedivere,  Sir 
Palomides,  Sir  Safere,  his  brother ;  and  so  the  king  with  these  nine 

Chap.  23         OF  THE  JOUSTS  AT  CANDLEMAS  115 

knights  made  them  ready  to  set  upon  Sir  Launcelot,  and  upon  Sir 
Lavaine.  All  this  espied  Sir  Bors  and  Sir  Gareth.  Now  I  dread  me 
sore,  said  Sir  Bors,  that  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  will  be  hard  matched. 
By  my  head,  said  Sir  Gareth,  I  will  ride  unto  my  lord  Sir  Launcelot, 
for  to  help  him,  fall  of  him  what  fall  may,  for  he  is  the  same  man  that 
made  me  knight.  Ye  shall  not  so,  said  Sir  Bors,  by  my  counsel,  unless 
that  ye  were  disguised.  Ye  shall  see  me  disguised,  said  Sir  Gareth; 
and  therewithal  he  espied  a  Welsh  knight  where  he  was  to  repose 
him,  and  he  was  sore  hurt  afore  by  Sir  Gawaine,  and  to  him  Sir  Gareth 
rode,  and  prayed  him  of  his  knighthood  to  lend  him  his  shield  for  his. 
I  will  well,  said  the  Welsh  knight.  And  when  Sir  Gareth  had  his 
shield,  the  book  saith  it  was  green,  with  a  maiden  that  seemed  in  it. 

Then  Sir  Gareth  came  driving  to  Sir  Launcelot  all  that  he  might 
and  said :  Knight,  keep  thyself,  for  yonder  cometh  King  Arthur  with 
nine  noble  knights  with  him  to  put  you  to  a  rebuke,  and  so  I  am  come 
to  bear  you  fellowship  for  old  love  ye  have  shewed  me.  Gramercy, 
said  Sir  Launcelot.  Sir,  said  Sir  Gareth,  encounter  ye  with  Sir 
Gawaine,  and  I  shall  encounter  with  Sir  Palomides;  and  let  Sir 
Lavaine  match  with  the  noble  King  Arthur.  And  when  we  have 
delivered  them,  let  us  three  hold  us  sadly  together.  Then  came  King 
Arthur  with  his  nine  knights  with  him,  and  Sir  Launcelot  encountered 
with  Sir  Gawaine,  and  gave  him  such  a  buffet  that  the  arson  of  his 
saddle  brast,  and  Sir  Gawaine  fell  to  the  earth.  Then  Sir  Gareth 
encountered  with  the  good  knight  Sir  Palomides,  and  he  gave  him 
such  a  buffet  that  both  his  horse  and  he  dashed  to  the  earth.  Then 
encountered  King  Arthur  with  Sir  Lavaine,  and  there  either  of  them 
smote  other  to  the  earth,  horse  and  all,  that  they  lay  a  great  while. 
Then  Sir  Launcelot  smote  down  Sir  Agravaine,  and  Sir  Gaheris,  and 
Sir  Mordred ;  and  Sir  Gareth  smote  down  Sir  Kay,  and  Sir  Safere, 
and  Sir  Griflet.  And  then  Sir  Lavaine  was  horsed  again,  and  he  smote 
down  Sir  Lucan  the  Butler  and  Sir  Bedivere ;  and  then  there  began 
great  throng  of  good  knights. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  hurtled  here  and  there,  and  raced  and  pulled 
off  helms,  so  that  at  that  time  there  might  none  sit  him  a  buffet  with 
spear  nor  with  sword ;  and  Sir  Gareth  did  such  deeds  of  arms  that  all 
men  marvelled  what  knight  he  was  with  the  green  shield,  for  he  smote 
down  that  day  and  pulled  down  mo  than  thirty  knights.  And,  as  the 
French  book  saith,  Sir  Launcelot  marvelled,  when  he  beheld  Sir 

lie  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XVI 1 1 

Gareth  do  such  deeds,  what  knight  he  might  be;  and  Sir  Lavaine 
pulled  down  and  smote  down  twenty  knights.  Also  Sir  Launcelot 
knew  not  Sir  Gareth,  for  an  Sir  Tristram  de  Liones,  outher  Sir  Lam- 
orak  de  Galis  had  been  alive,  Sir  Launcelot  would  have  deemed  he 
had  been  one  of  them  twain.  So  ever  as  Sir  Launcelot,  Sir  Gareth,  Sir 
Lavaine  fought,  and  on  the  one  side  Sir  Bors,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  Sir 
Lionel,  Sir  Lamorak  de  Galis,  Sir  Bleoberis,  Sir  Galihud,  Sir  Gali- 
hodin,  Sir  Pelleas,  and  with  mo  other  of  King  Ban's  blood  fought  upon 
another  party,  and  held  the  King  with  the  Hundred  Knights  and  the 
King  of  Northumberland  right  strait. 


JO  this  tournament  and  this  jousts  dured  long,  till  it  was  near 
night,  for  the  knights  of  the  Round  Table  relieved  ever  unto 
King  Arthur ;  for  the  king  was  wroth  out  of  measure  that  he 
and  his  knights  might  not  prevail  that  day.  Then  Sir  Gawaine 
said  to  the  king :  I  marvel  where  all  this  day  be  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis  and 
his  fellowship  of  Sir  Launcelot's  blood,  I  marvel  all  this  day  they  be 
not  about  you :  it  is  for  some  cause  said  Sir  Gawaine.  By  my  head,  said 
Sir  Kay,  Sir  Bors  is  yonder  all  this  day  upon  the  right  hand  of  this 
field,  and  there  he  and  his  blood  do  more  worshipfully  than  we  do.  It 
may  well  be,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  but  I  dread  me  ever  of  guile ;  for  on 
pain  of  my  life,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  this  knight  with  the  red  sleeve  of 
gold  is  himself  Sir  Launcelot,  I  see  well  by  his  riding  and  by  his  great 
strokes ;  and  the  other  knight  in  the  same  colours  is  the  good  young 
knight,  Sir  Lavaine.  Also  that  knight  with  the  green  shield  is  my 
brother,  Sir  Gareth,  and  yet  he  hath  disguised  himself,  for  no  man 
shall  never  make  him  be  against  Sir  Launcelot,  because  he  made  him 
knight.  By  my  head,  said  Arthur,  nephew,  I  believe  you;  therefore 
tell  me  now  what  is  your  best  counsel.  Sir,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  ye  shall 
have  my  counsel :  let  blow  unto  lodging,  for  an  he  be  Sir  Launcelot  du 
Lake,  and  my  brother,  Sir  Gareth,  with  him,  with  the  help  of  that  good 
young  knight,  Sir  Lavaine,  trust  me  truly  it  will  be  no  boot  to  strive 
with  them  but  if  we  should  fall  ten  or  twelve  upon  one  knight,  and  that 
were  no  worship,  but  shame.  Ye  say  truth,  said  the  king ;  and  for  to 

Chap.  24      HOW  ARTHUR  FOUND  LAUNCELOT  1 1 7 

say  sooth,  said  the  king,  it  were  shame  to  us  so  many  as  we  be  to  set 
upon  them  any  more ;  for  wit  ye  well,  said  King  Arthur,  they  be  three 
good  knights,  and  namely  that  knight  with  the  sleeve  of  gold. 

So  then  they  blew  unto  lodging ;  but  forthwithal  King  Arthur  let 
send  unto  the  four  kings,  and  to  the  mighty  duke,  and  prayed  them 
that  the  knight  with  the  sleeve  of  gold  depart  not  from  them,  but  that 
the  king  may  speak  with  him.  Then  forthwithal  King  Arthur  alighted 
and  unarmed  him,  and  took  a  little  hackney  and  rode  after  Sir  Launce- 
lot,  for  ever  he  had  a  spy  upon  him.  And  so  he  found  him  among  the 
four  kings  and  the  duke ;  and  there  the  king  prayed  them  all  unto 
supper,  and  they  said  they  would  with  good  will.  And  when  they  were 
unarmed  then  King  Arthur  knew  Sir  Launcelot,  Sir  Lavaine,  and  Sir 
Gareth.  Ah,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  King  Arthur,  this  day  ye  have  heated 
me  and  my  knights. 

So  they  yede  unto  Arthur's  lodging  all  together,  and  there  was  a 
great  feast  and  great  revel,  and  the  prize  was  given  unto  Sir  Launce- 
lot ;  and  by  heralds  they  named  him  that  he  had  smitten  down  fifty 
knights,  and  Sir  Gareth  five-and-thirty,  and  Sir  Lavaine  four-and- 
twenty  knights.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  told  the  king  and  the  queen  how 
the  lady  huntress  shot  him  in  the  forest  of  Windsor,  in  the  buttock, 
with  an  broad  arrow,  and  how  the  wound  thereof  was  that  time  six 
inches  deep,  and  in  like  long.  Also  Arthur  blamed  Sir  Gareth  because 
he  left  his  fellowship  and  held  with  Sir  Launcelot.  My  lord,  said  Sir 
Gareth,  he  made  me  a  knight,  and  when  I  saw  him  so  hard  bestead, 
methought  it  was  my  worship  to  help  him,  for  I  saw  him  do  so  much, 
and  so  many  noble  knights  against  him;  and  when  I  understood  that  he 
was  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  I  shamed  to  see  so  many  knights  against 
him  alone.  Truly,  said  King  Arthur  unto  Sir  Gareth,  ye  say  well,  and 
worshipfully  have  ye  done  and  to  yourself  great  worship ;  and  all  the 
days  of  my  life,  said  King  Arthur  unto  Sir  Gareth,  wit  you  well  I  shall 
love  you,  and  trust  you  the  more  better.  For  ever,  said  Arthur,  it  is  a 
worshipful  knight's  deed  to  help  another  worshipful  knight  when  he 
seeth  him  in  a  great  danger ;  for  ever  a  worshipful  man  will  be  loath  to 
see  a  worshipful  man  shamed ;  and  he  that  is  of  no  worship,  and  fareth 
with  cowardice,  never  shall  he  show  gentleness,  nor  no  manner  of 
goodness  where  he  seeth  a  man  in  any  danger,  for  then  ever  will  a 
coward  show  no  mercy ;  and  always  a  good  man  will  do  ever  to  another 


man  as  he  would  be  done  to  himself.  So  then  there  were  great  feasts 
unto  kings  and  dukes,  and  revel,  game,  and  play,  and  all  manner  of 
noblesse  was  used ;  and  he  that  was  courteous,  true,  and  faithful,  to  his 
friend  was  that  time  cherished. 


.  ND  thus  it  passed  on  from  Candlemas  until  after  Easter,  that 
the  month  of  May  was  come,  when  every  lusty  heart  begin- 
neth  to  blossom,  and  to  bring  forth  fruit ;  for  like  as  herbs 
and  trees  bring  forth  fruit  and  flourish  in  May,  in  like  wise 
every  lusty  heart  that  is  in  any  manner  a  lover,  springeth  and  flourish- 
eth  in  lusty  deeds.  For  it  giveth  unto  all  lovers  courage,  that  lusty 
month  of  May,  in  something  to  constrain  him  to  some  manner  of  thing 
more  in  that  month  than  in  any  other  month,  for  divers  causes.  For 
then  all  herbs  and  trees  renew  a  man  and  woman,  and  likewise  lovers 
call  again  to  their  mind  old  gentleness  and  old  service,  and  many  kind 
deeds  that  were  forgotten  by  negligence.  For  like  as  winter  rasure 
doth  alway  arase  and  deface  green  summer,  so  fareth  it  by  unstable 
love  in  man  and  woman.  For  in  many  persons  there  is  no  stability ;  for 
we  may  see  all  day,  for  a  little  blast  of  winter's  rasure,  anon  we  shall 
deface  and  lay  apart  true  love  for  little  or  nought,  that  cost  much  thing ; 
this  is  no  wisdom  nor  stability,  but  it  is  feebleness  of  nature  and  great 
disworship,  whosomever  useth  this.  Therefore,  like  as  May  month 
flowereth  and  flourisheth  in  many  gardens,  so  in  like  wise  let  every 
man  of  worship  flourish  his  heart  in  this  world,  first  unto  God,  and  next 
unto  the  joy  of  them  that  he  promised  his  faith  unto;  for  there  was 
never  worshipful  man  or  worshipful  woman,  but  they  loved  one  better 
than  another;  and  worship  in  arms  may  never  be  foiled,  but  first 
reserve  the  honour  to  God,  and  secondly  the  quarrel  must  come  of  thy 
lady :  and  such  love  I  call  virtuous  love. 

But  nowadays  men  can  not  love  seven  night  but  they  must  have  all 
their  desires :  that  love  may  not  endure  by  reason ;  for  where  they  be 
soon  accorded  and  hasty  heat,  soon  it  cooleth.  Right  so  fareth  love 
nowadays,  soon  hot  soon  cold :  this  is  no  stability.  But  the  old  love  was 
not  so;  men  and  women  could  love  together  seven  years,  and  no  licours 
lusts  were  between  them,  and  then  was  love,  truth,  and  faithfulness : 

Chap.  25     HOW  LOVE  IS  LIKENED  TO  SUMMER  119 

and  lo,  in  like  wise  was  used  love  in  King  Arthur's  days.  Wherefore  I 
liken  love  nowadays  unto  summer  and  winter ;  for  like  as  the  one  is  hot 
and  the  other  cold,  so  fareth  love  nowadays ;  therefore  all  ye  that  be 
lovers  call  unto  your  remembrance  the  month  of  May,  like  as  did 
Queen  Guenever,  for  whom  I  make  here  a  little  mention,  that  while 
she  lived  she  was  a  true  lover,  and  therefore  she  had  a  good  end. 




JO  it  befell  in  the  month  of  May,  Queen  Guenever  called  unto  her 
knights  of  the  Table  Round ;  and  she  gave  them  warning  that 
early  upon  the  morrow  she  would  ride  a-Maying  into  woods 
and  fields  beside  Westminster.  And  I  warn  you  that  there  be 
none  of  you  but  that  he  be  well  horsed,  and  that  ye  all  be  clothed  in 
green,  outher  in  silk  outher  in  cloth;  and  I  shall  bring  with  me  ten 
ladies,  and  every  knight  shall  have  a  lady  behind  him,  and  every 
knight  shall  have  a  squire  and  two  yeomen ;  and  I  will  that  ye  all  be 
well  horsed.  So  they  made  them  ready  in  the  freshest  manner.  And 
these  were  the  names  of  the  knights :  Sir  Kay  le  Seneschal,  Sir  Agra- 
vaine,  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir  Sagramorele  Desirous,  Sir  Dodinasle  Savage, 
Sir  Ozanna  le  Cure  Hardy,  Sir  Ladinas  of  the  Forest  Savage,  Sir  Per- 
sant  of  Inde,  Sir  Ironside,  that  was  called  the  Knight  of  the  Red 
Launds,  and  Sir  Pelleas,  the  lover ;  and  these  ten  knights  made  them 
ready  in  the  freshest  manner  to  ride  with  the  queen.  And  so  upon  the 
morn  they  took  their  horses  with  the  queen,  and  rode  a-Maying  in 
woods  and  meadows  as  it  pleased  them,  in  great  joy  and  delights ;  for 
the  queen  had  cast  to  have  been  again  with  King  Arthur  at  the  furthest 
by  ten  of  the  clock,  and  so  was  that  time  her  purpose. 

Then  there  was  a  knight  that  hight  Meliagrance,  and  he  was  son 
unto  King  Bagdemagus,  and  this  knight  had  at  that  time  a  castle  of  the 
gift  of  King  Arthur  within  seven  mile  of  Westminster.  And  this 
knight,  Sir  Meliagrance,  loved  passing  well  Queen  Guenever,  and  so 
had  he  done  long  and  many  years.  And  the  book  saith  he  had  lain  in 
await  for  to  steal  away  the  queen,  but  evermore  he  forbare  for  because 
of  Sir  Launcelot;  for  in  nowise  he  would  meddle  with  the  queen  an 
Sir  Launcelot  were  in  her  company,  outher  else  an  he  were  near-hand 
her.  And  that  time  was  such  a  custom,  the  queen  rode  never  without 
a  great  fellowship  of  men  of  arms  about  her,  and  they  were  many  good 

Chap.  2  HOW  THE  QUEEN  WAS  TAKEN  121 

knights,  and  the  most  part  were  young  men  that  would  have  worship ; 
and  they  were  called  the  Queen's  Knights,  and  never  in  no  battle, 
tournament,  nor  jousts,  they  bare  none  of  them  no  manner  of  know- 
ledging  of  their  own  arms,  but  plain  white  shields,  and  thereby  they 
were  called  the  Queen's  Knights.  And  then  when  it  happed  any  of 
them  to  be  of  great  worship  by  his  noble  deeds,  then  at  the  next  Feast 
of  Pentecost,  if  there  were  any  slain  or  dead,  as  there  was  none  year 
that  there  failed  but  some  were  dead,  then  was  there  chosen  in  his  stead 
that  was  dead  the  most  men  of  worship,  that  were  called  the  Queen's 
Knights.  And  thus  they  came  up  all  first,  or  they  were  renowned 
men  of  worship,  both  Sir  Launcelot  and  all  the  remnant  of  them. 

But  this  knight,  Sir  Meliagrance,  had  espied  the  queen  well  and  her 
purpose,  and  how  Sir  Launcelot  was  not  with  her,  and  how  she  had 
no  men  of  arms  with  her  but  the  ten  noble  knights  all  arrayed  in  green 
for  Maying.  Then  he  purveyed  him  a  twenty  men  of  arms  and  an 
hundred  archers  for  to  destroy  the  queen  and  her  knights,  for  he 
thought  that  time  was  best  season  to  take  the  queen. 


JO  as  the  queen  had  Mayed  and  all  her  knights,  all  were 
bedashed  with  herbs,  mosses  and  flowers,  in  the  best  manner 
and  freshest.  Right  so  came  out  of  a  wood  Sir  Meliagrance 
with  an  eight  score  men  well  harnessed,  as  they  should  fight  in 
a  battle  of  arrest,  and  bade  the  queen  and  her  knights  abide,  for 
maugre  their  heads  they  should  abide.  Traitor  knight,  said  Queen 
Guenever,  what  cast  thou  for  to  do?  Wilt  thou  shame  thyself?  Bethink 
thee  how  thou  art  a  king's  son,  and  knight  of  the  Table  Round, 
and  thou  to  be  about  to  dishonour  the  noble  king  that  made  thee 
knight;  thou  shamest  all  knighthood  and  thyself,  and  me,  I  let  thee 
wit,  shall  thou  never  shame,  for  I  had  liefer  cut  mine  own  throat  in 
twain  rather  than  thou  shouldest  dishonour  me.  As  for  all  this  lan- 
guage, said  Sir  Meliagrance,  be  it  as  it  be  may,  for  wit  you  well,  mad- 
am, I  have  loved  you  many  a  year,  and  never  or  now  could  I  get 
you  at  such  an  advantage  as  I  do  now,  and  therefore  I  will  take  you  as  I 
find  you. 

Then  spake  all  the  ten  noble  knights  at  once  and  said :  Sir  Melia- 
iv  r 


grance,  wit  thou  well  ye  are  about  to  jeopard  your  worship  to  dis- 
honour, and  also  ye  cast  to  jeopard  our  persons  howbeit  we  be 
unarmed.  Ye  have  us  at  a  great  avail,  for  it  seemeth  by  you  that  ye 
have  laid  watch  upon  us ;  but  rather  than  ye  should  put  the  queen  to  a 
shame  and  us  all,  we  had  as  lief  to  depart  from  our  lives,  for  an  if  we 
other  ways  did,  we  were  shamed  forever.  Then  said  Sir  Meliagrance: 
Dress  you  as  well  ye  can,  and  keep  the  queen.  Then  the  ten  knights 
of  the  Table  Round  drew  their  swords,  and  the  other  let  run  at  them 
with  their  spears,  and  the  ten  knights  manly  abode  them,  and  smote 
away  their  spears  that  no  spear  did  them  none  harm.  Then  they 
lashed  together  with  swords,  and  anon  Sir  Kay,  Sir  Sagramore,  Sir 
Agravaine,  Sir  Dodinas,  Sir  Ladinas,  and  Sir  Ozanna  were  smitten  to 
the  earth  with  grimly  wounds.  Then  Sir  Brandiles,  and  Sir  Persant, 
Sir  Ironside,  Sir  Pelleas  fought  long,  and  they  were  sore  wounded,  for 
these  ten  knights,  or  ever  they  were  laid  to  the  ground,  slew  forty  men 
of  the  boldest  and  the  best  of  them. 

So  when  the  queen  saw  her  knights  thus  dolefully  wounded,  and 
needs  must  be  slain  at  the  last,  then  for  pity  and  sorrow  she  cried  Sir 
Meliagrance :  Slay  not  my  noble  knights,  and  I  will  go  with  thee  upon 
this  covenant,  that  thou  save  them,  and  suffer  them  not  to  be  no  more 
hurt,  with  this,  that  they  be  led  with  me  wheresomever  thou  leadest 
me,  for  I  will  rather  slay  myself  than  I  will  go  with  thee,  unless  that 
these  my  noble  knights  may  be  in  my  presence.  Madam,  said  Melia- 
grance, for  your  sake  they  shall  be  led  with  you  into  mine  own  castle, 
with  that  ye  will  be  ruled,  and  ride  with  me.  Then  the  queen  prayed 
the  four  knights  to  leave  their  fighting,  and  she  and  they  would  not 
depart.  Madam,  said  Sir  Pelleas,  we  will  do  as  ye  do,  for  as  for  me  I 
take  no  force  of  my  life  nor  death.  For  as  the  French  book  saith, 
Sir  Pelleas  gave  such  buffets  there  that  none  armour  might  hold  him. 


P- — I  I — vjHEN  by  the  queen's  commandment  they  left  battle,  and 
dressed  the  wounded  knights  on  horseback,  some  sitting, 
some  overthwart  their  horses,  that  it  was  pity  to  behold  them. 
And  then  Sir  Meliagrance  charged  the  queen  and  all  her 

knights  that  none  of  all  her  fellowship  should  depart  from  her ;  for  full 

Chap.  3       THE  QUEEN  SUMMONS  LAUNCELOT  123 

sore  he  dread  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  lest  he  should  have  any  know- 
ledging.  All  this  espied  the  queen,  and  privily  she  called  unto  her 
a  child  of  her  chamber  that  was  swiftly  horsed,  to  whom  she  said :  Go 
thou,  when  thou  seest  thy  time,  and  bear  this  ring  unto  Sir  Launcelot 
du  Lake,  and  pray  him  as  he  loveth  me  that  he  will  see  me  and  rescue 
me,  if  ever  he  will  have  joy  of  me ;  and  spare  not  thy  horse,  said  the 
queen,  neither  for  water,  neither  for  land.  So  the  child  espied  his 
time,  and  lightly  he  took  his  horse  with  the  spurs,  and  departed  as  fast 
as  he  might.  And  when  Sir  Meliagrance  saw  him  so  flee,  he  understood 
that  it  was  by  the  queen's  commandment  for  to  warn  Sir  Launcelot. 
Then  they  that  were  best  horsed  chased  him  and  shot  at  him,  but 
from  them  all  the  child  went  suddenly.  And  then  Sir  Meliagrance 
said  to  the  queen :  Madam,  ye  are  about  to  betray  me,  but  I  shall  ordain 
for  Sir  Launcelot  that  he  shall  not  come  lightly  at  you.  And  then  he 
rode  with  her,  and  they  all,  to  his  castle,  in  all  the  haste  that  they  might. 
And  by  the  way  Sir  Meliagrance  laid  in  an  embushment  the  best 
archers  that  he  might  get  in  his  country,  to  the  number  of  thirty,  to 
await  upon  Sir  Launcelot,  charging  them  that  if  they  saw  such  a  man- 
ner of  knight  come  by  the  way  upon  a  white  horse,  that  in  any  wise 
they  slay  his  horse,  but  in  no  manner  of  wise  have  not  ado  with  him 
bodily,  for  he  is  over-hardy  to  be  overcome. 

So  this  was  done,  and  they  were  come  to  his  castle,  but  in  no  wise 
the  queen  would  never  let  none  of  the  ten  knights  and  her  ladies  out 
of  her  sight,  but  always  they  were  in  her  presence ;  for  the  book  saith. 
Sir  Meliagrance  durst  make  no  masteries,  for  dread  of  Sir  Launcelot, 
insomuch  he  deemed  that  he  had  warning.  So  when  the  child  was 
departed  from  the  fellowship  of  Sir  Meliagrance,  within  a  while  he 
came  to  Westminster,  and  anon  he  found  Sir  Launcelot.  And  when 
he  had  told  his  message,  and  delivered  him  the  queen's  ring :  Alas, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  now  I  am  shamed  for  ever,  unless  that  I  may  rescue 
that  noble  lady  from  dishonour.  Then  eagerly  he  asked  his  armour; 
and  ever  the  child  told  Sir  Launcelot  how  the  ten  knights  fought  mar- 
vellously, and  how  Sir  Pelleas,  and  Sir  Ironside,  and  Sir  Brandiles, 
and  Sir  Persant  of  Inde,  fought  strongly,  but  namely  Sir  Pelleas,  there 
might  none  withstand  him ;  and  how  they  all  fought  till  at  the  last  they 
were  laid  to  the  earth ;  and  then  the  queen  made  appointment  for  to 
save  their  lives,  and  go  with  Sir  Meliagrance. 

Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  most  noble  lady,  that  she  should  be 


so  destroyed ;  I  had  liefer,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  than  all  France,  that  I 
had  been  there  well  armed.  So  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  armed  and 
upon  his  horse,  he  prayed  the  child  of  the  queen's  chamber  to  warn 
Sir  Lavaine  how  suddenly  he  was  departed,  and  for  what  cause.  And 
pray  him  as  he  loveth  me,  that  he  will  hie  him  after  me,  and  that  he 
stint  not  until  he  come  to  the  castle  where  Sir  Meliagrance  abideth, 
or  dwelleth ;  for  there,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  he  shall  hear  of  me  an  I  am 
a  man  living,  and  rescue  the  queen  and  the  ten  knights  the  which  he 
traitorously  hath  taken,  and  that  shall  I  prove  upon  his  head,  and  all 
them  that  hold  with  him. 


^ — I  I — ^HEN  Sir  Launcelot  rode  as  fast  as  he  might,  and  the  book 
saith  he  took  the  water  at  Westminster  Bridge,  and  made 
his  horse  to  swim  over  Thames  unto  Lambeth.  And  then 
within  a  while  he  came  to  the  same  place  thereas  the  ten 
noble  knights  fought  with  Sir  Meliagrance.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot 
followed  the  track  until  that  he  came  to  a  wood,  and  there  was  a  straight 
way,  and  there  the  thirty  archers  bade  Sir  Launcelot  turn  again,  and 
follow  no  longer  that  track.  What  commandment  have  ye  thereto, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  to  cause  me  that  am  a  knight  of  the  Round  Table 
to  leave  my  right  way?  This  way  shalt  thou  leave,  other-else  thou 
shalt  go  it  on  thy  foot,  for  wit  thou  well  thy  horse  shall  be  slain.  That 
is  little  mastery,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  to  slay  mine  horse;  but  as  for 
myself,  when  my  horse  is  slain,  I  give  right  nought  for  you,  not  an  ye 
were  five  hundred  more.  So  then  they  shot  Sir  Launcelot's  horse,  and 
smote  him  with  many  arrows;  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  avoided  his 
horse,  and  went  on  foot ;  but  there  were  so  many  ditches  and  hedges 
betwixt  them  and  him  that  he  might  not  meddle  with  none  of  them. 
Alas  for  shame,  said  Launcelot,  that  ever  one  knight  should  betray 
another  knight ;  but  it  is  an  old  saw,  A  good  man  is  never  in  danger 
but  when  he  is  in  the  danger  of  a  coward.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  went 
a  while,  and  then  he  was  foul  cumbered  of  his  armour,  his  shield,  and 
his  spear,  and  all  that  longed  unto  him.  Wit  ye  well  he  was  full  sore 
annoyed,  and  full  loath  he  was  for  to  leave  anything  that  longed  unto 
him,  for  he  dread  sore  the  treason  of  Sir  Meliagrance. 

Chap.  4     HOW  LAUNCELOT'S  HORSE  WAS  SLAIN          125 

Then  by  fortune  there  came  by  him  a  chariot  that  came  thither  for 
to  fetch  wood.  Say  me,  carter,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  what  shall  I  give 
thee  to  suffer  me  to  leap  into  thy  chariot,  and  that  thou  bring  me  unto  a 
castle  within  this  two  mile  ?  Thou  shalt  not  come  within  my  chariot,  said 
the  carter,  for  I  am  sent  for  to  fetch  wood  for  my  lord,  Sir  Meliagrance. 
With  him  would  I  speak.  Thou  shalt  not  go  with  me,  said  the  carter. 
Then  Sir  Launcelot  leapt  to  him,  and  gave  him  such  a  buifet  that  he 
fell  to  the  earth  stark  dead.  Then  the  other  carter,  his  fellow,  was 
afeard,  and  weened  to  have  gone  the  same  way;  and  then  he  cried : 
Fair  lord,  save  my  life,  and  I  shall  bring  you  where  ye  will.  Then  I 
charge  thee,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  thou  drive  me  and  this  chariot 
even  unto  Sir  Meliagrance's  gate.  Leap  up  into  the  chariot,  said  the 
carter,  and  ye  shall  be  there  anon.  So  the  carter  drove  on  a  great 
wallop,  and  Sir  Launcelot's  horse  followed  the  chariot,  with  more  than 
a  forty  arrows  broad  and  rough  in  him. 

And  more  than  an  hour  and  an  half  Dame  Guenever  was  awaiting 
in  a  bay  window  with  her  ladies,  and  espied  an  armed  knight  standing 
in  a  chariot.  See,  madam,  said  a  lady,  where  rideth  in  a  chariot  a 
goodly  armed  knight;  I  suppose  he  rideth  unto  hanging.  Where?  said 
the  queen.  Then  she  espied  by  his  shield  that  he  was  there  himself, 
Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake.  And  then  she  was  ware  where  came  his  horse 
ever  after  that  chariot,  and  ever  he  trod  his  guts  and  his  paunch  under 
his  feet.  Alas,  said  the  queen,  now  I  see  well  and  prove,  that  well  is 
him  that  hath  a  trusty  friend.  Ha,  ha,  most  noble  knight,  said  Queen 
Guenever,!  seewell  thou  arthard  bestead  when  thou  ridest  in  achariot. 
Then  she  rebuked  that  lady  that  likened  Sir  Launcelot  to  ride  in  a 
chariot  to  hanging.  It  was  foul  mouthed,  said  the  queen,  and  evil 
likened,  so  for  to  liken  the  most  noble  knight  of  the  world  unto  such  a 
shameful  death.  O  Jesu  defend  him  and  keep  him,  said  the  queen, 
from  all  mischievous  end.  By  this  was  Sir  Launcelot  come  to  the  gates 
of  that  castle,  and  there  he  descended  down,  and  cried,  that  all  the 
castle  rang  of  it :  Where  art  thou,  false  traitor,  Sir  Meliagrance,  and 
knight  of  the  Table  Round?  now  come  forth  here,  thou  traitor  knight, 
thou  and  thy  fellowship  with  thee ;  for  here  I  am,  Sir  Launcelot  du 
Lake,  that  shall  fight  with  you.  And  therewithal  he  bare  the  gate  wide 
open  upon  the  porter,  and  smote  him  under  his  ear  with  his  gauntlet, 
that  his  neck  brast  a-sunder. 



"HEN  Sir  Meliagrance  heard  that  Sir  Launcelot  was 
there  he  ran  unto  Queen  Guenever,  and  fell  upon  his 
knee,  and  said :  Mercy,  madam,  now  I  put  me  wholly 
into  your  grace.  What  aileth  you  now?  said  Queen 
Guenever ;  forsooth  I  might  well  wit  some  good  knight  would  revenge 
me,  though  my  lord  Arthur  wist  not  of  this  your  work.  Madam,  said 
Sir  Meliagrance,  all  this  that  is  amiss  on  my  part  shall  be  amended 
right  as  yourself  will  devise,  and  wholly  I  put  me  in  your  grace.  What 
would  ye  that  I  did  ?  said  the  queen.  I  would  no  more,  said  Meliagrance, 
but  that  ye  would  take  all  in  your  own  hands,  and  that  ye  will  rule  my 
lord  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  such  cheer  as  may  be  made  him  in  this  poor 
castle  ye  and  he  shall  have  until  to-morn,  and  then  mayye  and  all  they 
return  unto  Westminster ;  and  my  body  and  all  that  I  have  I  shall  put 
in  your  rule.  Ye  say  well,  said  the  queen,  and  better  is  peace  than 
ever  war,  and  the  less  noise  the  more  is  my  worship. 

Then  the  queen  and  her  ladies  went  down  unto  the  knight,  Sir 
Launcelot,  that  stood  wroth  out  of  measure  in  the  inner  court,  to  abide 
battle ;  and  ever  he  bade :  Thou  traitor  knight  come  forth.  Then  the 
queen  came  to  him  and  said :  Sir  Launcelot,  why  be  ye  so  moved  ?  Ha, 
madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  why  ask  ye  me  that  question?  Meseemeth, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  ought  to  be  more  wroth  than  I  am,  for  ye  have 
the  hurt  and  the  dishonour,  for  wit  ye  well,  madam,  my  hurt  is  but 
little  for  the  killing  of  a  mare's  son,  but  the  despite  grieveth  me  much 
more  than  all  my  hurt.  Truly,  said  the  queen,  ye  say  truth ;  but  heartily 
I  thank  you,  said  the  queen,  but  ye  must  come  in  with  me  peaceably, 
for  all  thing  is  put  in  my  hand,  and  all  that  is  evil  shall  be  for  the  best, 
for  the  knight  full  sore  repenteth  him  of  the  misadventure  that  is 
befallen  him.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  sith  it  is  so  that  ye  been 
accorded  with  him,  as  for  me  I  may  not  be  again  it,  howbeit  Sir 
Meliagrance  hath  done  full  shamefully  to  me,  and  cowardly.  Ah 
madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  an  I  had  wist  ye  would  have  been  so  soon 
accorded  with  him  I  would  not  have  made  such  haste  unto  you.  Why 
say  ye  so,  said  the  queen,  do  ye  forthink  yourself  of  your  good  deeds  ? 
Wit  you  well,  said  the  queen,  I  accorded  never  unto  him  for  favour 


nor  love  that  I  had  unto  him,  but  for  to  lay  down  every  shameful  noise. 
Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  understand  full  well  I  was  never  willing 
nor  glad  of  shameful  slander  nor  noise;  and  there  is  neither  king, 
queen,  nor  knight,  that  beareth  the  life,  except  my  lord  King  Arthur, 
and  you,  madam,  should  let  me,  but  I  should  make  Sir  Meliagrance's 
heart  full  cold  or  ever  I  departed  from  hence.  That  wot  I  well,  said  the 
queen,  but  what  will  ye  more  ?  Ye  shall  have  all  thing  ruled  as  ye  list 
to  have  it.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  so  ye  be  pleased  I  care  not,  as 
for  my  part  ye  shall  soon  please. 

Right  so  the  queen  took  Sir  Launcelot  by  the  bare  hand,  for  he  had 
put  off  his  gauntlet,  and  so  she  went  with  him  till  her  chamber ;  and 
then  she  commanded  him  to  be  unarmed.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot 
asked  where  were  the  ten  knights  that  were  wounded  sore ;  so  she 
showed  them  unto  Sir  Launcelot,  and  there  they  made  great  joy  of  the 
coming  of  him,  and  Sir  Launcelot  made  great  dole  of  their  hurts,  and 
bewailed  them  greatly.  And  there  Sir  Launcelot  told  them  how 
cowardly  and  traitorly  Meliagrance  set  archers  to  slay  his  horse,  and 
how  he  was  fain  to  put  himself  in  a  chariot.  Thus  they  complained 
everych  to  other;  and  full  fain  they  would  have  been  revenged,  but 
they  peaced  themselves  because  of  the  queen.  Then,  as  the  French 
book  saith,  Sir  Launcelot  was  called  many  a  day  after  le  Chevaler 
du  Chariot,  and  did  many  deeds,  and  great  adventures  he  had. 
And  so  leave  we  of  this  tale  le  Chevaler  du  Chariot,  and  turn  we  to 
this  tale. 

So  Sir  Launcelot  had  great  cheer  with  the  queen,  and  then  Sir 
Launcelot  made  a  promise  with  the  queen  that  the  same  night  Sir 
Launcelot  should  come  to  a  window  outward  toward  a  garden ;  and 
that  window  was  y-barred  with  iron,  and  there  Sir  Launcelot  promised 
to  meet  her  when  all  folks  were  asleep.  So  then  came  Sir  Lavaine 
driving  to  the  gates,  crying:  Where  is  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot  du 
Lake  ?  Then  was  he  sent  for,  and  when  Sir  Lavaine  saw  Sir  Launce- 
lot, he  said :  My  lord,  I  found  well  how  ye  were  hard  bestead,  for 
I  have  found  your  horse  that  was  slain  with  arrows.  As  for  that,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  I  pray  you,  Sir  Lavaine,  speak  ye  of  other  matters, 
and  let  ye  this  pass,  and  we  shall  right  it  another  time  when  we 
best  may. 



t — I  - — JHEN  the  knights  that  were  hurt  were  searched,  and  soft 
salves  were  laid  to  their  wounds;  and  so  it  passed  on  till 
supper  time,  and  all  the  cheer  that  might  be  made  them 
there  was  done  unto  the  queen  and  all  her  knights.  Then 
when  season  was,  they  went  unto  their  chambers,  but  in  no  wise  the 
queen  would  not  suffer  the  wounded  knights  to  be  from  her,  but  that 
they  were  laid  within  draughts  by  her  chamber,  upon  beds  and 
pillows,  that  she  herself  might  see  to  them,  that  they  wanted  nothing. 

So  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  in  his  chamber  that  was  assigned  unto 
him,  he  called  unto  him  Sir  Lavaine,  and  told  him  that  night  he  must 
go  speak  with  his  lady,  Dame  Guenever.  Sir,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  let  me 
go  with  you  an  it  please  you,  for  I  dread  me  sore  of  the  treason  of  Sir 
Meliagrance.  Nay,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  thank  you,  but  I  will  have 
nobody  with  me.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  took  his  sword  in  his  hand,  and 
privily  went  to  a  place  where  he  had  espied  a  ladder  to-forehand,  and 
that  he  took  under  his  arm,  and  bare  it  through  the  garden,  and  set  it 
up  to  the  window,  and  there  anon  the  queen  was  ready  to  meet  him. 
And  then  they  made  either  to  other  their  complaints  of  many  divers 
things,  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  wished  that  he  might  have  come  into 
her.  Wit  ye  well,  said  the  queen,  I  would  as  fain  as  ye,  that  ye  might 
come  in  to  me.  Would  ye,  madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  with  your  heart 
that  I  were  with  you  ?  Yea,  truly,  said  the  queen.  Now  shall  I  prove  my 
might,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  your  love;  and  then  he  set  his  hands 
upon  the  bars  of  iron,  and  he  pulled  at  them  with  such  a  might  that  he 
brast  them  clean  out  of  the  stonewalls,  and  therewithal  one  of  the  bars 
of  iron  cut  the  brawn  of  his  hands  throughout  to  the  bone ;  and  then  he 
leapt  into  the  chamber  to  the  queen.  Make  ye  no  noise,  said  the  queen, 
for  my  wounded  knights  lie  here  fast  by  me.  So,  to  pass  upon  this  tale, 
Sir  Launcelot  went  unto  bed  with  the  queen,  and  he  took  no  force  of 
his  hurt  hand,  but  took  his  pleasaunce  and  his  liking  until  it  was  in  the 
dawning  of  the  day;  and  wit  ye  well  he  slept  not  but  watched,  and 
when  he  saw  his  time  that  he  might  tarry  no  longer  he  took  his  leave 
and  departed  at  the  window,  and  put  it  together  as  well  as  he  might 
again,  and  so  departed  unto  his  own  chamber ;  and  there  he  told  Sir 

Chap.  7         HOW  LAUNCELOT  WAS  TRAPPED  129 

Lavaine  how  he  was  hurt.  Then  Sir  Lavaine  dressed  his  hand  and 
staunched  it,  and  put  upon  it  a  glove,  that  it  should  not  be  espied ;  and 
so  the  queen  lay  long  in  her  bed  until  it  was  nine  of  the  clock. 

Then  Sir  Meliagrance  went  to  the  queen's  chamber,  and  found  her 
ladies  there  ready  clothed.  Jesu  mercy,  said  Sir  Meliagrance,  what 
aileth  you,  madam,  that  ye  sleep  thus  long  ?  And  right  therewithal  he 
opened  the  curtain  for  to  behold  her;  and  then  was  he  ware  where 
she  lay,  and  all  the  sheet  and  pillow  was  bebled  with  the  blood  of  Sir 
Launcelot  and  of  his  hurt  hand.  When  Sir  Meliagrance  espied  that 
blood,  then  he  deemed  in  her  that  she  was  false  to  the  king,  and  that 
some  of  the  wounded  knights  had  lain  by  her  all  that  night.  Ah, 
madam,  said  Sir  Meliagrance,  now  I  have  found  you  a  false  traitress 
unto  my  lord  Arthur ;  for  now  I  prove  well  it  was  not  for  nought  that 
ye  laid  these  wounded  knights  within  the  bounds  of  your  chamber  ; 
therefore  I  will  call  you  of  treason  before  my  lord,  King  Arthur.  And 
now  I  have  proved  you,  madam,  with  a  shameful  deed ;  and  that  they 
be  all  false,  or  some  of  them,  I  will  make  good,  for  a  wounded  knight 
this  night  hath  lain  by  you.  That  is  false,  said  the  queen,  and  that  I 
will  report  me  unto  them  all.  Then  when  the  ten  knights  heard  Sir 
Meliagrance's  words,  they  spake  all  in  one  voice  and  said  to  Sir  Melia- 
grance :  Thou  sayest  falsely,  and  wrongfully  puttest  upon  us  such  a 
deed,  and  that  we  will  make  good  any  of  us;  choose  which  thou  list  of 
us  when  we  are  whole  of  our  wounds.  Ye  shall  not,  said  Sir  Melia- 
grance, away  with  your  proud  language,  for  here  ye  may  all  see,  said  Sir 
Meliagrance,  that  by  the  queen  this  night  a  wounded  knight  hath  lain. 
Then  were  they  all  ashamed  when  they  saw  that  blood ;  and  wit  you 
well  Sir  Meliagrance  was  passing  glad  that  he  had  the  queen  at  such 
an  advantage,  for  he  deemed  by  that  to  hide  his  treason.  So  with  this 
rumour  came  in  Sir  Launcelot,  and  found  them  all  at  a  great  array. 


"HAT array  is  this?  said  Sir  Launcelot.  Then  Sir  Me- 
liagrance told  them  what  he  had  found,  and  showed 
them  the  queen's  bed.   Truly,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye 
did  not  your  part  nor  knightly,  to  touch  a  queen's  bed 
while  it  was  drawn,  and  she  lying  therein;  for  I  dare  say  my  lord 
iv  s 


Arthur  himself  would  not  have  displayed  her  curtains,  she  being 
within  her  bed,  unless  that  it  had  pleased  him  to  have  lain  down  by 
her;  and  therefore  ye  have  done  unworshipfully  and  shamefully  to 
yourself.  I  wot  not  what  ye  mean,  said  Sir  Meliagrance,  but  well  I  am 
sure  there  hath  one  of  her  wounded  knights  lain  by  her  this  night,  and 
therefore  I  will  prove  with  my  hands  that  she  is  a  traitress  unto  my 
lord  Arthur.  Beware  what  ye  do,  said  Launcelot,  for  an  ye  say  so,  an 
ye  will  prove  it,  it  will  be  taken  at  your  hands. 

My  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  Sir  Meliagrance,  I  rede  you  beware 
what  ye  do ;  for  though  ye  are  never  so  good  a  knight,  as  ye  wot  well 
ye  are  renowned  the  best  knight  of  the  world,  yet  should  ye  be  advised 
to  do  battle  in  a  wrong  quarrel,  for  God  will  have  a  stroke  in  every 
battle.  As  for  that,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  God  is  to  be  dread ;  but  as 
to  that  I  say  nay  plainly,  that  this  night  there  lay  none  of  these  ten 
wounded  knights  with  my  lady  Queen  Guenever,  and  that  will  I 
prove  with  my  hands,  that  ye  say  untruly  in  that  now.  Hold,  said  Sir 
Meliagrance,  here  is  my  glove  that  she  is  traitress  unto  my  lord,  King 
Arthur,  and  that  this  night  one  of  the  wounded  knights  lay  with  her. 
And  I  receive  your  glove,  said  Sir  Launcelot.  And  so  they  were  sealed 
with  their  signets,  and  delivered  unto  the  ten  knights.  At  what  day 
shall  we  do  battle  together?  said  Sir  Launcelot.  This  day  eight  days, 
said  Sir  Meliagrance,  in  the  field  beside  Westminster.  I  am  agreed, 
said  Sir  Launcelot.  But  now,  said  Sir  Meliagrance,  sithen  it  is  so  that 
we  must  fight  together,  I  pray  you,  as  ye  be  a  noble  knight,  await  me 
with  no  treason,  nor  none  villainy  the  meanwhile,  nor  none  for  you.  So 
God  me  help,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  shall  right  well  wit  I  was  never  of 
no  such  conditions,  for  I  report  me  to  all  knights  that  ever  have  known 
me,  I  fared  never  with  no  treason,  nor  I  loved  never  the  fellowship  of 
no  man  that  fared  with  treason.  Then  let  us  go  to  dinner,  said  Melia- 
grance, and  after  dinner  ye  and  the  queen  and  ye  may  ride  all  to 
Westminster.  I  will  well,  said  Sir  Launcelot. 

Then  Sir  Meliagrance  said  to  Sir  Launcelot :  Pleaseth  it  you  to  see 
the  estures  of  this  castle?  With  a  good  will,  said  Sir  Launcelot.  And 
then  they  went  together  from  chamber  to  chamber,  for  Sir  Launcelot 
dread  no  perils ;  for  ever  a  man  of  worship  and  of  prowess  dreadeth 
least  always  perils,  for  they  ween  every  man  be  as  they  be ;  but  ever 
he  that  fareth  with  treason  putteth  oft  a  man  in  great  danger.  So  it 
befell  upon  Sir  Launcelot  that  no  peril  dread,  as  he  went  with  Sir 


Meliagrance  he  trod  on  a  trap  and  the  board  rolled,  and  there  Sir 
Launcelot  fell  down  more  than  ten  fathom  into  a  cave  full  of  straw; 
and  then  Sir  Meliagrance  departed  and  made  no  fare  as  that  he  nist 
where  he  was. 

And  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  thus  missed  they  marvelled  where  he 
was  become ;  and  then  the  queen  and  many  of  them  deemed  that  he 
was  departed  as  he  was  wont  to  do,  suddenly.  For  Sir  Meliagrance 
made  suddenly  to  put  away  aside  Sir  Lavaine's  horse,  that  they  might 
all  understand  that  Sir  Launcelot  was  departed  suddenly.  So  it  passed 
on  till  after  dinner ;  and  then  Sir  Lavaine  would  not  stint  until  that  he 
ordained  litters  for  the  wounded  knights,  that  they  might  be  laid  in 
them;  and  so  with  the  queen  and  them  all,  both  ladies  and  gentle- 
women and  other,  went  unto  Westminster;  and  there  the  knights  told 
King  Arthur  how  Meliagrance  had  appealed  the  queen  of  high  treason, 
and  how  Sir  Launcelot  had  received  the  glove  of  him :  And  this  day 
eight  days  they  shall  do  battle  afore  you.  By  my  head,  said  King 
Arthur,  I  am  afeard  Sir  Meliagrance  hath  taken  upon  him  a  great 
charge ;  but  where  is  Sir  Launcelot  ?  said  the  king.  Sir,  said  they  all,  we 
wot  not  where  he  is,  but  we  deem  he  is  ridden  to  some  adventures,  as 
he  is  ofttimes  wont  to  do,  for  he  hath  Sir  Lavaine's  horse.  Let  him  be, 
said  the  king,  he  will  be  founden,  but  if  he  be  trapped  with  some  treason. 


I O  leave  we  Sir  Launcelot  lying  within  that  cave  in  great  pain ; 
and  every  day  there  came  a  lady  and  brought  him  his  meat 
and  his  drink,  and  wooed  him,  to  have  lain  by  him ;  and  ever 
the  noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  her  nay.  Sir  Launcelot, 
said  she,  ye  are  not  wise,  for  ye  may  never  out  of  this  prison,  but  if  ye 
have  my  help ;  and  also  your  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  shall  be  brent  in 
your  default,  unless  that  ye  be  there  at  the  day  of  battle.  God  defend, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  she  should  be  brent  in  my  default ;  and  if  it  be 
so,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  I  may  not  be  there,  it  shall  be  well  under- 
standed,  both  at  the  king  and  at  the  queen,  and  with  all  men  of  worship, 
that  I  am  dead,  sick,  outher  in  prison.  For  all  men  that  know  me  will 
say  for  me  that  I  am  in  some  evil  case  an  I  be  not  there  that  day ;  and 
well  I  wot  there  is  some  good  knight  either  of  my  blood,  or  some  other 


that  loveth  me,  that  will  take  my  quarrel  in  hand ;  and  therefore,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  wit  ye  well  ye  shall  not  fear  me ;  and  if  there  were  no 
more  women  in  all  this  land  but  ye,  I  will  not  have  ado  with  you.  Then 
art  thou  shamed,  said  the  lady,  and  destroyed  for  ever.  As  for  world's 
shame,  Jesu  defend  me,  and  as  for  my  distress,  it  is  welcome  whatso- 
ever it  be  that  God  sendeth  me. 

So  she  came  to  him  the  same  day  that  the  battle  should  be,  and  said : 
Sir  Launcelot,  methinketh  ye  are  too  hard-hearted,  but  wouldest  thou 
but  kiss  me  once  I  should  deliver  thee,  and  thine  armour,  and  the  best 
horse  that  is  within  Sir  Meliagrance's  stable.  As  for  to  kiss  you,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  I  may  do  that  and  lose  no  worship ;  and  wit  ye  well  an 
I  understood  there  were  any  disworship  for  to  kiss  you  I  would  not  do 
it.  Then  he  kissed  her,  and  then  she  gat  him,  and  brought  him  to  his 
armour.  And  when  he  was  armed,  she  brought  him  to  a  stable,  where 
stood  twelve  good  coursers,  and  bade  him  choose  the  best.  Then  Sir 
Launcelot  looked  upon  a  white  courser  the  which  liked  him  best ;  and 
anon  he  commanded  the  keepers  fast  to  saddle  him  with  the  best 
saddle  of  war  that  there  was ;  and  so  it  was  done  as  he  bade.  Then 
gat  he  his  spear  in  his  hand,  and  his  sword  by  his  side,  and  commended 
the  lady  unto  God,  and  said :  Lady,  for  this  good  deed  I  shall  do  you 
service  if  ever  it  be  in  my  power. 


"OW  leave  we  Sir  Launcelot  wallop  all  that  he  might,  and 
speak  we  of  Queen  Guenever  that  was  brought  to  a  fire  to 
be  brent ;  for  Sir  Meliagrance  was  sure,  him  thought,  that 
Sir  Launcelot  should  not  be  at  that  battle ;  therefore  he  ever 
cried  upon  King  Arthur  to  do  him  justice,  other-else  bring  forth  Sir 
Launcelot  du  Lake.  Then  was  the  king  and  all  the  court  full  sore 
abashed  and  shamed  that  the  queen  should  be  brent  in  the  default  of 
Sir  Launcelot.  My  lord  Arthur,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  ye  may  understand 
that  it  is  not  well  with  my  lord  Sir  Launcelot,  for  an  he  were  alive,  so 
he  be  not  sick  outher  in  prison,  wit  ye  well  he  would  be  here;  for  never 
heard  ye  that  ever  he  failed  his  part  for  whom  he  should  do  battle  for. 
And  therefore,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  my  lord,  King  Arthur,  I  beseech  you 
give  me  license  to  do  battle  here  this  day  for  my  lord  and  master,  and 


for  to  save  my  lady,  the  queen.  Gramercy  gentle  Sir  Lavaine,  said 
King  Arthur,  for  I  dare  say  all  that  Sir  Meliagrance  putteth  upon  my 
lady  the  queen  is  wrong,  for  I  have  spoken  with  all  the  ten  wounded 
knights,  and  there  is  not  one  of  them,  an  he  were  whole  and  able  to  do 
battle,  but  he  would  prove  upon  Sir  Meliagrance's  body  that  it  is  false 
that  he  putteth  upon  my  queen.  So  shall  I,  said  Sir  Lavaine,  in  the 
defence  of  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  an  ye  will  give  me  leave.  Now  I 
give  you  leave,  said  King  Arthur,  and  do  your  best,  for  I  dare  well  say 
there  is  some  treason  done  to  Sir  Launcelot. 

Then  was  Sir  Lavaine  armed  and  horsed,  and  suddenly  at  the  lists' 
end  he  rode  to  perform  this  battle;  and  right  as  the  heralds  should 
cry :  Lesses  les  aler,  right  so  came  in  Sir  Launcelot  driving  with  all  the 
force  of  his  horse.  And  then  Arthur  cried :  Ho !  and  Abide !  Then  was 
Sir  Launcelot  called  on  horseback  to-fore  King  Arthur,  and  there  he 
told  openly  to-fore  the  king  and  all,  how  Sir  Meliagrance  had  served 
him  first  to  last.  And  when  the  king,  and  the  queen,  and  all  the  lords, 
knew  of  the  treason  of  Sir  Meliagrance  they  were  all  ashamed  on  his 
behalf.  Then  was  Queen  Guenever  sent  for,  and  set  by  the  king  in 
great  trust  of  her  champion.  And  then  there  was  no  more  else  to  say, 
but  Sir  Launcelot  and  Sir  Meliagrance  dressed  them  unto  battle,  and 
took  their  spears ;  and  so  they  came  together  as  thunder,  and  there  Sir 
Launcelot  bare  him  down  quite  over  his  horse's  croup.  And  then  Sir 
Launcelot  alighted  and  dressed  his  shield  on  his  shoulder,  with  his 
sword  in  his  hand,  and  Sir  Meliagrance  in  the  same  wise  dressed  him 
unto  him,  and  there  they  smote  many  great  strokes  together;  and  at 
the  last  Sir  Launcelot  smote  him  such  a  buffet  upon  the  helmet  that  he 
fell  on  the  one  side  to  the  earth.  And  then  he  cried  upon  him  aloud : 
Most  noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  save  my  life,  for  I  yield  me 
unto  you,  and  I  require  you,  as  ye  be  a  knight  and  fellow  of  the  Table 
Round,  slay  me  not,  for  I  yield  me  as  overcome ;  and  whether  I  shall 
live  or  die  I  put  me  in  the  king's  hands  and  yours. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  wist  not  what  to  do,  for  he  had  had  liefer  than 
all  the  good  of  the  world  he  might  have  been  revenged  upon  Sir  Melia- 
grance ;  and  Sir  Launcelot  looked  up  to  the  Queen  Guenever,  if  he 
might  espy  by  any  sign  or  countenance  what  she  would  have  done. 
And  then  the  queen  wagged  her  head  upon  Sir  Launcelot,  as  though 
she  would  say :  Slay  him.  Full  well  knew  Sir  Launcelot  by  the  wag- 
ging of  her  head  that  she  would  have  him  dead ;  then  Sir  Launcelot 


bade  him  rise  for  shame  and  perform  that  battle  to  the  utterance.  Nay, 
said  Sir  Meliagrance,  I  will  never  arise  until  ye  take  me  as  yolden  and 
recreant.  I  shall  proffer  you  large  proffers,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  is 
for  to  say,  I  shall  unarm  my  head  and  my  left  quarter  of  my  body,  all 
that  may  be  unarmed,  and  let  bind  my  left  hand  behind  me,  so  that 
it  shall  not  help  me,  and  right  so  I  shall  do  battle  with  you.  Then  Sir 
Meliagrance  started  up  upon  his  legs,  and  said  on  high:  My  lord 
Arthur,  take  heed  to  this  proffer,  for  I  will  take  it,  and  let  him  be  dis- 
armed and  bounden  according  to  his  proffer.  What  say  ye,  said  King 
Arthur  unto  Sir  Launcelot,  will  ye  abide  by  your  proffer?  Yea,  my 
lord,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  will  never  go  from  that  I  have  once  said. 

Then  the  knights  parters  of  the  field  disarmed  Sir  Launcelot,  first 
his  head,  and  sithen  his  left  arm,  and  his  left  side,  and  they  bound  his 
left  arm  behind  his  back,  without  shield  or  anything,  and  then  they 
were  put  together.  Wit  you  well  there  was  many  a  lady  and  knight 
marvelled  that  Sir  Launcelot  would  jeopardy  himself  in  such  wise. 
Then  Sir  Meliagrance  came  with  his  sword  all  on  high,  and  Sir 
Launcelot  showed  him  openly  his  bare  head  and  the  bare  left  side ; 
and  when  he  weened  to  have  smitten  him  upon  the  bare  head,  then 
lightly  he  avoided  the  left  leg  and  the  left  side,  and  put  his  right  hand 
and  his  sword  to  that  stroke,  and  so  put  it  on  side  with  great  sleight; 
and  then  with  great  force  Sir  Launcelot  smote  him  on  the  helmet  such 
a  buffet  that  the  stroke  carved  the  head  in  two  parts.  Then  there  was 
no  more  to  do,  but  he  was  drawn  out  of  the  field.  And  at  the  great 
instance  of  the  knights  of  the  Table  Round,  the  king  suffered  him  to 
be  interred,  and  the  mention  made  upon  him,  who  slew  him,  and  for 
what  cause  he  was  slain ;  and  then  the  king  and  the  queen  made  more 
of  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  and  more  he  was  cherished,  than  ever  he 
was  aforehand. 


p, — |  | — ^HEN  as  the  French  book  maketh  mention,  there  was  a  good 
knight  in  the  land  of  Hungary,  his  name  was  Sir  Urre,  and 
he  was  an  adventurous  knight,  and  in  all  places  where  he 
might  hear  of  any  deeds  of  worship  there  would  he  be.  So 

it  happened  in  Spain  there  was  an  earl's  son,  his  name  was  Alphegus, 

Chap.  10       HOW  SIR  URRE  CAME  TO  ARTHUR  135 

and  at  a  great  tournament  in  Spain  this  Sir  Urre,  knight  of  Hungary, 
and  Sir  Alphegus  of  Spain  encountered  together  for  very  envy ;  and 
so  either  undertook  other  to  the  utterance.  And  by  fortune  Sir  Urre 
slew  Sir  Alphegus,  the  earl's  sonof  Spain,  but  this  knight  that  was  slain 
had  given  Sir  Urre,  or  ever  he  was  slain,  seven  great  wounds,  three 
on  the  head,  and  four  on  his  body  and  upon  his  left  hand.  And  this 
Sir  Alphegus  had  a  mother,  the  which  was  a  great  sorceress;  and 
she,  for  the  despite  of  her  son's  death,  wrought  by  her  subtle  crafts 
that  Sir  Urre  should  never  be  whole,  but  ever  his  wounds  should  one 
time  fester  and  another  time  bleed,  so  that  he  should  never  be  whole 
until  the  best  knight  of  the  world  had  searched  his  wounds ;  and  thus 
she  made  her  avaunt,  wherethrough  it  was  known  that  Sir  Urre  should 
never  be  whole. 

Then  his  mother  let  make  an  horse  litter,  and  put  him  therein  under 
two  palfreys ;  and  then  she  took  Sir  Urre's  sister  with  him,  a  full  fair 
damosel,  whose  name  was  Felelolie ;  and  then  she  took  a  page  with  him 
to  keep  their  horses,  and  so  they  led  Sir  Urre  through  many  countries. 
For  as  the  French  book  saith,  she  led  him  so  seven  year  through  all 
lands  christened,  and  never  she  could  find  no  knight  that  might  ease 
her  son.  So  she  came  into  Scotland  and  into  the  lands  of  England,  and 
by  fortune  she  came  nigh  the  feast  of  Pentecost  until  King  Arthur's 
court,  that  at  that  time  was  holden  at  Carlisle.  And  when  she  came 
there,  then  she  made  it  openly  to  be  known  howthat  she  was  come  into 
that  land  for  to  heal  her  son. 

Then  King  Arthur  let  call  that  lady,  and  asked  her  the  cause  why 
she  brought  that  hurt  knight  into  that  land.  My  most  noble  king,  said 
that  lady,  wit  you  well  I  brought  him  hither  for  to  be  healed  of  his 
wounds,  that  of  all  this  seven  year  he  might  not  be  whole.  And  then 
she  told  the  king  where  he  was  wounded,  and  of  whom;  and  how  his 
mother  had  discovered  in  her  pride  how  she  had  wrought  that  by 
enchantment,  so  that  he  should  never  be  whole  until  the  best  knight  of 
the  world  had  searched  his  wounds.  And  so  I  have  passed  through  all 
the  lands  christened  to  have  him  healed,  except  this  land.  And  if  I 
fail  to  heal  him  here  in  this  land,  I  will  never  take  more  pain  upon  me, 
and  that  is  pity,  for  he  was  a  good  knight,  and  of  great  nobleness. 
What  is  his  name?  said  Arthur.  My  good  and  gracious  lord,  she  said, 
his  name  is  Sir  Urre  of  the  Mount.  In  good  time,  said  the  king,  and  sith 
ye  are  come  into  this  land,  ye  are  right  welcome ;  and  wit  you  well  here 


shall  your  son  be  healed,  an  ever  any  Christian  man  may  heal  him. 
And  for  to  give  all  other  men  of  worship  courage,  I  myself  will  assay 
to  handle  your  son,  and  so  shall  all  the  kings,  dukes,  and  earls  that  be 
here  present  with  me  at  this  time ;  thereto  will  I  command  them,  and 
well  I  wot  they  shall  obey  and  do  after  my  commandment.  And  wit 
you  well,  said  King  Arthur  unto  Urre's  sister,  I  shall  begin  to  handle 
him,  and  search  unto  my  power,  not  presuming  upon  me  that  I  am  so 
worthy  to  heal  your  son  by  my  deeds,  but  I  will  courage  other  men  of 
worship  to  do  as  I  will  do.  And  then  the  king  commanded  all  the  kings, 
dukes,  and  earls,  and  all  noble  knights  of  the  Round  Table  that  were 
there  that  time  present,  to  come  into  the  meadow  of  Carlisle.  And  so 
at  that  time  there  were  but  an  hundred  and  ten  of  the  Round  Table, 
for  forty  knights  were  that  time  away ;  and  so  here  we  must  begin  at 
King  Arthur,  as  is  kindly  to  begin  at  him  that  was  the  most  man  of 
worship  that  was  christened  at  that  time. 


p — I  1 — ^HEN  King  Arthur  looked  upon  Sir  Urre,  and  the  king 
thought  he  was  a  full  likely  man  when  he  was  whole ;  and 
then  King  Arthur  made  him  to  be  taken  down  off  the  litter 
and  laid  him  upon  the  earth,  and  there  was  laid  a  cushion  of 
gold  that  he  should  kneel  upon.  And  then  noble  Arthur  said :  Fair 
knight,  me  repenteth  of  thy  hurt,  and  for  to  courage  all  other  noble 
knights  I  will  pray  thee  softly  to  suffer  me  to  handle  your  wounds. 
Most  noble  christened  king,  said  Urre,  do  as  ye  list,  for  I  am  at  the 
mercy  of  God,  and  at  your  commandment.  So  then  Arthur  softly 
handled  him,  and  then  some  of  his  wounds  renewed  upon  bleeding. 
Then  the  King  Clarence  of  Northumberland  searched,  and  it  would 
not  be.  And  then  Sir  Barant  le  Apres  that  was  called  the  King  with 
the  Hundred  Knights,  he  assayed  and  failed;  and  so  did  King  Uriens 
of  the  land  of  Gore ;  so  did  King  Anguish  of  Ireland ;  so  did  King 
Nentres  of  Garloth;  so  did  King  Carados  of  Scotland;  so  did  the  Duke 
Galahad,  the  haut  prince ;  so  did  Constantine,  that  was  Sir  Carados' 
son  of  Cornwall ;  so  did  Duke  Chaleins  of  Clarance ;  so  did  the  Earl 
Ulbause ;  so  did  the  Earl  Lambaile ;  so  did  the  Earl  Aristause. 

Then  came  in  Sir  Gawaine  with  his  three  sons,  Sir  Gingalin,  Sir 

Chap.  1 1          OF  THE  KNIGHTS  AND  SIR  URRE  137 

Florence,  and  Sir  Lovel,  these  two  were  begotten  upon  Sir  Brandiles' 
sister;  and  all  they  failed.  Then  came  in  Sir  Agravaine,  Sir  Gaheris, 
Sir  Mordred,  and  the  good  knight,  Sir  Gareth,  that  was  of  very  knight- 
hood worth  all  the  brethren.  So  came  knights  of  Launcelot's  kin,  but 
Sir  Launcelot  was  not  that  time  in  the  court,  for  he  was  that  time  upon 
his  adventures.  Then  Sir  Lionel,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  Sir  Bors  de 
Ganis,  Sir  Blamore  de  Ganis,  Sir  Bleoberis  de  Ganis,  Sir  Gahalantine, 
Sir  Galihodin,  Sir  Menaduke,  Sir  Villiars  the  Valiant,  Sir  Hebes  le 
Renoumes.  All  these  were  of  Sir  Launcelot's  kin,  and  all  they  failed. 
Then  came  in  Sir  Sagramore  le  Desirous,  Sir  Dodinas  le  Savage,  Sir 
Dinadan,  Sir  Bruin  le  Noire,  that  Sir  Kay  named  La  Cote  Male  Taile, 
and  Sir  Kay  le  Seneschal,  Sir  Kay  de  Stranges,  Sir  Meliot  de  Logris, 
Sir  Petipase  of  Winchelsea,  Sir  Galleron  of  Galway,  Sir  Melion  of  the 
Mountain,  Sir  Cardok,  Sir  Uwaine  les  Avoutres,  and  Sir  Ozanna  le 
Cure  Hardy. 

Then  came  in  Sir  Astamor,  and  Sir  Gromere,  Grummor's  son,  Sir 
Crosselm,  Sir  Servause  le  Breuse,  that  was  called  a  passing  strong 
knight,  for  as  the  book  saith,  the  chief  Lady  of  the  Lake  feasted  Sir 
Launcelot  and  Servause  le  Breuse,  and  when  she  had  feasted  them 
both  at  sundry  times  she  prayed  them  to  give  her  a  boon.  And  they 
granted  it  her.  And  then  she  prayed  Sir  Servause  that  he  would  pro- 
mise her  never  to  do  battle  against  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  and  in  the 
same  wise  she  prayed  Sir  Launcelot  never  to  do  battle  against  Sir 
Servause,  and  so  either  promised  her.  For  the  French  book  saith,  that 
Sir  Servause  had  never  courage  nor  lust  to  do  battle  against  no  man, 
but  if  it  were  against  giants,  and  against  dragons,  and  wild  beasts.  So 
we  pass  unto  them  that  at  the  king's  request  made  them  all  that  were 
there  at  that  high  feast,  as  of  the  knights  of  the  Table  Round,  for  to 
search  Sir  Urre :  to  that  intent  the  king  did  it,  to  wit  which  was  the 
noblest  knight  among  them. 

Then  came  Sir  Aglovale,  Sir  Durnore,  Sir  Tor,  that  was  begotten 
upon  Aries,  the  cowherd's  wife,  but  he  was  begotten  afore  Aries 
wedded  her,  and  King  Pellinore  begat  them  all,  first  Sir  Tor,  Sir  Agio- 
vale,  Sir  Durnore,  Sir  Lamorak,  the  most  noblest  knight  one  that  ever 
was  in  Arthur's  days  as  for  a  worldly  knight,  and  Sir  Percivale  that 
was  peerless  except  Sir  Galahad  in  holy  deeds,  but  they  died  in  the 
quest  of  the  Sangreal.  Then  came  Sir  Griflet  le  Fise  de  Dieu,  Sir  Lucan 
the  Butler,  Sir  Bedivere  his  brother,  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir  Constantine, 

iv  t 


Sir  Cador's  son  of  Cornwall,  that  was  king  after  Arthur's  days,  and  Sir 
Clegis,  Sir  Sadok,  Sir  Dinas  le  Seneschal  of  Cornwall,  Sir  Fergus,  Sir 
Driant,  Sir  Lambegus,  Sir  Clarrus  of  Cleremont,  Sir  Cloddrus,  Sir 
Hectimere,  Sir  Edward  of  Carnarvon,  Sir  Dinas,  Sir  Priamus,  that  was 
christened  by  Sir  Tristram  the  noble  knight,  and  these  three  were 
brethren ;  Sir  Hellaine  le  Blank  that  was  son  to  Sir  Bors,  he  begat  him 
upon  King  Brandegoris'  daughter,  and  Sir  Brian  de  Listinoise;  Sir 
Gautere,  Sir  Reynold,  Sir  Gillemere,  were  three  brethren  that  Sir 
Launcelot  won  upon  a  bridge  in  Sir  Kay's  arms.  Sir  Guyart  le  Petite, 
Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse,  that  was  son  to  the  good  knight,  Sir  Alisan- 
der  leOrphelin,  that  was  slain  by  the  treason  of  King  Mark.  Also  that 
traitor  king  slew  the  noble  knight  Sir  Tristram,  as  he  sat  harping  afore 
his  lady  La  Beale  Isoud,  with  a  trenchant  glaive,  for  whose  death  was 
much  bewailing  of  every  knight  that  ever  were  in  Arthur's  days  ; 
there  was  never  none  so  bewailed  as  was  Sir  Tristram  and  Sir  Lamo- 
rak,  for  they  were  traitorously  slain,  Sir  Tristram  by  King  Mark,  and 
Sir  Lamorak  by  Sir  Gawaine  and  his  brethren.  And  this  Sir  Bellan- 
gere revenged  the  death  of  his  father  Alisander,  and  Sir  Tristram 
slew  King  Mark,  and  La  Beale  Isoud  died  swooning  upon  the  corse  of 
Sir  Tristram,  whereof  was  great  pity.  And  all  that  were  with  King 
Mark  that  were  consenting  to  the  death  of  Sir  Tristram  were  slain,  as 
Sir  Andred  and  many  other. 

Then  came  Sir  Hebes,  Sir  Morganore,  Sir  Sentraile,  Sir  Suppina- 
bilis,  Sir  Bellangere  le  Orgulous,  that  the  good  knight  Sir  Lamorak 
won  in  plain  battle ;  Sir  Nerovens  and  SirPlenorius,  two  good  knights 
that  Sir  Launcelot  won;  Sir  Darras,  Sir  Harry  le  Fise  Lake,  Sir 
Erminide,  brother  to  King  Hermaunce,  for  whom  Sir  Palomides  fought 
at  the  Red  City  with  two  brethren ;  and  Sir  Selises  of  the  Dolorous 
Tower,  Sir  Edward  of  Orkney,  Sir  Ironside,  that  was  called  the  noble 
Knight  of  the  Red  Launds  that  Sir  Gareth  won  for  the  love  of  Dame 
Liones,  Sir  Arrok  de  Grevaunt,  Sir  Degrane  Saunce  Velany  that 
fought  with  the  giant  of  the  black  lowe,  Sir  Epinogris,  that  was  the 
king's  son  of  Northumberland.  Sir  Pelleas  that  loved  the  lady  Ettard, 
and  he  had  died  for  her  love  had  not  been  one  of  the  ladies  of  the  lake, 
her  name  was  Dame  Nimue,  and  she  wedded  Sir  Pelleas,  and  she 
saved  him  that  he  was  never  slain,  and  he  was  a  full  noble  knight;  and 
Sir  Lamiel  of  Cardiff  that  was  a  great  lover.  Sir  Plaine  de  Fors,  Sir 
Melleaus  de  Lile,  Sir  Bohart  le  Cure  Hardy  that  was  King  Arthur's 

Chap.  12  OF  LAUNCELOT  AND  SIR  URRE  139 

son,  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte,  Sir  Colgrevance,  Sir  Hervise  de  la  Forest 
Savage,  Sir  Marrok,  the  good  knight  that  was  betrayed  with  his  wife, 
for  she  made  him  seven  year  a  wer-wolf,  Sir  Persaunt,  Sir  Pertilope, 
his  brother,  that  was  called  the  Green  Knight,  and  Sir  Perimones, 
brother  to  them  both,  that  was  called  the  Red  Knight,  that  Sir  Gareth 
won  when  he  was  called  Beaumains.  All  these  hundred  knights 
and  ten  searched  Sir  Urre's  wounds  by  the  commandment  of  King 


'ERCYJesu,  said  King  Arthur,  where  is  SirLauncelot  du 
Lake  that  he  is  not  here  at  this  time  ?  Thus,  as  they  stood 
and  spake  of  many  things,  there  was  espied  Sir  Launce- 
lot  that  came  riding  toward  them,  and  told  the  king. 
Peace,  said  the  king,  let  no  manner  thing  be  said  until  he  be  come  to 
us.  So  when  Sir  Launcelot  espied  King  Arthur,  he  descended  from 
his  horse  and  came  to  the  king,  and  saluted  him  and  them  all.  Anon  as 
the  maid,  Sir  Urre's  sister,  saw  Sir  Launcelot,  she  ran  to  her  brother 
thereas  he  lay  in  his  litter,  and  said :  Brother,  here  is  come  a  knight 
that  my  heart  giveth  greatly  unto.  Fair  sister,  said  Sir  Urre,  so  doth 
my  heart  light  against  him,  and  certainly  I  hope  now  to  be  healed,  for 
my  heart  giveth  unto  him  more  than  to  all  these  that  have  searched 

Then  said  Arthur  unto  Sir  Launcelot :  Ye  must  do  as  we  have  done ; 
and  told  Sir  Launcelot  what  they  had  done,  and  showed  him  them  all, 
that  had  searched  him.  Jesu  defend  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  when  so 
many  kings  and  knights  have  assayed  and  failed,  that  I  should  pre- 
sume upon  me  to  enchieve  that  all  ye,  my  lords,  might  not  enchieve. 
Ye  shall  not  choose,  said  King  Arthur,  for  I  will  command  you  for  to  do 
as  we  all  have  done.  My  most  renowned  lord,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye 
know  well  I  dare  not  nor  may  not  disobey  your  commandment,  but  an 
I  might  or  durst,  wit  you  well  I  would  not  take  upon  me  to  touch  that 
wounded  knight  in  that  intent  that  I  should  pass  all  other  knights ;  Jesu 
defend  me  from  that  shame.  Ye  take  it  wrong,  said  King  Arthur,  ye 
shall  not  do  it  for  no  presumption,  but  for  to  bear  us  fellowship,  inso- 


much  ye  be  a  fellow  of  the  Table  Round ;  and  wit  you  well,  said  King 
Arthur,  an  ye  prevail  not  and  heal  him,  I  dare  say  there  is  no  knight 
in  this  land  may  heal  him,  and  therefore  I  pray  you,  do  as  we  have 

And  then  all  the  kings  and  knights  for  the  most  part  prayed  Sir 
Launcelot  to  search  him ;  and  then  the  wounded  knight,  Sir  Urre,  set 
him  up  weakly,  and  prayed  Sir  Launcelot  heartily,  saying :  Courteous 
knight,  I  require  thee  for  God's  sake  heal  my  wounds,  for  methinketh 
ever  sithen  ye  came  here  my  wounds  grieve  me  not.  Ah,  my  fair  lord, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  Jesu  would  that  I  might  help  you ;  I  shame  me  sore 
that  I  should  be  thus  rebuked,  for  never  was  I  able  in  worthiness  to  do 
so  high  a  thing.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  kneeled  down  by  the  wounded 
knight  saying :  My  lord  Arthur,  I  must  do  your  commandment,  the 
which  is  sore  against  my  heart.  And  then  he  held  up  his  hands,  and 
looked  into  the  east,  saying  secretly  unto  himself:  Thou  blessed 
Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Ghost,  I  beseech  thee  of  thy  mercy,  that  my 
simple  worship  and  honesty  be  saved,  and  thou  blessed  Trinity,  thou 
mayst  give  power  to  heal  this  sick  knight  by  thy  great  virtue  and  grace 
of  thee,  but,  Good  Lord,  never  of  myself.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot 
prayed  Sir  Urre  to  let  him  see  his  head ;  and  then  devoutly  kneeling 
he  ransacked  the  three  wounds,  that  they  bled  a  little,  and  forthwith 
all  the  wounds  fair  healed,  and  seemed  as  they  had  been  whole  a  seven 
year.  And  in  likewise  he  searched  his  body  of  other  three  wounds, 
and  they  healed  in  likewise ;  and  then  the  last  of  all  he  searched  the 
which  was  in  his  hand,  and  anon  it  healed  fair. 

Then  King  Arthur  and  all  the  kings  and  knights  kneeled  down  and 
gave  thankings  and  lovings  unto  God  and  to  His  Blessed  Mother.  And 
ever  Sir  Launcelot  wept  as  he  had  been  a  child  that  had  been  beaten. 
Then  King  Arthur  let  array  priests  and  clerks  in  the  most  devoutest 
manner,  to  bring  in  Sir  Urre  within  Carlisle,  with  singing  and  loving 
to  God.  And  when  this  was  done,  the  king  let  clothe  him  in  the  richest 
manner  that  could  be  thought;  and  then  were  there  but  few  better 
made  knights  in  all  the  court,  for  he  was  passingly  well  made  and 
bigly ;  and  Arthur  asked  Sir  Urre  how  he  felt  himself.  My  good  lord, 
he  said,  I  felt  myself  never  so  lusty.  Will  ye  joust  and  do  deeds  of 
arms?  said  King  Arthur.  Sir,  said  Urre,  an  I  had  all  that  longed  unto 
jousts  I  would  be  soon  ready. 

Chap.  13  HOW  SIR  URRE  JOUSTED  141 


^ — I  I — ^HEN  Arthur  made  a  party  of  hundred  knights  to  be  against 
an  hundred  knights.  And  so  upon  the  morn  they  jousted  for 
a  diamond,  but  there  jousted  none  of  the  dangerous  knights ; 
and  so  for  to  shorten  this  tale,  Sir  Urre  and  Sir  Lavaine 
jousted  best  that  day,  for  there  was  none  of  them  but  he  overthrew 
and  pulled  down  thirty  knights ;  and  then  by  the  assent  of  all  the  kings 
and  lords,  Sir  Urre  and  Sir  Lavaine  were  made  knights  of  the  Table 
Round.  And  Sir  Lavaine  cast  his  love  unto  Dame  Felelolie,  Sir  Urre's 
sister,  and  then  they  were  wedded  together  with  great  joy,  and  King 
Arthur  gave  to  everych  of  them  a  barony  of  lands.  And  this  Sir  Urre 
would  never  go  from  Sir  Launcelot,  but  he  and  Sir  Lavaine  awaited 
evermore  upon  him ;  and  they  were  in  all  the  court  accounted  for  good 
knights,  and  full  desirous  in  arms;  and  many  noble  deeds  they  did,  for 
they  would  have  no  rest,  but  ever  sought  adventures. 

Thus  they  lived  in  all  that  court  with  great  noblesse  and  joy  long 
time.  But  every  night  and  day  Sir  Agravaine,  Sir  Gawaine's  brother, 
awaited  Queen  Guenever  and  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake  to  put  them  to  a 
rebuke  and  shame.  And  so  I  leave  here  of  this  tale,  and  overskip  great 
books  of  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  what  great  adventures  he  did  when 
he  was  called  Le  Chevaler  du  Chariot.  For  as  the  French  book  saith, 
because  of  despite  that  knights  and  ladies  called  him  the  knight  that 
rode  in  the  chariot  like  as  he  were  judged  to  the  gallows,  therefore  in 
despite  of  all  them  that  named  him  so,  he  was  carried  in  a  chariot  a 
twelvemonth,  for,  but  little  after  that  he  had  slain  Sir  Meliagrance  in 
the  queen's  quarrel,  he  never  in  a  twelvemonth  came  on  horseback. 
And  as  the  French  book  saith,  he  did  that  twelvemonth  more  than 
forty  battles.  And  because  I  have  lost  the  very  matter  of  Le  Chevaler 
du  Chariot,  I  depart  from  the  tale  of  Sir  Launcelot,  and  here  I  go  unto 
the  morte  of  King  Arthur ;  and  that  caused  Sir  Agravaine. 







"N  May  when  every  lusty  heart  flourisheth  and  bourgeoneth,  for 
as  the  season  is  lusty  to  behold  and  comfortable,  so  man  and 
woman  rejoice  and  gladden  of  summer  coming  with  his  fresh 

.  flowers :  for  winter  with  his  rough  winds  and  blasts  causeth  a 
lusty  man  and  woman  to  cower,  and  sit  fast  by  the  fire.  So  in  this 
season,  as  in  the  month  of  May,  it  befell  a  great  anger  and  unhap  that 
stinted  not  till  the  flower  of  chivalry  of  all  the  world  was  destroyed  and 
slain ;  and  all  was  long  upon  two  unhappy  knights,  the  which  were 
named  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred,  that  were  brethren  unto  Sir 
Gawaine.  For  this  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred  had  ever  a  privy 
hate  unto  the  queen  Dame  Guenever  and  to  Sir  Launcelot,  and  daily 
and  nightly  they  ever  watched  upon  Sir  Launcelot. 

So  it  mishapped,  Sir  Gawaine  and  all  his  brethren  were  in  King 
Arthur's  chamber ;  and  then  Sir  Agravaine  said  thus  openly,  and  not 
in  no  counsel,  that  many  knights  might  hear  it :  I  marvel  that  we  all  be 
not  ashamed  both  to  see  and  to  know  how  Sir  Launcelot  lieth  daily 
and  nightly  by  the  queen,  and  all  we  know  it  so ;  and  it  is  shamefully 
suffered  of  us  all,  that  we  all  should  suffer  so  noble  a  king  as  King 
Arthur  is  so  to  be  shamed. 

Then  spake  Sir  Gawaine,  and  said :  Brother  Sir  Agravaine,  I  pray 
you  and  charge  you  move  no  such  matters  no  more  afore  me,  for  wit 
you  well,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  will  not  be  of  your  counsel.  So  God  me 
help,  said  Sir  Gaheris  and  Sir  Gareth,  we  will  not  be  knowing,  brother 
Agravaine,  of  your  deeds.  Then  will  I,  said  Sir  Mordred.  Ilievewell 
that,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  ever  unto  all  unhappiness,  brother  Sir 
Mordred,  thereto  will  ye  grant;  and  I  would  that  ye  left  all  this,  and 
made  you  not  so  busy,  for  I  know,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  what  will  fall  of  it. 
Fall  of  it  what  fall  may,  said  Sir  Agravaine,  I  will  disclose  it  to  the  king. 
Not  by  my  counsel,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  an  there  rise  war  and  wrack 

Chap.  2        OF  AGRAVAINE  AND  KING  ARTHUR  143 

betwixt  Sir  Launcelot  and  us,  wit  you  well  brother,  there  will  many 
kings  and  great  lords  hold  with  Sir  Launcelot.  Also,  brother  Sir 
Agravaine,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  ye  must  remember  how  ofttimes  Sir 
Launcelot  hath  rescued  the  king  and  the  queen;  and  the  best  of  us  all 
had  been  full  cold  at  the  heart-root  had  not  Sir  Launcelot  been  better 
than  we,  and  that  hath  he  proved  himself  full  oft.  And  as  for  my  part, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  will  never  be  against  Sir  Launcelot  for  one  day's 
deed,  when  he  rescued  me  from  KingCarados  of  the  Dolorous  Tower, 
and  slew  him,  and  saved  my  life.  Also,  brother  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir 
Mordred,  in  like  wise  Sir  Launcelot  rescued  you  both,  and  threescore 
and  two,  from  Sir  Turquin.  Methinketh  brother,  such  kind  deeds  and 
kindness  should  be  remembered.  Do  as  ye  list,  said  Sir  Agravaine, 
for  I  will  lain  it  no  longer.  With  these  words  came  to  them  King 
Arthur.  Now  brother,  stint  your  noise,  said  Sir  Gawaine.  We  will 
not,  said  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred.  Will  ye  so?  said  Sir 
Gawaine ;  then  God  speed  you,  for  I  will  not  hear  your  tales  ne  be  of 
your  counsel.  No  more  will  I,  said  Sir  Gareth  and  Sir  Gaheris,  for  we 
will  never  say  evil  by  that  man;  for  because,  said  Sir  Gareth,  Sir 
Launcelot  made  me  knight,  by  no  manner  owe  I  to  say  ill  of  him :  and 
therewithal  they  three  departed,  making  great  dole.  Alas,  said  Sir 
Gawaine  and  Sir  Gareth,  now  is  this  realm  wholly  mischieved,  and 
the  noble  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table  shall  be  disparpled :  so  they 


,  ND  then  Sir  Arthur  asked  them  what  noise  they  made.  My 
lord,  said  Agravaine,  I  shall  tell  you  that  I  may  keep  no 
longer.  Here  is  I,  and  my  brother  Sir  Mordred,  brake  unto 
my  brothers  Sir  Gawaine,  Sir  Gaheris,  and  to  Sir  Gareth, 
how  this  we  know  all,  that  Sir  Launcelot  holdeth  your  queen,  and  hath 
done  long;  and  we  be  your  sister's  sons,  and  we  may  suffer  it  no 
longer,  and  all  we  wot  that  ye  should  be  above  Sir  Launcelot;  and  ye 
are  the  king  that  made  him  knight,  and  therefore  we  will  prove  it,  that 
he  is  a  traitor  to  your  person. 

If  it  be  so,  said  Sir  Arthur,  wit  you  well  he  is  none  other,  but  I  would 
be  loath  to  begin  such  a  thing  but  I  might  have  proofs  upon  it ;  for  Sir 

144  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

Launcelot  is  an  hardy  knight,  and  all  ye  know  he  is  the  best  knight 
among  us  all;  and  but  if  he  be  taken  with  the  deed,  he  will  fight  with 
him  that  bringeth  up  the  noise,  and  I  know  no  knight  that  is  able  to 
match  him.  Therefore  an  it  be  sooth  as  ye  say,  I  would  he  were  taken 
with  the  deed.  For  as  the  French  book  saith,  the  king  was  full  loath 
thereto,  that  any  noise  should  be  upon  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  queen ; 
for  the  king  had  a  deeming,  but  he  would  not  hear  of  it,  for  Sir  Launce- 
lot had  done  so  much  for  him  and  the  queen  so  many  times,  that  wit  ye 
well  the  king  loved  him  passingly  well.  My  lord,  said  Sir  Agravaine, 
ye  shall  ride  to-morn  a-hunting,  and  doubt  ye  not  Sir  Launcelot  will 
not  go  with  you.  Then  when  it  draweth  toward  night,  ye  may  send 
the  queen  word  that  ye  will  lie  out  all  that  night,  and  so  may  ye  send 
for  your  cooks,  and  then  upon  pain  of  death  we  shall  take  him  that 
night  with  the  queen,  and  outher  we  shall  bring  him  to  you  dead  or 
quick.  I  will  well,  said  the  king ;  then  I  counsel  you,  said  the  king,  take 
with  you  sure  fellowship.  Sir,  said  Agravaine,  my  brother,  Sir  Mor- 
dred,  and  I,  will  take  with  us  twelve  knights  of  the  Round  Table. 
Beware,  said  King  Arthur,  for  I  warn  you  ye  shall  find  him  wight.  Let 
us  deal,  said  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred. 

So  on  the  morn  King  Arthur  rode  a-hunting,  and  sent  word  to  the 
queen  that  he  would  be  out  all  that  night.  Then  Sir  Agravaine  and 
Sir  Mordred  gat  to  them  twelve  knights,  and  hid  themself  in  a  cham- 
ber in  the  Castle  of  Carlisle,  and  these  were  their  names :  Sir  Col- 
grevance,  Sir  Mador  de  la  Porte,  Sir  Gingaline,  Sir  Meliot  de  Logris, 
Sir  Petipase  of  Winchelsea,  Sir  Galleron  of  Galway,  Sir  Melion  of  the 
Mountain,  Sir  Astamore,  Sir  Gromore  Somir  Joure,  Sir  Curselaine,  Sir 
Florence,  Sir  Lovel.  So  these  twelve  knights  were  with  Sir  Mordred 
and  Sir  Agravaine,  and  all  they  were  of  Scotland,  outher  of  Sir 
Gawaine's  kin,  either  well-willers  to  his  brethren. 

So  when  the  night  came,  Sir  Launcelot  told  Sir  Bors  how  he  would 
go  that  night  and  speak  with  the  queen.  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  ye  shall 
not  go  this  night  by  my  counsel.  Why?  said  Sir  Launcelot.  Sir,  said 
Sir  Bors,  I  dread  me  ever  of  Sir  Agravaine,  that  waiteth  you  daily  to 
do  you  shame  and  us  all ;  and  never  gave  my  heart  against  no  going, 
that  ever  ye  went  to  the  queen,  so  much  as  now ;  for  I  mistrust  that  the 
king  is  out  this  night  from  the  queen  because  peradventure  he  hath 
lain  some  watch  for  you  and  the  queen,  and  therefore  I  dread  me  sore 
of  treason.  Have  ye  no  dread,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  I  shall  go  and  come 

Chap.  3     LAUNCELOT  IS  ESPIED  WITH  THE  QUEEN     145 

again,  and  make  no  tarrying.  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  that  me  repenteth,  for 
I  dread  me  sore  that  your  going  out  this  night  shall  wrath  us  all.  Fair 
nephew,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  marvel  much  why  ye  say  thus,  sithen 
the  queen  hath  sent  for  me ;  and  wit  ye  well  I  will  not  be  so  much  a 
coward,  but  she  shall  understand  I  will  see  her  good  grace.  God  speed 
you  well,  said  Sir  Bors,  and  send  you  sound  and  safe  again. 


Sir  Launcelot  departed,  and  took  his  sword  under  his  arm, 
and  so  in  his  mantle  that  noble  knight  put  himself  in  great  jeo- 
i  pardy ;  and  so  he  passed  till  he  came  to  the  queen's  chamber, 
and  then  Sir  Launcelot  was  lightly  put  into  the  chamber.  And 
then,  as  the  French  book  saith,  the  queen  and  Launcelot  were  together. 
And  whether  they  were  abed  or  at  other  manner  of  disports,  me  list 
not  hereof  make  no  mention,  for  love  that  time  was  not  as  is  now-a- 
days.  But  thus  as  they  were  together,  there  came  Sir  Agravaine  and 
Sir  Mordred,  with  twelve  knights  with  them  of  the  Round  Table,  and 
they  said  with  crying  voice :  Traitor-knight,  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake, 
now  art  thou  taken.  And  thus  they  cried  with  a  loud  voice,  that  all  the 
court  might  hear  it ;  and  they  all  fourteen  were  armed  at  all  points  as 
they  should  fight  in  a  battle.  Alas,  said  Queen  Guenever,  now  are  we 
mischieved  both.  Madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  is  there  here  any 
armour  within  your  chamber,  that  I  might  cover  my  poor  body  withal? 
An  if  there  be  any  give  it  me,  and  I  shall  soon  stint  their  malice,  by  the 
grace  of  God.  Truly,  said  the  queen,  I  have  none  armour,  shield, 
sword,  nor  spear;  wherefore  I  dread  me  sore  our  long  love  is  come  to 
a  mischievous  end,  for  I  hear  by  their  noise  there  be  many  noble 
knights,  and  well  I  wot  they  be  surely  armed ;  against  them  ye  may 
make  no  resistance.  Wherefore  ye  are  likely  to  be  slain,  and  then 
shall  I  be  brent.  For  an  ye  might  escape  them,  said  the  queen,  I  would 
not  doubt  but  that  ye  would  rescue  me  in  what  danger  that  ever  I  stood 
in.  Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  in  all  my  life  thus  was  I  never  bestead,  that 
I  should  be  thus  shamefully  slain  for  lack  of  mine  armour. 

But  ever  in  one  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred  cried :  Traitor- 
knight,  come  out  of  the  queen's  chamber,  for  wit  thou  well  thou  art  so 

iv  u 

146  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

beset  that  thou  shalt  not  escape.  O  Jesu  mercy,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
this  shameful  cry  and  noise  I  may  not  suffer,  for  better  were  death  at 
once  than  thus  to  endure  this  pain.  Then  he  took  the  queen  in  his 
arms,  and  kissed  her,  and  said :  Most  noble  Christian  queen,  I  beseech 
you  as  ye  have  been  ever  my  special  good  lady,  and  I  at  all  times  your 
true  poor  knight  unto  my  power,  and  as  I  never  failed  you  in  right  nor 
in  wrong  sithen  the  first  day  King  Arthur  made  me  knight,  that  ye  will 
pray  for  my  soul  if  that  I  here  be  slain ;  for  well  I  am  assured  that  Sir 
Bors,  my  nephew,  and  all  the  remnant  of  my  kin,  with  Sir  Lavaine 
and  Sir  Urre,  that  they  will  not  fail  you  to  rescue  you  from  the  fire ;  and 
therefore,  mine  own  lady,  recomfort  yourself,  whatsomever  come  of 
me,  that  ye  go  with  Sir  Bors,  my  nephew,  and  Sir  Urre,  and  they  all 
will  do  you  all  the  pleasure  that  they  can  or  may,  that  ye  shall  live  like 
a  queen  upon  my  lands.  Nay,  Launcelot,  said  the  queen,  wit  thou  well 
I  will  never  live  after  thy  days,  but  an  thou  be  slain  I  will  take  my 
death  as  meekly  for  Jesu  Christ's  sake  as  ever  did  any  Christian  queen. 
Well,  madam,  said  Launcelot,  sith  it  is  so  that  the  day  is  come  that  our 
love  must  depart,  wit  you  well  I  shall  sell  my  life  as  dear  as  I  may ;  and 
a  thousandfold,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  am  more  heavier  for  you  than  for 
myself.  And  now  I  had  liefer  than  to  be  lord  of  all  Christendom,  that 
I  had  sure  armour  upon  me,  that  men  might  speak  of  my  deeds  or  ever 
I  were  slain.  Truly,  said  the  queen,  I  would  an  it  might  please  God 
that  they  would  take  me  and  slay  me,  and  suffer  you  to  escape.  That 
shall  never  be,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  God  defend  me  from  such  a  shame, 
but  Jesu  be  Thou  my  shield  and  mine  armour! 


~"\\  ND  therewith  Sir  Launcelot  wrapped  his  mantle  about  his  arm 

/\\       well  and  surely ;  and  by  then  they  had  gotten  a  great  form 

I     A     out  of  the  hall,  and  therewithal  they  rashed  at  the  door. 

^/L     JLX  Fair  lords,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  leave  your  noise  and  your 

rashing,  and  I  shall  set  open  this  door,  and  then  may  ye  do  with  me 

what  it  likethyou.  Come  off  then,  said  they  all,  and  do  it,  for  it  availeth 

thee  not  to  strive  against  us  all ;  and  therefore  let  us  into  this  chamber, 

and  we  shall  save  thy  life  until  thou  come  to  King  Arthur.  Then 


Launcelot  unbarred  the  door,  and  with  his  left  hand  he  held  it  open  a 
little,  so  that  but  one  man  might  come  in  at  once ;  and  so  there  came 
striding  a  good  knight,  a  much  man  and  large,  and  his  name  was 
Colgrevance  of  Gore,  and  he  with  a  sword  struck  at  Sir  Launcelot 
mightily ;  and  he  put  aside  the  stroke,  and  gave  him  such  a  buffet  upon 
the  helmet,  that  he  fell  grovelling  dead  within  the  chamber  door.  And 
then  Sir  Launcelot  with  great  might  drew  that  dead  knight  within  the 
chamber  door;  and  Sir  Launcelot  with  help  of  the  queen  and  her 
ladies  was  lightly  armed  in  Sir  Colgrevance's  armour. 

And  ever  stood  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred  crying :  Traitor- 
knight,  come  out  of  the  queen's  chamber.  Leave  your  noise,  said  Sir 
Launcelot  unto  Sir  Agravaine,  for  wit  you  well,  Sir  Agravaine,  ye 
shall  not  prison  me  this  night ;  and  therefore  an  ye  do  by  my  counsel, 
go  ye  all  from  this  chamber  door,  and  make  not  such  crying  and  such 
manner  of  slander  as  ye  do ;  for  I  promise  you  by  my  knighthood,  an 
ye  will  depart  and  make  no  more  noise,  I  shall  as  to-morn  appear  afore 
you  all  before  the  king,  and  then  let  it  be  seen  which  of  you  all,  outher 
else  ye  all,  that  will  accuse  me  of  treason ;  and  there  I  shall  answer  you 
as  a  knight  should,  that  hither  I  came  to  the  queen  for  no  manner  of 
mal  engin,  and  that  will  I  prove  and  make  it  good  upon  you  with  my 
hands.  Fie  on  thee,  traitor,  said  Sir  Agravaine  and  Sir  Mordred,  we 
will  have  thee  maugre  thy  head,  and  slay  thee  if  we  list;  for  we  let 
thee  wit  we  have  the  choice  of  King  Arthur  to  save  thee  or  to  slay 
thee.  Ah  sirs,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  is  there  none  other  grace  with  you? 
then  keep  yourself. 

So  then  Sir  Launcelot  set  all  open  the  chamber  door,  and  mightily 
and  knightly  he  strode  in  amongst  them ;  and  anon  at  the  first  buffet 
he  slew  Sir  Agravaine.  And  twelve  of  his  fellows  after,  within  a  little 
while  after,  he  laid  them  cold  to  the  earth,  for  there  was  none  of  the 
twelve  that  might  stand  Sir  Launcelot  one  buffet.  Also  Sir  Launcelot 
wounded  Sir  Mordred,  and  he  fled  with  all  his  might.  And  then  Sir 
Launcelot  returned  again  unto  the  queen,  and  said :  Madam,  now  wit 
you  well  all  our  true  love  is  brought  to  an  end,  for  now  will  King 
Arthur  ever  be  my  foe ;  and  therefore,  madam,  an  it  like  you  that  I 
may  have  you  with  me,  I  shall  save  you  from  all  manner  adventures 
dangerous.  That  is  not  best,  said  the  queen ;  meseemeth  now  ye  have 
done  so  much  harm,  it  will  be  best  ye  hold  you  still  with  this.  And  if 
ye  see  that  as  to-morn  they  will  put  me  unto  the  death,  then  may  ye 

148  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

rescue  me  as  ye  think  best.  I  will  well,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  have  ye 
no  doubt,  while  I  am  living  I  shall  rescue  you.  And  then  he  kissed  her, 
and  either  gave  other  a  ring ;  and  so  there  he  left  the  queen,  and  went 
until  his  lodging. 


"HEN  Sir  Bors  saw  Sir  Launcelot  he  was  never  so 
glad  of  his  home-coming  as  he  was  then.  Jesu  mercy, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  why  be  ye  all  armed :  what  mean- 
eth  this?  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  after  ye  were  departed 
from  us,  we  all  that  be  of  your  blood  and  your  well-willers  were  so 
dretched  that  some  of  us  leapt  out  of  our  beds  naked,  and  some  in  their 
dreams  caught  naked  swords  in  their  hands ;  therefore,  said  Sir  Bors, 
we  deem  there  is  some  great  strife  at  hand ;  and  then  we  all  deemed 
that  ye  were  betrapped  with  some  treason,  and  therefore  we  made  us 
thus  ready,  what  need  that  ever  ye  were  in. 

My  fair  nephew,  said  Sir  Launcelot  unto  Sir  Bors,  now  shall  ye  wit 
all,  that  this  night  I  was  more  harder  bestead  than  ever  I  was  in  my  life, 
and  yet  I  escaped.  And  so  he  told  them  all  how  and  in  what  manner, 
as  ye  have  heard  to-fore.  And  therefore,  my  fellows,  said  Sir  Launce- 
lot, I  pray  you  all  that  ye  will  be  of  good  heart  in  what  need  somever  I 
stand,  for  now  is  war  come  to  us  all.  Sir,  said  Bors,  all  is  welcome  that 
God  sendeth  us,  and  we  have  had  much  weal  with  you  and  much 
worship,  and  therefore  we  will  take  the  woe  with  you  as  we  have 
taken  the  weal.  And  therefore,  they  said  all  -there  were  many  good 
knights,  -  look  ye  take  no  discomfort,  for  there  nis  no  bands  of  knights 
under  heaven  but  we  shall  be  able  to  grieve  them  as  much  as  they  may 
us.  And  therefore  discomfort  not  yourself  by  no  manner,  and  we  shall 
gather  together  that  we  love,  and  that  loveth  us,  and  what  that  ye  will 
have  done  shall  be  done.  And  therefore,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  they,  we 
will  take  the  woe  with  the  weal.  Grant  mercy,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  of 
your  good  comfort,  for  in  my  great  distress,  my  fair  nephew,  ye  comfort 
me  greatly,  and  much  I  am  beholding  unto  you.  But  this,  my  fair 
nephew,  I  would  that  ye  did  in  all  haste  that  ye  may,  or  it  be  forth 
days,  that  ye  will  look  in  their  lodging  that  be  lodged  here  nigh  about 

Chap.  5  OF  SIR  LAUNCELOT'S  KIN  149 

the  king,  which  will  hold  with  me,  and  which  will  not,  for  now  I  would 
know  which  were  my  friends  from  my  foes.  Sir,  said  Sir  Bors,  I  shall 
do  my  pain,  and  or  it  be  seven  of  the  clock  I  shall  wit  of  such  as  ye  have 
said  before,  who  will  hold  with  you. 

Then  Sir  Bors  called  unto  him  Sir  Lionel,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  Sir 
Blamore  de  Ganis,  Sir  Bleoberis  de  Ganis,  Sir  Gahalantine,  Sir 
Galihodin,  Sir  Galihud,  Sir  Menadeuke,  Sir  Villiers  the  Valiant,  Sir 
Hebes  le  Renoumes,  Sir  Lavaine,  Sir  Urre  of  Hungary,  Sir  Nerounes, 
Sir  Plenorius.  These  two  knights  Sir  Launcelot  made,  and  the  one  he 
won  upon  a  bridge,  and  therefore  they  would  never  be  against  him. 
And  Harry  le  Fise  du  Lake,  and  Sir  Selises  of  the  Dolorous  Tower, 
and  Sir  Melias  de  Lile,  and  Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse,  that  was  Sir 
Alisander's  son  Le  Orphelin,  because  his  mother  Alice  le  Beale 
Pellerin  and  she  was  kin  unto  Sir  Launcelot,  and  he  held  with  him. 
So  there  came  Sir  Palomides  and  Sir  Safere,  his  brother,  to  hold  with 
Sir  Launcelot,  and  Sir  Clegis  of  Sadok,  and  Sir  Dinas,  Sir  Clarius  of 
Cleremont.  So  these  two-and-twenty  knights  drew  them  together,  and 
by  then  they  were  armed  on  horseback,  and  promised  Sir  Launcelot 
to  do  what  he  would.  Then  there  fell  to  them,  what  of  North  Wales 
and  of  Cornwall,  for  Sir  Lamorak's  sake  and  for  Sir  Tristram's  sake, 
to  the  number  of  a  fourscore  knights. 

My  lords,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  wit  you  well,  I  have  been  ever  since  I 
came  into  this  country  well  willed  unto  my  lord,  King  Arthur,  and  unto 
my  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  unto  my  power ;  and  this  night  because 
my  lady  the  queen  sent  for  me  to  speak  with  her,  I  suppose  it  was  made 
by  treason,  howbeit  I  dare  largely  excuse  her  person,  notwithstanding 
I  was  there  by  a  forecast  near  slain,  but  as  Jesu  provided  me  I  escaped 
all  their  malice  and  treason.  And  then  that  noble  knight  Sir  Launcelot 
told  them  all  how  he  was  hard  bestead  in  the  queen's  chamber,  and 
how  and  in  what  manner  he  escaped  from  them.  And  therefore,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  wit  you  well,  my  fair  lords,  I  am  sure  there  nis  but  war 
unto  me  and  mine.  And  for  because  I  have  slain  this  night  these 
knights,  I  wot  well,  as  is  Sir  Agravaine  Sir  Gawaine's  brother,  and  at 
the  least  twelve  of  his  fellows,  for  this  cause  now  I  am  sure  of  mortal 
war,  for  these  knights  were  sent  and  ordaine'd  by  King  Arthur  to 
betray  me.  And  therefore  the  king  will  in  his  heat  and  malice  judge 
the  queen  to  the  fire,  and  that  may  I  not  suffer,  that  she  should  be  brent 
for  my  sake ;  for  an  I  may  be  heard  and  suffered  and  so  taken,  I  will 

150  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

fight  for  the  queen,  that  she  is  a  true  lady  unto  her  lord ;  but  the  king 
in  his  heat  I  dread  me  will  not  take  me  as  I  ought  to  be  taken. 


"Y  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  said  Sir  Bors,  by  mine  advice  ye 
shall  take  the  woe  with  the  weal,  and  take  it  in  patience, 
and  thank  God  of  it.  And  sithen  it  is  fallen  as  it  is,  I 
counsel  you  keep  yourself,  for  an  ye  will  yourself,  there 
is  no  fellowship  of  knights  christened  that  shall  do  you  wrong.  Also  I 
will  counsel  you  my  lord,  Sir  Launcelot,  than  an  my  lady,  Queen 
Guenever,  be  in  distress,  insomuch  as  she  is  in  pain  for  your  sake,  that 
ye  knightly  rescue  her ;  an  ye  did  otherwise,  all  the  world  will  speak 
of  you  shame  to  the  world's  end.  Insomuch  as  ye  were  taken  with  her, 
whether  ye  did  right  or  wrong,  it  is  now  your  part  to  hold  with  the 
queen,  that  she  be  not  slain  and  put  to  a  mischievous  death,  for  an  she 
so  die  the  shame  shall  be  yours.  Jesu  defend  me  from  shame,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  and  keep  and  save  my  lady  the  queen  from  villainy  and 
shameful  death,  and  that  she  never  be  destroyed  in  my  default;  where- 
fore my  fair  lords,  my  kin,  and  my  friends,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  what 
will  ye  do  ?  Then  they  said  all :  We  will  do  as  ye  will  do.  I  put  this  to 
you,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  if  my  lord  Arthur  by  evil  counsel  will  to- 
morn  in  his  heat  put  my  lady  the  queen  to  the  fire  there  to  be  brent, 
now  I  pray  you  counsel  me  what  is  best  to  do.  Then  they  said  all  at 
once  with  one  voice :  Sir,  us  thinketh  best  that  ye  knightly  rescue  the 
queen,  insomuch  as  she  shall  be  brent  it  is  for  your  sake ;  and  it  is  to 
suppose,  an  ye  might  be  handled,  ye  should  have  the  same  death,  or  a 
more  shamefuler  death.  And  sir,  we  say  all,  that  ye  have  many  times 
rescued  her  from  death  for  other  men's  quarrels,  us  seemeth  it  is  more 
your  worship  that  ye  rescue  the  queen  from  this  peril,  insomuch  she 
hath  it  for  your  sake. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  stood  still,  and  said :  My  fair  lords,  wit  you  well 
I  would  be  loath  to  do  that  thing  that  should  dishonour  you  or  my  blood, 
and  wit  you  well  I  would  be  loath  that  my  lady,  the  queen,  should  die 
a  shameful  death ;  but  an  it  be  so  that  ye  will  counsel  me  to  rescue  her, 
I  must  do  much  harm  or  I  rescue  her ;  and  peradventure  I  shall  there 
destroy  some  of  my  best  friends,  that  should  much  repent  me ;  and 
peradventure  there  be  some,  an  they  could  well  bring  it  about,  or  dis- 

Chap.  7  HOW  MORDRED  TOLD  ARTHUR  151 

obey  my  lord  King  Arthur,  they  would  soon  come  to  me,  the  which  I 
were  loath  to  hurt.  And  if  so  be  that  I  rescue  her,  where  shall  I  keep 
her?  That  shall  be  the  least  care  of  us  all,  said  Sir  Bors.  How  did  the 
noble  knight  Sir  Tristram,  by  your  good  will  ?  kept  not  he  with  him  La 
Beale  Isoud  near  three  year  in  joyous  Card  ?  the  which  was  done  by 
your  alther  device,  and  that  same  place  is  your  own ;  and  in  likewise 
may  ye  do  an  ye  list,  and  take  the  queen  lightly  away,  if  it  so  be  the 
king  will  judge  her  to  be  brent ;  and  in  Joyous  Gard  ye  may  keep  her 
long  enough  until  the  heat  of  the  king  be  past.  And  then  shall  ye  bring 
again  the  queen  to  the  king  with  great  worship ;  and  then  peradven- 
ture  ye  shall  have  thank  for  her  bringing  home,  and  love  and  thank 
where  other  shall  have  maugre. 

That  is  hard  to  do,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  by  Sir  Tristram  I  may  have 
a  warning,  for  when  by  means  of  treaties,  Sir  Tristram  brought  again 
La  Beale  Isoud  unto  King  Mark  from  Joyous  Gard,  look  what  befell  on 
the  end,  how  shamefully  that  false  traitor  King  Mark  slew  him  as  he 
sat  harping  afore  his  lady  La  Beale  Isoud,  with  a  grounden  glaive  he 
thrust  him  in  behind  to  the  heart.  It  grieveth  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
to  speak  of  his  death,  for  all  the  world  may  not  find  such  a  knight.  All 
this  is  truth,  said  Sir  Bors,  but  there  is  one  thing  shall  courage  you  and 
us  all,  ye  know  well  King  Arthur  and  King  Mark  were  never  like  of 
conditions,  for  there  was  never  yet  man  could  prove  King  Arthur  un- 
true of  his  promise. 

So  to  make  short  tale,  they  were  all  consented  that  for  better  outher 
for  worse,  if  so  were  that  the  queen  were  on  that  morn  brought  to  the 
fire,  shortly  they  all  would  rescue  her.  And  so  by  the  advice  of  Sir 
Launcelot,  they  put  them  all  in  an  embushment  in  a  wood,  as  nigh 
Carlisle  as  they  might,  and  there  they  abode  still,  to  wit  what  the  king 
would  do. 


"OW  turn  we  again  unto  Sir  Mordred,  that  when  he  was 
escaped  from  the  noble  knight,  Sir  Launcelot,  he  anon  gat 
his  horse  and  mounted  upon  him,  and  rode  unto  King 
Arthur,  sore  wounded  and  smitten,  and  all  forbled ;  and 
there  he  told  the  king  all  how  it  was,  and  how  they  were  all  slain  save 
himself  all  only.  Jesu  mercy,  how  may  this  be?  said  the  king;  took  ye 

i52  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

him  in  the  queen's  chamber?  Yea,  so  God  me  help,  said  Sir  Mordred, 
there  we  found  him  unarmed,  and  there  he  slew  Colgrevance,  and 
armed  him  in  his  armour ;  and  all  this  he  told  the  king  from  the  beginning 
to  the  ending.  Jesu  mercy,  said  the  king,  he  is  a  marvellous  knight  of 
prowess.  Alas,  me  sore  repenteth,  said  the  king,  that  ever  Sir  Launce- 
lot should  be  against  me.  Now  I  am  sure  the  noble  fellowship  of  the 
Round  Table  is  broken  for  ever,  for  with  him  will  many  a  noble  knight 
hold ;  and  now  it  is  fallen  so,  said  the  king,  that  I  may  not  with  my 
worship,  but  the  queen  must  suffer  the  death.  So  then  there  was  made 
great  ordinance  in  this  heat,  that  the  queen  must  be  judged  to  the  death. 
And  the  law  was  such  in  those  days  that  whatsomever  they  were,  of 
what  estate  or  degree,  if  they  were  found  guilty  of  treason,  there  should 
be  none  other  remedy  but  death ;  and  outher  the  men  or  the  taking 
with  the  deed  should  be  causer  of  their  hasty  judgment.  And  right 
so  was  it  ordained  for  Queen  Guenever,  because  Sir  Mordred  was 
escaped  sore  wounded,  and  the  death  of  thirteen  knights  of  the  Round 
Table.  These  proofs  and  experiences  caused  King  Arthur  to  com- 
mand the  queen  to  the  fire  there  to  be  brent. 

Then  spake  Sir  Gawaine,  and  said :  My  lord  Arthur,  I  would  coun- 
sel you  not  to  be  over-hasty,  but  that  ye  would  put  it  in  respite,  this 
judgment  of  my  lady  the  queen,  for  many  causes.  One  it  is,  though  it 
were  so  that  Sir  Launcelot  were  found  in  the  queen's  chamber,  yet  it 
might  be  so  that  he  came  thither  for  none  evil ;  for  ye  know  my  lord, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  the  queen  is  much  beholden  unto  Sir  Launcelot, 
more  than  unto  any  other  knight,  for  ofttimes  he  hath  saved  her  life, 
and  done  battle  for  her  when  all  the  court  re  fused  the  queen ;  and  per- 
adventure  she  sent  for  him  for  goodness  and  for  none  evil,  to  reward 
him  for  his  good  deeds  that  he  had  done  to  her  in  times  past.  And  per- 
ad  venture  my  lady,  the  queen,  sent  for  him  to  that  intent  that  Sir  Launce- 
lot should  come  to  her  good  grace  privily  and  secretly,  weening  to  her 
that  it  was  best  so  to  do,  in  eschewing  and  dreading  of  slander ;  for 
ofttimes  we  do  many  things  that  we  ween  it  be  for  the  best,  and  yet 
perad  venture  it  turnethtothe  worst.  For  I  dare  say,  said  Sir  Gawaine, 
my  lady,  your  queen,  is  to  you  both  good  and  true ;  and  as  for  Sir 
Launcelot,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  dare  say  he  will  make  it  good  upon  any 
knight  living  that  will  put  upon  himself  villainy  or  shame,  and  in  like 
wise  he  will  make  good  for  my  lady,  Dame  Guenever. 

That  I  believe  well,  said  King  Arthur,  but  I  will  not  that  way  with 

Chap.  8          HOW  THE  QUEEN  WAS  RESCUED  153 

Sir  Launcelot,  for  he  trusteth  so  much  upon  his  hands  and  his  might 
that  he  doubteth  no  man ;  and  therefore  for  my  queen  he  shall  never 
fight  more,  for  she  shall  have  the  law.  And  if  I  may  get  Sir  Launcelot, 
wit  you  well  he  shall  have  a  shameful  death.  Jesu  defend,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  that  I  may  never  see  it.  Why  say  ye  so?  said  King  Arthur ; 
forsooth  ye  have  no  cause  to  love  Sir  Launcelot,  for  this  night  last  past 
he  slew  your  brother,  Sir  Agravaine,  a  full  good  knight,  and  almost  he 
had  slain  your  other  brother,  Sir  Mordred,  and  also  there  he  slew 
thirteen  noble  knights ;  and  also,  Sir  Gawaine,  remember  ye  he  slew 
two  sons  of  yours,  Sir  Florence  and  Sir  Level.  My  lord,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  of  all  this  I  have  knowledge,  of  whose  deaths  I  repent  me 
sore ;  but  insomuch  I  gave  them  warning,  and  told  my  brethren  and  my 
sons  aforehand  what  would  fall  in  the  end,  insomuch  they  would  not 
do  by  my  counsel,  I  will  not  meddle  me  thereof,  nor  revenge  me  no- 
thing of  their  deaths ;  for  I  told  them  it  was  no  boot  to  strive  with  Sir 
Launcelot.  Howbeit  I  am  sorry  of  the  death  of  my  brethren  and  of  my 
sons,  for  they  are  the  causers  of  their  own  death ;  for  ofttimes  I  warned 
my  brother  Sir  Agravaine,  and  I  told  him  the  perils  the  which  be  now 


said  the  noble  King  Arthur  to  Sir  Gawaine:  Dear 
nephew,  I  pray  you  make  you  ready  in  your  best  armour, 
with  your  brethren,  Sir  Gaheris  and  Sir  Gareth,  to  bring  my 
queen  to  the  fire,  there  to  have  her  judgment  and  receive  the 
death.  Nay,  my  most  noble  lord,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  will  I  never 
do ;  for  wit  you  well  I  will  never  be  in  that  place  where  so  noble  a  queen 
as  is  my  lady,  Dame  Guenever,  shall  take  a  shameful  end.  Forwityou 
well,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  my  heart  will  never  serve  me  to  see  her  die ; 
and  it  shall  never  be  said  that  ever  I  was  of  your  counsel  of  her  death. 
Then  said  the  king  to  Sir  Gawaine :  Suffer  your  brothers  Sir  Gaheris 
and  Sir  Gareth  to  be  there.  My  lord,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  wit  you  well 
they  will  be  loath  to  be  there  present,  because  of  many  adventures  the 
which  be  like  there  to  fall,  but  they  are  young  and  full  unable  to  say 
you  nay.  Then  spake  Sir  Gaheris,  and  the  good  knight  Sir  Gareth, 
unto  Sir  Arthur :  Sir,  ye  may  well  command  us  to  be  there,  but  wit  you 
iv  x 

154  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

well  it  shall  be  sore  against  our  will ;  but  an  we  be  there  by  your  strait 
commandment  ye  shall  plainly  hold  us  there  excused :  we  will  be  there 
in  peaceable  wise,  and  bear  none  harness  of  war  upon  us.  In  the  name 
of  God,  said  the  king,  then  make  you  ready,  for  she  shall  soon  have  her 
judgment  anon.  Alas,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  ever  I  should  endure  to 
see  this  woful  day.  So  Sir  Gawaine  turned  him  and  wept  heartily,  and 
so  he  went  into  his  chamber ;  and  then  the  queen  was  led  forth  without 
Carlisle,  and  there  she  was  despoiled  into  her  smock.  And  so  then  her 
ghostly  father  was  brought  to  her,  to  be  shriven  of  her  misdeeds.  Then 
was  there  weeping,  and  wailing,  and  wringing  of  hands,  of  many  lords 
and  ladies,  but  there  were  but  few  in  comparison  that  would  bear  any 
armour  for  to  strength  the  death  of  the  queen. 

Then  was  there  one  that  Sir  Launcelot  had  sent  unto  that  place  for 
to  espy  what  time  the  queen  should  go  unto  her  death ;  and  anon  as  he 
saw  the  queen  despoiled  into  her  smock,  and  so  shriven,  then  he  gave 
Sir  Launcelot  warning.  Then  was  there  but  spurring  and  plucking  up 
of  horses,  and  right  so  they  came  to  the  fire.  And  who  that  stood  against 
them,  there  were  they  slain;  there  might  none  withstand  Sir  Launce- 
lot, so  all  that  bare  arms  and  withstood  them,  there  were  they  slain,  full 
many  a  noble  knight.  For  there  was  slain  Sir  Belliance  le  Orgulous, 
Sir  Segwarides,  Sir  Griflet,  Sir  Brandiles,  Sir  Aglovale,  Sir  Tor ;  Sir 
Gauter,  Sir  Gillimer,  Sir  Reynolds'  three  brethren ;  Sir  Damas,  Sir 
Priamus,  Sir  Kay  the  Stranger,  Sir  Driant,  Sir  Lambegus,  Sir  Her- 
minde ;  Sir  Pertilope,  Sir  Perimones,  two  brethren  that  were  called 
the  Green  Knight  and  the  Red  Knight.  And  so  in  this  rushing  and 
hurling,  as  Sir  Launcelot  thrang  here  and  there,  it  mishapped  him  to 
slay  Gaheris  and  Sir  Gareth,  the  noble  knight,  for  they  were  unarmed 
and  unware.  For  as  the  French  book  saith,  Sir  Launcelot  smote  Sir 
Gareth  and  Sir  Gaheris  upon  the  brain-pans,  wherethrough  they  were 
slain  in  the  field ;  howbeit  in  very  truth  Sir  Launcelot  saw  them  not, 
and  so  were  they  found  dead  among  the  thickest  of  the  press. 

Then  when  Sir  Launcelot  had  thus  done,  and  slain  and  put  to  flight 
all  that  would  withstand  him,  then  he  rode  straight  unto  Dame  Guen- 
ever,  and  made  a  kirtle  and  a  gown  to  be  cast  upon  her;  and  then  he 
made  her  to  be  set  behind  him,  and  prayed  her  to  be  of  good  cheer. 
Wit  you  well  the  queen  was  glad  that  she  was  escaped  from  the  death. 
And  then  she  thanked  God  and  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  so  he  rode  his  way 
with  the  queen,  as  the  French  book  saith,  unto  Joyous  Card,  and  there 

Chap.  9        OF  THE  SORROW  OF  KING  ARTHUR  155 

he  kept  her  as  a  noble  knight  should  do ;  and  many  great  lords  and 
some  kings  sent  Sir  Launcelot  many  good  knights,  and  many  noble 
knights  drew  unto  Sir  Launcelot.  When  this  was  known  openly,  that 
King  Arthur  and  Sir  Launcelot  were  at  debate,  many  knights  were 
glad  of  their  debate,  and  many  were  full  heavy  of  their  debate. 


jO  turn  we  again  unto  King  Arthur,  that  when  it  was  told  him 
how  and  in  what  manner  of  wise  the  queen  was  taken  away 
from  the  fire,  and  when  he  heard  of  the  death  of  his  noble 
knights,  and  in  especial  of  Sir  Gaheris  and  Sir  Gareth's  death, 
then  the  king  swooned  for  pure  sorrow.  And  when  he  awoke  of  his 
swoon,  then  he  said :  Alas,  that  ever  I  bare  crown  upon  my  head !  for 
now  have  I  lost  the  fairest  fellowship  of  noble  knights  that  ever  held 
Christian  king  together.  Alas,  my  good  knights  be  slain  away  from 
me :  now  within  these  two  days  I  have  lost  forty  knights,  and  also  the 
noble  fellowship  of  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  blood,  for  now  I  may  never 
hold  them  together  no  more  with  my  worship.  Alas  that  ever  this  war 
began.  Now  fair  fellows,  said  the  king,  I  charge  you  that  no  man  tell 
Sir  Gawaine  of  the  death  of  his  two  brethren ;  for  I  am  sure,  said  the 
king,  when  Sir  Gawaine  heareth  tell  that  Sir  Gareth  is  dead  he  will  go 
nigh  out  of  his  mind.  Mercy  Jesu,  said  the  king,  why  slew  he  Sir 
Gareth  and  Sir  Gaheris,  for  I  dare  say  as  for  Sir  Gareth  he  loved  Sir 
Launcelot  above  all  men  earthly.  That  is  truth,  said  some  knights,  but 
they  were  slain  in  the  hurtling  as  Sir  Launcelot  thrang  in  the  thick  of 
the  press;  and  as  they  were  unarmed  he  smote  them  and  wist  not 
whom  that  he  smote,  and  so  unhappily  they  were  slain.  The  death  of 
them,  said  Arthur,  will  cause  the  greatest  mortal  war  that  ever  was ;  I 
am  sure,  wist  Sir  Gawaine  that  Sir  Gareth  were  slain,  I  should  never 
have  rest  of  him  till  I  had  destroyed  Sir  Launcelot's  kin  and  himself 
both,  outher  else  he  to  destroy  me.  And  therefore,  said  the  king,  wit 
you  well  my  heart  was  never  so  heavy  as  it  is  now,  and  much  more  I  am 
sorrier  for  my  good  knights'  loss  than  for  the  loss  of  my  fair  queen ;  for 
queens  I  might  have  enow,  but  such  a  fellowship  of  good  knights  shall 
never  be  together  in  no  company.  And  now  I  dare  say,  said  King 

156  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

Arthur,  there  was  never  Christian  king  held  such  a  fellowship  together ; 
and  alas  that  ever  Sir  Launcelot  and  I  should  be  at  debate.  Ah  Agra- 
vaine,  Agravaine,  said  the  king,  Jesu  forgive  it  thy  soul,  for  thine  evil 
will,  that  thou  and  thy  brother  Sir  Mordred  hadst  unto  Sir  Launcelot, 
hath  caused  all  this  sorrow:  and  ever  among  these  com  plaints  the  king 
wept  and  swooned. 

Then  there  came  one  unto  Sir  Gawaine,  and  told  him  how  the  queen 
was  led  away  with  Sir  Launcelot,  and  nigh  a  twenty- four  knights 
slain.  O  Jesu  defend  my  brethren,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  full  well  wist 
I  that  Sir  Launcelot  would  rescue  her,  outher  else  he  would  die  in  that 
field ;  and  to  say  the  truth  he  had  not  been  a  man  of  worship  had  he 
not  rescued  the  queen  that  day,  insomuch  she  should  have  been  brent 
for  his  sake.  And  as  in  that,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  he  hath  done  but 
knightly,  and  as  I  would  have  done  myself  an  I  had  stood  in  like  case. 
But  where  are  my  brethren?  said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  marvel  I  hear  not  of 
them.  Truly,  said  that  man,  Sir  Gareth  and  Sir  Gaheris  be  slain.  Jesu 
defend,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  all  the  world  I  would  not  that  they  were 
slain,  and  in  especial  my  good  brother,  Sir  Gareth.  Sir,  said  the  man, 
he  is  slain,  and  that  is  great  pity.  Who  slew  him?  said  Sir  Gawaine. 
Sir,  said  the  man,  Launcelot  slew  them  both.  That  may  I  not  believe, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  ever  he  slew  my  brother,  Sir  Gareth ;  for  I  dare 
say  my  brother  Gareth  loved  him  better  than  me,  and  all  his  brethren, 
and  the  king  both.  Also  I  dare  say,  an  Sir  Launcelot  had  desired  my 
brother,  Sir  Gareth,  with  him  he  would  have  been  with  him  against  the 
king  and  us  all,  and  therefore  I  may  never  believe  that  Sir  Launcelot 
slew  my  brother.  Sir,  said  this  man,  it  is  noised  that  he  slew  him. 


LAS,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  now  is  my  joy  gone.  And  then  he  fell 
down  and  swooned,  and  long  he  lay  there  as  he  had  been 
dead.  And  then,  when  he  arose  of  his  swoon,  he  cried  out 
sorrowfully,  and  said :  Alas !  And  right  so  Sir  Gawaine  ran 
to  the  king,  crying  and  weeping :  O  King  Arthur,  mine  uncle,  my  good 
brother  Sir  Gareth  is  slain,  and  so  is  my  brother  Sir  Gaheris,  the  which 
were  two  noble  knights.  Then  the  king  wept,  and  he  both ;  and  so 

Chap.  10         OF  KING  ARTHUR  AND  GAWAINE  157 

they  fell  a-swooning.  And  when  they  were  revived  then  spake  Sir 
Gawaine :  Sir,  I  will  go  see  my  brother,  Sir  Gareth.  Ye  may  not  see 
him,  said  the  king,  for  I  caused  him  to  be  interred,  and  Sir  Gaheris 
both ;  for  I  well  understood  that  ye  would  make  over-much  sorrow, 
and  the  sight  of  Sir  Gareth  should  have  caused  your  double  sorrow. 
Alas,  my  lord,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  how  slew  he  my  brother,  Sir  Gareth? 
Mine  own  good  lord  I  pray  you  tell  me.  Truly,  said  the  king,  I  shall 
tell  you  how  it  is  told  me,  Sir  Launcelot  slew  him  and  Sir  Gaheris  both. 
Alas,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  they  bare  none  arms  against  him,  neither  of 
them  both.  I  wot  not  how  it  was,  said  the  king,  but  as  it  is  said,  Sir 
Launcelot  slew  them  both  in  the  thickest  of  the  press  and  knew  them 
not ;  and  therefore  let  us  shape  a  remedy  for  to  revenge  their  deaths. 

My  king,  my  lord,  and  mine  uncle,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  wit  you  well 
now  I  shall  make  you  a  promise  that  I  shall  hold  by  my  knighthood, 
that  from  this  day  I  shall  never  fail  Sir  Launcelot  until  the  one  of  us 
have  slain  the  other.  And  therefore  I  require  you,  my  lord  and  king, 
dress  you  to  the  war,  for  wit  you  well  I  will  be  revenged  upon  Sir 
Launcelot ;  and  therefore,  as  ye  will  have  my  service  and  my  love, 
now  haste  you  thereto,  and  assay  your  friends.  For  I  promise  unto 
God,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  for  the  death  of  my  brother,  Sir  Gareth,  I  shall 
seek  Sir  Launcelot  throughout  seven  kings'  realms,  but  I  shall  slay  him 
or  else  he  shall  slay  me.  Ye  shall  not  need  to  seek  him  so  far,  said  the 
king,  for  as  I  hear  say,  Sir  Launcelot  will  abide  me  and  you  in  the 
Joyous  Card ;  and  much  people  draweth  unto  him,  as  I  hear  say.  That 
may  I  believe,  said  Sir  Gawaine;  but  my  lord,  he  said,  assay  your 
friends,  and  I  will  assay  mine.  It  shall  be  done,  said  the  king,  and  as  I 
suppose  I  shall  be  big  enough  to  draw  him  out  of  the  biggest  tower  of 
his  castle. 

So  then  the  king  sent  letters  and  writs  throughout  all  England,  both 
in  the  length  and  the  breadth,  for  to  assummon  all  his  knights.  And  so 
unto  Arthur  drew  many  knights,  dukes,  and  earls,  so  that  he  had  a 
great  host.  And  when  they  were  assembled,  the  king  informed  them 
how  Sir  Launcelot  had  bereft  him  his  queen.  Then  the  king  and  all 
his  host  made  them  ready  to  lay  siege  about  Sir  Launcelot,  where  he 
lay  within  Joyous  Card.  Thereof  heard  Sir  Launcelot,  and  purveyed 
him  of  many  good  knights,  for  with  him  held  many  knights ;  and  some 
for  his  own  sake,  and  some  for  the  queen's  sake.  Thus  they  were  on 
both  parties  well  furnished  and  garnished  of  all  manner  of  thing  that 

i58  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

longed  to  the  war.  But  King  Arthur's  host  was  so  big  that  Sir  Launce- 
lot would  not  abide  him  in  the  field,  for  he  was  full  loath  to  do  battle 
against  the  king ;  but  Sir  Launcelot  drew  him  to  his  strong  castle  with 
all  manner  of  victual,  and  as  many  noble  men  as  he  might  suffice  within 
the  town  and  the  castle.  Then  came  King  Arthur  with  Sir  Gawaine 
with  an  huge  host,  and  laid  a  siege  all  about  Joyous  Card,  both  at  the 
town  and  at  the  castle,  and  there  they  made  strong  war  on  both  parties. 
But  in  no  wise  Sir  Launcelot  would  ride  out,  nor  go  out  of  his  castle,  of 
long  time ;  neither  he  would  none  of  his  good  knights  to  issue  out, 
neither  none  of  the  town  nor  of  the  castle,  until  fifteen  weeks  were 


it  befell  upon  a  day  in  harvest  time,  Sir  Launcelot 
looked  over  the  walls,  and  spake  on  high  unto  King  Arthur 
and  Sir  Gawaine :  My  lords  both,  wit  ye  well  all  is  in  vain 
that  ye  make  at  this  siege,  for  here  win  ye  no  worship  but 
maugre  and  dishonour;  for  an  it  list  me  to  come  myself  out  and  my 
good  knights,  I  should  full  soon  make  an  end  of  this  war.  Come  forth, 
said  Arthur  unto  Launcelot,  an  thou  durst,  and  I  promise  thee  I  shall 
meet  thee  in  midst  of  the  field.  God  defend  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
that  ever  I  should  encounter  with  the  most  noble  king  that  made  me 
knight.  Fie  upon  thy  fair  language,  said  the  king,  for  wit  you  well  and 
trust  it,  I  am  thy  mortal  foe,  and  ever  will  to  my  death  day ;  for  thou 
hast  slain  my  good  knights,  and  full  noble  men  of  my  blood,  that  I  shall 
never  recover  again.  Also  thou  hast  lain  by  my  queen,  and  holden  her 
many  winters,  and  sithen  like  a  traitor  taken  her  from  me  by  force. 

My  most  noble  lord  and  king,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  may  say  what 
ye  will,  for  ye  wot  well  with  yourself  will  I  not  strive ;  but  thereas  ye 
say  I  have  slain  your  good  knights,  I  wot  well  that  I  have  done  so,  and 
that  me  sore  repenteth ;  but  I  was  enforced  to  do  battle  with  them  in 
saving  of  my  life,  or  else  I  must  have  suffered  them  to  have  slain  me. 
And  as  for  my  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  except  your  person  of  your 
highness,  and  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  there  is  no  knight  under  heaven 
that  dare  make  it  good  upon  me,  that  ever  I  was  a  traitor  unto  your 
person.  And  where  it  please  you  to  say  that  I  have  holden  my  lady 

Chap.  1 1     HOW  ARTHUR  REPROVED  LAUNCELOT         159 

your  queen  years  and  winters,  unto  that  I  shall  ever  make  a  large 
answer,  and  prove  it  upon  any  knight  that  beareth  the  life,  except 
your  person  and  Sir  Gawaine,  that  my  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  is  a 
true  lady  unto  your  person  as  any  is  living  unto  her  lord,  and  that  will 
I  make  good  with  my  hands.  Howbeit  it  hath  liked  her  good  grace  to 
have  me  in  chierte,  and  to  cherish  me  more  than  any  other  knight;  and 
unto  my  power  I  again  have  deserved  her  love,  for  ofttimes,  my  lord, 
ye  have  consented  that  she  should  be  brent  and  destroyed,  in  your 
heat,  and  then  it  fortuned  me  to  do  battle  for  her,  and  or  I  departed  from 
her  adversary  they  confessed  their  untruth,  and  she  full  worshipfully 
excused.  And  at  such  times,  my  lord  Arthur,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye 
loved  me,  and  thanked  me  when  I  saved  your  queen  from  the  fire ;  and 
then  ye  promised  me  for  ever  to  be  my  good  lord;  and  nowmethinketh 
ye  reward  me  full  ill  for  my  good  service.  And  my  good  lord,  meseem- 
eth  I  had  lost  a  great  part  of  my  worship  in  my  knighthood  an  I  had 
suffered  my  lady,  your  queen,  to  have  been  brent,  and  insomuch  she 
should  have  been  brent  for  my  sake.  For  sithen  I  have  done  battles 
for  your  queen  in  other  quarrels  than  in  mine  own,  meseemeth  now  I 
had  more  right  to  do  battle  for  her  in  right  quarrel.  And  therefore  my 
good  and  gracious  lord,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  take  your  queen  unto  your 
good  grace,  for  she  is  both  fair,  true,  and  good. 

Fie  on  thee,  false  recreant  knight,  said  Sir  Gawaine ;  I  let  thee  wit 
my  lord,  mine  uncle,  King  Arthur,  shall  have  his  queen  and  thee, 
maugre  thy  visage,  and  slay  you  both  whether  it  please  him.  It  may 
well  be,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  but  wit  you  well,  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  an 
me  list  to  come  out  of  this  castle  ye  should  win  me  and  the  queen  more 
harder  than  ever  ye  won  a  strong  battle.  Fie  on  thy  proud  words,  said 
Sir  Gawaine ;  as  for  my  lady,  the  queen,  I  will  never  say  of  her  shame. 
But  thou,  false  and  recreant  knight,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  what  cause 
hadst  thou  to  slay  my  good  brother  Sir  Gareth,  that  loved  thee  more 
than  all  my  kin  ?  Alas  thou  madest  him  knight  thine  own  hands ;  why 
slew  thou  him  that  loved  thee  so  well?  For  to  excuse  me,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  it  helpeth  me  not,  but  by  Jesu,  and  by  the  faith  that  I  owe 
to  the  high  order  of  knighthood,  I  should  with  as  good  will  have  slain 
my  nephew,  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis,  at  that  time.  But  alas  that  ever  I  was 
so  unhappy,  said  Launcelot,  that  I  had  not  seen  Sir  Gareth  and  Sir 

Thou  liest,  recreant  knight,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  thou  slewest  him  in 

i6o  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

despite  of  me ;  and  therefore,  wit  thou  well  I  shall  make  war  to  thee, 
and  all  the  while  that  I  may  live.  That  me  repenteth,  said  Sir  Launce- 
lot ;  for  well  I  understand  it  helpethnot  to  seek  none  accordment  while 
ye,  Sir  Gawaine,  are  so  mischievously  set.  And  if  ye  were  not,  I  would 
not  doubt  to  have  the  good  grace  of  my  lord  Arthur.  I  believe  it  well, 
false  recreant  knight,  said  Sir  Gawaine ;  for  thou  hast  many  long  days 
overled  me  and  us  all,  and  destroyed  many  of  our  good  knights.  Ye 
say  as  it  pleaseth  you,  said  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  yet  may  it  never  be 
said  on  me,  and  openly  proved,  that  ever  I  by  forecast  of  treason  slew 
no  good  knight,  as  my  lord,  Sir  Gawaine,  ye  have  done ;  and  so  did  I 
never,  but  in  my  defence  that  I  was  driven  thereto,  in  saving  of  my  life. 
Ah,  false  knight,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  that  thou  meanest  by  Sir  Lamorak : 
wit  thou  well  I  slew  him.  Ye  slew  him  not  yourself,  said  Sir  Launcelot ; 
it  had  been  overmuch  on  hand  for  you  to  have  slain  him,  for  he  was 
one  of  the  best  knights  christened  of  his  age,  and  it  was  great  pity  of 
his  death. 


"ELL,  well,  said  Sir  Gawaine  to  Launcelot,  sithen 
thou  embraidest  me  of  Sir  Lamorak,  wit  thou  well  I 
shall  never  leave  thee  till  I  have  thee  at  such  avail 
that  thou  shalt  not  escape  my  hands.  I  trust  you  well 
enough,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  an  ye  may  get  me  I  get  but  little  mercy. 
But  as  the  French  book  saith,  the  noble  King  Arthur  would  have  taken 
his  queen  again,  and  have  been  accorded  with  Sir  Launcelot,  but  Sir 
Gawaine  would  not  suffer  him  by  no  manner  of  mean.  And  then  Sir 
Gawaine  made  many  men  to  blow  upon  Sir  Launcelot ;  and  all  at  once 
they  called  him  false  recreant  knight. 

Then  when  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  and  Sir  Lionel, 
heard  this  outcry,  they  called  to  them  Sir  Palomides,  Sir  Safere's 
brother,  and  Sir  Lavaine,  with  many  more  of  their  blood,  and  all  they 
went  unto  Sir  Launcelot,  and  said  thus :  My  lord  Sir  Launcelot,  wit  ye 
well  we  have  great  scorn  of  the  great  rebukes  that  we  heard  Gawaine 
say  to  you ;  wherefore  we  pray  you,  and  charge  you  as  ye  will  have 
our  service,  keep  us  no  longer  within  these  walls ;  for  wit  you  well 
plainly,  we  will  ride  into  the  field  and  do  battle  with  them ;  for  ye  fare 

Chap.  13          HOW  GAWAINE  SMOTE  LIONEL  161 

as  a  man  that  were  afeard,  and  for  all  your  fair  speech  it  will  not  avail 
you.  For  wit  you  well  Sir  Gawaine  will  not  suffer  you  to  be  accorded 
with  King  Arthur,  and  therefore  fight  for  your  life  and  your  right,  an 
ye  dare.  Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  to  ride  out  of  this  castle,  and  to 
do  battle,  I  am  full  loath. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  spake  on  high  unto  Sir  Arthur  and  Sir 
Gawaine :  My  lords,  I  require  you  and  beseech  you,  sithen  that  I  am 
thus  required  and  conjured  to  ride  into  the  field,  that  neither  you,  my 
lord  King  Arthur,  nor  you  Sir  Gawaine,  come  not  into  the  field.  What 
shall  we  do  then?  said  Sir  Gawaine,  Nis  this  the  king's  quarrel  with 
thee  to  fight  ?  and  it  is  my  quarrel  to  fight  with  thee,  Sir  Launcelot, 
because  of  the  death  of  my  brother  Sir  Gareth.  Then  must  I  needs 
unto  battle,  said  Sir  Launcelot.  Now  wit  you  well,  my  lord  Arthur 
and  Sir  Gawaine,  ye  will  repent  it  whensomever  I  do  battle  with  you. 

And  so  then  they  departed  either  from  other;  and  then  either  party 
made  them  ready  on  the  morn  for  to  do  battle,  and  great  purveyance 
was  made  on  both  sides ;  and  Sir  Gawaine  let  purvey  many  knights 
for  to  wait  upon  Sir  Launcelot,  for  to  overset  him  and  to  slay  him.  And 
on  the  morn  at  underne  Sir  Arthur  was  ready  in  the  field  with  three 
great  hosts.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot's  fellowship  came  out  at  three 
gates,  in  a  full  good  array ;  and  Sir  Lionel  came  in  the  foremost  battle, 
and  Sir  Launcelot  came  in  the  middle,  and  Sir  Bors  came  out  at  the 
third  gate.  Thus  they  came  in  order  and  rule,  as  full  noble  knights ; 
and  always  Sir  Launcelot  charged  all  his  knights  in  any  wise  to  save 
King  Arthur  and  Sir  Gawaine. 


L — -  | — ^HEN  came  forth  Sir  Gawaine  from  the  king's  host,  and  he 
came  before  and  proffered  to  joust.  And  Sir  Lionel  was  a 
fierce  knight,  and  lightly  he  encountered  with  Sir  Gawaine ; 

and  there  Sir  Gawaine  smote  Sir  Lionel  throughout  the 

body,  that  he  dashed  to  the  earth  like  as  he  had  been  dead ;  and  then 
Sir  Ector  de  Maris  and  other  more  bare  him  into  the  castle.  Then 
there  began  a  great  stour,  and  much  people  was  slain ;  and  ever  Sir 
Launcelot  did  what  he  might  to  save  the  people  on  King  Arthur's 
party,  for  Sir  Palomides,  and  Sir  Bors,  and  Sir  Safere,  overthrew 
iv  y 

162  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

many  knights,  for  they  were  deadly  knights.  And  Sir  Blamore  de 
Ganis,  and  Sir  Bleoberis  de  Ganis,  with  Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse,  these 
six  knights  did  much  harm ;  and  ever  King  Arthur  was  nigh  about  Sir 
Launcelot  to  have  slain  him,  and  Sir  Launcelot  suffered  him,  and 
would  not  strike  again.  So  Sir  Bors  encountered  with  King  Arthur, 
and  there  with  a  spear  Sir  Bors  smote  him  down ;  and  so  he  alighted 
and  drew  his  sword,  and  said  to  Sir  Launcelot :  Shall  I  make  an  end  of 
this  war?  and  that  he  meant  to  have  slain  King  Arthur.  Not  so  hardy, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  upon  pain  of  thy  head,  that  thou  touch  him  no 
more,  for  I  will  never  see  that  most  noble  king  that  made  me  knight 
neither  slain  ne  shamed.  And  therewithal  Sir  Launcelot  alighted  off 
his  horse  and  took  up  the  king  and  horsed  him  again,  and  said  thus : 
My  lord  Arthur,  for  God's  love  stint  this  strife,  for  ye  get  here  no 
worship,  and  I  would  do  mine  utterance,  but  always  I  forbear  you,  and 
ye  nor  none  of  yours  forbeareth  me;  my  lord,  remember  what  I  have 
done  in  many  places,  and  now  I  am  evil  rewarded. 

Then  when  King  Arthur  was  on  horseback,  he  looked  upon  Sir 
Launcelot,  and  then  the  tears  brast  out  of  his  eyen,  thinking  on  the 
great  courtesy  that  was  in  Sir  Launcelot  more  than  in  any  other  man ; 
and  therewith  the  king  rode  his  way,  and  might  no  longer  behold  him, 
and  said :  Alas,  that  ever  this  war  began.  And  then  either  parties  of 
the  battles  withdrew  them  to  repose  them,  and  buried  the  dead,  and 
to  the  wounded  men  they  laid  soft  salves ;  and  thus  they  endured  that 
night  till  on  the  morn.  And  on  the  morn  by  underne  they  made  them 
ready  to  do  battle.  And  then  Sir  Bors  led  the  forward. 

So  upon  the  morn  there  came  Sir  Gawaine  as  brim  as  any  boar,  with 
a  great  spear  in  his  hand.  And  when  Sir  Bors  saw  him  he  thought  to 
revenge  his  brother  Sir  Lionel  of  the  despite  that  Sir  Gawaine  did 
him  the  other  day.  And  so  they  that  knew  either  other  feutred  their 
spears,  and  with  all  their  mights  of  their  horses  and  themselves,  they 
met  together  so  felonously  that  either  bare  other  through,  and  so  they 
fell  both  to  the  earth ;  and  then  the  battles  joined,  and  there  was  much 
slaughter  on  both  parties.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  rescued  Sir  Bors,  and 
sent  him  into  the  castle;  but  neither  Sir  Gawaine  nor  Sir  Bors  died  not 
of  their  wounds,  for  they  were  all  holpen.  Then  Sir  Lavaine  and  Sir 
Urre  prayed  Sir  Launcelot  to  do  his  pain,  and  fight  as  they  had  done ; 
For  we  see  ye  forbear  and  spare,  and  that  doth  much  harm ;  therefore 
we  pray  you  spare  not  your  enemies  no  more  than  they  do  you.  Alas, 

Chap.  14  HOW  THE  POPE  MADE  PEACE  163 

said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  have  no  heart  to  fight  against  my  lord  Arthur,  for 
ever  meseemeth  I  do  not  as  I  ought  to  do.  My  lord,  said  Sir  Palomides, 
though  ye  spare  them  all  this  day  they  will  never  con  you  thank ;  and 
if  they  may  get  you  at  avail  ye  are  but  dead.  So  then  Sir  Launcelot 
understood  that  they  said  him  truth;  and  then  he  strained  himself 
more  than  he  did  aforehand,  and  because  his  nephew  Sir  Bors  was 
sore  wounded.  And  then  within  a  little  while,  by  evensong  time,  Sir 
Launcelot  and  his  party  better  stood,  for  their  horses  went  in  blood 
past  the  fetlocks,  there  was  so  much  people  slain.  And  then  for  pity 
Sir  Launcelot  withheld  his  knights,  and  suffered  King  Arthur's  party 
for  to  withdrawthem  aside.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot's  party  withdrew 
them  into  his  castle,  and  either  parties  buried  the  dead,  and  put  salve 
unto  the  wounded  men. 

So  when  Sir  Gawaine  was  hurt,  they  on  King  Arthur's  party  were 
not  so  orgulous  as  they  were  toforehand  to  do  battle.  Of  this  war  was 
noised  through  all  Christendom,  and  at  the  last  it  was  noised  afore  the 
Pope ;  and  he  considering  the  great  goodness  of  King  Arthur,  and  of 
Sir  Launcelot,  that  was  called  the  most  noblest  knights  of  the  world, 
wherefore  the  Pope  called  unto  him  a  noble  clerk  that  at  that  time  was 
there  present ;  the  French  book  saith,  it  was  the  Bishop  of  Rochester ; 
and  the  Pope  gave  him  bulls  under  lead  unto  King  Arthur  of  England, 
charging  him  upon  pain  of  interdicting  of  all  England,  that  he  take 
his  queen  Dame  Guenever  unto  him  again,  and  accord  with  Sir 


jO  when  this  Bishop  was  come  to  Carlisle  he  shewed  the  king 
these  bulls.  And  when  the  king  understood  these  bulls  he  nist 
what  to  do :  full  fain  he  would  have  been  accorded  with  Sir 
Launcelot,  but  Sir  Gawaine  would  not  suffer  him ;  but  as  for  to 
have  the  queen,  thereto  he  agreed.  But  in  nowise  Sir  Gawaine  would 
not  suffer  the  king  to  accord  with  Sir  Launcelot ;  but  as  for  the  queen 
he  consented.  And  then  the  Bishop  had  of  the  king  his  great  seal,  and 
his  assurance  as  he  was  a  true  anointed  king  that  Sir  Launcelot  should 
come  safe,  and  go  safe,  and  that  the  queen  should  not  be  spoken  unto 
of  the  king,  nor  of  none  other,  for  no  thing  done  afore  time  past ;  and 

164  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

of  all  these  appointments  the  Bishop  brought  with  him  sure  assurance 
and  writing,  to  shew  Sir  Launcelot. 

So  when  the  Bishop  was  come  to  Joyous  Gard,  there  he  shewed  Sir 
Launcelot  how  the  Pope  had  written  to  Arthur  and  unto  him,  and  there 
he  told  him  the  perils  if  he  withheld  the  queen  from  the  king.  It  was 
never  in  my  thought,  said  Launcelot,  to  withhold  the  queen  from  my 
lord  Arthur;  but,  insomuch  she  should  have  been  dead  for  my  sake, 
meseemeth  it  was  my  part  to  save  her  life,  and  put  her  from  that 
danger,  till  better  recover  might  come.  And  now  I  thank  God,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  that  the  Pope  hath  made  her  peace ;  for  God  knoweth,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  I  will  be  a  thousand  fold  more  gladder  to  bring  her  again, 
than  ever  I  was  of  her  taking  away ;  with  this,  I  may  be  sure  to  come 
safe  and  go  safe,  and  that  the  queen  shall  have  her  liberty  as  she  had 
before ;  and  never  for  nothing  that  hath  been  surmised  afore  this  time, 
she  never  from  this  day  stand  in  no  peril.  For  else,  said  Sir  Launcelot, 
I  dare  adventure  me  to  keep  her  from  an  harder  shour  than  ever  I  kept 
her.  It  shall  not  need  you,  said  the  Bishop,  to  dread  so  much ;  for  wit 
you  well,  the  Pope  must  be  obeyed,  and  it  were  not  the  Pope's  worship 
nor  my  poor  honesty  to  wit  you  distressed,  neither  the  queen,  neither 
in  peril,  nor  shamed.  And  then  he  shewed  Sir  Launcelot  all  his  writ- 
ing, both  from  the  Pope  and  from  King  Arthur.  This  is  sure  enough, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  full  well  I  dare  trust  my  lord's  own  writing  and 
his  seal,  for  he  was  never  shamed  of  his  promise.  Therefore,  said  Sir 
Launcelot  unto  the  Bishop,  ye  shall  ride  unto  the  king  afore,  and 
recommend  me  unto  his  good  grace,  and  let  him  have  knowledging 
that  this  same  day  eight  days,  by  the  grace  of  God,  I  myself  shall  bring 
my  lady,  Queen  Guenever,  unto  him.  And  then  say  ye  unto  my  most 
redoubted  king,  that  I  will  say  largely  for  the  queen,  that  I  shall  none 
except  for  dread  nor  fear,  but  the  king  himself,  and  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine; 
and  that  is  more  for  the  king's  love  than  for  himself. 

So  the  Bishop  departed  and  came  to  the  king  at  Carlisle,  and  told 
him  all  how  Sir  Launcelot  answered  him ;  and  then  the  tears  brast  out 
of  the  king's  eyen.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  purveyed  him  an  hundred 
knights,  and  all  were  clothed  in  green  velvet,  and  their  horses  trapped 
to  their  heels ;  and  every  knight  held  a  branch  of  olive  in  his  hand,  in 
tokening  of  peace.  And  the  queen  had  four-and -twenty  gentlewomen 
following  her  in  the  same  wise;  and  Sir  Launcelot  had  twelve  coursers 
following  him,  and  on  every  courser  sat  a  young  gentleman,  and  all 

Chap.  15         OF  THE  QUEEN'S  DELIVERANCE  165 

they  were  arrayed  in  green  velvet,  with  sarps  of  gold  about  their 
quarters,  and  the  horse  trapped  in  the  same  wise  down  to  the  heels, 
with  many  ouches,  y-set  with  stones  and  pearls  in  gold,  to  the  number 
of  a  thousand.  And  she  and  Sir  Launcelot  were  clothed  in  white  cloth 
of  gold  tissue ;  and  right  so  as  ye  have  heard,  as  the  French  book 
maketh  mention,  he  rode  with  the  queen  from  Joyous  Card  to  Carlisle. 
And  so  Sir  Launcelot  rode  throughout  Carlisle,  and  so  in  the  castle, 
that  all  men  might  behold ;  and  wit  you  well  there  was  many  a  weep- 
ing eye.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  himself  alighted  and  avoided  his 
horse,  and  took  the  queen,  and  so  led  her  where  King  Arthur  was  in 
his  seat :  and  Sir  Gawaine  sat  afore  him,  and  many  other  great  lords. 
So  when  Sir  Launcelot  saw  the  king  and  Sir  Gawaine,  then  he  led  the 
queen  by  the  arm,  and  then  he  kneeled  down,  and  the  queen  both. 
Wit  you  well  then  was  there  many  bold  knight  there  with  King 
Arthur  that  wept  as  tenderly  as  though  they  had  seen  all  their  kin 
afore  them.  So  the  king  sat  still,  and  said  no  word.  And  when  Sir 
Launcelot  saw  his  countenance,  he  arose  and  pulled  up  the  queen  with 
him,  and  thus  he  spake  full  knightly. 


^V\  AT' Y  most  redoubted  king,  ye  shall  understand,  by  the  Pope's 
//\\  l\  \  commandrnent  an^  yours,  I  have  brought  to  you  my  lady 
//  \  I  \  \  t^e  queen» as  right  require th ;  and  if  there  be  any  knight, 
_«/l  V  -J  ^  of  whatsomever  degree  that  he  be,  except  your  person, 
that  will  say  or  dare  say  but  that  she  is  true  and  clean  to  you,  I  here 
myself,  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake,  will  make  it  good  upon  his  body,  that 
she  is  a  true  lady  unto  you;  but  liars  ye  have  listened,  and  that  hath 
caused  debate  betwixt  you  and  me.  For  time  hath  been,  my  lord 
Arthur,  that  ye  have  been  greatly  pleased  with  me  when  I  did  battle 
for  my  lady,  your  queen ;  and  full  well  ye  know,  my  most  noble  king, 
that  she  hath  been  put  to  great  wrong  or  this  time;  and  sithen  it  pleased 
you  at  many  times  that  I  should  fight  for  her,  meseemeth,  my  good  lord, 
I  had  more  cause  to  rescue  her  from  the  fire,  insomuch  she  should  have 
been  brent  for  my  sake.  For  they  that  told  you  those  tales  were  liars, 
and  so  it  fell  upon  them ;  for  by  likelihood  had  not  the  might  of  God 
been  with  me,  I  might  never  have  endured  fourteen  knights,  and  they 

166  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

armed  and  afore  purposed,  and  I  unarmed  and  not  purposed.  For  I 
was  sent  for  unto  my  lady  your  queen,  I  wot  not  for  what  cause ;  but  I 
was  not  so  soon  within  the  chamber  door,  but  anon  Sir  Agravaine  and 
Sir  Mordred  called  me  traitor  and  recreant  knight.  They  called  thee 
right,  said  Sir  Gawaine.  My  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  in 
their  quarrel  they  proved  themselves  not  in  the  right.  Well  well,  Sir 
Launcelot,  said  the  king,  I  have  given  thee  no  cause  to  do  to  me  asthou 
hast  done,  for  I  have  worshipped  thee  and  thine  more  than  any  of  all 
my  knights. 

My  good  lord,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  so  ye  be  not  displeased,  ye  shall 
understand  I  and  mine  have  done  you  oft  better  service  than  any  other 
knights  have  done,  in  many  divers  places ;  and  where  ye  have  been 
full  hard  bestead  divers  times,  I  have  myself  rescued  you  from  many 
dangers ;  and  ever  unto  my  power  I  was  glad  to  please  you,  and  my 
lord  Sir  Gawaine ;  both  in  jousts,  and  tournaments,  and  in  battles  set, 
both  on  horseback  and  on  foot,  I  have  often  rescued  you,  and  my  lord 
Sir  Gawaine,  and  many  mo  of  your  knights  in  many  divers  places.  For 
now  I  will  make  avaunt,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  will  that  ye  all  wit  that 
yet  I  found  never  no  manner  of  knight  but  that  I  was  overhard  for  him, 
an  I  had  done  my  utterance,  thanked  be  God ;  howbeit  I  have  been 
matched  with  good  knights,  as  Sir  Tristram  and  Sir  Lamorak,  but  ever 
I  had  a  favour  unto  them  and  a  deeming  what  they  were.  And  I  take 
God  to  record,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  never  was  wroth  nor  greatly  heavy 
with  no  good  knight  an  I  saw  him  busy  about  to  win  worship ;  and  glad 
I  was  ever  when  I  found  any  knight  that  might  endure  me  on  horse- 
back and  on  foot :  howbeit  Sir  Carados  of  the  Dolorous  Tower  was  a 
full  noble  knight  and  a  passing  strong  man,  and  that  wot  ye,  my  lord 
Sir  Gawaine ;  for  he  might  well  be  called  a  noble  knight  when  he  by 
fine  force  pulled  you  out  of  your  saddle,  and  bound  you  overthwart 
afore  him  to  his  saddle  bow;  and  there,  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  I  rescued 
you,  and  slew  him  afore  your  sight.  Also  I  found  his  brother,  Sir 
Turquin,  in  likewise  leading  Sir  Gaheris,  your  brother,  bounden  afore 
him ;  and  there  I  rescued  your  brother  and  slew  that  Turquin,  and 
delivered  three- score-and- four  of  my  lord  Arthur's  knights  out  of  his 
prison.  And  now  I  dare  say,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  met  never  with  so 
strong  knights,  nor  so  well  fighting,  as  was  Sir  Carados  and  Sir  Turquin, 
for  I  fought  with  them  to  the  uttermost.  And  therefore,  said  Sir  Launce- 
lot unto  Sir  Gawaine,  meseemeth  ye  ought  of  right  to  remember  this ; 

Chap.  16          OF  GAWAINE  AND  LAUNCELOT  167 

for,  an  I  might  have  your  good  will,  I  would  trust  to  God  to  have  my 
lord  Arthur's  good  grace. 


L — -  | — ^HE  king  may  do  as  he  will,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  but  wit  thou 
well,  Sir  Launcelot,  thou  and  I  shall  never  be  accorded 
while  we  live,  for  thou  hast  slain  three  of  my  brethren ;  and 

two  of  them  ye  slew  traitorly  and  piteously,  for  they  bare 

none  harness  against  thee,  nor  none  would  bear.  God  would  they  had 
been  armed,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  then  had  they  been  alive.  And 
wit  ye  well  Sir  Gawaine,  as  for  Sir  Gareth,  I  love  none  of  my  kinsmen 
so  much  as  I  did  him ;  and  ever  while  I  live,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  will 
bewail  Sir  Gareth's  death,  not  all  only  for  the  great  fear  I  have  of  you, 
but  many  causes  cause  me  to  be  sorrowful.  One  is,  for  I  made  him 
knight ;  another  is,  I  wot  well  he  loved  me  above  all  other  knights ;  and 
the  third  is,  he  was  passing  noble,  true,  courteous,  and  gentle,  and  well 
conditioned ;  the  fourth  is,  I  wist  well,  anon  as  I  heard  that  Sir  Gareth 
was  dead,  I  should  never  after  have  your  love,  but  everlasting  war 
betwixt  us;  and  also  I  wist  well  that  ye  would  cause  my  noble  lord 
Arthur  for  ever  to  be  my  mortal  foe.  And  as  Jesu  be  my  help,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  I  slew  never  Sir  Gareth  nor  Sir  Gaheris  by  my  will ;  but 
alas  that  ever  they  were  unarmed  that  unhappy  day.  But  thus  much 
I  shall  offer  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  if  it  may  please  the  king's  good 
grace,  and  you,  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  I  shall  first  begin  at  Sandwich, 
and  there  I  shall  go  in  my  shirt,  barefoot ;  and  at  every  ten  miles'  end 
I  will  found  and  gar  make  an  house  of  religion,  of  what  order  that  ye 
will  assign  me,  with  an  whole  convent,  to  sing  and  read,  day  and  night, 
in  especial  for  Sir  Gareth's  sake  and  Sir  Gaheris.  And  this  shall  I  per- 
form from  Sandwich  unto  Carlisle ;  and  every  house  shall  have  suffi- 
cient livelihood.  And  this  shall  I  perform  while  I  have  any  livelihood 
in  Christendom;  and  there  nis  none  of  all  these  religious  places,  but 
they  shall  be  performed,  furnished  and  garnished  in  all  things  as  an 
holy  place  ought  to  be,  I  promise  you  faithfully.  And  this,  Sir  Gawaine, 
methinketh  were  more  fairer,  holier,  and  more  better  to  their  souls, 
than  ye,  my  most  noble  king,  and  you,  Sir  Gawaine,  to  war  upon  me, 
for  thereby  shall  ye  get  none  avail. 

i68  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

Then  all  knights  and  ladies  that  were  there  wept  as  they  were  mad, 
and  the  tears  fell  on  King  Arthur's  cheeks.  Sir  Launcelot,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  I  have  right  well  heard  thy  speech,  and  thy  great  proffers, 
but  wit  thou  well,  let  the  king  do  as  it  pleased  him,  I  will  never  forgive 
my  brothers'  death,  and  in  especial  the  death  of  my  brother,  Sir 
Gareth.  And  if  mine  uncle,  King  Arthur,  will  accord  with  thee,  he 
shall  lose  my  service,  for  wit  thou  well  thou  art  both  false  to  the  king 
and  to  me.  Sir,  said  Launcelot,  he  beareth  not  the  life  that  may  make 
that  good ;  and  if  ye,  Sir  Gawaine,  will  charge  me  with  so  high  a  thing, 
ye  must  pardon  me,  for  then  needs  must  I  answer  you.  Nay,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  we  are  past  that  at  this  time,  and  that  caused  the  Pope,  for 
he  hath  charged  mine  uncle,  the  king,  that  he  shall  take  his  queen 
again,  and  to  accord  with  thee,  Sir  Launcelot,  as  for  this  season,  and 
therefore  thou  shalt  go  safe  as  thou  earnest.  But  in  this  land  thou  shalt 
not  abide  past  fifteen  days,  such  summons  I  give  thee :  so  the  king  and 
we  were  consented  and  accorded  or  thou  earnest.  And  else,  said  Sir 
Gawaine,  wit  thou  well  thou  shouldst  not  have  come  here,  but  if  it 
were  maugre  thy  head.  And  if  it  were  not  for  the  Pope's  command- 
ment, said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  should  do  battle  with  mine  own  body  against 
thy  body,  and  prove  it  upon  thee,  that  thou  hast  been  both  false  unto 
mine  uncle  King  Arthur,  and  to  me  both;  and  that  shall  I  prove 
upon  thy  body,  when  thou  art  departed  from  hence,  wheresomever 
I  find  thee. 


Sir  Launcelot  sighed,  and  therewith  the  tears  fell  on 
his  cheeks,  and  then  he  said  thus :  Alas,  most  noble  Christian 
realm,  whom  I  have  loved  above  all  other  realms,  and  in  thee 
I  have  gotten  a  great  part  of  my  worship,  and  now  I  shall 
depart  in  this  wise.  Truly  me  repenteth  that  ever  I  came  in  this  realm, 
that  should  be  thus  shamefully  banished,  undeserved  and  causeless; 
but  fortune  is  so  variant,  and  the  wheel  so  moveable,  there  nis  none 
constant  abiding,  and  that  may  be  proved  by  many  old  chronicles,  of 
noble  Ector,  and  Troilus,  and  Alisander,  the  mighty  conqueror,  and 
many  mo  other ;  when  they  were  most  in  their  royalty,  they  alighted 
lowest.  And  so  fareth  it  by  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  in  this  realm  I 


had  worship,  and  by  me  and  mine  all  the  whole  Round  Table  hath 
been  increased  more  in  worship,  by  me  and  mine  blood,  than  by  any 
other.  And  therefore  wit  thou  well,  Sir  Gawaine,  I  may  live  upon  my 
lands  as  well  as  any  knight  that  here  is.  And  if  ye,  most  redoubted 
king,  will  come  upon  my  lands  with  Sir  Gawaine  to  war  upon  me,  I 
must  endure  you  as  well  as  I  may.  But  as  to  you,  Sir  Gawaine,  if  that 
ye  come  there,  I  pray  you  charge  me  not  with  treason  nor  felony,  for 
an  ye  do,  I  must  answer  you.  Do  thou  thy  best,  said  Sir  Gawaine ; 
therefore  hie  thee  fast  that  thou  were  gone,  and  wit  thou  well  we  shall 
soon  come  after,  and  break  the  strongest  castle  that  thou  hast,  upon 
thy  head.  That  shall  not  need,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  an  I  were  as 
orgulous  set  as  ye  are,  wit  you  well  I  should  meet  you  in  midst  of  the 
field.  Make  thou  no  more  language,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  but  deliver  the 
queen  from  thee,  and  pike  thee  lightly  out  of  this  court.  Well,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  an  I  had  wist  of  this  short  coming,  I  would  have  advised  me 
twice  or  that  I  had  come  hither ;  for  an  the  queen  had  been  so  dear  to 
me  as  ye  noise  her,  I  durst  have  kept  her  from  the  fellowship  of  the 
best  knights  under  heaven. 

And  then  Sir  Launcelot  said  unto  Guenever,  in  hearing  of  the  king 
and  them  all :  Madam,  now  I  must  depart  from  you  and  this  noble 
fellowship  for  ever ;  and  sithen  it  is  so,  I  beseech  you  to  pray  for  me, 
and  say  me  well ;  and  if  ye  be  hard  bestead  by  any  false  tongues, 
lightly  my  lady  send  me  word,  and  if  any  knight's  hands  may  deliver 
you  by  battle,  I  shall  deliver  you.  And  therewithal  Sir  Launcelot 
kissed  the  queen ;  and  then  he  said  all  openly :  Now  let  see  what  he 
be  in  this  place  that  dare  say  the  queen  is  not  true  unto  my  lord 
Arthur,  let  see  who  will  speak  an  he  dare  speak.  And  therewith  he 
brought  the  queen  to  the  king,  and  then  Sir  Launcelot  took  his  leave 
and  departed ;  and  there  was  neither  king,  duke,  nor  earl,  baron  nor 
knight,  lady  nor  gentlewoman,  but  all  they  wept  as  people  out  of  their 
mind,  except  Sir  Gawaine.  And  when  the  noble  Sir  Launcelot  took 
his  horse  to  ride  out  of  Carlisle,  there  was  sobbing  and  weeping  for 
pure  dole  of  his  departing;  and  so  he  took  his  way  unto  Joyous  Card. 
And  then  ever  after  he  called  it  the  Dolorous  Card.  And  thus  departed 
Sir  Launcelot  from  the  court  for  ever. 

And  so  when  he  came  to  Joyous  Card  he  called  his  fellowship  unto 
him,  and  asked  them  what  they  would  do.  Then  they  answered  all 
wholly  together  with  one  voice,  they  would  as  he  would  do.  My  fair 

iv  z 

170  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

fellows,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  must  depart  out  of  this  most  noble  realm, 
and  now  I  shall  depart  it  grieveth  me  sore,  for  I  shall  depart  with  no 
worship,  for  a  flemed  man  departed  never  out  of  a  realm  with  no 
worship;  and  that  is  my  heaviness,  for  ever  I  fear  after  my  days  that 
men  shall  chronicle  upon  me  that  I  was  flemed  out  of  this  land ;  and 
else,  my  fair  lords,  be  ye  sure,  an  I  had  not  dread  shame,  my  lady, 
Queen  Guenever,  and  I  should  never  have  departed. 

Then  spake  many  noble  knights,  as  Sir  Palomides,  Sir  Safere  his 
brother,  and  Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse,  and  Sir  Urre,  with  Sir  Lavaine, 
with  many  others :  Sir,  an  ye  be  so  disposed  to  abide  in  this  land  we 
will  never  fail  you ;  and  if  ye  list  not  to  abide  in  this  land  there  nis  none 
of  the  good  knights  that  here  be  will  fail  you,  for  many  causes.  One  is, 
all  we  that  be  not  of  your  blood  shall  never  be  welcome  to  the  court. 
And  sithen  it  liked  us  to  take  a  part  with  you  in  your  distress  and 
heaviness  in  this  realm,  wit  you  well  it  shall  like  us  as  well  to  go  in 
other  countries  with  you,  and  there  to  take  such  part  as  ye  do.  My 
fair  lords,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  well  understand  you,  and  as  I  can, 
thank  you :  and  ye  shall  understand,  such  livelihood  as  I  am  born  unto 
I  shall  depart  with  you  in  this  manner  of  wise ;  that  is  for  to  say,  I  shall 
depart  all  my  livelihood  and  all  my  lands  freely  among  you,  and  I 
myself  will  have  as  little  as  any  of  you,  for  have  I  sufficient  that  may 
long  to  my  person,  I  will  ask  none  other  rich  array ;  and  I  trust  to  God 
to  maintain  you  on  my  lands  as  well  as  ever  were  maintained  any 
knights.  Then  spake  all  the  knights  at  once :  He  have  shame  that  will 
leave  you ;  for  we  all  understand  in  this  realm  will  be  now  no  quiet, 
but  ever  strife  and  debate,  now  the  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table  is 
broken ;  for  by  the  noble  fellowship  of  the  Round  Table  was  King  Arthur 
upborne,  and  by  their  noblesse  the  king  and  all  his  realm  was  in  quiet 
and  rest,  and  a  great  part  they  said  all  was  because  of  your  noblesse. 


^^RULY,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  thank  you  all  of  your  good 
saying ;  howbeit,  I  wot  well,  in  me  was  not  all  the  stability  of 
this  realm,  but  in  that  I  might  I  did  my  devoir ;  and  well  I  am 
sure  I  knew  many  rebellions  in  my  days  that  by  me  were 
peaced,  and  I  trow  we  all  shall  hear  of  them  in  short  space,  and  that 

Chap,  is      HOW  HE  MADE  HIS  KNIGHTS  LORDS  171 

me  sore  repenteth.  For  ever  I  dread  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  Sir 
Mordred  will  make  trouble,  for  he  is  passing  envious  and  applieth  him 
to  trouble.  So  they  were  accorded  to  go  with  Sir  Launcelot  to  his 
lands ;  and  to  make  short  tale,  they  trussed,  and  paid  all  that  would 
ask  them;  and  wholly  an  hundred  knights  departed  with  Sir  Launce- 
lot at  once,  and  made  their  avows  they  would  never  leave  him  for  weal 
nor  for  woe. 

And  so  they  shipped  at  Cardiff,  and  sailed  unto  Benwick :  some  men 
call  it  Bayonne,  and  some  men  call  it  Beaune,  where  the  wine  of  Beaune 
is.  But  to  say  the  sooth,  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  nephews  were  lords  of 
all  France,  and  of  all  the  lands  that  longed  unto  France ;  he  and  his 
kindred  rejoiced  it  all  through  Sir  Launcelot's  noble  prowess.  And 
then  Sir  Launcelot  stuffed  and  furnished  and  garnished  all  his  noble 
towns  and  castles.  Then  all  the  people  of  those  lands  came  to  Sir 
Launcelot  on  foot  and  hands.  And  so  when  he  had  stablished  all  these 
countries,  he  shortly  called  a  parliament ;  and  there  he  crowned  Sir 
Lionel,  King  of  France ;  and  Sir  Bors  he  crowned  him  king  of  all 
King  Claudas*  lands ;  and  SirEctor  de  Maris,  that  was  Sir  Launcelot's 
youngest  brother,  he  crowned  him  King  of  Benwick,  and  king  of  all 
Guienne,  that  was  Sir  Launcelot's  own  land.  And  he  made  Sir  Ector 
prince  of  them  all,  and  thus  he  departed. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  advanced  all  his  noble  knights,  and  first  he 
advanced  them  of  his  blood ;  that  was  SirBlamore,  he  made  him  Duke 
of  Limosin  in  Guienne,  and  Sir  Bleoberis  he  made  him  Duke  of  Poic- 
tiers,  and  Sir  Gahalantine  he  made  him  Duke  of  Querne,  and  Sir 
Galihodin  he  made  him  Duke  of  Sentonge,  and  Sir  Galihud  he  made 
him  Earl  of  Perigot,  and  Sir  Menadeuke  he  made  him  Earl  of  Roerge, 
and  Sir  Villiars  the  Valiant  he  made  him  Earl  of  Beam,  and  Sir  Hebes 
le  Renoumes  he  made  him  Earl  of  Comange,  and  SirLavaine  he  made 
him  Earl  of  Arminak,  and  Sir  Urre  he  made  him  Earl  of  Estrake,  and 
Sir  Neroneus  he  made  him  Earl  of  Pardiak,  and  Sir  Plenorius  he 
made  Earl  of  Foise,  and  Sir  Selises  of  the  Dolorous  Tower  he  made 
him  Earl  of  Masauke,  and  Sir  Melias  de  Lile  he  made  him  Earl  of 
Tursauk,  and  Sir  Bellangere  le  Beuse  he  made  Earl  of  the  Launds, 
and  Sir  Palomides  he  made  him  Duke  of  the  Provence,  and  Sir  Safere 
he  made  him  Duke  of  Landok,  and  Sir  Clegis  he  gave  him  the  Earl- 
dom of  Agente,  and  Sir  Sadok  he  gave  the  Earldom  of  Surlat,  and 
Sir  Dinas  le  Seneschal  he  made  him  Duke  of  Anjou,  and  Sir  Clarrus 

172  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

he  made  him  Duke  of  Normandy.  Thus  Sir  Launcelot  rewarded  his 
noble  knights  and  many  more,  that  meseemeth  it  were  too  long  to 


JO  leave  we  Sir  Launcelot  in  his  lands,  and  his  noble  knights 
with  him,  and  return  we  again  unto  King  Arthur  and  to  Sir 
Gawaine,  that  made  a  great  host  ready,  to  the  number  of  three- 
score thousand ;  and  all  thing  was  made  ready  for  their  ship- 
ping to  pass  over  the  sea,  and  so  they  shipped  at  Cardiff.  And  there 
King  Arthur  made  Sir  Mordred  chief  ruler  of  all  England,  and  also  he 
put  Queen  Guenever  under  his  governance;  because  Sir  Mordred 
was  King  Arthur's  son,  he  gave  him  the  rule  of  his  land  and  of  his 
wife ;  and  so  the  king  passed  the  sea  and  landed  upon  Sir  Launcelot's 
lands,  and  there  he  brent  and  wasted,  through  the  vengeance  of  Sir 
Gawaine,  all  that  they  might  overrun. 

When  this  word  came  to  Sir  Launcelot,  that  King  Arthur  and  Sir 
Gawaine  were  landed  upon  his  lands,  and  made  a  full  great  destruc- 
tion and  waste,  then  spake  Sir  Bors,  and  said :  My  lord  Sir  Launcelot, 
it  is  shame  that  we  suffer  them  thus  to  ride  over  our  lands,  for  wit  you 
well,  suffer  ye  them  as  long  as  ye  will,  they  will  do  you  no  favour  an 
they  may  handle  you.  Then  said  Sir  Lionel  that  was  wary  and  wise : 
My  lord  Sir  Launcelot,  I  will  give  this  counsel,  let  us  keep  our  strong 
walled  towns  until  they  have  hunger  and  cold,  and  blow  on  their  nails ; 
and  then  let  us  freshly  set  upon  them,  and  shred  them  down  as  sheep 
in  a  field,  that  aliens  may  take  example  for  ever  how  they  land  upon 
our  lands. 

Then  spake  King  Bagdemagus  to  Sir  Launcelot :  Sir,  your  courtesy 
will  shende  us  all,  and  thy  courtesy  hath  waked  all  this  sorrow;  for  an 
they  thus  over  our  lands  ride,  they  shall  by  process  bring  us  all  to 
nought  whilst  we  thus  in  holes  us  hide.  Then  said  Sir  Galihud  unto  Sir 
Launcelot :  Sir,  here  be  knights  come  of  kings' blood,  that  will  not  long 
droop,  and  they  are  within  these  walls ;  therefore  give  us  leave,  like 
as  we  be  knights,  to  meet  them  in  the  field,  and  we  shall  slay  them, 
that  they  shall  curse  the  time  that  ever  they  came  into  this  country. 

Chap.  19     ARTHUR  MAKES  WAR  ON  LAUNCELOT          173 

Then  spake  seven  brethren  of  North  Wales,  and  they  were  seven 
noble  knights ;  a  man  might  seek  in  seven  kings'  lands  or  he  might  find 
such  seven  knights.  Then  they  all  said  at  once :  Sir  Launcelot,  for 
Christ's  sake  let  us  out  ride  with  Sir  Galihud,  for  we  be  never  wont  to 
cower  in  castles  nor  in  noble  towns. 

Then  spake  Sir  Launcelot,  that  was  master  and  governor  of  them 
all :  My  fair  lords,  wit  you  well  I  am  full  loath  to  ride  out  with  my 
knights  for  shedding  of  Christian  blood ;  and  yet  my  lands  I  under- 
stand be  full  bare  for  to  sustain  any  host  awhile,  for  the  mighty  wars 
that  whilom  made  King  Claudas  upon  this  country,  upon  my  father 
King  Ban,  and  on  mine  uncle  King  Bors ;  howbeit  we  will  as  at  this 
time  keep  our  strong  walls,  and  I  shall  send  a  messenger  unto  my 
lord  Arthur,  a  treaty  for  to  take;  for  better  is  peace  than  always 

So  Sir  Launcelot  sent  forth  a  damosel  and  a  dwarf  with  her,  requir- 
ing King  Arthur  to  leave  his  warring  upon  his  lands ;  and  so  she  start 
upon  a  palfrey,  and  the  dwarf  ran  by  her  side.  And  when  she  came 
to  the  pavilion  of  King  Arthur,  there  she  alighted ;  and  there  met  her 
a  gentle  knight,  Sir  Lucan  the  Butler,  and  said:  Fair  damosel,  come  ye 
from  Sir  Launcelot  du  Lake?  Yea  sir,  she  said,  therefore  I  come 
hither  to  speak  with  my  lord  the  king.  Alas,  said  Sir  Lucan,  my  lord 
Arthur  would  love  Launcelot,  but  Sir  Gawaine  will  not  suffer  him. 
And  then  he  said  :  I  pray  to  God,  damosel,  ye  may  speed  well,  for  all 
we  that  be  about  the  king  would  Sir  Launcelot  did  best  of  any  knight 
living.  And  so  with  this  Lucan  led  the  damosel  unto  the  king  where  he 
sat  with  Sir  Gawaine,  for  to  hear  what  she  would  say.  So  when  she 
had  told  her  tale,  the  water  ran  out  of  the  king's  eyen,  and  all  the  lords 
were  full  glad  for  to  advise  the  king  as  to  be  accorded  with  Sir 
Launcelot,  save  all  only  Sir  Gawaine,  and  he  said:  My  lord  mine 
uncle,  what  will  ye  do?  Will  ye  now  turn  again,  now  ye  are  passed 
thus  far  upon  this  journey?  all  the  world  will  speak  of  your  villainy. 
Nay,  said  Arthur,  wit  thou  well,  Sir  Gawaine,  I  will  do  as  ye  will 
advise  me ;  and  yet  meseemeth,  said  Arthur,  his  fair  proffers  were  not 
good  to  be  refused ;  but  sithen  I  am  come  so  far  upon  this  journey,  I  will 
that  ye  give  the  damosel  her  answer,  for  I  may  not  speak  to  her  for 
pity,  for  her  proffers  be  so  large. 

174  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 


P- — I  1 — xjHEN  Sir  Gawaine  said  to  the  damosel  thus:  Damosel,  say 
ye  to  Sir  Launcelot  that  it  is  waste  labour  now  to  sue  to  mine 
uncle ;  for  tell  him,  an  he  would  have  made  any  labour  for 
peace,  he  should  have  made  it  or  this  time,  for  tell  him  now 
it  is  too  late;  and  say  that  I,  Sir  Gawaine,  so  send  him  word,  that  I 
promise  him  by  the  faith  I  owe  unto  God  and  to  knighthood,  I  shall 
never  leave  him  till  he  have  slain  me  or  I  him.  So  the  damosel  wept 
and  departed,  and  there  were  many  weeping  eyen ;  and  so  Sir  Lucan 
brought  the  damosel  to  her  palfrey,  and  so  she  came  to  Sir  Launcelot 
where  he  was  among  all  his  knights.  And  when  Sir  Launcelot  had 
heard  this  answer,  then  the  tears  ran  down  by  his  cheeks.  And  then 
his  noble  knights  strode  about  him,  and  said :  Sir  Launcelot,  wherefore 
make  ye  such  cheer,  think  what  ye  are,  and  what  men  we  are,  and  let 
us  noble  knights  match  them  in  midst  of  the  field.  That  may  be  lightly 
done,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  but  I  was  never  so  loath  to  do  battle,  and 
therefore  I  pray  you,  fair  sirs,  as  ye  love  me,  be  ruled  as  I  will  have 
you,  for  I  will  always  flee  that  noble  king  that  made  me  knight.  And 
when  I  may  no  further,  I  must  needs  defend  me,  and  that  will  be  more 
worship  for  me  and  us  all  than  to  compare  with  that  noble  king  whom 
we  have  all  served.  Then  they  held  their  language,  and  as  that  night 
they  took  their  rest. 

And  upon  the  morn  early,  in  the  dawning  of  the  day,  as  knights 
looked  out,  they  saw  the  city  of  Benwick  besieged  round  about; 
and  fast  they  began  to  set  up  ladders,  and  then  they  defied  them  out 
of  the  town,  and  beat  them  from  the  walls  wightly.  Then  came  forth 
Sir  Gawaine  well  armed  upon  a  stiff  steed,  and  he  came  before  the 
chief  gate,  with  his  spear  in  his  hand,  crying:  Sir  Launcelot,  where  art 
thou?  is  there  none  of  you  proud  knights  dare  break  a  spear  with  me? 
Then  Sir  Bors  made  him  ready,  and  came  forth  out  of  the  town,  and 
there  Sir  Gawaine  encountered  with  Sir  Bors.  And  at  that  time  he 
smote  Sir  Bors  down  from  his  horse,  and  almost  he  had  slain  him ;  and 
so  Sir  Bors  was  rescued  and  borne  into  the  town.  Then  came  forth  Sir 
Lionel,  brother  to  Sir  Bors,  and  thought  to  revenge  him ;  and  either 
feutred  their  spears,  and  ran  together ;  and  there  they  met  spitefully, 

Chap.  20      ARTHUR  LAYS  SIEGE  TO  BENWICK  173 

but  Sir  Gawaine  had  such  grace  that  he  smote  Sir  Lionel  down,  and 
wounded  him  there  passing  sore;  and  then  Sir  Lionel  was  rescued  and 
borne  into  the  town.  And  this  Sir  Gawaine  came  every  day,  and  he 
failed  not  but  that  he  smote  down  one  knight  or  other. 

So  thus  they  endured  half  a  year,  and  much  slaughter  was  of  people 
on  both  parties.  Then  it  befell  upon  a  day,  Sir  Gawaine  came  afore  the 
gates  armed  at  all  pieces  on  a  noble  horse,  with  a  great  spear  in  his 
hand ;  and  then  he  cried  with  a  loud  voice :  Where  art  thou  now,  thou 
false  traitor,  Sir  Launcelot?  Why  hidest  thou  thyself  within  holes  and 
walls  like  a  coward  ?  Look  out  now,  thou  false  traitor  knight,  and  here 
I  shall  revenge  upon  thy  body  the  death  of  my  three  brethren.  All  this 
language  heard  Sir  Launcelot  every  deal;  and  his  kin  and  his  knights 
drew  about  him,  and  all  they  said  at  once  to  Sir  Launcelot :  Sir  Launce- 
lot, now  must  ye  defend  you  like  a  knight,  or  else  ye  be  shamed  for 
ever ;  for,  now  ye  be  called  upon  treason,  it  is  time  for  you  to  stir,  for 
ye  have  slept  over-long  and  suffered  over-much.  So  God  me  help,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  I  am  right  heavy  of  Sir  Gawaine's  words,  for  now  he 
charged  me  with  a  great  charge;  and  therefore  I  wot  it  as  well  as  ye,  that 
I  must  defend  me,  or  else  to  be  recreant. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  bade  saddle  his  strongest  horse,  and  bade  let 
fetch  his  arms,  and  bring  all  unto  the  gate  of  the  tower ;  and  then  Sir 
Launcelot  spake  on  high  unto  King  Arthur,  and  said :  My  lord  Arthur, 
and  noble  king  that  made  me  knight,  wit  you  well  I  am  right  heavy  for 
your  sake,  that  ye  thus  sue  upon  me;  and  always  I  forbare  you,  for  an 
I  would  have  been  vengeable,  I  might  have  met  you  in  midst  of  the 
field,  and  there  to  have  made  your  boldest  knights  full  tame.  And  now 
I  have  forborne  half  a  year,  and  suffered  you  and  Sir  Gawaine  to  do 
what  ye  would  do ;  and  now  may  I  endure  it  no  longer,  for  now  must  I 
needs  defend  myself,  insomuch  Sir  Gawaine  hath  appealed  me  of 
treason ;  the  which  is  greatly  against  my  will  that  ever  I  should  fight 
against  any  of  your  blood,  but  now  I  may  not  forsake  it,  I  am  driven 
thereto  as  a  beast  till  a  bay. 

Then  Sir  Gawaine  said :  Sir  Launcelot,  an  thou  durst  do  battle, 
leave  thy  babbling  and  come  off,  and  let  us  ease  our  hearts.  Then  Sir 
Launcelot  armed  him  lightly,  and  mounted  upon  his  horse,  and  either 
of  the  knights  gat  great  spears  in  their  hands,  and  the  host  without 
stood  still  all  apart,  and  the  noble  knights  came  out  of  the  city  by  a 
great  number,  insomuch  that  when  Arthur  saw  the  number  of  men  and 

176  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

knights,  he  marvelled,  and  said  to  himself:  Alas,  that  ever  Sir  Launce- 
lot  was  against  me,  for  now  I  see  he  hath  forborne  me.  And  so  the 
covenant  was  made,  there  should  no  man  nigh  them,  nor  deal  with 
them,  till  the  one  were  dead  or  yelden. 


P- — I  I — ^HEN  Sir  Gawaine  and  Sir  Launcelot  departed  a  great  way 
asunder,  and  then  they  came  together  with  all  their  horses' 
might  as  they  might  run,  and  either  smote  other  in  midst  of 
their  shields;  but  the  knights  were  so  strong,  and  their 
spears  so  big,  that  their  horses  might  not  endure  their  buffets,  and  so 
their  horses  fell  to  the  earth ;  and  then  they  avoided  their  horses,  and 
dressed  their  shields  afore  them.  Then  they  stood  together  and  gave 
many  sad  strokes  on  divers  places  of  their  bodies,  that  the  blood  brast 
out  on  many  sides  and  places.  Then  had  Sir  Gawaine  such  a  grace 
and  gift  that  an  holy  man  had  given  to  him,  that  every  day  in  the  year, 
from  underne  till  high  noon,  his  might  increased  those  three  hours  as 
much  as  thrice  his  strength,  and  that  caused  Sir  Gawaine  to  win  great 
honour.  And  for  his  sake  King  Arthur  made  an  ordinance,  that  all 
manner  of  battles  for  any  quarrels  that  should  be  done  afore  King 
Arthur  should  begin  at  underne;  and  all  was  done  for  Sir  Gawaine's 
love,  that  by  likelihood,  if  Sir  Gawaine  were  on  the  one  part,  he  should 
have  the  better  in  battle  while  his  strength  endureth  three  hours ;  but 
there  were  but  few  knights  that  time  living  that  knew  this  advantage 
that  Sir  Gawaine  had,  but  King  Arthur  all  only. 

Thus  Sir  Launcelot  fought  with  Sir  Gawaine,  and  when  Sir  Launce- 
lot felt  his  might  evermore  increase,  Sir  Launcelot  wondered  and 
dread  him  sore  to  be  shamed.  For  as  the  French  book  saith,  Sir 
Launcelot  weened,  when  he  felt  Sir  Gawaine  double  his  strength,  that 
he  had  been  a  fiend  and  none  earthly  man ;  wherefore  Sir  Launcelot 
traced  and  traversed,  and  covered  himself  with  his  shield,  and  kept 
his  might  and  his  braide  during  three  hours;  and  that  while  Sir 
Gawaine  gave  him  many  sad  brunts,  and  many  sad  strokes,  that  all 
the  knights  that  beheld  Sir  Launcelot  marvelled  how  that  he  might 
endure  him;  but  full  little  understood  they  that  travail  that  Sir  Launce- 
lot had  for  to  endure  him.  And  then  when  it  was  past  noon  Sir  Gawaine 

Chap.  22      OF  THE  SORROW  OF  KING  ARTHUR  177 

had  no  more  but  his  own  might.  When  Sir  Launcelot  felt  him  so  come 
down,  then  he  stretched  him  up  and  stood  near  Sir  Gawaine,  and  said 
thus :  My  lord  Sir  Gawaine,  now  I  feel  ye  have  done ;  now  my  lord  Sir 
Gawaine,  I  must  do  my  part,  for  many  great  and  grievous  strokes  I 
have  endured  you  this  day  with  great  pain. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  doubled  his  strokes  and  gave  Sir  Gawaine  such 
a  buffet  on  the  helmet  that  he  fell  down  on  his  side,  and  Sir  Launcelot 
withdrew  him  from  him.  Why  withdrawest  thou  thee?  said  Sir 
Gawaine;  now  turn  again,  false  traitor  knight,  and  slay  me,  for  an 
thou  leave  me  thus,  when  I  am  whole  I  shall  do  battle  with  thee  again. 
I  shall  endure  you,  Sir,  by  God's  grace,  but  wit  thou  well,  Sir  Gawaine, 
I  will  never  smite  a  felled  knight.  And  so  Sir  Laurrcelot  went  into  the 
city;  and  Sir  Gawaine  was  borne  into  King  Arthur's  pavilion,  and 
leeches  were  brought  to  him,  and  searched  and  salved  with  soft  oint- 
ments. And  then  Sir  Launcelot  said :  Now  have  good  day,  my  lord 
the  king,  for  wit  you  well  ye  win  no  worship  at  these  walls ;  and  if  I 
would  my  knights  outbring,  there  should  many  a  man  die.  Therefore, 
my  lord  Arthur,  remember  you  of  old  kindness ;  and  however  I  fare, 
Jesu  be  your  guide  in  all  places. 


LAS,  said  the  king,  that  ever  this  unhappy  war  was  begun ;  for 
ever  Sir  Launcelot  forbeareth  me  in  all  places,  and  in  like- 
wise my  kin,  and  that  is  seen  well  this  day  by  my  nephew 
Sir  Gawaine.  Then  King  Arthur  fell  sick  for  sorrow  of  Sir 
Gawaine,  that  he  was  so  sore  hurt,  and  because  of  the  war  betwixt 
him  and  Sir  Launcelot.  So  then  they  on  King  Arthur's  part  kept  the 
siege  with  little  war  withoutforth ;  and  they  withinforth  kept  their 
walls,  and  defended  them  when  need  was.  Thus  Sir  Gawaine  lay  sick 
three  weeks  in  his  tents,  with  all  manner  of  leechcraft  that  might  be 
had.  And  as  soon  as  Sir  Gawaine  might  go  and  ride,  he  armed  him  at 
all  points,  and  start  upon  a  courser,  and  gat  a  spear  in  his  hand,  and  so 
he  came  riding  afore  the  chief  gate  of  Benwick ;  and  there  he  cried  on 
height:  Where  art  thou,  Sir  Launcelot?  Come  forth,  thou  false  traitor 
knight  and  recreant,  for  I  am  here,  Sir  Gawaine,  will  prove  this  that  I 
say  on  thee. 

iv  a  a 

178  LE  MORTE  DARTHUR  Book  XX 

All  this  language  Sir  Launcelot  heard,  and  then  he  said  thus :  Sir 
Gawaine,  me  repents  of  your  foul  saying,  that  ye  will  not  cease  of  your 
language ;  for  you  wot  well,  Sir  Gawaine,  I  know  your  might  and  all 
that  ye  may  do;  and  well  ye  wot,  Sir  Gawaine,  ye  may  not  greatly 
hurt  me.  Come  down,  traitor  knight,  said  he,  and  make  it  good  the 
contrary  with  thy  hands,  for  it  mishapped  me  the  last  battle  to  be  hurt 
of  thy  hands ;  therefore  wit  thou  well  I  am  come  this  day  to  make 
amends,  for  I  ween  this  day  to  lay  thee  as  low  as  thou  laidest  me.  Jesu 
defend  me,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  ever  I  be  so  far  in  your  danger  as 
ye  have  been  in  mine,  for  then  my  days  were  done.  But  Sir  Gawaine, 
said  Sir  Launcelot,  ye  shall  not  think  that  I  tarry  long,  but  sithen  that 
ye  so  unknightly  call  me  of  treason,  ye  shall  have  both  your  hands  full 
of  me.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  armed  him  at  all  points,  and  mounted 
upon  his  horse,  and  gat  a  great  spear  in  his  hand,  and  rode  out  at  the 
gate.  And  both  the  hosts  were  assembled,  of  them  without  and  of  them 
within,  and  stood  in  array  full  manly.  And  both  parties  were  charged 
to  hold  them  still,  to  see  and  behold  the  battle  of  these  two  noble 
knights.  And  then  they  laid  their  spears  in  their  rests,  and  they  came 
together  as  thunder,  and  Sir  Gawaine  brake  his  spear  upon  Sir 
Launcelot  in  a  hundred  pieces  unto  his  hand ;  and  Sir  Launcelot  smote 
him  with  a  greater  might,  that  Sir  Gawaine's  horse's  feet  raised,  and 
so  the  horse  and  he  fell  to  the  earth.  Then  Sir  Gawaine  deliverly 
avoided  his  horse,  and  put  his  shield  afore  him,  and  eagerly  drew  his 
sword,  and  bade  Sir  Launcelot ;  Alight,  traitor  knight,  for  if  this  mare's 
son  hath  failed  me,  wit  thou  well  a  king's  son  and  a  queen's  son  shall 
not  fail  thee. 

Then  Sir  Launcelot  avoided  his  horse,  and  dressed  his  shield  afore 
him,  and  drew  his  sword ;  and  so  stood  they  together  and  gave  many 
sad  strokes,  that  all  men  on  both  parties  had  thereof  passing  great 
wonder.  But  when  Sir  Launcelot  felt  Sir  Gawaine's  might  so  mar- 
vellously increase,  he  then  withheld  his  courage  and  his  wind,  and 
kept  himself  wonder  covert  of  his  might;  and  under  his  shield  he 
traced  and  traversed  here  and  there,  to  break  Sir  Gawaine's  strokes 
and  his  courage;  and  Sir  Gawaine  enforced  himself  with  all  his  might 
and  power  to  destroy  Sir  Launcelot ;  for  as  the  French  book  saith,  ever 
as  Sir  Gawaine's  might  increased,  right  so  increased  his  wind  and  his 
evil  will.  Thus  Sir  Gawaine  did  great  pain  unto  Sir  Launcelot  three 
hours,  that  he  had  right  great  pain  for  to  defend  him. 

Chap.  22       GAWAINE  HAS  THE  WORSE  AGAIN  179 

And  when  the  three  hours  were  passed,  that  Sir  Launcelot  felt  that 
Sir  Gawaine  was  come  to  his  own  proper  strength,  then  Sir  Launcelot 
said  unto  Sir  Gawaine :  Now  have  I  proved  you  twice,  that  ye  are  a 
full  dangerous  knight,  and  a  wonderful  man  of  your  might ;  and  many 
wonderful  deeds  have  ye  done  in  your  days,  for  by  your  might 
increasing  you  have  deceived  many  a  full  noble  and  valiant  knight; 
and,  now  I  feel  that  ye  have  done  your  mighty  deeds,  now  wit  you  well 
I  must  do  my  deeds.  And  then  Sir  Launcelot  stood  near  Sir  Gawaine, 
and  then  Sir  Launcelot  doubled  his  strokes ;  and  Sir  Gawaine  defended 
him  mightily,  but  nevertheless  Sir  Launcelot  smote  such  a  stroke  upon 
Sir  Gawaine's  helm,  and  upon  the  old  wound,  that  Sir  Gawaine  sinked 
down  upon  his  one  side  in  a  swoon.  And  anon  as  he  did  awake  he 
waved  and  foined  at  Sir  Launcelot  as  he  lay,  and  said :  Traitor  knight, 
wit  thou  well  I  am  not  yet  slain,  come  thou  near  me  and  perform  this 
battle  unto  the  uttermost.  I  will  no  more  do  than  I  have  done,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  for  when  I  see  you  on  foot  I  will  do  battle  upon  you  all  the 
while  I  see  you  stand  on  your  feet ;  but  for  to  smite  a  wounded  man 
that  may  not  stand,  God  defend  me  from  such  a  shame.  And  then  he 
turned  him  and  went  his  way  toward  the  city.  And  Sir  Gawaine  ever- 
more calling  him  traitor  knight,  and  said :  Wit  thou  well  Sir  Launce- 
lot, when  I  am  whole  I  shall  do  battle  with  thee  again,  for  I  shall  never 
leave  thee  till  that  one  of  us  be  slain.  Thus  as  this  siege  endured,  and 
as  Sir  Gawaine  lay  sick  near  a  month;  and  when  he  was  well  recovered 
and  ready  within  three  days  to  do  battle  again  with  Sir  Launcelot, 
right  so  came  tidings  unto  Arthur  from  England  that  made  King  Arthur 
and  all  his  host  to  remove. 




Sir  Mordred  was  ruler  of  all  England,  he  did  do  make  letters 
as  though  that  they  came  from  beyond  the  sea,  and  the 
letters  specified  that  King  Arthur  was  slain  in  battle  with 
Sir  Launcelot.  Wherefore  Sir  Mordred  made  a  parlia- 
ment, and  called  the  lords  together,  and  there  he  made  them  to  choose 
him  king ;  and  so  was  he  crowned  at  Canterbury,  and  held  a  feast 
there  fifteen  days ;  and  afterward  he  drew  him  unto  Winchester,  and 
there  he  took  the  Queen  Guenever,  and  said  plainly  that  he  would  wed 
her  which  was  his  uncle's  wife  and  his  father's  wife.  And  so  he  made 
ready  for  the  feast,  and  a  day  prefixed  that  they  should  be  wedded  ; 
wherefore  Queen  Guenever  was  passing  heavy.  But  she  durst  not 
discover  her  heart,  but  spake  fair,  and  agreed  to  Sir  Mordred's  will. 
Then  she  desired  of  Sir  Mordred  for  to  go  to  London,  to  buy  all 
manner  of  things  that  longed  unto  the  wedding.  And  because  of  her 
fair  speech  Sir  Mordred  trusted  her  well  enough,  and  gave  her  leave 
to  go.  And  so  when  she  came  to  London  she  took  the  Tower  of  Lon- 
don, and  suddenly  in  all  haste  possible  she  stuffed  it  with  all  manner 
of  victual,  and  well  garnished  it  with  men,  and  so  kept  it. 

Then  when  Sir  Mordred  wist  and  understood  how  he  was  beguiled, 
he  was  passing  wroth  out  of  measure.  And  a  short  tale  for  to  make,  he 
went  and  laid  a  mighty  siege  about  the  Tower  of  London,  and  made 
many  great  assaults  thereat,  and  threw  many  great  engines  unto  them, 
and  shot  great  guns.  But  all  might  not  prevail  Sir  Mordred,  for  Queen 
Guenever  would  never  for  fair  speech  nor  for  foul,  would  never  trust 
to  come  in  his  hands  again. 

Then  came  the  Bishop  of  Canterbury,  the  which  was  a  noble  clerk 
and  an  holy  man,  and  thus  he  said  to  Sir  Mordred :  Sir,  what  will  ye 
do?  will  ye  first  displease  God  and  sithen  shame  yourself,  and  all 
knighthood?  Is  not  King  Arthur  your  uncle,  no  farther  but  your 

Chap,  i  SIR  MORDRED  IS  CHOSEN  KING  181 

mother's  brother,  and  on  her  himself  King  Arthur  begat  you  upon  his 
own  sister,  therefore  how  may  you  wed  your  father's  wife  ?  Sir,  said 
the  noble  clerk,  leave  this  opinion  or  I  shall  curse  you  with  book  and 
bell  and  candle.  Do  thou  thy  worst,  said  Sir  Mordred,  wit  thou  well 
I  shall  defy  thee.  Sir,  said  the  Bishop,  and  wit  you  well  I  shall  not  fear 
me  to  do  that  me  ought  to  do.  Also  where  ye  noise  where  my  lord 
Arthur  is  slain,  and  that  is  not  so,  and  therefore  ye  will  make  a  foul 
work  in  this  land.  Peace,  thou  false  priest,  said  Sir  Mordred,  for  an 
thou  chafe  me  anymore  I  shall  make  strike  off  thy  head.  So  the  Bishop 
departed  and  did  the  cursing  in  the  most  orgulist  wise  that  might  be 
done.  And  then  Sir  Mordred  sought  the  Bishop  of  Canterbury,  for  to 
have  slain  him.  Then  the  Bishop  fled,  and  took  part  of  his  goods  with 
him,  and  went  nigh  unto  Glastonbury;  and  there  he  was  as  priest 
hermit  in  a  chapel,  and  lived  in  poverty  and  in  holy  prayers,  for  well 
he  understood  that  mischievous  war  was  at  hand. 

Then  Sir  Mordred  sought  on  Queen  Guenever  by  letters  and 
sonds,  and  by  fair  means  and  foul  means,  for  to  have  her  to  come  out 
of  the  Tower  of  London;  but  all  this  availed  not,  for  she  answered  him 
shortly,  openly  and  privily,  that  she  had  liefer  slay  herself  than  to  be 
married  with  him.  Then  came  word  to  Sir  Mordred  that  King  Arthur 
had  araised  the  siege  for  Sir  Launcelot,  and  he  was  coming  homeward 
with  a  great  host,  to  be  avenged  upon  Sir  Mordred;  wherefore  Sir 
Mordred  made  write  writs  to  all  the  barony  of  this  land,  and  much 
people  drew  to  him.  For  then  was  the  common  voice  among  them  that 
with  Arthur  was  none  other  life  but  war  and  strife,  and  with  Sir 
Mordred  was  great  joy  and  bliss.  Thus  was  Sir  Arthur  depraved,  and 
evil  said  of.  And  many  there  were  that  King  Arthur  had  made  up  of 
nought,  and  given  them  lands,  might  not  then  say  him  a  good  word.  Lo 
ye  all  Englishmen,  see  ye  not  what  a  mischief  here  was !  for  he  that 
was  the  most  king  and  knight  of  the  world,  and  most  loved  the  fellow- 
ship of  noble  knights,  and  by  him  they  were  all  upholden,  now  might 
not  these  Englishmen  hold  them  content  with  him.  Lo  thus  was  the 
old  custom  and  usage  of  this  land ;  and  also  men  say  that  we  of  this 
land  have  not  yet  lost  nor  forgotten  that  custom  and  usage.  Alas,  this 
is  a  great  default  of  us  Englishmen,  forthere  may  no  thing  please  us  no 
term.  And  so  fared  the  people  at  that  time,  they  were  better  pleased 
with  Sir  Mordred  than  they  were  with  King  Arthur;  and  much  people 
drew  unto  Sir  Mordred,  and  said  they  would  abide  with  him  for  better 


and  for  worse.  And  so  Sir  Mordred  drew  with  a  great  host  to  Dover, 
for  there  he  heard  say  that  Sir  Arthur  would  arrive,  and  so  he  thought 
to  beat  his  own  father  from  his  lands;  and  the  most  part  of  all  England 
held  with  Sir  Mordred,  the  people  were  so  new-fangle. 


kND  so  as  Sir  Mordred  was  at  Dover  with  his  host,  there  came 
King  Arthur  with  a  great  navy  of  ships,  and  galleys,  and 
carracks.  And  there  was  Sir  Mordred  ready  awaiting 
upon  his  landing,  to  let  his  own  father  to  land  upon  the  land 
that  he  was  king  over.  Then  there  was  launching  of  great  boats  and 
small,  and  full  of  noble  men  of  arms ;  and  there  was  much  slaughter  of 
gentle  knights,  and  many  a  full  bold  baron  was  laid  full  low,  on  both 
parties.  But  King  Arthur  was  so  courageous  that  there  might  no 
manner  of  knights  let  him  to  land,  and  his  knights  fiercely  followed 
him ;  and  so  they  landed  maugre  Sir  Mordred  and  all  his  power,  and 
put  Sir  Mordred  aback,  that  he  fled  and  all  his  people. 

So  when  this  battle  was  done,  King  Arthur  let  bury  his  people  that 
were  dead.  And  then  was  noble  Sir  Gawaine  found  in  a  great  boat, 
lying  more  than  half  dead.  When  Sir  Arthur  wist  that  Sir  Gawaine 
was  laid  so  low,  he  went  unto  him ;  and  there  the  king  made  sorrow 
out  of  measure,  and  took  Sir  Gawaine  in  his  arms,  and  thrice  he  there 
swooned.  And  then  when  he  awaked,  he  said :  Alas,  Sir  Gawaine,  my 
sister's  son,  here  nowthou  liest,  the  man  in  the  world  that  I  loved  most ; 
and  now  is  my  joy  gone,  for  now,  my  nephew  Sir  Gawaine,  I  will  dis- 
cover me  unto  your  person :  in  Sir  Launcelot  and  you  I  most  had  my 
joy,  and  mine  affiance,  and  now  have  Host  my  joy  of  you  both;  where- 
fore all  mine  earthly  joy  is  gone  from  me.  Mine  uncle  King  Arthur, 
said  Sir  Gawaine,  wit  you  well  my  death-day  is  come,  and  all  is 
through  mine  own  hastiness  and  wilfulness ;  for  I  am  smitten  upon  the 
old  wound  the  which  Sir  Launcelot  gave  me,  on  the  which  I  feel  well 
I  must  die;  and  had  Sir  Launcelot  been  with  you  as  he  was,  this 
unhappy  war  had  never  begun;  and  of  all  this  am  I  causer,  for  Sir 
Launcelot  and  his  blood,  through  their  prowess,  held  all  your  cankered 
enemies  in  subjection  and  daunger.  And  now,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  ye 

Chap.  2          OF  KING  ARTHUR  AND  MORDRED  183 

shall  miss  Sir  Launcelot.  But  alas,  I  would  not  accord  with  him,  and 
therefore,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  I  pray  you,  fair  uncle,  that  I  may  have 
paper,  pen,  and  ink,  that  I  may  write  to  Sir  Launcelot  a  cedle  with 
mine  own  hands. 

And  then  when  paper  and  ink  was  brought,  then  Gawaine  was  set 
up  weakly  by  King  Arthur,  for  he  was  shriven  a  little  to-fore;  and 
then  he  wrote  thus,  as  the  French  book  maketh  mention :  Unto  Sir 
Launcelot,  flower  of  all  noble  knights  that  ever  I  heard  of  or  saw  by  my 
days,  I,  Sir  Gawaine,  King  Lot's  son  of  Orkney,  sister's  son  unto  the 
noble  King  Arthur,  send  thee  greeting,  and  let  thee  have  knowledge 
that  the  tenth  day  of  May  I  was  smitten  upon  the  old  wound  that  thou 
gavest  me  afore  the  city  of  Benwick,  and  through  the  same  wound 
that  thou  gavest  me  I  am  come  to  my  death-day.  And  I  will  that  all  the 
world  wit,  that  I,  Sir  Gawaine,  knight  of  the  Table  Round,  sought  my 
death,  and  not  through  thy  deserving,  but  it  was  mine  own  seeking ; 
wherefore  I  beseech  thee,  Sir  Launcelot,  to  return  again  unto  this 
realm,  and  see  my  tomb,  and  pray  some  prayer  more  or  less  for  my 
soul.  And  this  same  day  that  I  wrote  this  cedle,  I  was  hurt  to  the  death 
in  the  same  wound,  the  which  I  had  of  thy  hand,  Sir  Launcelot ;  for  of 
a  more  nobler  man  might  I  not  be  slain.  Also  Sir  Launcelot,  for  all  the 
love  that  ever  was  betwixt  us,  make  no  tarrying,  but  come  over  the  sea 
in  all  haste,  that  thou  mayst  with  thy  noble  knights  rescue  that  noble 
king  that  made  thee  knight,  that  is  my  lord  Arthur ;  for  he  is  full 
straitly  bestead  with  a  false  traitor,  that  is  my  half-brother,  Sir  Mor- 
dred ;  and  he  hath  let  crown  him  king,  and  would  have  wedded  my 
lady  Queen  Guenever,  and  so  had  he  done  had  she  not  put  herself  in 
the  Tower  of  London.  And  so  the  tenth  day  of  May  last  past,  my  lord 
Arthur  and  we  all  landed  upon  them  at  Dover;  and  there  we  put  that 
false  traitor,  Sir  Mordred,  to  flight,  and  there  it  misfortuned  me  to  be 
stricken  upon  thy  stroke.  And  at  the  date  of  this  letter  was  written, 
but  two  hours  and  a  half  afore  my  death,  written  with  mine  own  hand, 
and  so  subscribed  with  part  of  my  heart's  blood.  And  I  require  thee, 
most  famous  knight  of  the  world,  that  thou  wilt  see  my  tomb.  And  then 
Sir  Gawaine  wept,  and  King  Arthur  wept ;  and  then  they  swooned 
both.  And  when  they  awaked  both,  the  king  made  Sir  Gawaine  to 
receive  his  Saviour.  And  then  Sir  Gawaine  prayed  the  king  for  to 
send  for  Sir  Launcelot,  and  to  cherish  him  above  all  other  knights. 

And  so  at  the  hour  of  noon  Sir  Gawaine  yielded  up  the  spirit ;  and 


then  the  king  let  inter  him  in  a  chapel  within  Dover  Castle  ;  and  there 
yet  all  men  may  see  the  skull  of  him,  and  the  same  wound  is  seen  that 
Sir  Launcelot  gave  him  in  battle.  Then  was  it  told  the  king  that  Sir 
Mordred  had  pight  a  new  field  upon  Barham  Down.  And  upon  the 
morn  the  king  rode  thither  to  him,  and  there  was  a  great  battle  betwixt 
them,  and  much  people  was  slain  on  both  parties  ;  but  at  the  last  Sir 
Arthur's  party  stood  best,  and  Sir  Mordred  and  his  party  fled  unto 


then  the  king  let  search  all  the  towns  for  his  knights  that 
/\\  were  slain,  and  interred  them  ;  and  salved  them  with  soft 
I  —  A  salves  that  so  sore  were  wounded.  Then  much  people  drew 
</L  J.\  unto  King  Arthur.  And  then  they  said  that  Sir  Mordred 
warred  upon  King  Arthur  with  wrong.  And  then  King  Arthur  drew 
him  with  his  host  down  by  the  seaside,  westward  toward  Salisbury  ; 
and  there  was  a  day  assigned  betwixt  King  Arthur  and  Sir  Mordred, 
that  they  should  meet  upon  a  down  beside  Salisbury,  and  not  far  from 
the  seaside  ;  and  this  day  was  assigned  on  a  Monday  after  Trinity 
Sunday,  whereof  King  Arthur  was  passing  glad,  that  he  might  be 
avenged  upon  Sir  Mordred.  Then  Sir  Mordred  araised  much  people 
about  London,  for  they  of  Kent,  Southsex,  and  Surrey,  Estsex,  and  of 
Southfolk,  and  of  Northfolk,  held  the  most  part  with  Sir  Mordred  ;  and 
many  a  full  noble  knight  drew  unto  Sir  Mordred  and  to  the  king  :  but 
they  that  loved  Sir  Launcelot  drew  unto  Sir  Mordred. 

So  upon  Trinity  Sunday  at  night,  King  Arthur  dreamed  a  wonder- 
ful dream,  and  that  was  this  :  that  him  seemed  he  sat  upon  a  chaflet  in 
a  chair,  and  the  chair  was  fast  to  a  wheel,  and  thereupon  sat  King 
Arthur  in  the  richest  cloth  of  gold  that  might  be  made  ;  and  the  king 
thought  there  was  under  him,  far  from  him,  an  hideous  deep  black 
water,  and  therein  were  all  manner  of  serpents,  and  worms,  and  wild 
beasts,  foul  and  horrible  ;  and  suddenly  the  king  thought  the  wheel 
turned  up-so-down,  and  he  fell  among  the  serpents,  and  every  beast 
took  him  by  a  limb  ;  and  then  the  king  cried  as  he  lay  in  his  bed  and 
slept:  Help.  And  then  knights,  squires,  and  yeomen,  awaked  the 

Chap.  3  OF  SIR  GAWAINE'S  GHOST  185 

king ;  and  then  he  was  so  amazed  that  he  wist  not  where  he  was ;  and 
then  he  fell  a-slumbering  again,  not  sleeping  nor  thoroughly  waking. 
So  the  king  seemed  verily  that  there  came  Sir  Gawaine  unto  him  with 
a  number  of  fair  ladies  with  him.  And  when  King  Arthur  saw  him, 
then  he  said :  Welcome,  my  sister's  son ;  I  weened  thou  hadst  been 
dead,  and  now  I  see  thee  alive,  much  am  I  beholding  unto  Almighty 
Jesu.  O  fair  nephew  and  my  sister's  son,  what  be  these  ladies  that 
hither  be  come  with  you?  Sir,  said  Sir  Gawaine,  all  these  be  ladies  for 
whom  I  have  foughten  when  I  was  man  living,  and  all  these  are  those 
that  I  did  battle  for  in  righteous  quarrel ;  and  God  hath  given  them 
that  grace  at  their  great  prayer,  because  I  did  battle  for  them,  that 
they  should  bring  me  hither  unto  you :  thus  much  hath  God  given  me 
leave,  for  to  warn  you  of  your  death ;  for  an  ye  fight  as  to-morn  with 
Sir  Mordred,  as  ye  both  have  assigned,  doubt  ye  not  ye  must  be  slain, 
and  the  most  part  of  your  people  on  both  parties.  And  for  the  great 
grace  and  goodness  that  almighty  Jesu  hath  unto  you,  and  for  pity  of 
you,  and  many  more  other  good  men  there  shall  be  slain,  God  hath 
sent  me  to  you  of  his  special  grace,  to  give  you  warning  that  in  no  wise 
ye  do  battle  as  to-morn,  but  that  ye  take  a  treaty  for  a  month  day ;  and 
proffer  you  largely,  so  as  to-morn  to  be  put  in  a  delay.  For  within  a 
month  shall  come  Sir  Launcelot  with  all  his  noble  knights,  and  rescue 
you  worshipfully,  and  slay  Sir  Mordred,  and  all  that  ever  will  hold 
with  him.  Then  Sir  Gawaine  and  all  the  ladies  vanished. 

And  anon  the  king  called  upon  his  knights,  squires,  and  yeomen, 
and  charged  them  wightly  to  fetch  his  noble  lords  and  wise  bishops 
unto  him.  And  when  they  were  come,  the  king  told  them  his  avision, 
what  Sir  Gawaine  had  told  him,  and  warned  him  that  if  he  fought  on 
the  morn  he  should  be  slain.  Then  the  king  commanded  Sir  Lucan 
the  Butler,  and  his  brother  Sir  Bedivere,  with  two  bishops  with  them, 
and  charged  them  in  any  wise,  an  they  might,  Take  a  treaty  for  a 
month  day  with  Sir  Mordred,  and  spare  not,  proffer  him  lands  and 
goods  as  much  as  ye  think  best.  So  then  they  departed,  and  came  to 
Sir  Mordred,  where  he  had  a  grim  host  of  an  hundred  thousand  men. 
And  there  they  entreated  Sir  Mordred  long  time ;  and  at  the  last  Sir 
Mordred  was  agreed  for  to  have  Corn  wall  and  Kent,  by  Arthur's  days: 
after,  all  England,  after  the  days  of  King  Arthur. 

iv  b  b 



p' — 1  I — >^HEN  were  they  condescended  that  King  Arthur  and  Sir 
Mordred  should  meet  betwixt  both  their  hosts,  and  everych 
of  them  should  bring  fourteen  persons ;  and  they  came  with 
this  word  unto  Arthur.  Then  said  he :  I  am  glad  that  this  is 
done :  and  so  he  went  into  the  field.  And  when  Arthur  should  depart, 
he  warned  all  his  host  that  an  they  see  any  sword  drawn :  Look  ye 
come  on  fiercely,  and  slay  that  traitor,  Sir  Mordred,  for  I  in  no  wise 
trust  him.  In  like  wise  Sir  Mordred  warned  his  host  that :  An  ye  see 
any  sword  drawn,  look  that  ye  come  on  fiercely,  and  so  slay  all  that 
ever  before  you  standeth ;  for  in  no  wise  I  will  not  trust  for  this  treaty, 
for  I  know  well  my  father  will  be  avenged  on  me.  And  so  they  met  as 
their  appointment  was,  and  so  they  were  agreed  and  accorded  thor- 
oughly;  and  wine  was  fetched,  and  they  drank.  Right  soon  came  an 
adder  out  of  a  little  heath  bush,  and  it  stung  a  knight  on  the  foot.  And 
when  the  knight  felt  him  stung,  he  looked  down  and  saw  the  adder, 
and  then  he  drew  his  sword  to  slay  the  adder,  and  thought  of  none 
other  harm.  And  when  the  host  on  both  parties  saw  that  sword  drawn, 
then  they  blew  beams,  trumpets,  and  hprns,  and  shouted  grimly.  And 
so  both  hosts  dressed  them  together.  And  King  Arthur  took  his  horse, 
and  said :  Alas  this  unhappy  day!  and  so  rode  to  his  party.  And  Sir 
Mordred  in  like  wise.  And  never  was  there  seen  a  more  dolefuller 
battle  in  no  Christian  land ;  for  there  was  but  rushing  and  riding,  foin- 
ing  and  striking,  and  many  a  grim  word  was  there  spoken  either  to 
other,  and  many  a  deadly  stroke.  But  ever  King  Arthur  rode  through- 
out the  battle  of  Sir  Mordred  many  times,  and  did  full  nobly  as  a  noble 
king  should,  and  at  all  times  he  fainted  never;  and  Sir  Mordred  that 
day  put  him  in  devoir,  and  in  great  peril.  And  thus  they  fought  all  the 
long  day,  and  never  stinted  till  the  noble  knights  were  laid  to  the  cold 
earth ;  and  ever  they  fought  still  till  it  was  near  night,  and  by  that  time 
was  there  an  hundred  thousand  laid  dead  upon  the  down.  Then  was 
Arthur  wood  wroth  out  of  measure,  when  he  saw  his  people  so  slain 
from  him. 

Then  the  king  looked  about  him,  and  then  was  he  ware,  of  all  his 
host  and  of  all  his  good  knights,  were  left  no  more  alive  but  two  knights ; 

Chap.  4  HOW  ARTHUR  WAS  HURT  187 

that  one  was  Sir  Lucan  the  Butler,  and  his  brother  Sir  Bedivere,  and 
they  were  full  sore  wounded.  Jesu  mercy,  said  the  king,  where  are  all 
my  noble  knights  become?  Alas  that  ever  I  should  see  this  doleful  day, 
for  now,  said  Arthur,  I  am  come  to  mine  end.  But  would  to  God  that  I 
wist  where  were  that  traitor  Sir  Mordred,  that  hath  caused  all  this 
mischief.  Then  was  King  Arthur  ware  where  Sir  Mordred  leaned 
upon  his  sword  among  a  great  heap  of  dead  men.  Now  give  me  my 
spear,  said  Arthur  unto  Sir  Lucan,  for  yonder  I  have  espied  the  traitor 
that  all  this  woe  hath  wrought.  Sir,  let  him  be,  said  Sir  Lucan,  for  he 
is  unhappy ;  and  if  ye  pass  this  unhappy  day  ye  shall  be  right  well 
revenged  upon  him.  Good  lord,  remember  ye  of  your  night's  dream, 
and  what  the  spirit  of  Sir  Gawaine  told  you  this  night,  yet  God  of  his 
great  goodness  hath  preserved  you  hitherto.  Therefore,  for  God's 
sake,  my  lord,  leave  off  by  this,  for  blessed  be  God  ye  have  won  the 
field,  for  here  we  be  three  alive,  and  with  Sir  Mordred  is  none  alive; 
and  if  ye  leave  off  now  this  wicked  day  of  destiny  is  past.  Tide  me 
death,  betide  me  life,  saith  the  king,  now  I  see  him  yonder  alone  he 
shall  never  escape  mine  hands,  for  at  a  better  avail  shall  I  never  have 
him.  God  speed  you  well,  said  Sir  Bedivere. 

Then  the  king  gat  his  spear  in  both  his  hands,  and  ran  toward  Sir 
Mordred,  crying :  Traitor,  now  is  thy  death-day  come.  And  when  Sir 
Mordred  heard  Sir  Arthur,  he  ran  until  him  with  his  sword  drawn  in 
his  hand.  And  there  King  Arthur  smote  Sir  Mordred  under  the  shield, 
with  a  foin  of  his  spear,  throughout  the  body,  more  than  a  fathom.  And 
when  Sir  Mordred  felt  that  he  had  his  death  wound  he  thrust  himself 
with  the  might  that  he  had  up  to  the  bur  of  King  Arthur's  spear.  And 
right  so  he  smote  his  father  Arthur,  with  his  sword  hold  en  in  both  his 
hands,  on  the  side  of  the  head,  that  the  sword  pierced  the  helmet  and 
the  brain-pan,  and  therewithal  Sir  Mordred  fell  stark  dead  to  the 
earth ;  and  the  noble  Arthur  fell  in  a  swoon  to  the  earth,  and  there  he 
swooned  ofttimes.  And  Sir  Lucan  the  Butler  and  Sir  Bedivere  oft- 
times  heaved  him  up.  And  so  weakly  they  led  him  betwixt  them  both, 
to  a  little  chapel  not  far  from  the  seaside.  And  when  the  king  was 
there  he  thought  him  well  eased. 

Then  heard  they  people  cry  in  the  field.  Now  go  thou,  Sir  Lucan, 
said  the  king,  and  do  me  to  wit  what  betokens  that  noise  in  the  field. 
So  Sir  Lucan  departed,  forhewas  grievously  wounded  inmanyplaces. 
And  so  as  he  yede,  he  saw  and  hearkened  by  the  moonlight,  how  that 


pillers  and  robbers  were  come  into  the  field,  to  pill  and  to  rob  many  a 
full  noble  knight  of  brooches,  and  beads,  of  many  a  good  ring,  and  of 
many  a  rich  jewel ;  and  who  that  were  not  dead  all  out,  there  they 
slew  them  for  their  harness  and  their  riches.  When  Sir  Lucan  under- 
stood this  work,  he  came  to  the  king  as  soon  as  he  might,  and  told  him 
all  what  he  had  heard  and  seen.  Therefore  by  my  rede,  said  Sir 
Lucan,  it  is  best  that  we  bring  you  to  some  town.  I  would  it  were  so, 
said  the  king. 


I  may  not  stand,  mine  head  works  so.  Ah  Sir  Launcelot, 
said  King  Arthur,  this  day  have  I  sore  missed  thee :  alas,  that 
ever  I  was  against  thee,  for  now  have  I  my  death,  whereof 
Sir  Gawaine  me  warned  in  my  dream.  Then  Sir  Lucan  took 
up  the  king  the  one  part,  and  Sir  Bedivere  the  other  part,  and  in  the 
lifting  the  king  swooned ;  and  Sir  Lucan  fell  in  a  swoon  with  the  lift, 
that  the  part  of  his  guts  fell  out  of  his  body,  and  therewith  the  noble 
knight's  heart  brast.  And  when  the  king  awoke,  he  beheld  Sir  Lucan, 
how  he  lay  foaming  at  the  mouth,  and  part  of  his  guts  lay  at  his  feet. 
Alas,  said  the  king,  this  is  to  me  a  full  heavy  sight,  to  see  this  noble 
duke  so  die  for  my  sake,  for  he  would  have  holpen  me,  that  had  more 
need  of  help  than  I.  Alas,  he  would  not  complain  him,  his  heart  was 
so  set  to  help  me :  now  Jesu  have  mercy  upon  his  soul !  Then  Sir  Bedi- 
vere wept  for  the  death  of  his  brother.  Leave  this  mourning  and 
weeping,  said  the  king,  for  all  this  will  not  avail  me,  for  wit  thou  well 
an  I  might  live  myself,  the  death  of  Sir  Lucan  would  grieve  me  ever- 
more ;  but  my  time  hieth  fast,  said  the  king.  Therefore,  said  Arthur 
unto  Sir  Bedivere,  take  thou  Excalibur,  my  good  sword,  and  go  with  it 
to  yonder  water  side,  and  when  thou  comest  there  I  charge  thee  throw 
my  sword  in  that  water,  and  come  again  and  tell  me  what  thou  there 
seest.  My  lord,  said  Bedivere,  your  commandment  shall  be  done,  and 
lightly  bring  you  word  again. 

So  Sir  Bedivere  departed,  and  by  the  way  he  beheld  that  noble 
sword,  that  the  pommel  and  the  haft  was  all  of  precious  stones ;  and 
then  he  said  to  himself:  If  I  throw  this  rich  sword  in  the  water,  thereof 
shall  never  come  good,  but  harm  and  loss.  And  then  Sir  Bedivere  hid 

Chap.  5         OF  ARTHUR'S  SWORD  EXCALIBUR  189 

Excalibur  under  a  tree.  And  so,  as  soon  as  he  might,  he  came  again 
unto  the  king,  and  said  he  had  been  at  the  water,  and  had  thrown  the 
sword  in  the  water.  What  saw  thou  there?  said  the  king.  Sir,  he  said, 
I  saw  nothing  but  waves  and  winds.  That  is  untruly  said  of  thee,  said 
the  king,  therefore  go  thou  lightly  again,  and  do  my  commandment ; 
as  thou  art  to  me  lief  and  dear,  spare  not,  but  throw  it  in.  Then  Sir 
Bedivere  returned  again,  and  took  the  sword  in  his  hand ;  and  then 
him  thought  sin  and  shame  to  throw  away  that  noble  sword,  and  so  eft 
he  hid  the  sword,  and  returned  again,  and  told  to  the  king  that  he  had 
been  at  the  water,  and  done  his  commandment.  What  saw  thou  there? 
said  the  king.  Sir,  he  said,  I  saw  nothing  but  the  waters  wap  and  waves 
wan.  Ah,  traitor  untrue,  said  King  Arthur,  now  hast  thou  betrayed 
me  twice.  Who  would  have  weened  that,  thou  that  hast  been  to  me  so 
lief  and  dear?  and  thou  art  named  a  noble  knight,  and  would  betray 
me  for  the  richness  of  the  sword.  But  now  go  again  lightly,  for  thy  long 
tarrying  putteth  me  in  great  jeopardy  of  my  life,  for  I  have  taken  cold. 
And  but  if  thou  do  now  as  I  bid  thee,  if  ever  I  may  see  thee,  I  shall  slay 
thee  with  mine  own  hands ;  for  thou  wouldst  for  my  rich  sword  see 
me  dead. 

Then  Sir  Bedivere  departed,  and  went  to  the  sword,  and  lightly 
took  it  up,  and  went  to  the  water  side ;  and  there  he  bound  the  girdle 
about  the  hilts,  and  then  he  threw  the  sword  as  far  into  the  water  as 
he  might ;  and  there  came  an  arm  and  an  hand  above  the  water  and 
met  it,  and  caught  it,  and  so  shook  it  thrice  and  brandished,  and  then 
vanished  away  the  hand  with  the  sword  in  the  water.  So  Sir  Bedivere 
came  again  to  the  king,  and  told  him  what  he  saw.  Alas,  said  the  king, 
help  me  hence,  for  I  dread  me  I  have  tarried  over  long.  Then  Sir 
Bedivere  took  the  king  upon  his  back,  and  so  went  with  him  to  that 
water  side.  And  when  they  were  at  the  water  side,  even  fast  by  the 
bank  hoved  a  little  barge  with  many  fair  ladies  in  it,  and  among  them 
all  was  a  queen,  and  all  they  had  black  hoods,  and  all  they  wept  and 
shrieked  when  they  saw  King  Arthur.  Now  put  me  into  the  barge, 
said  the  king.  And  so  he  did  softly;  and  there  received  him  three 
queens  with  great  mourning ;  and  so  they  set  them  down,  and  in  one 
of  their  laps  King  Arthur  laid  his  head.  And  then  that  queen  said : 
Ah,  dear  brother,  why  have  ye  tarried  so  long  from  me?  alas,  this 
wound  on  your  head  hath  caught  over-much  cold.  And  so  then  they 
rowed  from  the  land,  and  Sir  Bedivere  beheld  all  those  ladies  go  from 


him.  Then  SirBedivere  cried :  Ah  my  lord  Arthur,  what  shall  become 
of  me,  now  ye  go  from  me  and  leave  me  here  alone  among  mine 
enemies?  Comfort  thyself,  said  the  king,  and  do  as  well  as  thou  mayst, 
for  in  me  is  no  trust  for  to  trust  in ;  for  I  will  into  the  vale  of  Avilion  to 
heal  me  of  my  grievous  wound :  and  if  thou  hear  never  more  of  me, 
pray  for  my  soul.  But  ever  the  queens  and  ladies  wept  and  shrieked, 
that  it  was  pity  to  hear.  And  as  soon  as  Sir  Bedivere  had  lost  the  sight 
of  the  barge,  he  wept  and  wailed,  and  so  took  the  forest;  and  so  he 
went  all  that  night,  and  in  the  morning  he  was  ware  betwixt  two  holts 
hoar,  of  a  chapel  and  an  hermitage. 


p- — I  I — ^HEN  was  SirBedivere  glad,  and  thither  he  went;  and  when 
he  came  into  the  chapel,  he  saw  where  lay  an  hermit  grovel- 
ling on  all  four,  there  fast  by  a  tomb  was  new  graven.  When 
.  .  the  hermit  saw  Sir  Bedivere  he  knew  him  well,  for  he  was 
but  little  to-fore  Bishop  of  Canterbury,  that  Sir  Mordred  flemed.  Sir, 
said  Bedivere,  what  man  is  there  interred  that  ye  pray  so  fast  for? 
Fair  son,  said  the  hermit,  I  wot  not  verily,  but  by  deeming.  But  this 
night,  at  midnight,  here  came  a  number  of  ladies,  and  brought  hither 
a  dead  corpse,  and  prayed  me  to  bury  him ;  and  here  they  offered  an 
hundred  tapers,  and  they  gave  me  an  hundred  besants.  Alas,  said  Sir 
Bedivere,  that  was  my  lord  King  Arthur,  that  here  lieth  buried  in  this 
chapel.  Then  Sir  Bedivere  swooned ;  and  when  he  awoke  he  prayed 
the  hermit  he  might  abide  with  him  still  there,  to  live  with  fasting  and 
prayers.  For  from  hence  will  I  never  go,  said  SirBedivere,  by  my  will, 
but  all  the  days  of  my  life  here  to  pray  for  my  lord  Arthur.  Ye  are 
welcome  to  me,  said  the  hermit,  for  I  know  ye  better  than  ye  ween  that 
I  do.  Ye  are  the  bold  Bedivere,  and  the  full  noble  duke,  Sir  Lucan  the 
Butler,  was  your  brother.  Then  Sir  Bedivere  told  the  hermit  all  as  ye 
have  heard  to-fore.  So  there  bode  Sir  Bedivere  with  the  hermit  that 
was  to- fore  Bishop  of  Canterbury,  and  there  Sir  Bedivere  put  upon 
him  poor  clothes,  and  served  the  hermit  full  lowly  in  fasting  and  in 

Thus  of  Arthur  I  find  never  more  written  in  books  that  be  authorised, 
nor  more  of  the  very  certainty  of  his  death  heard  I  never  read,  but 

Chap.  7  OF  THE  DEATH  OF  ARTHUR  191 

thus  was  he  led  away  in  a  ship  wherein  were  three  queens ;  that  one 
was  King  Arthur's  sister,  Queen  Morgan  le  Fay ;  the  other  was  the 
Queen  of  Northgalis ;  the  third  was  the  Queen  of  the  Waste  Lands. 
Also  there  was  Nimue,  the  chief  lady  of  the  lake,  that  had  wedded 
Pelleas  the  good  knight ;  and  this  lady  had  done  much  for  King  Arthur, 
for  she  would  never  suffer  Sir  Pelleas  to  be  in  no  place  where  he  should 
be  in  danger  of  his  life ;  and  so  he  lived  to  the  uttermost  of  his  days 
with  her  in  great  rest.  More  of  the  death  of  King  Arthur  could  I  never 
find,  but  that  ladies  brought  him  to  his  burials;  and  such  one  was  buried 
there,  that  the  hermit  bare  witness  that  sometime  was  Bishop  of  Can- 
terbury, but  yet  the  hermit  knew  not  in  certain  that  he  was  verily  the 
body  of  King  Arthur :  for  this  tale  Sir  Bedivere,  knight  of  the  Table 
Round,  made  it  to  be  written. 


YET  some  men  say  in  many  parts  of  England  that  King  Arthur 
is  not  dead,  but  had  by  the  will  of  our  Lord  Jesu  into  another 
place ;  and  men  say  that  he  shall  come  again,  and  he  shall 
win  the  holy  cross.  I  will  not  say  it  shall  be  so,  but  rather  I 
will  say:  here  in  this  world  he  changed  his  life.  But  many  men 
say  that  there  is  written  upon  his  tomb  this  verse:  HIC  JACET 
leave  I  here  Sir  Bedivere  with  the  hermit,  that  dwelled  that  time  in  a 
chapel  beside  Glastonbury,  and  there  was  his  hermitage.  And  so  they 
lived  in  their  prayers,  and  fastings,  and  great  abstinence.  And  when 
Queen  Guenever  understood  that  King  Arthur  was  slain,  and  all  the 
noble  knights,  Sir  Mordred  and  all  the  remnant,  then  the  queen  stole 
away,  and  five  ladies  with  her,  and  so  she  went  to  Almesbury;  and 
there  she  let  make  herself  a  nun,  and  ware  white  clothes  and  black, 
and  great  penance  she  took,  as  ever  did  sinful  lady  in  this  land,  and 
never  creature  could  make  her  merry ;  but  lived  in  fasting,  prayers, 
and  alms-deeds,  that  all  manner  of  people  marvelled  how  virtuously 
she  was  changed.  Now  leave  we  Queen  Guenever  in  Almesbury,  a 
nun  in  white  clothes  and  black,  and  there  she  was  Abbess  and  ruler 
as  reason  would ;  and  turn  we  from  her,  and  speak  we  of  Sir  Launce- 
lot  du  Lake. 



^ND  when  he  heard  in  his  country  that  Sir  Mordred  was  crowned 
king  in  England,  and  made  war  against  King  Arthur,  his 
own  father,  and  would  let  him  to  land  in  his  own  land ;  also 
it  was  told  Sir  Launcelot  how  that  Sir  Mordred  had  laid 
siege  about  the  Tower  of  London,  because  the  queen  would  not  wed 
him ;  then  was  Sir  Launcelot  wroth  out  of  measure,  and  said  to  his 
kinsmen :  Alas,  that  double  traitor  Sir  Mordred,  now  me  repenteth 
that  ever  he  escaped  my  hands,  for  much  shame  hath  he  done  unto  my 
lord  Arthur;  for  all  I  feel  by  the  doleful  letter  that  my  lord  Sir  Gawaine 
sent  me,  on  whose  soul  Jesu  have  mercy,  that  my  lord  Arthur  is  full  hard 
bestead.  Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  ever  I  should  live  to  hear  that 
most  noble  king  that  made  me  knight  thus  to  be  overset  with  his  sub- 
ject in  hisown  realm.  And  this  doleful  letterthat  mylord,  SirGawaine, 
hath  sent  me  afore  his  death,  praying  me  to  see  his  tomb,  wit  you  well 
his  doleful  words  shall  never  go  from  mine  heart,  for  he  was  a  full 
noble  knight  as  ever  was  born ;  and  in  an  unhappy  hour  was  I  born 
that  ever  I  should  have  that  unhap  to  slay  first  Sir  Gawaine,  Sir  Gaheris 
the  good  knight,  and  mine  own  friend  Sir  Gareth,  that  full  noble 
knight.  Alas,  I  may  say  I  am  unhappy,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  that  ever  I 
should  do  thus  unhappily,  and,  alas,  yet  might  I  never  have  hap  to  slay 
that  traitor,  Sir  Mordred. 

Leave  your  complaints,  said  Sir  Bors,  and  first  revenge  you  of  the 
death  of  Sir  Gawaine ;  and  it  will  be  well  done  that  ye  see  Sir  Gawaine's 
tomb,  and  secondly  that  ye  revenge  my  lord  Arthur,  and  my  lady, 
Queen  Guenever.  I  thank  you,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  for  ever  ye  will 
my  worship. 

Then  they  made  them  ready  in  all  the  haste  that  might  be,  with 
ships  and  galleys,  with  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  host  to  pass  into  England. 
And  so  he  passed  over  the  sea  till  he  came  to  Dover,  and  there  he 
landed  with  seven  kings,  and  the  number  was  hideous  to  behold. 
Then  Sir  Launcelot  spered  of  men  of  Dover  where  was  King  Arthur 
become.  Then  the  people  told  him  how  that  he  was  slain,  and  Sir 
Mordred  and  an  hundred  thousand  died  on  a  day ;  and  how  Sir  Mor- 

Chap.  9         OF  LAUNCELOT  AND  THE  QUEEN  193 

dred  gave  King  Arthur  there  the  first  battle  at  his  landing,  and  there 
was  good  SirGawaine  slain;  and  on  the  morn  Sir  Mordred  foughtwith 
the  king  upon  Barham  Down,  and  there  the  king  put  Sir  Mordred  to 
the  worse.  Alas,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  this  is  the  heaviest  tidings  that 
ever  came  to  me.  Now,  fair  sirs,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  shew  me  the  tomb 
of  Sir  Gawaine.  And  then  certain  people  of  the  town  brought  him 
into  the  castle  of  Dover,  and  shewed  him  the  tomb.  Then  Sir  Launce- 
lot kneeled  down  and  wept,  and  prayed  heartily  for  his  soul.  And 
that  night  he  made  a  dole,  and  all  they  that  would  come  had  as  much 
flesh,  fish,  wine  and  ale,  and  every  man  and  woman  had  twelve  pence, 
come  who  would.  Thus  with  his  own  hand  dealt  he  this  money,  in  a 
mourning  gown ;  and  ever  he  wept,  and  prayed  them  to  pray  for  the 
soul  of  Sir  Gawaine.  And  on  the  morn  all  the  priests  and  clerks  that 
might  be  gotten  in  the  country  were  there,  and  sang  mass  of  Requiem ; 
and  there  offered  first  Sir  Launcelot,  and  he  offered  an  hundred 
pound ;  and  then  the  seven  kings  offered  forty  pound  apiece ;  and  also 
there  was  a  thousand  knights,  and  each  of  them  offered  a  pound ;  and 
the  offering  dured  from  morn  till  night,  and  Sir  Launcelot  lay  two 
nights  on  his  tomb  in  prayers  and  weeping. 

Then  on  the  third  day  Sir  Launcelot  called  the  kings,  dukes,  earls, 
barons,  and  knights,  and  said  thus :  My  fair  lords,  I  thank  you  all  of 
your  coming  into  this  country  with  me,  but  we  came  too  late,  and  that 
shall  repent  me  while  I  live,  but  against  death  may  no  man  rebel.  But 
sithen  it  is  so,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  I  will  myself  ride  and  seek  my  lady, 
Queen  Guenever,  for  as  I  hear  say  she  hath  had  great  pain  and  much 
disease ;  and  I  heard  say  that  she  is  fled  into  the  west.  Therefore  ye 
all  shall  abide  me  here,  and  but  if  I  come  again  within  fifteen  days,  then 
take  your  ships  and  your  fellowship,  and  depart  into  your  country,  for 
I  will  do  as  I  say  to  you. 


p. — I  1 — ^HEN  came  SirBors  deGanis,  and  said :  My  lord  Sir  Launce- 
lot, what  think  ye  for  to  do,  now  to  ride  in  this  realm?  wit 
ye  well  ye  shall  find  few  friends.  Be  as  be  may,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  keep  you  still  here,  for  I  will  forth  on  my  journey, 

and  no  man  nor  child  shall  go  with  me.  So  it  was  no  boot  to  strive,  but 
iv  c  c 


he  departed  and  rode  westerly,  and  there  he  sought  a  seven  or  eight 
days;  and  at  the  last  he  came  to  a  nunnery,  and  then  was  Queen 
Guenever  ware  of  Sir  Launcelot  as  he  walked  in  the  cloister.  And 
when  she  saw  him  there  she  swooned  thrice,  that  all  the  ladies  and 
gentlewomen  had  work  enough  to  hold  the  queen  up.  So  when  she 
might  speak,  she  called  ladies  and  gentlewomen  to  her,  and  said :  Ye 
marvel,  fair  ladies,  why  I  make  this  fare.  Truly,  she  said,  it  is  for  the 
sight  of  yonder  knight  that  yonder  standeth ;  wherefore  I  pray  you  all 
call  him  to  me. 

When  Sir  Launcelot  was  brought  to  her,  then  she  said  to  all  the 
ladies :  Through  this  man  and  me  hath  all  this  war  been  wrought,  and 
the  death  of  the  most  noblest  knights  of  the  world ;  for  through  our 
love  that  we  have  loved  together  is  my  most  noble  lord  slain.  There- 
fore, Sir  Launcelot,  wit  thou  well  I  am  set  in  such  a  plight  to  get  my 
soul-heal ;  and  yet  I  trust  through  God's  grace  that  after  my  death  to 
have  a  sight  of  the  blessed  face  of  Christ,  and  at  domesday  to  sit  on  his 
right  side,  for  as  sinful  as  ever  I  was  are  saints  in  heaven.  Therefore, 
Sir  Launcelot,  I  require  thee  and  beseech  thee  heartily,  for  all  the  love 
that  ever  was  betwixt  us,  that  thou  never  see  me  more  in  the  visage ; 
and  I  command  thee,  on  God's  behalf,  that  thou  forsake  my  company, 
and  to  thy  kingdom  thou  turn  again,  and  keep  well  thy  realm  from  war 
and  wrack ;  for  as  well  as  I  have  loved  thee,  mine  heart  will  not  serve 
me  to  see  thee,  for  through  thee  and  me  is  the  flower  of  kings  and 
knights  destroyed;  therefore,  Sir  Launcelot,  go  to  thy  realm,  and 
there  take  thee  a  wife,  and  live  with  her  with  joy  and  bliss ;  and  I  pray 
thee  heartily,  pray  for  me  to  our  Lord  that  I  may  amend  my  misliving. 
Now,  sweet  madam,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  would  ye  that  I  should  now 
return  again  unto  my  country,  and  there  to  wed  a  lady?  Nay,  madam, 
wit  you  well  that  shall  I  never  do,  for  I  shall  never  be  so  false  to  you  of 
that  I  have  promised ;  but  the  same  destiny  that  ye  have  taken  you  to, 
I  will  take  me  unto,  for  to  please  Jesu,  and  ever  for  you  I  cast  me 
specially  to  pray.  If  thou  wilt  do  so,  said  the  queen,  hold  thy  promise, 
but  I  may  never  believe  but  that  thou  wilt  turn  to  the  world  again. 
Well,  madam,  said  he,  ye  say  as  pleaseth  you,  yet  wist  you  me  never 
false  of  my  promise,  and  God  defend  but  I  should  forsake  the  world  as 
ye  have  done.  For  in  the  quest  of  the  Sangreal  I  had  forsaken  the 
vanities  of  the  world  had  not  your  lord  been.  And  if  I  had  done  so 
at  that  time,  with  my  heart,  will,  and  thought,  I  had  passed  all  the 

Chap.  10        LAUNCELOT  AT  THE  HERMITAGE  195 

knights  that  were  in  the  Sangreal  except  Sir  Galahad,  my  son.  And 
therefore,  lady,  sithen  ye  have  taken  you  to  perfection,  I  must  needs 
take  me  to  perfection,  of  right.  For  I  take  record  of  God,  in  you  I  have 
had  mine  earthly  joy;  and  if  I  had  found  you  now  so  disposed,  I  had 
cast  me  to  have  had  you  into  mine  own  realm. 


T  sithen  I  find  you  thus  disposed,  I  ensure  you  faithfully,  I 
will  ever  take  me  to  penance,  and  pray  while  my  life  lasteth, 
I  if  I  may  find  any  hermit,  either  gray  or  white,  that  will  receive 
me.  Wherefore,  madam,  I  pray  you  kiss  me  and  never  no 
more.  Nay,  said  the  queen,  that  shall  I  never  do,  but  abstain  you  from 
such  works :  and  they  departed.  But  there  was  never  so  hard  an 
hearted  man  but  he  would  have  wept  to  see  the  dolour  that  they 
made ;  for  there  was  lamentation  as  they  had  been  stung  with  spears ; 
and  many  times  they  swooned,  and  the  ladies  bare  the  queen  to  her 

And  Sir  Launcelot  awoke,  and  went  and  took  his  horse,  and  rode 
all  that  day  and  all  night  in  a  forest,  weeping.  And  at  the  last  he  was 
ware  of  an  hermitage  and  a  chapel  stood  betwixt  two  cliffs ;  and  then 
he  heard  a  little  bell  ring  to  mass,  and  thither  he  rode  and  alighted, 
and  tied  his  horse  to  the  gate,  and  heard  mass.  And  he  that  sang  mass 
was  the  Bishop  of  Canterbury.  Both  the  Bishop  and  Sir  Bedivere 
knew  Sir  Launcelot,  and  they  spake  together  after  mass.  But  when 
Sir  Bedivere  had  told  his  tale  all  whole,  Sir  Launcelot's  heart  almost 
brast  for  sorrow,  and  Sir  Launcelot  threw  his  arms  abroad,  and  said : 
Alas,  who  may  trust  this  world.  And  then  he  kneeled  down  on  his 
knee,  and  prayed  the  Bishop  to  shrive  him  and  assoil  him.  And  then 
he  besought  the  Bishop  that  he  might  be  his  brother.  Then  the  Bishop 
said :  I  will  gladly ;  and  there  he  put  an  habit  upon  Sir  Launcelot,  and 
there  he  served  God  day  and  night  with  prayers  and  fastings. 

Thus  the  great  host  abode  at  Dover.  And  then  Sir  Lionel  took 
fifteen  lords  with  him,  and  rode  to  London  to  seek  Sir  Launcelot ;  and 
there  Sir  Lionel  was  slain  and  many  of  his  lords.  Then  Sir  Bors  de 
Ganis  made  the  great  host  for  to  go  home  again;  and  Sir  Bors,  Sir 
Ector  de  Maris,  Sir  Blamore,  Sir  Bleoberis,  with  more  other  of  Sir 


Launcelot's  kin,  took  on  them  to  ride  all  England  overthwart  and  end- 
long, to  seek  Sir  Launcelot.  So  Sir  Bors  by  fortune  rode  so  long  till  he 
came  to  the  same  chapel  where  Sir  Launcelot  was ;  and  so  Sir  Bors 
heard  a  little  bell  knell,  that  rang  to  mass ;  and  there  he  alighted  and 
heard  mass.  And  when  mass  was  done,  the  Bishop,  Sir  Launcelot, 
and  Sir  Bedivere,  came  to  Sir  Bors.  And  when  Sir  Bors  saw  Sir 
Launcelot  in  that  manner  clothing,  then  he  prayed  the  Bishop  that  he 
might  be  in  the  same  suit.  And  so  there  was  an  habit  put  upon  him, 
and  there  he  lived  in  prayers  and  fasting.  And  within  half  a  year, 
there  was  come  Sir  Galihud,  SirGalihodin,  SirBlamore,  Sir  Bleoberis, 
Sir  Villiars,  Sir  Clarras,  and  Sir  Gahalantine.  So  all  these  seven  noble 
knights  there  abode  still.  And  when  they  saw  Sir  Launcelot  had  taken 
him  to  such  perfection,  they  had  no  lust  to  depart,  but  took  such  an 
habit  as  he  had. 

Thus  they  endured  in  great  penance  six  year;  and  then  Sir 
Launcelot  took  the  habit  of  priesthood  of  the  Bishop,  and  a  twelve- 
month he  sang  mass.  And  there  was  none  of  these  other  knights  but 
they  read  in  books,  and  holp  for  to  sing  mass,  and  rang  bells,  and  did 
bodily  all  manner  of  service.  And  so  their  horses  went  where  they 
would,  for  they  took  no  regard  of  no  worldly  riches.  For  when  they 
saw  Sir  Launcelot  endure  such  penance,  in  prayers,  and  fastings,  they 
took  no  force  what  pain  they  endured,  for  to  see  the  noblest  knight  of 
the  world  take  such  abstinence  that  he  waxed  full  lean.  And  thus 
upon  a  night,  there  came  a  vision  to  Sir  Launcelot,  and  charged  him, 
in  remission  of  his  sins,  to  haste  him  unto  Almesbury :  And  by  then 
thou  come  there,  thou  shalt  find  Queen  Guenever  dead.  And  there- 
fore take  thy  fellows  with  thee,  and  purvey  them  of  an  horse  bier,  and 
fetch  thou  the  corpse  of  her,  and  bury  her  by  her  husband,  the  noble 
King  Arthur.  So  this  avision  came  to  Sir  Launcelot  thrice  in  one  night. 


P- — I  I — ^HEN  Sir  Launcelot  rose  up  or  day,  and  told  the  hermit.  It 
were  well  done,  said  the  hermit,  that  ye  made  you  ready, 
and  that  you  disobey  not  the  avision.  Then  Sir  Launcelot 
took  his  eight  fellows  with  him,  and  on  foot  they  yede  from 

Glastonbury  to  Almesbury,  the  which  is  little  more  than  thirty  mile. 

Chap.  1 1  OF  THE  DEATH  OF  GUENE VER  197 

And  thither  they  came  within  two  days,  for  they  were  weak  and  feeble 
to  go.  And  when  Sir  Launcelot  was  come  to  Almesbury  within  the 
nunnery,  Queen  Guenever  died  but  half  an  hour  afore.  And  the  ladies 
told  Sir  Launcelot  that  Queen  Guenever  told  them  all  or  she  passed, 
that  Sir  Launcelot  had  been  priest  near  a  twelvemonth,  And  hither 
he  cometh  as  fast  as  he  may  to  fetch  my  corpse;  and  beside  my  lord, 
King  Arthur,  he  shall  bury  me.  Wherefore  the  queen  said  in  hearing 
of  them  all :  I  beseech  Almighty  God  that  I  may  never  have  power  to 
see  Sir  Launcelot  with  my  worldly  eyen ;  and  thus,  said  all  the  ladies, 
was  ever  her  prayer  these  two  days,  till  she  was  dead.  Then  Sir 
Launcelot  saw  her  visage,  but  he  wept  not  greatly,  but  sighed.  And 
so  he  did  all  the  observance  of  the  service  himself,  both  the  dirige,  and 
on  the  morn  he  sang  mass.  And  there  was  ordained  an  horse  bier ; 
and  so  with  an  hundred  torches  ever  brenning  about  the  corpse  of  the 
queen,  and  ever  Sir  Launcelot  with  his  eight  fellows  went  about  the 
horse  bier,  singing  and  reading  many  an  holy  orison,  and  frankin- 
cense upon  the  corpse  incensed.  Thus  Sir  Launcelot  and  his  eight 
fellows  went  on  foot  from  Almesbury  unto  Glastonbury. 

And  when  they  were  come  to  the  chapel  and  the  hermitage,  there 
she  had  a  dirige,  with  great  devotion.  And  on  the  morn  the  hermit 
that  sometime  was  Bishop  of  Canterbury  sang  the  mass  of  Requiem 
with  great  devotion.  And  Sir  Launcelot  was  the  first  that  offered,  and 
then  also  his  eight  fellows.  And  then  she  was  wrapped  in  cered 
cloth  of  Raines,  from  the  top  to  the  toe,  in  thirty  fold ;  and  after  she  was 
put  in  a  web  of  lead,  and  then  in  a  coffin  of  marble.  And  when  she  was 
put  in  the  earth  Sir  Launcelot  swooned,  and  lay  long  still,  while  the 
hermit  came  and  awaked  him,  and  said :  Ye  be  to  blame,  for  ye  dis- 
please God  with  such  manner  of  sorrow-making.  Truly,  said  Sir 
Launcelot,  I  trust  I  do  not  displease  God,  for  He  knoweth  mine  intent. 
For  my  sorrow  was  not,  nor  is  not,  for  any  rejoicing  of  sin,  but  my  sor- 
row may  never  have  end.  For  when  I  remember  of  her  beauty,  and 
of  her  noblesse,  that  was  both  with  her  king  and  with  her,  so  when  I 
saw  his  corpse  and  her  corpse  so  lie  together,  truly  mine  heart  would  not 
serve  to  sustain  my  careful  body.  Also  when  I  remember  me  how  by 
my  default,  mine  orgule  and  my  pride,  that  they  were  both  laid  full 
low,  that  were  peerless  that  ever  was  living  of  Christian  people,  wit 
you  well,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  this  remembered,  of  their  kindness  and 
mine  unkindness,  sank  so  to  mine  heart,  that  I  might  not  sustain  myself. 
So  the  French  book  maketh  mention. 



^ — I  I — ^HEN  Sir  Launcelot  never  after  ate  but  little  meat,  ne drank, 
till  he  was  dead.  For  then  he  sickened  more  and  more,  and 
dried,  and  dwined  away.  For  the  Bishop  nor  none  of  his 
fellows  might  not  make  him  to  eat,  and  little  he  drank,  that  he 
was  waxen  by  a  cubit  shorter  than  he  was,  that  the  people  could  not 
know  him.  For  evermore,  day  and  night,  he  prayed,  but  sometime 
he  slumbered  a  broken  sleep ;  ever  he  was  lying  grovelling  on  the  tomb 
of  King  Arthur  and  Queen  Guenever.  And  there  was  no  comfort  that 
the  Bishop,  nor  Sir  Bors,  nor  none  of  his  fellows,  could  make  him,  it 
availed  not.  So  within  six  weeks  after,  Sir  Launcelot  fell  sick,  and  lay 
in  his  bed ;  and  then  he  sent  for  the  Bishop  that  there  was  hermit,  and 
all  his  true  fellows.  Then  Sir  Launcelot  said  with  dreary  Steven :  Sir 
Bishop,  I  pray  you  give  to  me  all  my  rites  that  longeth  to  a  Christian 
man.  It  shall  not  need  you,  said  the  hermit  and  all  his  fellows,  it  is  but 
heaviness  of  your  blood,  ye  shall  be  well  mended  by  the  grace  of  God 
to-morn.  My  fair  lords,  said  Sir  Launcelot,  wit  you  well  my  careful 
body  will  into  the  earth,  I  have  warning  more  than  now  I  will  say; 
therefore  give  me  my  rites.  So  when  he  was  houseled  and  anealed, 
and  had  all  that  a  Christian  man  ought  to  have,  he  prayed  the  Bishop 
that  his  fellows  might  bear  his  body  to  Joyous  Card.  Some  men  say  it 
was  Alnwick,  and  some  men  say  it  was  Bamborough.  Howbeit,  said 
Sir  Launcelot,  me  repenteth  sore,  but  I  made  mine  avow  sometime, 
that  in  Joyous  Gard  I  would  be  buried.  And  because  of  breaking  of 
mine  avow,  I  pray  you  all,  lead  me  thither.  Then  there  was  weeping 
and  wringing  of  hands  among  his  fellows. 

So  at  a  season  of  the  night  they  all  went  to  their  beds,  for  they  all 
lay  in  one  chamber.  And  so  after  midnight,  against  day,  the  Bishop 
that  then  was  hermit,  as  he  lay  in  his  bed  asleep,  he  fell  upon  a  great 
laughter.  And  therewith  all  the  fellowship  awoke,  and  came  to  the 
Bishop,  and  asked  him  what  he  ailed.  Ah  Jesu  mercy,  said  the  Bishop, 
why  did  ye  awake  me?  I  was  never  in  all  my  life  so  merry  and  so  well 
at  ease.  Wherefore  ?  said  Sir  Bors.  Truly,  said  the  Bishop,  here  was 
Sir  Launcelot  with  me  with  mo  angels  than  ever  I  saw  men  in  one  day. 
And  I  saw  the  angels  heave  up  Sir  Launcelot  unto  heaven,  and  the 

Chap.  13          OF  THE  DEATH  OF  LAUNCELOT  199 

gates  of  heaven  opened  against  him.  It  is  but  dretching  of  swevens, 
said  Sir  Bors,  for  I  doubt  not  Sir  Launcelot  aileth  nothing  but  good.  It 
may  well  be,  said  the  Bishop ;  go  ye  to  his  bed,  and  then  shall  ye  prove 
the  sooth.  So  when  Sir  Bors  and  his  fellows  came  to  his  bed  they 
found  him  stark  dead,  and  he  lay  as  he  had  smiled,  and  the  sweetest 
savour  about  him  that  ever  they  felt. 

Then  was  there  weeping  and  wringing  of  hands,  and  the  greatest 
dole  they  made  that  ever  made  men.  And  on  the  morn  the  Bishop  did 
his  mass  of  Requiem ;  and  after,  the  Bishop  and  all  the  nine  knights 
put  Sir  Launcelot  in  the  same  horse  bier  that  Queen  Guenever  was 
laid  in  to- fore  that  she  was  buried.  And  so  the  Bishop  and  they  all 
together  went  with  the  body  of  Sir  Launcelot  daily,  till  they  came  to 
Joyous  Card ;  and  ever  they  had  an  hundred  torches  brenning  about 
him.  And  so  within  fifteen  days  they  came  to  Joyous  Card.  And  there 
they  laid  his  corpse  in  the  body  of  the  quire,  and  sang  and  read  many 
psalters  and  prayers  over  him  and  about  him.  And  ever  his  visage 
was  laid  open  and  naked,  that  all  folks  might  behold  him.  For  such 
was  the  custom  in  those  days,  that  all  men  of  worship  should  so  lie 
with  open  visage  till  that  they  were  buried.  And  right  thus  as  they 
were  at  their  service,  there  came  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  that  had  seven 
years  sought  all  England,  Scotland,  and  Wales,  seeking  his  brother, 
Sir  Launcelot. 


when  Sir  Ector  heard  such  noise  and  light  in  the  quire  of 
Joyous  Card,  he  alighted  and  put  his  horse  from  him, 
and  came  into  the  quire,  and  there  he  saw  men  sing  and 
weep.  And  all  they  knew  Sir  Ector,  but  he  knew  not 
them.  Then  went  Sir  Bors  unto  Sir  Ector,  and  told  him  how  there  lay 
his  brother,  Sir  Launcelot,  dead;  and  then  Sir  Ector  threw  his  shield, 
sword,  and  helm  from  him.  And  when  he  beheld  Sir  Launcelot's 
visage,  he  fell  down  in  a  swoon.  And  when  he  waked  it  were  hard 
any  tongue  to  tell  the  doleful  complaints  that  he  made  for  his  brother. 
Ah  Launcelot,  he  said,  thou  were  head  of  all  Christian  knights,  and 
now  I  dare  say,  said  Sir  Ector,  thou  Sir  Launcelot,  there  thou  liest, 


that  thou  were  never  matched  of  earthly  knight's  hand.  And  thou 
were  the  courteoust  knight  that  ever  bare  shield.  And  thou  were  the 
truest  friend  to  thy  lover  that  ever  bestrad  horse.  And  thou  were  the 
truest  lover  of  a  sinful  man  that  ever  loved  woman.  And  thou  were 
the  kindest  man  that  ever  struck  with  sword.  And  thou  were  the 
goodliest  person  that  ever  came  among  press  of  knights.  And  thou 
was  the  meekest  man  and  the  gentlest  that  ever  ate  in  hall  among 
ladies.  And  thou  were  the  sternest  knight  to  thy  mortal  foe  that  ever 
put  spear  in  the  rest.  Then  there  was  weeping  and  dolour  out  of 

Thus  they  kept  Sir  Launcelot's  corpse  aloft  fifteen  days,  and  then 
they  buried  it  with  great  devotion.  And  then  at  leisure  they  went  all 
with  the  Bishop  of  Canterbury  to  his  hermitage,  and  there  they  were 
together  more  than  a  month.  Then  Sir  Constantine,  that  was  Sir 
Cador's  son  of  Cornwall,  was  chosen  king  of  England.  And  he  was  a 
full  noble  knight,  and  worshipfully  he  ruled  this  realm.  And  then  this 
King  Constantine  sent  for  the  Bishop  of  Canterbury,  for  he  heard  say 
where  he  was.  And  so  he  was  restored  unto  his  Bishopric,  and  left 
that  hermitage.  And  Sir  Bedivere  was  there  ever  still  hermit  to  his 
life's  end.  Then  Sir  Bors  de  Ganis,  Sir  Ector  de  Maris,  Sir  Gahalan- 
tine,  SirGalihud,  SirGalihodin,  Sir  Blamore,  SirBleoberis,  Sir  Villiars 
le  Valiant,  Sir  Clarrus  of  Clermont,  all  these  knights  drew  them  to 
their  countries.  Howbeit  King  Constantine  would  have  had  them  with 
him,  but  they  would  not  abide  in  this  realm.  And  there  they  all  lived 
in  their  countries  as  holy  men.  And  some  English  books  make  men- 
tion that  they  went  never  out  of  England  after  the  death  of  Sir  Launce- 
lot,  but  that  was  but  favour  of  makers.  For  the  French  book  maketh 
mention,  and  is  authorised,  that  Sir  Bors,  Sir  Ector,  Sir  Blamore,  and 
Sir  Bleoberis,  went  into  the  Holy  Land  thereas  Jesu  Christ  was  quick 
and  dead,  and  anon  as  they  had  stablished  their  lands.  For  the  book 
saith,  so  Sir  Launcelot  commanded  them  for  to  do,  or  ever  he  passed 
out  of  this  world.  And  these  four  knights  did  many  battles  upon  the 
miscreants  or  Turks.  And  there  they  died  upon  a  Good  Friday  for 
God's  sake. 




iv  d  d 


ABASHED,  abased,  lower- 
ed, ix  34. 

Abate,  depress,  calm, 
vii  15,  22,  xviii  19. 

Abought,  paid  for,  vii  17. 

Abraid,  started,  ix  32. 

Accompted,  counted,  xiii  2. 

Accorded,  agreed,  i  2. 

Accordment,  agreement,  xx  1 1. 

Acquit,  repay,  iv  26. 

Actually,  actively,  iv  20. 

Adoubted,  afraid,  x  4. 

Advision,  vision,  xiv  7. 

Afeard,  afraid,  i  23. 

Afterdeal,  disadvantage,  v  8. 

Againsay,  retract,  xiii  7. 

Aknown,  known,  viii  14. 

Aligement,  alleviation,  xvi  16. 

Allegeance,  alleviation,  xviii  19. 

Allow,  approve,  vii  5. 

Almeries,  chests,  xvii  23. 

Alther  (gen.  pi.),  of  all,  iv  n,  xx6. 

Amounted,  mounted,  x  3. 

Anealed,  anointed,  xxi  12. 

Anguishly,  in  pain,  xvi  15. 

Anon,  at  once,  v  9. 

Apair,  weaken,  iii  3. 

Apparelled,  fitted  up,  iv  6. 

Appeach,  impeach,  x  7. 

Appealed,   challenged,  accused, 
xviii  4. 

Appertices,  displays,  v  8. 

Araged,  enraged,  v  2,  1x34;  con- 
fused, xviii  3. 

Araised,  raised,  xxi  i. 

Arase,  obliterate,  xviii  25. 

Areared,  reared,  x  64. 

Army  vestal,  martial,  iv  15. 

Array,  plight,  state  of  affairs, 

Arrayed,  situated,  xvii  3. 

Arson,  saddle-bow,  vi  7,  xviii  23. 

Askance,  casually,  viii  14. 

Assoiled,  absolved,  xiii  20. 

Assotted,  infatuated,  iv  i. 

Assummon,  summon,  vii  26. 

Astonied,  amazed,  stunned,  x  57. 

At,  of,  by,  vii  31,  xix  8. 

At-after,  after,  vii  21,  xii  4. 

Attaint,  overcome,  xvi  8. 

Aumbries,  chests,  xvii  23. 

Avail  (at),  at  an  advantage,  xx  13. 

Avaled,  lowered,  v  12. 

Avaunt,  boast,  v  9. 

Aventred,  couched,  ii  18,  iv  18. 

Avised,  be  advised,  take  thought, 

Avision,  vision,  xxi  1 1. 

Avoid,  quit,  ix  31. 

Avoided,  got  clear  off,  vii  17. 

Avow,  vow,  x  63. 

Await  of  (in),  in  watch  for,  ix  12. 

Awayward,  away,  vii  19. 

Awke,  sideways,  v  10. 


Bachelors,  probationers  for  Boot,  remedy,  ix  17. 

knighthood,  i  15.  Borrow  out,  redeem,  x  30. 

Bain,  bath,  xviii  1 1, 17.  Borrows,  pledges,  vii  18. 

Barbican,  gate-tower,  v  5,  vii  31.  Bote,  remedy,  viii  i,  6. 

Barget,  little  ship,  viii  38.  Bound,  ready,  i  2. 

Battle,  division  of  an  army,  i  15.  Bourded,  jested,  ix  43. 

Bawdy,  dirty,  vii  5.  Bourder,  jester,  x  25. 

Beams,  trumpets,  xxi  4.  Braced,  embraced,  x  78. 

Be-closed,  enclosed,  xii  6.  Brachet,  little  hound,  iii  6. 

Become  (pp.),  befallen,  gone  to,  Braide,  quick  movement,  xx  21. 

xiii  18.  Brast,  burst,  break,  i  14,  xviii  2. 

Bedashed,  splashed,  xix  2.  Breaths,  breathing  holes,  viii  7. 

Behests,  promises,  ix  16.  Brief,  shorten,  ix  12. 

Behight,  promised,  xvii  23.  Brim,  fierce,  furious,  xx  13. 

Beholden  (beholding)  to,  obliged  Brised,  broke,  ix  4,  x  i. 

to,  vii  21,  xiii  19.  Broached,  pierced,  i  16. 

Behote,  promised,  viii  8.  Broaches,  spits,  v  5. 

Benome,  deprived,  taken  away,  Bur,  hand-guard  of  a  spear,  xxi  4. 

xiv  8,  xvi  8.  Burble,  bubble,  xviii  22. 

Besants,  gold  coins,  iv  25.  Burbling,  bubbling,  x  2. 

Beseek,  beseech,  xv  4.  Burgenetts,  buds,  blossoms,  xx  i. 

Beseen,  appointed,  arrayed,  i  18,  Bushment,  ambush,  v  5. 

xi  6.  By  and  by,  immediately,  xviii  4. 

Beskift,  shove  off,  iv  i.  Bywaryed,  expended,  bestowed, 
Bested,  beset,  xxi  2.  vii  21. 

Betaken,  entrusted,  i  6. 

Betaught,  entrusted,  recommend-  Canel  bone,  collar  bone,  iv  27. 

ed,  vi  7.  Cankered,  inveterate,  xxi  2. 

Betid,  happened,  vii  15.  Cantel,  slice,  strip,  i  16. 

Betook,  committed,  entrusted,  i  23,  Careful,  sorrowful,  full  of  troubles, 

x69.  v  5,  xxi  1 1. 

Bevered,  quivered,  i  15.  Cast  (of  bread),  loaves  baked  at 
Board  (sb.),  deck,  xiv  7.  the  same  time,  vii  14. 

Bobaunce,  boasting,  pride,  x  63,  Cast  (ref.  v.),  propose,  xiii  20. 

xv  6,  xviii  15.  Cedle,  schedule,  note,  xxi  2. 

Boishe,  bush,  branch  of  a  tree,  vi  16.  Cere,  wax  over,   embalm,   v  8; 
Boistous,  rough,  ii  8,  xiv  6.  cered,  xxi  1 1. 

Bole,  trunk  of  a  tree,  vi  16.  Certes,  certainly,  xiv  7. 



Chafe,  heat,  decompose,  iv  8; 
chafed,  heated,  xivp. 

Chaflet,  platform,  scaffold,  xxi  3. 

Champaign,  open  country,  i  14. 

Chariot  (Fr.  charette),  cart,  xix  4. 

Cheer,  countenance,  vii  15,  xiii  20 ; 
entertainment,  iii  8. 

Chierte,  dearness,  xiii  8. 

Chrism,  anointing  oil,  ix  39. 

Clatter,  talk  confusedly,  xi  8. 

Cleight,  clutched,  vi  2. 

Cleped,  called,  ix  6. 

Clipping,  embracing,  iv  22,  viii  36. 

Cog,  small  boat,  v  3. 

Cognisance,  badge,  mark  of  dis- 
tinction, x  3. 

Coif,  head-piece,  viii  7. 

Comfort,  strengthen,  help,  xvi  7. 

Cominal,  common,  iv  25. 

Complished,  complete,  vii  i. 

Con,  know,  be  able,  v  16;  con 
thank,  be  grateful,  xx  13. 

Conserve,  preserve,  xvii  14. 

Conversant,  abiding  in,  xvii  3. 

Cording,  agreement,  i  1 1. 

Coronal,  circlet,  v  5. 

Cost,  side,  vii  12. 

Costed,  kept  up  with,  xviii  21. 

Couched,  lay,  xiv  6. 

Courage,  encourage,  xix  10. 

Courtelage,  courtyard,  iv  24. 

Covert,  sheltered,  xx  22. 

Covetise,  covetousness,  xiii  14. 

Covin,  deceit,  xiii  15. 

Cream,  oil,  ix  39. 

Credence,  faith,  v  2. 

Croup,  crupper,  viii  16. 

Curteist,  most  courteous,  vi  10. 

Daffish,  foolish,  ix  42. 

Danger  (in),  under  obligation  to, 

in  the  power  of,  vii  8,  xix  4. 
Dawed   (v.  tr.),   revived,  xi  10; 

(intr.)  dawned,  xvii  2. 
Deadly,  mortal,  human,  xvii  9,  20. 
Deal,  part,  portion,  xvi  1 1. 
Debate,  quarrel,  strife,  iii  6. 
Debonair,  courteous,  xvii  4. 
Deceivable,  deceitful,  x  61. 
Defaded,  faded,  x  86. 
Default,  fault,  iii  8. 
Defend,   forbid,  i  23;  defended, 

forbade,  vii  i ;  forbidden,  xviii  2. 
Defoiled,  trodden  down,  fouled, 

deflowered,  i  14,  vii  12,  ix  32. 
Degree  (win  the),  rank,  superior- 
ity, viii  9. 

Delibered,  determined,  v  2. 
Deliverly,  adroitly,  xx  22. 
Departed,  divided,  ix  7. 
Departition,  departure,  ix  36. 
Dere,  harm,  i  17,  xiii  12. 
Descrive,  describe,  x  i. 
Despoiled,  stripped,  xv  2. 
Detrenched,  cut  to  pieces,  v  7. 
Devised,  looked  carefully  at, 

xvii  13. 

Devoir,  duty,  service,  vii  23,  xx  18. 
Did  off,  doffed,  xiii  17. 
Dight,  prepared,  iv  6. 
Dindled,  trembled,  v  8. 
Disadventure,  misfortune,  xiii  20. 
Discover,  reveal,  xiii  20. 
Disherited,  disinherited,  xiii  10, 

xiv  8. 

Disparpled,  scattered,  xx  i. 
Dispenses,  expenses,  v  2. 



Disperplyd,  scattered,  v  2,  8. 
Dispoiled,  stripped,  vii  2. 
Distained,  sullied,  dishonoured, 


Disworship,  shame,  ix  3. 

Dole,  gift  of  alms,  xxi  3. 

Dole,  sorrow,  i  15,  xi  14. 

Domineth,  dominates,  rules,  v  i. 

Don,  gift,  vii  2. 

Doted,  foolish,  x  55. 

Doubted,  redoubtable,  xvi  7. 

Draughts,  privities,  secret  inter- 
views, recesses,  xviii  i,  xix  6. 

Drenched,  drowned,  xiv  8. 

Dress,  make  ready,  i  16. 

Dressed  up,  raised,  xiii  18. 

Enchieve,  achieve,  ix  2,  xiii  2. 
Endlong,  alongside  of,  vi  7. 
Enewed,  painted,  iii  9. 
Enforce,  constrain,  x  74,  xviii  18. 
Engine,  device,  x  17. 
Enow,  enough,  i  23. 
Enquest,  enterprise,  ix  2. 
Ensured,  assured,  vii  17. 
Entermete,  intermeddle,  x  26. 
Errant,  wandering,  iv  12. 
Estates,  ranks,  x  61. 
Even  hand,  at  an  equality,  ix  2. 
Evenlong,  along,  x  6i. 
Everych,  each,  every  one,  xvi  3. 

Faiter,  vagabond,  ii  10. 

Dretched,  troubled  in  sleep,  xx  5.  Fare  (sb.),  ado,  commotion,  xxi  9. 

Dretching,  being  troubled  in  sleep,  Faren  (pp.),  treated,  vii  15. 

xxi  12.  Faute    (v.),   lack,   iii   i;    fauted, 
Dromounds,  war  vessels,  v  3.  lacked,  ix  32. 

Dure,  endure,  last,  iv  i;  dured,  Fealty,  oath  of  fidelity,  vii  17. 

viii  29 ;  during,  x  71.  Fear,  frighten,  vii  16. 

Duresse,  bondage,  hardship,  xiii  Feute,  trace,  track,  vi  14,  xviii  21. 

12,  xiv  7. 
Dwined,  dwindled,  xxi  12. 

Eased,  entertained,  xvii  1 1. 
Eft,  after,  again,  viii  13. 
Eftures,  passages,  xix  7. 
Embattled,  ranged  for  battle,  v  8. 
Embushed,     concealed    in    the 

woods,  i  19,  iv  6. 
Erne,  uncle,  viii  5. 
Empoison,  poison,  xviii  3. 
Emprised,  undertook,  ix  2. 
Enbraid,  xx  12. 

Feuter,  set  in  rest,  couch,  vi  2. 
Feutred,  set  in  socket,  xx  13. 
Fiaunce,  affiance,  promise,  i  3. 
Flang,  flung,  vi  7,  x  41 ;  rushed,  ix  6. 
Flailing,  prostrate,  xviii  7. 
Fleet,  float,  xiii  2. 
Flemed,  put  to  flight,  xx  17. 
Flittered,  fluttered,  v  4. 
Foiled,  defeated,  shamed,  xviii  25. 
Foined,  thrust,  xx  22. 
Foining,  thrusting,  vii  4. 
Foins,  thrusts,  ix  8. 
Foot-hot,  hastily,  ix  28, 33. 

Enchafe,  heat,  xviii  15;  enchafed,    For-bled,  spent  with  bleeding,  ix  8, 
heated,  xiv  9,  xviii  5.  xx  7. 

206                            LE  MORTE  DARTHUR 

Force  (no),  no  concern,  iii  7,  xxi  10.  Greed    (pp.),  pleased,    content, 

Fordeal,  advantage,  v  8.  xvi  15. 

Fordo,    destroy,  viii  26;   fordid,  Greses,  steps,  xvii  18. 

ii  19.  Grimly,  ugly,  vi  8,  xix  2. 

Forecast,  preconcerted  plot,  xx  5.  Grovelling,  on  his  face,  viii  26. 

For- fared,  worsted,  vi  6.  Guerdonless,  without  re  war  d,  x  86. 

Forfend,  forbid,  xviii  2.  Guise,  fashion,  i  10. 
Forfoughten,  weary  with  fighting, 

ii  10.  Habergeon,   hauberk   with    leg- 

Forhewn,  hewn  to  pieces,  vii  12, 17.  gings  attached,  xvi  10. 

Forjousted,   tired  with  jousting,  Hair,  a  hair-shirt,  xv  2. 

viii  39,  x  58.  Hale  and  how,  a  sailor's  cry, 

Forthinketh,  repents,  ii  3.  vii  15. 

Fortuned,  happened,  vii  i.  Halp,  helped,  x  64. 

Forward,  vanguard,  xx  13.  Halsed,  embraced,  viii  14. 

Forwounded,    sorely    wounded,  Halsing,  embracing,  ii  16. 

ix  8.  Handfast,  betrothed,  x  37. 

Free,  noble,  x  61.  Handsel,  earnest-money,  viii  16. 

Froward,  away  from,  iii  14,  x  4.  Hangers,  testicles,  x  38. 

Harbingers,  messengers  sent  to 

Gad,    wedge   or   spike  of  iron,  prepare  lodgings,  vii  27. 

xv  2.  Harness,  armour,  ix  1 1. 

Gainest,  readiest,  vii  20.  Hart  of  greese,  fat  deer,  x  86. 

Gar,  cause,  xx  16.  Hauberk,  coat  of  mail,  i  16. 

Gart,  compelled,  iii  10,  viii  15.  Haut,  high,  noble,  ii  19,  viii  27. 

Gentily,  like  a  gentleman,  ix  5.  Hauteyn,  haughty,  iv  10. 

Gerfalcon,  a  fine  hawk,  iv  26.  Heavy,  sad,  xiv  4,  6. 

Germane,  closely  allied,  ii  1 1,  xiv  2.  Hete,  command,  xi  9. 

Gest,  deed,  story,  vi  13.  Hide,  skin,  xi  14. 

Gisarm,  halberd,  battle-axe,  iv  25,  Hied,  hurried,  xvii  19. 

vii  22.  High  (on),  aloud,  vi  1 1. 

Glaive,  sword,  xx  6.  Higherhand,theuppermost,xvii4. 

Glasting,  barking,  x  53.  Hight,  called,  i  18. 

Glatisant,  barking,  yelping,  x  13.  Hilled,  covered,  concealed,  x  59, 

Gobbets,  lumps,  vii  23.  xvii  22. 

Graithed,  made  ready,  v  7.  Holden,  held,  i  8. 

Gree,  degree,  superiority,  v  10,  Holp,  helped,  vi  12. 

vi  7.  Holts,  woods,  v  9. 


Hough-bone,  back  part  of  knee-  Layne,  conceal,  xviii  13. 

joint,  xii  3.  Lazar-cot,  leper-house,  viii  35. 

Houselled,  to  be  given  the  Euchar-  Learn,  teach,  vi  10. 

ist,  xxi  12.  Lears,  cheeks,  ix  20. 

Hoved,  hovered,  waited  about,  Leaved,  leafy,  xviii  10. 

ii  19,  iv  20,  xviii  10.  Lecher,  fornicator,  xviii  2. 

Hurled,  dashed,  staggered,  viii  26,  Leech,  physician,  i  25. 

ix  4,  6,  x  41 ;  hurling,  vii  10,  ix  6.  Leman,  lover,  vi  5. 

Hurtle,  dash,  vii  12.  Let,  caused  to,  x  61. 

Let,  hinder,  v  7. 

Incontinent,  forthwith,  v  2.  Lewdest,  most  ignorant,  i  26. 

Ind,  dark  blue,  i  15.  Licours,  lecherous,  xviii  25. 

Infellowship,  join  in  fellowship,  Lief,  dear,  xxi  5. 

viii  27.  Liefer,  more  gladly,  ix  4. 

In  like,  alike,  xii  14.  Lieve,  believe,  xx  i. 

Intermit,  interpose,  xvi  15.  Limb-meal,  limb  from  limb,  viii  37. 

List,  desire,  pleasure,  ix  24,  x  39. 

Japer,  jester,  x  44.  Lithe,  joint,  iii  13. 

Japes,  jests,  iii  1 1.  Longing  unto,  belonging  to,  i  16. 

Jesseraunt,  a  short  cuirass,  i  9.  Long  on  (upon),  because  of,  xv  2, 

xx  i. 

Keep  (sb.),  care,  vii  20.  Loos,  praise,  v  10,  xvi  1 1. 

Keep  (v.),  care,  reck,  ix  14.  Lotless,  without  a  share,  x  4. 

Kemps,  champions,  vii  8.  Loveday,   day  for   settling   dis- 
Kind,  nature,  xi  8.  putes,  x  15. 

Kindly,  natural,  xi  8.  Loving,  praising,  xi  i,  xix  12. 

Knights  parters,  marshals,  xix  9.  Lunes,  leashes,  strings,  vi  16. 

Know,  acknowledge,  v  12.  Lusk,  lubber,  vii  5. 

Knowledging,   acknowledgment,  Lusts,  inclinations,  viii  36. 

confession,  xix  i. 

Maims,  wounds,  i  15. 

Lain,  conceal,  xx  i.  Makeless,  matchless,  vi  1 1,  x  73. 

Langering,  sauntering,  ix  20.  Makers,  authors,  poets,  xxi  13. 

Lapped,  took  in  her  lap,  viii  i.  Mai-ease,  discomfort,  viii  41. 

Large,  generous,  x  61.  Mai-engine,  evil  design,  xviii  5, 18, 
Largeness,  liberality,  iv  12.  xx  4. 

Laton,  latten,  brass,  ii  1 1.  Mai-fortune,  ill-luck,  mishap,  ix  12. 

Laund,  waste  plain,  iv  19.  Marches,  borders,  i  18,  ix  13. 


Mass-penny,  offering  at  mass  for  Nobley,  nobility,  splendour,  x  6. 

the  dead,  xviii  20.  Noised,  reported,  x  46. 

Matchecold,  machicolated,  with  Nold,  would  not,  xiii  10. 

holes  for  defence,  vii  10.  Noseling,  on  his  nose,  xvii  4. 

Maugre  (sb. ),  despite,  i  23,  xx  6, 1 1.  Not  for  then,  nevertheless,  x  30. 

Measle,  disease,  xvii  1 1.  Notoyrly,  notoriously,  Pref. 

Medled,  mingled,  x  59.  Noyous,  hurtful,  xvii  8. 

Medley,  melee,  general  encoun- 
ter, i  15.  Obeissance,  obedience,  i  8. 

Meiny,  retinue,  v  5.  Or,  before,  ix  17. 

Mickle,  much,  x  63.  Orgule,  haughtiness,  xxi  1 1. 

Minever,  ermine,  xii  i.  Orgulist,  haughtiest,  xxi  i. 

Mischieved,  hurt,  ix  1 1.  Orgulite,  pride,  arrogance,  x  i. 

Mischievous,  painful,  xx  6.  Orgulous,  proud,  ii  4. 

Miscomfort,  discomfort,  x  29.  Other,  or,  i  23. 

Miscreature,  unbeliever,  xvii  2.  Ouches,  jewels,  xx  14. 

Missay,  revile,  ix,  3 ;  missaid,  ix  2.  Ought,  owned,  vi  5,  ix  2. 

Mo,  more,  viii  34,  x  58.  Outcept,  except,  x  72. 

More  and  less,  rich  and  poor,  vii  27.  Outher,  or,  ix  17,  x  70. 

Motes,  notes  on  a  horn,  vii  8.  Out-taken,  except,  x  73. 

Mountenance,  amount  of,  extent,  Over-evening,  last  night,  ix3i. 

vii  4.  Overget,  overtake,  xii  3. 

Much,  great,  xx  4.  Overhylled,  covered,  x  9. 

Over-led,  domineered  over,  xx  n. 

Naked,  unarmed,  xii  12.  Overlong,  the  length  of,  x  60. 

Namely,  especially,  xiii  20.  Overslip  (v.),  pass,  viii  14. 

Ne,  nor,  v  8.  Overthwart  (adj. ),  cross,  ix  15. 

Near-hand,  nearly,  v  7,  viii  14;  Overthwart     (sb.),     mischance, 
near,  xix  i.  vii  17. 

Needly,  needs,  on  your  own  com-  Overthwart  and  endlong,  by  the 
pulsion,  x  67.  breadth  and  length,  xiii  17. 

Nesh,  soft,  tender,  xiii  20. 

Nigh-hand,  nearly,  ix  35.  Painture,  painting,  vi  6. 

Nill,  will  not,  x  55.  Paitrelles,  breastplate  of  a  horse, 

Nilt,  will  not,  xiii  20.  vii  16. 

Nis,  ne  is,  is  not,  vi  16.  Paltocks,  short  coats,  v  10. 

Nist,  ne  wist,  knew  not,  xvi  14.  Parage,  descent,  vii  5. 

Noblesse,  nobleness,  xi  9.  Pareil,  like,  v  2. 

Passing,  surpassingly,  xviii  i. 
Paynim,  pagan,  ix  38. 
Pensel,  pennon,  x  47. 
Perclos,  partition,  xiv  3. 
Perdy,  par  Dieu,  vii  19. 
Perigot,  falcon,  vi  16. 
Perish,  destroy,  xvii  2. 
Peron,  tombstone,  x  2. 
Pight,  pitched,  i  i,  v  5,  ix  20. 
Pike,  steal  away,  xx  17. 
Piked,  stole,  ix  44. 
Pillers,  plunderers,  xxi  4. 
Pilling,  plundering,  xiii  15. 
Pleasaunce,  pleasure,  viii  36. 
Plenour,  complete,  vii  i. 
Plump  (sb.),  cluster,  i  16. 
Pointling,  aiming,  xi  4. 
Pont,  bridge,  xi  i. 
Port,  gate,  vii  19. 
Posseded,  possessed,  viii  12. 
Potestate,  governor,  v  8. 
Precessours,  predecessors,  v  i. 
Press,  throng,  i  17. 
Pretendeth,  belongs  to,  i  18. 
Pricker,  hard  rider,  v  10. 
Pricking,  spurring,  xiv  5. 
Prime,  6.0  a.m.,  vi  4,  xiii  19. 
Prise,  capture,  iv  6. 
Puissance,  power,  i  26. 
Purfle,  trimming,  i  26. 
Purfled,  embroidered,  i  26. 
Purvey,  provide,  iv  i,  xviii  3. 

Quarrels,  arrowheads,  xi  5. 
Questing,  barking,  i  19. 
Quick,  alive,  i  21. 
Quit,  repaid,  iv  28 ;  acquitted,  be 

haved,  vii. 

iv  ee 


Raced  (rased),  tore,  i  23,  x  41, 

xviii  23. 

Rack  (of  bulls),  herd,  xvi  i,  3. 
Raines,  a  town  in  Brittany  famous 

for  its  cloth,  xxi  n. 
Ramping,  raging,  ix  i. 
Range,  rank,  station,  x  41. 
Ransacked,  searched,  xiii  13. 
Rashed,  fell  headlong,  ix  6. 
Rashing,  rushing,  vi  8. 
Rasing,  rushing,  vi  8,  vii  4. 
Rasure,  xviii  25. 
Raundon,  impetuosity,  i  10,  iii  9. 
Rear,  raise,  iv  2. 
Rechate,  note  of  recall,  X52. 
Recomforted,  comforted,  cheered, 

vii  33. 
Recounter,  rencontre,  encounter, 

iv  24,  x  3. 

Recover,  rescue,  xx  14. 
Rede,  advise,  i  23;  (sb.)  counsel, 

xxi  4. 

Redounded,  glanced  back,  i  16. 
Religion,  religious  order,  xv  i. 
Reneye,  deny,  viii  37. 
Report,  refer,  xviii  4. 
Resemblaunt,  semblance,  xiv  6. 
Retrayed,  drew  back,  vii  12. 
Rightwise,  rightly,  i  5. 
Rivage,  shore,  vii  21. 
Romed,  roared,  v  4. 
Roted,  practised,  x  36. 
Rove,  cleft,  ii  17. 
Rownsepyk,  a  branch,  vi  16. 

Sacring,  consecrating,  xiv  3. 

Sad,  serious,  ix  7. 

Sadly,  heartily,  earnestly,  vii  2. 



Salle,  room,  xvii  16. 

Samite,  silk  stuff  with  gold  or  silver 

threads,  i  25. 

Sangreal,  Holy  Grail,  xii  4. 
Sarps,  girdles,  xx  14. 
Saw,  proverb,  x  6i. 
Scathes,  harms,  hurts,  x  30. 
Scripture,  writing,  xvii  21. 
Search,  probe  wounds,  viii  8. 
Selar,  canopy,  xvii  6. 
Semblable,  like,  v  10. 
Semblant,  semblance,  viii  8. 
Sendal,  fine  cloth,  v  8. 
Sennight,  week,  iv  18. 
Servage,  slavery,  xiii  15. 
Sewer,  officer  who  set  on  dishes 

and  tasted  them,  vii  36. 
Shaft-mon,  handbreadth,  vii  22. 
Shaw,  thicket,  ix  39. 
Sheef,  thrust,  xiii  9. 
Sheer -Thursday,    Thursday   in 

Holy  Week,  xvii  20. 
Shend,  harm,  xx  19. 
Shenship,  disgrace,  vii  15. 
Shent,  undone,  blamed,  vii  15. 
Shour,  attack,  xx  14. 
Shrew,  rascal,  x  47. 
Shrewd,  knavish,  ix  18,  24. 
Sib,  akin  to,  iii  3. 
Sideling,  sideways,  x  64. 
Siege,  seat,  xiii  4. 
Signified,  likened,  xvii  9. 
Siker,  sure,  vii  18,  xi  13. 
Sikerness,  assurance,  iv  27. 
Sith,  since,  i  22. 
Sithen,  afterwards,  since,  v  9. 
Skift,  changed,  ix  40. 
Slade,  valley,  vi  5,  vii  7. 

Slake,  glen,  vi  5. 

Soil  (to  go  to),  hunting  term  for 

taking  the  water,  xviii  21. 
Sonds,  messages,  xxi  i. 
Sort,  company,  ix  31. 
Sperd,  bolted,  viii  34. 
Spere,  ask,  inquire,  xiii  17. 
Spered,  asked,  vii  30,  xxi  8. 
Sperhawk,  sparrowhawk,  xii  7. 
Sprent,  sprinkled,  xvii  7. 
Stale,  station,  v  10. 
Stark,  thoroughly,  iv  17. 
Stead,  place,  iv  14. 
Stert,  started,  rose  quickly,  ii  16, 

xiv  10. 
Steven,  appointment,  ii  14 ;  Steven 

set,  appointment  made,  viii  13. 
Steven,  voice,  xxi  12. 
Stigh,  path,  vii  31. 
Stilly,  silently,  vii  19. 
Stint,  fixed  revenue,  i  24. 
Stonied,  astonished,  vi  8 ;  became 

confused,  ix34. 
Stour,  battle,  ix  34,  xvi  8. 
Strain,  race,  descent,  xiii  8. 
Strait,  narrow,  i  10. 
Straked,  blew  a  horn,  ix  21,  x  52. 
Sue,  pursue,  xvi  20. 
Sued,  pursued,  iii  10. 
Surcingles,  saddle  girths,  vii  16. 
Swang,  swung,  viii  14. 
Sweven,  dream,  i  13;  (pi.)  xxi  12. 
Swough,  sound  of  wind,  v  4. 

Talent,  desire,  x  20. 

Tallages,  taxes,  v  2. 

Tallies,  taxes,  v  2. 

Tamed,  crushed,  ii  is,  iii  10,  xv  2. 


Tatches,  qualities,  ii  2,  viii  3.  Underne,  9-12  a.m.,  vii  19. 

Tene,  sorrow,  ii  16.  Ungoodly,  rudely,  vii  31. 

Term,  period  of  time,  xxi  i.  Unhappy,  unlucky,  xx  1 1. 

Thilk,  that  same,  v  12.  Unbilled,  uncovered,  xii  4. 

Tho,  then,  xvii  i.  Unnethe,  scarcely,  i  15,  xviii  2. 

Thrang,  pushed,  vii  30,  xx  8.  Unsicker,  unstable,  xvii  23. 

Thrulled,  pushed,  'ix  4.  Unwimpled,  uncovered,  x  39. 

Till,  to,  ix  26.  Unwrast,    untwisted,    unbound, 
To-brast,  burst,  vi  13.  viii  34. 

To-fore,  before,  i  4,  xvi  14.  Upright,  flat  on  the  back,  xvi  8. 

To-morn,  to-morrow,  iv  24.  Up-so-down,  upside  down,  x  60, 
Took,  gave,  vii  30,  xvi  6.  xiv  9,  xxi  3. 

To-rove,  broke  up,  viii  38.  Ure,  usage,  i  16. 

To-shivered,  broken  to  pieces,  i  22.  Utas,  octave  of  a  festival,  v  3. 

Traced,  advanced  and  retreated,  Utterance,  uttermost,  ix  3. 

xx  21. 

Trains,  devices,  wiles,  ix  25.  Varlet,  servant,  x  60. 

Trasing,  pressing  forward,  vi  8,  Venery,  hunting,  viii  3. 

vii  4.  Ventails,  breathing  holes,  x  60. 

Travers  (met  at),  came  across,  Villain,  man  of  low  birth,  x6i. 

xvii  19.  Visors,  the  perforated  parts  of  hel- 
Traverse,  slantwise,  x  65,  xvii  19.  mets,  viii  7. 

Traversed,  moved  sideways,  xx2i.  Voided,  slipped  away  from,  i  16. 
Tray,  grief,  ii  16. 

Treatise,  treaty,  iv  24.  Wagging,  shaking,  xix  9. 

Tree,  timber,  xvii  19.  Waited,  watched,  vi  16. 

Trenchant,  cutting,  sharp,  xix  1 1.  Waits,  watches,  vii  30. 

Trest,  hunting  term,  xviii  21.  Wallop,  gallop,  i  22. 

Truage,  tribute,  i  23,  v  i.  Wanhope,  despair,  xvi  10, 13. 

Trussed,  packed,  xx  18.  Wap,  ripple,  xxi  5. 

Ware,  aware,  xiv  7. 

Ubblie,  wafer,  Host,  xvii  20.  Warison,  reward,  ix  12. 

Umbecast,  cast  about,  xviii  21.  Warn,  forbid,  refuse,  vi  10,  xvi  1 1. 

Umberere,  the  part  of  the  helmet  Weeds,  garments,  x  71. 

which  shaded  the  eyes,  viii  41.  Weltered,  rolled  about,  v  5,  xi  8. 

Umbre,  shade,  viii  i.  Wend,  thought,  iv  27. 

Unavised,  thoughtlessly,  ix  17.  Wer-wolf,  a  man  turned  into  a 
Uncouth,  strange,  iii  6.  wolf  by  magic,  xix  1 1. 

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Where,  whereas,  ix  7.  Wonder  (adj.),  wondrous,  xvii  i. 

Wide-where,  over  wide  space,  Wonder  (adv.),  wondrously,  x 68, 

ix  2.  xx  22. 

Wield,  possess,  have  power  over,  Wonderly,  wonderfully,  ix  4. 

vii  26.  Wood,  mad,  i  15,  ix  3. 

Wield  himself,  come  to  himself,  Woodness,  madness,  i  15. 

viii  13.  Wood  shaw,  thicket  of  the  wood, 

Wight,  brave,  strong,  vii  9,  ix  4,  ix  12. 

xx  2.  Worship,  honour,  vii  23. 

Wightly,  swiftly,  xxi  3.  Worshipped,  cause  to  be  hon- 

Wildsome,  desolate,  vii  22.  oured,  xviii  5. 

Wimpled,  with  the  head  covered,  Worts,  roots,  xvi  3. 

x  68.  Wot,  know,  i  16. 

Win,  make  way,  ix  4.  Wrack,  destruction,  xx  i. 

Wite  (v.),  blame,  i  26,  iv  1 1.  Wroken,  wreaked,  iii  7. 

Within-forth,  on  the  inside,  xvi  13,  Wrothe,  twisted,  xii  2. 

xx  22. 

Without-forth,  on  the  outside,  xvi  Yede,  ran,  ii  18. 

13,  xx  22.  Yelden,  yielded,  xx  20. 

Wittiest,  cleverest,  xvii  3.  Yerde,  stick,  stem,  xvii  5. 

Wittily,  cleverly,  x  36.  Yode,  went,  vi  2. 

Witting,  knowledge,  xi  14.  Yolden,  yielded,  v  12. 

Wold  or  nold,  would  or  would  not,  Y-wis,  certainly,  x  58. 

xiii  10. 

